

Study on Method and Application of Human-Computer Cooperative Intelligent Virtual Design for Hydraulic Manifold Block

【作者】 冯毅

【导师】 田树军;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 液压集成块是集成式液压系统的关键零件,应用广泛。随着液压系统复杂程度的提高,集成块设计难度随之增加。因此将新技术与方法引入到集成块设计中必然成为未来的发展方向。纵观国内外研究现状,集成块设计目前大多致力于应用各种智能优化方法进行全自动设计,由于缺乏有效的人工干预,优化过程没有充分考虑设计规则和习惯,存在优化时间长,设计人员还需对优化结果进行调改以满足工程实际需要等问题;其次,集成块设计环境可视化程度还不是很高,仅仅作为设计结果的展示手段,设计人员只能从外部对集成块进行三维浏览,无法深入到集成块内部清晰地探查孔道相交情况,半封闭的设计环境限制了设计人员的创造思维。液压集成块设计是人的创造力与环境条件交互作用的物化过程,是一种智能行为。目前的集成块设计没有提供有利的工具使设计人员真正融入集成块设计中,设计过程仍是一个困难地、非直观的、耗时间的过程。本文紧密结合实际,从工程优化角度出发,旨在通过对虚拟设计技术、计算智能算法、人机结合方法及人工智能的深入研究,针对集成块设计问题,探索一种人机结合智能虚拟设计方法与实现策略,创立开放式智能型虚拟设计模式和环境,构建集成块人机结合智能虚拟设计系统框架,高质量地完成集成块整个设计流程。主要研究内容包括:第一,全面总结集成块设计问题特点与设计流程,明确提出集成块设计的核心问题是外部布局和内部布孔集成方案的优化设计,可以归结为一种复杂的立体空间布局问题。深入分析当今研究热点的各种布局问题求解策略,以工程优化为目标,提出了一种液压集成块人机结合的智能虚拟设计方法:在集成块虚拟设计环境中,以基于计算智能的集成块优化计算为内核,采用基于设计实例与设计规则的人工智能施加设计引导,借助自然直观的人机交互方式,设计人员在优化进程中与真实感显示的设计对象实时交互与探查,实现算法驾驭;充分发挥各自特长,实现设计人员智能与计算机智能在虚拟设计环境中的完美和谐的统一。详细阐述方法可行性、构造出发点、设计流程及其实现关键技术,给出系统构架,规划了集成块优化设计问题的总体解决方案。人机结合智能虚拟设计方法为集成块设计提供崭新的研究思路,对解决其它复杂空间布局问题也具有借鉴意义。第二,虚拟设计环境是人机结合智能虚拟设计方法实施的平台和支撑,虚拟建模是构建一个虚拟设计系统的基础。针对集成块虚拟设计,提出一种多分辨率智能参数化层次特征虚拟建模方法:基于集成块参数化的基本体素特征,以CSG树记录构型历史,提出改进的B-Rep半边结构进行模型几何特征表述,采用多分辨率控制下的三角剖分算法生成面片网络模型,几何引擎设计实现了CAD模型与虚拟显示模型的无缝集成;对集成块设计全生命周期的特征进行层次化封装,依据设计知识与设计规则,基于智能体技术赋予模型智能特征,最终实现集成块多分辨率智能参数化层次特征虚拟模型,有效实现了集成块交互式特征参数化设计与设计对象的动态、实时、真实感显示。第三,集成块虚拟设计场景的建立与自然、直观的人机交互手段的实现是人机结合的集成块优化设计得以实施的保证。创立一种适合集成块结构特点和设计需求的虚拟设计环境构成方案,建立开放式的集成块虚拟设计环境层次模型,实现集成块的三维立体图形实时动态显示,精确展现集成块布局和孔道网络结构形状,实时进行集成块上布局和集成块内布孔的碰撞检测,借助孔道网络内部桁架结构虚拟漫游,在拟实的集成块虚拟设计环境中进行自然直观的人机交互设计,使虚拟设计场景不仅仅是设计结果的展示手段,更有效融入集成块设计流程并成为集成块设计的有机组成部分。第四,深入分析集成块优化设计问题,建立集成块优化数学模型,规划集成块优化设计中各个典型环节,讨论其相互支撑关系与实现方法。在对基于小生境遗传退火算法(NGSA)的优化设计、基于人智的集成块虚拟设计与基于功能块的集成块智能设计三种设计模式分析的基础上,给出了虚拟环境下人机结合的集成块智能优化设计实现方式:在集成块虚拟设计环境中,以工程数据库为支撑,以人机结合的NGSA算法为内核,借助布局布孔智能体的引导,采用基于功能块的虚拟分层设计降低设计难度,实现了自动设计、半自动设计与人工设计三种设计模式的结合,以及计算智能与设计人员智能在真实感虚拟设计环境中的融合,使“人”“机”在多级层面有机结合并具有可操作性。集成块设计算例验证了方法有效性。第五,在上述研究基础上,应用Visual C++和OpenGL工具包,从底层开发集成块智能虚拟设计软件原型系统。详细讨论了系统总体架构、数据结构设计、交互界面设计及系统数据库设计。最后针对典型液压集成系统工程实例进行了完整设计,设计结果令人满意,较充分的验证了系统实用性及本文方法的可行性与有效性。

