

【作者】 陈位志

【导师】 冯秋婷;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 党的学说与党的建设, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 社会建设是中国特色社会主义事业的重要组成部分。加强社会建设,促进社会和谐,必须坚持和改善党对社会建设的领导,从干部队伍建设入手,完善与提升各级领导干部适应社会建设的领导理念、领导能力、领导方式与工作机制等等。党的十七大将社会建设放到突出位置,要求各级领导干部真正成为“社会和谐的积极推动者”。探索新形势下领导干部驾驭社会建设的能力要求,具有十分重大的理论与现实意义。从理论上说,党对社会建设的领导必须通过各级领导干部去实现,党领导社会建设的成效必须依靠领导干部的驾驭能力来体现。领导干部在社会建设中发挥着十分重要的作用:干部是党领导社会建设的组织保障;领导干部驾驭社会建设能力是新形势下党执政能力的重要体现;领导干部驾驭社会建设的能力影响和决定着和谐社会建设的进程。以提升干部能力来推进社会建设,是加强执政党组织建设、提升执政党社会整合能力的重要内容。从现实来说,领导干部的素质与能力不适应社会建设的实际要求已体现得越来越明显,越来越影响到党领导社会建设、促进社会和谐的实际成效。当前,我国经济建设与社会发展不协调和不平衡已引发一系列深层次的矛盾与问题。这其中,各级领导干部在思想观念、能力素质方面跟不上经济社会发展步伐是重要原因。在观念上,部分领导干部曲解“以经济建设为中心”的政策,将主要精力只放在领导经济建设上,甚至一些干部只看重经济建设的数字政绩,忽视与民生密切相关的社会事业发展;在体制机制上,党政领导干部选拔、教育以及考核体系还存在重经济建设能力而轻社会建设能力的现象,这也造成许多领导干部忽视社会建设;在能力与素质上,部分领导干部未能适应我国社会领域的深刻变化形势,在视野与能力上跟不上现代社会的发展步伐,甚至一部分领导干部用公权力为自身谋取不正当利益,破坏社会公正,成为社会矛盾的焦点。因此,提高领导干部驾驭社会建设能力,是有效应对我国社会建设现实问题的迫切需要。党的十六大特别是十六届六中全会以后,和谐社会与社会建设成为理论界与学术界讨论和研究的热点,各界从不同角度对社会建设进行了深入分析与研究。关于社会建设的内涵与概念界定,理论界就有多种不尽相同的看法。对于社会建设的现实内容,基于不同立场与学科角度,各界提出的观点也存在差异。同时要看到,关于社会建设的研究当前仍处于起步阶段,特别是关于党对社会建设的领导方式、领导干部驾驭社会建设能力等问题的研究,目前成果不多。本论文在借鉴和吸收已有研究成果的基础上,力求取得以下突破:一是在研究角度方面,以社会建设为视角研究干部的领导能力,分析社会转型时期干部领导工作的新内容、领导能力的新要求、提升领导能力的新途径。二是在观点提炼与结论方面。相对于经济建设来说,领导干部对社会建设存在一些认识上的误区与能力上的盲点。论文力图以提升执政党的组织战斗力、建设高素质干部队伍为目的,探讨领导干部如何认识社会转型与自身领导力的差距与弥补途径,寻求领导干部适应社会自治趋势而合理运用公权力,去推动国家与社会、政府与民间、官与民和谐共处的有效途径,探索现代社会条件下领导干部适应社会建设的科学能力模型。在内容结构上,论文沿着“理论分析——背景分析——现状分析——原因分析——路径分析”这条主线展开论述。全文以理论分析与现实背景作为论述铺垫,以现状考察、原因分析以及措施方法为研究落脚点,核心在于论述社会转型时期领导干部如何科学认识与有效提升思想认识、能力素养与管理水平。第一章为理论分析,即党的领导与干部驾驭社会建设能力的内在联系。包括三方面的内容:一是党领导社会建设的必要性与历史进程。党从建国后就将发展社会事业、促进社会稳定、提高人民生活水平作为重要任务,直至现在党明确提出构建和谐社会、加强社会建设的系统理论,这中间有一个清晰的历史发展过程;二是社会建设为党的领导提出的全新挑战。当前随着我国社会转型的深入,社会发展领域出现了一系列新事物,也暴露出一系列矛盾与问题,需要执政党拿出勇气与科学的政策去积极应对;三是领导干部群体提高驾驭社会建设能力的重要性。在党领导社会建设工作中,领导干部是根本的组织保障。第二章为背景分析,即我国社会发展现状对领导干部的能力建设提出的现实要求。我国社会出现结构复杂化、矛盾与差距显性化等新问题,现代社会发展理念与社会建设的现实形势都为执政党领导干部提出了能力更新的迫切要求,主要包括:社会意识多样化要求领导干部提高社会影响力;社会利益格局复杂化要求干部提高整合能力;社会政策的重要性要求干部提高科学决策能力。第三章为现状考察,即当前我国领导干部群体在社会建设工作中具备的认识与能力水平以及存在的不足。当前之所以出现经济与社会发展脱节、社会建设落后于经济发展要求,党政领导干部在思想认识、能力素质上存在的不足是重要原因。总体来说,干部群体中普遍存在重经济建设而轻社会建设的现象,具体体现为社会建设意识缺乏、影响力下降,以及社会建设决策能力、统筹能力欠缺,在实际工作领域如推动社会事业发展、社会结构调整、社会体制完善等方面,领导干部还需要进一步强化认识和提升能力。第四章为原因分析,即分析领导干部群体在驾驭社会建设的认识与能力方面存在问题的原因。由于社会建设的理论与实践探索都处于初步阶段,因此党对社会建设还需要进一步总结规律和深入探索;领导干部在长期经济建设环境下,领导社会建设的理念比较缺乏,领导方式转换不到位;干部工作机制落后于社会建设实际需求,干部的选拔、培训、考核等方面与社会建设缺乏紧密联系。第五章为路径分析,即在考察现状与问题的基础上,寻求提高领导干部驾驭社会建设能力的具体方法与途径。主要包括三个方面:一是要构筑以科学发展观为指导的干部社会建设能力基础,为干部驾驭社会建设能力奠定理论基础与指导思想;二是要完善以领导力为内核的干部社会建设能力体系,为领导干部的能力建设提供科学的参照体系;三是建立健全与社会建设成效紧密关联的干部工作机制,从完善干部队伍建设的培训机制、选拔机制、考核机制等环节促进领导干部真正重视社会建设,以体制与机制的外在压力推动干部驾驭社会建设能力的提升。在充分论证的基础上,论文得出以下几条主要结论:一是提高领导干部驾驭社会建设能力具有重大的理论与现实意义。二是必须正确认识社会建设工作中领导干部存在的理念与能力差距。三是必须从理念转换、领导力提升以及工作机制的完善几个层面来全面提升领导干部驾驭社会建设的能力。

【Abstract】 Social construction is an important part of the course of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. To strengthen social construction and promote social harmony, we must uphold and improve Party’s leadership on social construction. It’s also advised to improve and enhance concept, capacity, pattern and mechanism of leadership that make leading cadres adapted to social construction starting with building up ranks of cadres. Social construction is attached great importance to in Party’s Seventeenth National Congress and leading cadres at all levels are required to become "active agents of social harmony" authentically. It’s of great theoretical and practical significance to explore requirements of leading cadres’ability to master social construction under new situation.Theoretically speaking, Party’s leadership on social construction is achieved by leading cadres at all levels, thus the effect of Party’s leadership on social construction is reflected by their ability to master it. Leading cadres play an important role in social construction. For example, they are organizational guarantee of Party’s leadership on social construction. Leading cadres’ability to master social construction is significant manifestation of Party’s governance capability. It also influences and determines the course of building up harmonious society. To propel social construction through promoting cadres’capacity is an important part of strengthening governing party’s organizational construction and elevating its ability to integrate society.Realistically speaking, it’s increasingly evident that quality and ability of leading cadres depart from actual needs of social