

Study on Construction of Urban Wetland’s Parks

【作者】 骆林川

【导师】 杨德礼;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 湿地是陆地水平衡的重要调节器,是陆地水文径流调节的重要集水空间,具有巨大的卸载陆地径流的重要功能。伴随着城市化进程是人类对城市湿地有意识或无意识的保护与破坏、利用与摒弃两个矛盾从认识到实践的碰撞与冲突,我国城市湿地面临着巨大的压力和威胁。建设城市湿地公园是城市湿地保护、恢复以及合理利用的成功模式。利用湿地作为水资源调节与净化空间,缓解或部分解决城市化进程中水资源瓶颈问题,同时发挥湿地公园生物多样性保护、环境教育、特色旅游休闲以及城市生态景观系统重要组分的综合功能是湿地公园建设的主要功能目标。但是,湿地公园建设对城市化进程和可持续发展的影响,以及城市对湿地的反作用的研究,目前国内外刚刚开始。特别是有关城市湿地公园的基本理论、概念、特征、结构与功能、规划建设、湿地恢复与重建的技术和方法以及对城市化进程和可持续发展的影响的机制等,专门的研究或文献更少。鉴于这一科学问题理论与实践的必要性和重要性,本研究采用生态系统管理的思想,把湿地公园作为城市生态建设系统的重要组成部分,从理论与实践结合的基础上,站在管理学的角度,就城市湿地公园建设过程中有关基础理论、规划理念、建设内容、技术方案、评价指标与模型以及管理模式等关键问题进行深入研究,以及湿地公园建设对城市化进程和可持续发展的偶合与制约机制进行综合探讨,这对城市可持续发展以及湿地公园建设的健康发展都有重要的理论和实践意义。本研究采取宏观与微观相结合、案例与实证相结合、综合与归纳相结合、实地调查与理论研究、定量与定性研究相结合的方法,以深生态思想的环境伦理观为指导,在构建湿地恢复与重建的理论基础上,阐明湿地公园发展的问题,谋划解决的方法,结合实际予以评价分析。本研究将综合运用多学科的理论与方法研究生态基础建设与区域可持续发展的关系,在研究城市湿地公园系统建设基本问题的基础上,把理论和案例有机结合起来做综合分析,为城市化进程中如何发掘湿地优势自然资本、提高城市综合竞争力提供理论依据和决策参考。本研究系统分析过程的总体思路是:在对国内外研究现状进行深入分析的基础上,(1)首先,阐明问题。根据城市化进程中存在的湿地退化与消失的生态问题,研究并提出因地制宜建设湿地公园是保护与合理利用城市湿地的有效途径之一。研究湿地公园建设与城市可持续发展的关系;(2)其次,预计未来发展趋势和谋划解决方案。在用深生态思想奠定城市湿地公园建设的环境伦理基础上,强调建设湿地公园对实现人—城市—自然的和谐发展的重要性和必要性;综合分析国内外湿地恢复与湿地公园建设的背景、现状、发展趋势,总结归纳城市湿地与湿地公园的概念、定义、特征结构与分类以及湿地恢复的基本理论基础上,研究湿地公园规划新理念与新技术,总结和归纳湿地恢复与重建的基本技术和流程;用生态系统管理思想对湿地公园的规划管理和经营管理进行了初步研究。(3)评价分析。提出城市湿地公园综合评价指标体系和指标标准,采用模糊综合评价和数据包络分析的方法,结合我国典型的城市湿地公园进行评价与结果分析;(4)案例分析。在上述研究基础上,通过案例分析,研究南京市江宁区城市化进程中遇到的资源与环境瓶颈问题,以秦淮河湿地公园规划建设为例,深入研究建设一个什么样的城市湿地公园?如何建设该湿地公园?以及该湿地公园建成后对区域可持续发展的影响等(5)在上述研究的基础上,归纳总结出城市湿地公园建设对城市化进程以及城市可持续发展影响和作用的一般性规律。本研究得到如下基本结果:(1)提出了城市湿地公园构成要素的基本原则和城市湿地公园建设的基本目标,给出了城市湿地公园的定义,较为全面地揭示了城市湿地公园的生态保护、科学普及和休闲旅游的科学内涵,对城市湿地公园的研究和发展具有推动作用。在此基础上总结提出城市化进程对城市湿地的耦合作用的一般规律:湿地是城市的最有利的立地条件。城市化进程中人文动力的胁迫效应导致湿地的减少与退化,湿地的变化通过约束效应减缓城市化;另一方面,城市经济的发展为湿地的保护与合理利用提供机遇,建设湿地公园是保护与合理利用城市湿地的有效途径。二者的正向耦合将使城市化进程与湿地生态系统健康步入可持续发展的轨道。(2)分析、研究和总结了国内外湿地公园建设的现状与发展趋势:建设湿地公园是湿地保护和合理利用的一种成功模式;湿地公园的建设受到政府与社会的关注与支持;湿地公园的建设也逐渐由小规模向大规模、单一型向综合型的方向发展。在湿地保护的前提下,教育、培训、旅游以及景观地产开发成为公园功能目标;湿地公园的投资主体和融资渠道进一步拓宽;湿地公园的综合效益的提高受到重视。提出了加快推进我国湿地公园建设亟待解决的问题:盲目上马,缺乏科学论证;贪大求洋,脱离实际,难以实施;缺乏专业人才和成熟的配套技术;还没有相对完善的配套政策和制度安排;湿地公园建设用地的利益有待平衡;湿地公园建设与经营需提高效益,管理体制有待理顺等。(3)本研究系统地总结归纳了湿地公园湿地恢复重建的原则、目标、关键技术、方法和流程,初步提出我国城市湿地生境特征、分类与湿地公园的类型。提出了湿地公园“三圈四区七层”的规划新理念,从利用、保护和提高角度对城市湿地公园进行规划设计,从而可以更加准确的对城市湿地公园进行目标定位,以及功能的划分,为城市湿地公园的管理、研究和保护提供了更为明确的划分。(4)分析研究了深生态学在影响和指导湿地公园建设中的哲学思想与环境伦理基础,提出建设城市湿地公园是深生态学思想的社会实践。提出重大城市湿地公园建设的基本问题:城市湿地研究的科学问题;湿地恢复的相关基础理论;城市湿地公园的规划设计问题;城市湿地公园的投资建设问题;城市湿地公园的管理问题等,在相应的问题分析的基础上,给出了相应的管理步骤和办法。(5)本研究针对城市湿地公园发展方向设立了评价指标体系,具有客观性和代表性以及易获性。通过该指标体系对城市湿地公园进行生态、经济、结构等进行多方面进行诊断,通过指标体系的构建,为城市湿地公园今后的发展提供指导,为城市湿地管理部门提供参考。本研究采用层次分析方法结合模糊数学确定权重,模糊综合评价法进行综合测评;通过建立数据包络分析模型,对城市湿地公园发展进行有效性测评,本研究在对我国现有的城市湿地公园进行研究的基础上,获取发展的相关数据,采用模糊综合评价法和数据包络分析法对现有的城市湿地公园进行评价,并对评价进行排序,这在理论和实践中有较大的现实意义。本研究通过模糊综合评价能够了解城市湿地公园的综合发展情况,进行整体的比较;采用数据包络分析评价,反馈结果能够反映出城市湿地公园发展的有效性问题。(6)通过南京秦淮河湿地公园建设及其对江宁可持续发展潜在影响的研究,系统阐述了城市生态基础设施建设对可持续的城市化进程的重大贡献与作用,这一研究成果,对其它地区城市化进程具有积极的参考作用。

【Abstract】 The wet-land of cities in China is under great pressure and faces critical threatened.To solve the resource and environment problems in the process of urbanization,there is no shirking the responsibility on the part of governments of all levels.The wet-land park is one of the successful modes in protection,retrieval and reasonable use of wet-land in cities.The major function of wet-land parks is to be used as water regulation and purification pool to alleviate or partly resolve the water resource bottleneck problem.At the same time,it could contribute in creature variety protection,environmental education and feature tourism.It can also do our cities a good service as an important portion in the system of ecological landscape.However,the research has just start in the world to investigate the effect of wet-land parks’ construction on urbanizing process and sustainable development,and the reaction of cities to wet-lands.It is noticeable that specialized research and literatures are scare in basic theories, concepts,characters,structures,functions,planning and construction principles,wet-lands retrieval and restoration technology and