【Abstract】 As the key component of integrated hydraulic system,hydraulic manifold block(HMB) is widely used.With the more and more complicated hydraulic systems,the design of HMB becomes more and more difficult.Therefore,introducing new methods and technologies into the field of HMB design becomes a trend in the future.Recently,researchers from home and abroad focus on applying different kinds of intelligent optimization methods to fulfill completely automatic HMB design.However,designers can’t intervene or control the design process in this automatic method.So it often results in long design period and sometimes the design results need modification to meet the actual engineering requirements.In addition,the HMB design environments are usually 2D or simple 3D nowadays.In these environments, designers can only browse the HMB from outside and can’t step into it to observe the inner holes intersection clearly,to locate the exact inference position,or to find out the possible movable space.These environments are relatively poor at interaction and visualization.Also, these half-close design environments restrict designers’ creative ideation.HMB design is a process of interaction between human’s creativity and environments and is a kind of intelligent action.Current HMB design does not offer convenient tools to permit designers join the design process.The HMB design is still a difficult,non-intuitionistic,and time-consuming process.In this dissertation,facing complex layout problems and aiming at effective HMB design, a new human-computer cooperative intelligent virtual design method(HCCIVD) is proposed based on thorough study on virtual design technology,computational intelligent algorithms, human-computer cooperation and artificial intelligence.Moreover,the implement strategy of the method is discussed and an open intelligent virtual design pattern and environment is developed.In this system,the whole design process of HMB can be fulfilled with high efficiency.The main research contents and results are as follows:On the basis of summarizing the features and design process of HMB,it is put forward that the core of HMB design is a problem of optimization of outer spatial layout scheme and inner holes connection scheme.It can be boiled down to a complex 3D spatial layout problem. Through analysis on different kinds of currently hot research strategies in layout problems,a HCCIVD method combining virtual design technology,computational intelligent algorithms, human-computer cooperation and artificial intelligence technology is proposed.Taking the virtual design environment as shell,the intelligent algorithm as core,the artificial intelligence as guidance,the engineering database as support,the method take full advantage of human’s high-level decision-making ability and computer’s rapid response and calculation power to realize the perfect harmonious unification of intelligence among designers,experts and computers.The method’s feasibility,syncretizing mechanism,design process and implement key technologies are discussed in detail and the frame structure is given.HCCIVD method offers not only a brand new approach to HMB design problem,but also a reference to complex special layout problems.Virtual design environment is the platform of HCCIVD method while virtual modeling is the basis and key in building a virtual design system.For HMB design problem,a new intelligent multi-resolution featured parameterized virtual modeling method is brought forward.Taking featured parameterized modeling as kernel,using boundary representation 3D solid model,introducing agent-based intelligent behavior modeling,encapsulating leveled design lifecycle features,a virtual modeling method suitable for HMB design is developed.The creating of virtual design scene is the basis of a virtual design system while natural intuitionistic human-computer interaction manner is one of the features of a virtual design system.Based on the modeling method discussed above,a virtual design pattern and environment composing scheme is provided.Real-time dynamic display of 3D virtual design scene as well as bump detection and virtual walk are accomplished in this leveled open HMB virtual design environment.In this immersive HMB environment,designers can interact with the design objects in a natural way.Therefore,the design scene can not only display the design results,but also become an organic component in the HMB design process.An optimization mathematical model for HMB design is established.Then,the supporting relations and implementation of six design modules in optimization of HMB are discussed.After introduction of three design modes,automatic design based on niche genetic annealing algorithm(NGSA),virtual design based on human’s intelligence and intelligent design based on function blocks,a HMB human-computer cooperative intelligent optimization method in virtual environment is given.In HMB virtual design environment, using the databases as the bottom foundation,centering on human-computer cooperative NGSA,guiding with layout and connection agents,taking advantage of former design results and experts’ knowledge and experience with virtual layered function blocks,this method realizes the combination of three design patterns(automatic,semiautomatic and manual) and three kinds of intelligences(computer intelligence,experts intelligence and designers intelligence).The method is an operative multi-level integration of human and computer’s intelligence.A HMB design example verifies the validity of the method. Based on the researches mentioned above,an intelligent virtual design software package is developed using Visual C++ and OpenGL toolkit.The system frame structure design,data structure design,interface design and database design are discussed in detail.In the end,a typical integrated hydraulic system is designed by using this software and the satisfying results have testified the practicability of this software as well as the feasibility and effectiveness of the method proposed in this dissertation.

  • 【分类号】TH137.5;TP391.72
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】403
  • 攻读期成果

