

【作者】 李祥营

【导师】 李君如;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 中共党史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中国共产党自成立以来,始终高举人民民主的伟大旗帜,创立了具有中国特色的民主制度和民主形式。民主追求贯穿了中国共产党革命与执政的整个历史进程。发展和完善中国共产党的执政理论体系和进一步深化执政体制、机制研究,对中国共产党继续推进人民民主建设具有重大意义。民主作为一种国家制度,体现在中国共产党与人民代表大会、人民政府、人民政协的基本政治结构和运行机制之中,中国共产党与人民政协的关系构成了其中极为重要的一环。以新中国成立初期的重大政治事件的发展为历史线索,以体现中国共产党与人民政协关系的统一战线、多党合作、民主政治三个方面为主要内容,构成了本文的基本结构框架和分析视角。人民民主是中国共产党革命和执政的一贯要求,是近代中国民主发展路向的最终成果。在君主立宪、民主共和与人民民主的发展过程中,政治协商的基本理念和民主政治形式以原初形态表现出来,成为人民政协的历史渊源。中国共产党领导中国人民在马克思主义的统一战线、政党政治和民主政治的理论与实践的基础上,创立了中国特色的协商机构和政治制度。在中国共产党历史方位的变化和执政体制的运行中,人民政协逐步形成了现实中的理论形态和运行机制。在20世纪40年代,政治协商成为世界性的潮流。在国际上,“二战”摧毁了法西斯势力,带来了资本主义的制度性变革,逐步形成了和平与民主的时代潮流,从而使国家之间的合作和国内各阶级的联合成为普遍的政治现象。在中国国内,抗日战争胜利前后,史无前例的和平民主运动,促使政治协商一时成为民主政治的主流形式。人民政协的创立,是国际国内协商政治发展的成果,是中国共产党革命胜利的产物和追求民主的产物。人民政协以代行人大职权的方式为中国共产党的执政地位和人民共和国政权提供了政治合法性依据。在完成民主革命的遗留任务和恢复发展国民经济的历史进程中,中国共产党与人民政协的关系获得了稳定的发展。经过民主党派的存废之争、关于人民政协性质的讨论和人民政协的自我改造,人民政协的性质初步定型。在土地改革、抗美援朝、镇压反革命运动以及“三反”、“五反”运动中,体现中国共产党与人民政协关系的统一战线内部的阶级关系、中国共产党与各民主党派的关系以及民主政治中的协商关系获得了稳定发展。在向社会主义过渡的历史进程中,中国共产党与人民政协的关系发生急剧变化。社会主义改造引起的阶级关系的根本变动,使中国共产党领导的人民民主统一战线的性质发生根本变化。中国共产党的领导体制走向以党代政,促使中国共产党与各民主党派之间关系的持续调整。全国人民代表大会召开使选举民主成为中国民主的主流形式。在经历过制度性变动之后,人民政协的政治权威有所减弱,它所体现出来的中国共产党与各民主党派民主协商的具体方式也从决策性协商转变为咨询性协商。民主是中国共产党与人民政协关系的核心内涵。从新中国成立到社会主义改造的完成,人民政协具有在全国人民代表大会召开之前代行人大职权和始终作为协商机构的双重特点。人民政协作为代行人大职权的权力机构和本质上的协商机构,是中国共产党领导中国人民追求民主政治的重要表现,这种民主的基本特征体现在人民民主专政、人民民主权利和民主作风之中。人民政协在建国初期以特有的方式开创了中国特色的民主制度和民主实践路径,为中国政治文明建设做出了重大贡献。