construction, which puts negative effect on factual results of Party’s leadership on social construction and promotion of social harmony. At present, imbalance between economic construction and social development has given rise to a series of deep-rooted conflicts and problems, one of whose reasons lies in the fact that idea and quality of leading cadres at all levels fall behind economic and social development. In opinion, several cadres distort the policy of "regard economic development as the central" and focus only on economic growth. Some cadres even make the most of numerical achievement in their post about economic growth and ignore the development of social course closely related to the people’s livelihood. In institutional framework, many cadres’ignorance of social construction results from the phenomenon that ability of economic growth weights more than that of social construction in the Party and government’s system of personnel selection, training and appraisal. In capacity and quality, some cadres fall behind the development of modern society for their maladjustment to new requirement and challenge put forward by profound changes in our society. It has been the focus of social conflict that several cadres figure for expediency with public rights and destroy social justice. Therefore it’s urgent to improve leading cadres’ability to master social construction in order to answer practical problems in our national social construction effectively.Issues on harmonious society and social construction have been hotspot in the academic circle after Party’s Sixteenth National Congress especially the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Party Central Committee. Deep discussion and research on social construction have been done from a variety of perspectives. There exist more than ten kinds of different opinions on the connotation of social construction in the theoretical circle. Discrepancy also appears when it comes to reality for different standpoint and subject. Research on social construction still remains in an elementary stage at present. There especially lacks fruit in research on the pattern of Party’s leadership on social construction and leading cadres’capacity of controlling social construction. Breakthroughs trying to be achieved in this paper based on referring and absorbing exiting research results are listed below. First, in the aspect of research angle, cadres’leadership capacity is studied from the perspective of social construction. New contents of cadres’work, new requirements for leadership capacity and new ways to exalt leadership capacity during social transformation are focuses of research. Secondly, in the aspect of opinion abstraction and conclusion, there are misunderstandings and blind spots in leading cadres’capacity on social construction. In order to elevate administration party’s organizational fighting capacity and build up well-educated cadres group, this dissertation strives to investigate how leading cadres understand the gap between social transformation and their leadership capacity as well as ways to make it up under new situation, guide leading cadres adapted to the tendency of social autonomy and utilize public power reasonably, push harmonious coexistence between nation and society, government and folk, officeholders and masses, explore model of scientific capacity for leading cadres to fit for social construction in modern society.In the content, the paper unfolds its account along such approach as "theoretical analysis - background analysis - actuality analysis - reason analysis - path analysis". Theoretical analysis and practical background are regarded as statement matting while status investigation, reason analysis and measures as research stance. Core of the paper lies in the argument that how leading cadres understand scientificly and exalt effectively their thoughts, capacity and quality of administration.Chapter One is theoretical analysis, including argument on the inherent contact between Party’s leadership and cadres’capacity to master social construction. Three main contents are involved in this chapter. The first one is about necessity and history of Party’s leadership on social construction. After the founding of People’s Republic of China, Party has regarded it important tasks to develop social course, propel social stability and elevate the public’s living level. It’s not at present until Party