【作者】 尹清忠;
【导师】 单承彬;
【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士
【摘要】 《管子》是一部重要的先秦典籍,旧题管仲所撰,实为后人(有曰稷下学人者)总结管仲的治国思想并加以推演而写成。《管子》一书,有丰富的政治治理、经济管理等思想,并可代表战国中后期散文发展水平,故受到后世学者的重视。当代学者对《管子》经世致用思想的研究,或以《汉书·艺文志》“十家九流”的分类方法进行研究,或从现代学科分类如政治、经济、军事、文化、科技等诸方面进行研究。然而综合看来,上述对《管子》经世致用思想的研究大致没有突破传统的或西方的学科分类,故有待于从理论上和方法上进一步突破。笔者认为,管仲其人以富国强兵、尊王攘夷的功业而被后人广为称颂;《管子》其书是一部以富国强兵为主的经世致用之书,其思想以治国思想最有特色。因此,本文从当代治国思想的角度即国家管理手段、发展经济、经济发展动力、对市场调控、可持续发展等五个方面来论述《管子》的治国思想。同时,研究《管子》的文学价值。本文分为三大部分:第一大部分为管子其人、其书研究。第二大部分为《管子》治国思想研究,包括《管子》对国家管理手段、发展经济、经济发展动力的论述;以及对市场调控和可持续发展的论述。第三大部分从文学角度研究《管子》。本文在第一部分即“管子其人、其书研究”中,首先肯定了管仲是先秦齐国一位伟大的政治家、思想家,并对管仲事业上取得成功的深层原因及管仲之“仁”的表现做了详细论述;在《管子》其书中,主要涉及了《管子》的作者、成书年代以及学派归属两个大的问题。对《管子》的作者及成书年代问题,作者补充论证了现在较为流行的观点,即:《管子》非管仲遗著,亦非一人一时之作,其作者应是由春秋时期齐国的史官及战国时期稷下学宫中那些推崇管仲功业的齐国土著学者,最后经西汉刘向、刘歆父子删除重复、整理校定而成书。在《管子》的学派归属上,作者同意《管子》以富国强兵为目的,以务实、融纳各家之长为特征的经世致用之书的学术观点。第一部分的创新之处主要有四:一是对管仲事业上取得成功的深层原因探讨。笔者认为管仲取得成功的最基本的原因,即推动管仲走向成功的原动力,是他内心深处的强烈爱国主义思想。二是对“管仲之仁”的研究。大多学者非常熟悉孔子对管仲之仁的高度赞扬,然而却很少论述“管仲之仁”的表现,因此本文详细论述了“管仲之仁”的具体表现,即他辅佐齐桓公建立了春秋霸业、对朋友的真诚爱护以及对齐国的深沉热爱。三是对《管子》作者的进一步研究。关于这一问题,笔者主要是从齐国史官或他国史官在《管子》成书及早期流传中的作用来论述的。四是对《管子》的学派归属的论证。笔者同意传统的“《管子》以富国强兵为目的,以务实、融纳各家之长为特征的经世致用之书”这一学术观点,并从时间、渊源及目的、内容、思想体系等四个方面进一步补充论述。第二大部分,作者依据现代治国理念,从国家管理手段、发展经济、发展动力、市场调控、资源管理五个方面,即“在管理国家手段上,坚持礼法并重,以德治国和以法治国并举”、“在发展经济上,务本饰末,主张一二三产业共同发展”、“在发展动力上,俭侈并举,坚持积累、消费共同拉动经济”、“在市场调控上,贵轻重,慎权衡,坚持运用财税、金融、物价等综合经济杠杆,辅之以必要的行政手段管理经济”、“在资源管理上,坚持以人为本,重视经济的可持续发展”等五个方面,来论述《管子》博大精深的治国思想。这一部分的创新之处,不但表现为研究《管子》治国思想的理论,更表现在上述五个方面的治国思想的论述中,充分体现出《管子》以治国为第一要务,兼取儒、墨、道、法、阴阳等各家学派之长,来构建自己的治国理念,从而证明了前人对《管子》的评价,如“普变周公之法者莫精于管子”(赵用贤《管子序》)、“治国古代之政术者,以管子为能集殷周开国二勋伊尹、吕尚之大成”(石一参《管子今诠·概论》)、“管子者,中国之最大政治家,而亦学术界一巨子”(梁启超《管子评传》)等等,是非常精辟的。第三大部分从文学角度看《管子》。笔者从《管子》的文学研究现状、《管子》中的管仲形象、《管子》的文体特点三个方面进行论述。在对《管子》中管仲形象的成因分析中,认为此形象既有春秋时期管仲的真实身影,又有战国时期推崇管仲的学者的想象成分。笔者还认为,《管子》是先秦散文文体的集大成者,对后世散文写作产生重大影响;同时又兼采百家论辩技巧之长,对后世论辩散文的发展有重大影响;并运用独具特色的寓言故事,将深奥的经济理论和治国理念做了形象的阐述,对后世文章表现手法的发展有重大影响。
【Abstract】 Guanzi,is an important pre-Qin book.People think usually it was written by Guanzhong in the old time.Now we think it is maybe written by the scholars from Jixia,but its ideas are actually based on the theory of state management of Guanzhong.Guanzi can represent essay development degree in middle and late Zhan’guo period.In the book,there is lots of politics theory and idea of economy management.The study on Guanzi by contemporary scholars is carried out with classification method of ten kinds in Hanshu Yiwenzhi,or the modem subject classification,for example,polities, economy,military affairs,culture,science & technology,etc.However,the above-mentioned studies haven’t broken into the traditional or western subject classification,it can not take on thoroughly its contact.I think the study shall be improved from theory and method.We know Guanzhong is respected for his achievements of making the military powerful and the country wealthy,advocating reverence for the Emperor and expulsion of foreigners. Meanwhile,Guanzi is a writing of making the military powerful and the country wealthy,whose main characteristics is the theory of making country wealthy.Therefore,the theory of making country wealthy of Guanzi is illustrated here from five fields,for example,country management, developing economy,economy development power,market control and sustainable development.The thesis is divided into three parts.The 1st part is study on Guanzi and his book,the 2nd part is study on theory of making country wealthy including country management,developing economy,economy development