the mechanism of its influences on urbanizing process and sustainable development.In view of the significance of it both in theory and practice,this research discusses wet-land parks’ planning and construction,as well as it’s constrain mechanism on urbanizing process and sustainable development.This work is invaluable on urbanization, sustainable development of cities and wet-land parks’ sound development.This research adopts methods of combinations of macroscopic and microscopic view,case and empirical approach,synthesis and extrapolation,field investigation and indoor explore, quantitative and qualitative analysis.This paper makes use of multi-disciplinary theories and means to study the relationship between the building of ecological infrastructure facilities and regional sustainable development.On the basis of studying fundamental issues of wet-land parks’ construction in cities,this paper makes a comprehensive analysis by combining theories with cases and builds the theoretical footstone and provides decision reference for digging the natural advantages from wet-lands and enhancing all-around competitiveness of cities.This paper presents domestic and overseas situation and development trend of wet-lands, urban wet-lands and wet-land parks.It expounds that wet-land construction is a deep ecological thought’s practice.The definition,structure and function of urban wet-lands and the wet-land park are represented.The generality and particularity between urban wet-land parks and general wet-land are studied.The distribution and types of China’s urban wet-lands are introduced.This paper summarizes the principles and contents of wet-land parks’ planning and a new idea called 3 (targets)-4(functions)-7(projects) comes up.The procedure and technology of urban wet-lands retrieval and restoration are generalized.The relationship between city wet lands and urbanization, and the influence and function of cities’ sustainable development are discussed.The financing, construction,operation mode,policy insurance and benefit compensation are discussed.This paper develops the BOOST mode of urban wet-land parks’ construction.On the foundation of above research,this paper,taking Qinhuai River of Jiangning stretch,Nanjing and its peripheral wet-lands as the research subject,explores the effects of establishing a wet-land park in Jiangning on regional sustainable development.The feasibility of the Qinhuai River wet-land park is demonstrated.This article provides theoretical basis and construction lead for urban wet-land parks’ planning.The strategies of this research are as following:1.According to environment issues in urbanization,especially water resources problem,the author presented that retrieving wet-lands or establishing wet-land parks are effective step to solve them.The relation between wet-land park’s construction and regional sustainable development is studied.2.This paper summarized fundamental theories such as wet-land Park’s concept,definition, diagnostic structure and functional subareas.The background,present condition and development trend of wet-land retrieval and wet-land park construction over the world are also analyzed.Then, on the basis of work mentioned above,the author studied the new ideas and new technologies for wet-land Park planning,analyzed regular technologies of wet-land retrieval and restoration,and inducted their process.3.On the basis of the empirical research on the resources and environment problems raised from the urbanization of Jiangning,Nanjing,this paper took Qinhual River wet-land park planning as an example,made an intensive study of what kind of wet-land parks should be established? How to build them? And what effects those parks could make on the regional sustainable development?4.on the basis of above process,the general laws of urban ecological infrastructure facilities’ effects on urbanization and regional sustainable development are generalized.Main conclusions as follows:1.The domestic and overseas wet-land park’s present condition and development trend are analyzed and