has put forward definitely systematic theory on building a harmonious society and strengthen social construction. There is a clear historic contrail. Secondly, social construction has set forth new challenges for Party’s leadership. With social transformation in our country increasingly deep, both new things and conflicts appear in social development, which asks Party for positive reply with courage and scientific policy. The third one is about the significance of promoting leading cadres’capacity to master social construction. Leading cadres are fundamental organizational safeguard in Party’s leadership on social construction.Chapter Two is background analysis, including practical remand required by actuality of social development for enhancing leading cadres’capacity. New problems as complexity of social structure, evidence of contradiction and discrepancy along with concept of modern social development and factual situation of social construction have raised a claim that leading cadres of the administrative party should update their quality, which involves that diversity of social consciousness asks for elevation of social influence, complexity of social interests for ability to integrate, and importance of social policy for promotion of scientific strategy-making ability.Chapter Three is actuality investigation, including current situation and deficiency of understanding and quality in leading cadres’work on social construction. As a result of shortage in cadres’thoughts and capacity, economic growth is out of line with social development, and social construction falls behind requirements by economic development. Generally speaking, the phenomenon prevalently exists among cadres’group that more attention is paid on economic building than social construction, whose concrete manifestation lies in deficiency in consciousness about social construction, declined influence, lack of capacity in decision-making and ordination about social construction. Cadres must enhance their understanding and skills in such practical work as impelling the development of social course, adjusting social structure and perfecting social system.Chapter Four is reason analysis, including the causes why problems exist in leading cadres’understanding and skills to master social construction. Exploration the theory and practice on social construction remains at a preliminary stage, therefore further summary of rules and research in-depth are necessary for Party’s leadership on social construction. In the long term of building economy, leading cadres lack of concepts about mastering social construction and can’t convert their style of leadership well. Mechanism of cadre’s work is far away behind practical demand of social construction. Compact contact lacks between cadres’selection, training, assessment and social construction.Chapter Five is path analysis, including concrete ways and means to elevate cadres’ability to master social construction based on investigation of status quo and problems. Three aspects are involved in this part. First, it’s to create the capacity model of social construction on the foundation of scientific concept of development, and lay theoretical foundation and guidance standard for cadres’capacity of social construction. Secondly, it’s to set up system of cadres’ability to master social construction with new style leadership as the core, and provide reference system and practical ways for cadres to exalt their capacity of social construction. Thirdly, it’s to build and implement cadres’working mechanism closely related to the effect of social construction, propel cadres to take social construction seriously in ways of improving cadres’training system, selection system and assessment system, and upgrade cadres’capacity to master social construction with the external pressure of system and mechanism.Several main conclusions are drawn based on thorough argument in this dissertation. First, it’s of great theoretical and practical significance to elevate leading cadres’ability to master social construction. Secondly, it’s indispensable to understand the insufficiency in leading cadres’concept and capacity in social construction. Thirdly, leading cadres’ability to master social construction must be exalted from such approaches as conceptual shift, leadership elevation and working mechanisms’perfection.

  • 【分类号】D262.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1343