power,market control and sustainable development,and the 3rd part is its literary value on Guanzi.In the 1st part,it is affirmed that Guanzhong was a great politician,ideologist of Empire Qi, pre-Qin Dynasty.Meanwhile,profound reason of successful career of Guanzhong and his virtue behavior is demonstrated in detail.It mainly includes the author of Guanzi,writing time and belonging of academic schools.About the author of Guanzi and the wiring time,the popular opinion is further demonstrated that the author of Guanzi is neither Guanzhong nor one author at a certain time and the authors shall be historical officials of Qi Dynasty in Chunqiu period and indigenous scholars of Qi Dynasty in Zhanguo period who admired Guanzhong’s achievements. Finally,Guanzi was revised by Liuxiang and his son Liuxin in the Western Hart Dynasty.For the belong of academic schools of Guanzi,its academic opinion,that is,the purpose is making the military powerful and the country wealthy and its characteristics is absorbing advantages from other works.Four contributions are delineated in the 1st part.The 1st one is study on the profound mason of Guanzhong’s successful career.His strong patriotism idea is considered as the original power. The 2nd one is study on Guanzhong’s virtue behavior.Most scholars are very familiar with Confueius’s high praise for Guanzhong’s virtue,but seldom illustration of behavior of Guanzhong’s virtue behavior.Herein,the concrete behaviors are described,such as the Duke Huan of Qi’s Domination with his help,his sincerity to friends and his deeply love to Qi Empire. The 3rd one is further study on Guanzi’s author from the view of historical officials of Qi Empire or others.The 4th one is study on academic schools of Guanzi.The additional description of time, source,purpose,idea system of Guangzi is illustrated here.In the 2nd part,the state management theories of Guanzi are illustrated from his state management ways,developing economy,development power,marketing control and source management according to the modern state management theory.To state management ways,Rule by Law shall combine with Rule by Virtue.To developing economy,the primary industry,the secondary industry and the tertiary industry shall be developed simultaneously.To development power,both accumulation and consumption stimulates economy development.To market control, finance & tax,finance,pricing and necessary administration means are applied simultaneously. To source management,sustainable development shall be followed.The contribution of this part includes the study on the theory of state management of Guanzi,but also the above-mentioned statement.Many scholars give Guanzhong highly praise,Such as,Mr.Shiyishen think Guanzi is the best one using Zhougong’s theory in state management.MR.Liang Qichao think Guanzi is the greatest politician in China and great person in academic circles in his Evaluation of Guanzi, etc.In the 3rd part,it’s literary value in Guanzi.It includes the literary study condition,the image of Guanzi,genre characteristics.The image includes not only the true image of Guanzhong in Chunqiu period,but also the imagination of scholars in Zhanguo period and the genre and argument skill of Guanzi.Meanwhile,the abstruse economy theory and state management theory is illustrated with unique allegory stories,which has greatly affected description technique development of later articles.
【Key words】 Guanzhong; Guangzi; theory of state management; literary characteristics;