【Abstract】 Holding high the great banner of people’s democracy all along, CPC has founded a democratic system and democratic form with Chinese characteristics since its foundation. The pursuit of democracy not only ran through CPC’s revolution periods but also has run trough CPC’s governing periods. To develop and perfect the governing theoretical system of CPC and to deepen the study of CPC’s governing system and mechanism will be of great significance for CPC to push forward its drive to construct people’s democracy.The democracy, being a state system, manifests itself in the basic political structure and operational mechanism which regulates the relationship between CPC on one side and people’s conferences of China, People’s governments of China and Chinese people’s political consultative conference(CPPCC) on the other side, among which the relationship between CPC and CPPC constitutes a link with great importance. The dissertation, taking as its historical clue the evolutional progress of the great political events which happened in the early period of PRC, will be centered mainly on such contents as the united front, multi-party cooperation and democratic politics, all of which has embodied the relationship between CPC and CPPCC.People’s democracy is not only the consistent principles that CPC has been upholding both in its revolutionary and governing periods, but also the final achievements of China’s democratic revolution. In the evolutional process of constitutional monarchy, democratic republic and people’s democracy, the basic principles and democratic political forms of CPPCC has formed its prototype, which later became the historical origin of CPPCC at present. CPC, based on the theory and practice of Marxist united front and political parties’construction, has founded consultation agencies and political institutions with Chinese characteristics. Both for the change of CPC’s historic position and for the practical operation of CPC’s ruling system, CPPCC has formed its current theoretical forms and operating mechanism.In 1940s, political consultation became a world tidal current. Abroad, The Second world War not only destroyed fascist power but also led to the institutional transformation of capitalism, which in turn caused step by step peace and democracy to become the theme of the times then. As a result, the cooperation between countries and the unification of each class within a nation became a universal phenomenon over the world. Domestically, pre and post the victory of anti-Japan war, the unprecedented peace and democracy movement caused political consultation to become China’s mainstream forms of democratic politics. The foundation of CPPCC is not only the evolutionary result of the consultation politics at home and abroad, but also the outcome of CPC’revolutionary victory and democratic pursuance. CCPPC, taking the functions of People’s Congress in its early period, has provided a political legitimacy both for CPC to become China’s ruling party and for the foundation of People’s Republic regimeIn the complementation of the task left over by the New Democratic Revolution and restoring the development of China’s national economy, the relationship between CPC and CPPCC made stable progress. After the dispute over the reservation or abolishment of China’s democratic parties, the discussion of the nature of CPPCC and the self-modification of CPPCC, the nature of CPPCC came into its form. In China’s Land Reform Movement, the Korea War, the Movement of Suppressing Counterrevolution or Counterrevolutionary Motions and the Movement of Three opposes and finally the Movement of Five opposes, the internal class relationship characterizing the relationship between CPC and CPPCC, and the political consultation and democratic collaboration characterizing the relationship between CPC and China’s democratic parties also gained stable progress.In China’s historical transition to socialism, rapid change has happened in the relationship between CPC and CPPCC. The change of China’s class relationship resulting from China’s socialist transformation has brought in fundamental changes to the nature of China’s united front led by CPC. CPC’s leadership system transforming to substitute the party for the government led to the sustained adjustment concerning the relationship between CPC and China’s democratic parties. NPC coming into being has caused election democracy to become the leading form of China’s democracy. After the systematic crisis, not only the authority of CPPCC has to some extent weakened, but also its concrete consultation forms, which embodies the relationship between CPC and China’s democratic parties, has changed from decision-making consultation to suggesting consultation.Democracy is the core connotation characterizing the relationship between CPC and CPPCC. From the foundation of PRC to the complementation of Socialist transformation, CPPCC has its dual features charactering NPC and a consulting agency. CPPCC, as an organ of state power to take the function of NPC before the latter’s establishment and essentially an machinery for consultation, is an important embodiment which features CPC’s drive to lead China’s people to pursue the democratic politics, whose basic characteristics has showed themselves in people’s democratic dictatorship, people’s democratic rights and China’s democratic working styles. In the early period of PRC, CPPCC, having initiated in a special way a democratic system and a route for china to practice its own democracy, contributed a lot to China’s political civilization construction.

  • 【分类号】D627
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】903