generalized.It is a successful mode of wet-land protection and reasonable utilization to establish wet-land parks.This mode is getting extension gradually in both developing and developed countries. Wet-land park construction has gained more and more concern and support from government and society.Its planning has already become an important part of city planning,developing from small-scale to large-scale,from mono-function to multi-function.With the premise of protecting wet-lands,the parks aim at more functions like education,training,tourism and landscape.The investors and financing channels are widened.There is a considerable progress of wet-land park construction in China recent years with three evidences.First of all,despite of its delayed start-up,the wet-land park developed fast.There are 12 national wet-land parks have been successively established with the authorization of State Forestry Administration and Ministry of Construction.Moreover,government paid great attention on this field,enacted relevant laws and regulations,laid the foundation and created opportunities for the healthy grow of this industry.Last but not least,investments from enterprises largely helped promote the development of wet-land park constructions.However,there are a lot of problems in China’s development of city wet-lands.First,the reckless construction is lacking in feasibility study,which leaves economic,social and ecological risk and danger to the project construction;Second,the construction of wet-land parks is in its initial stage both theoretically and practically.The lack of systematic and maturing technology necessarily brings about the risk of success;third,China is in short of the maturing policies and systems to encourage and attract social investment to the buildup of wet-land parks;Fourth,the profit of the buildup of wet-land parks needs to be balanced;fifth,the construction and operation of wet-land parks require higher efficiency and more appropriate managing system.2.The definition and principle are put forward systematically.The definition of the wet-land park in this research paper is the site based on its advantages of science and art,taking advantage of natural or artificial wet-lands,designing,constructing and managing according to the structure,features,landscape and ecology of the genuine natural wet-land system with scientific and cultural values.It aims at displaying the ecological system and the various creatures of wet-lands to people by means of education,training and tourism.The special theme areas which consist of various wet-land landscapes,plentiful wet-land creatures, characteristic wet-land entertainment,wet-land commodities,wet-land customs and wet land ecological archeological model will be healthy places of leisure and travel for people city residents and the youth.The definition includes six basic principles:complement,effectiveness,research and education,culture,development of local community and management.3.The background,conception regulation and principle of the deep ecological thought is systematically analyzed and studied in theory,holding that investing to build wet-land parks in cities is a social practice of the deep ecological thought.4.Basic issues about city wet-land park construction are raised.They are scientific issues of city wet-land study;basic theories of wet-land retrieval,such as self-design&design theory,succession theory,in-break theory,river theory,flood pulse theory, marginal effect theory,and middling disturb theory,the planning,design,investment,construction and management of city wet-land parks.5.This paper presented the "3 loops,4 zones,7 levels" concept for wet-land park construction and planning.The author holds the idea that wet-land planning has to be separated from that of related fields in concept.They are "protection first" in conservation area,"parks or landscape site" for scenery exploitation,city gardens’ planning with an artificial landscape base and big cities’ land-use program.Upon that,the author presented the new concept of "3 loops,4 zones,7 levels" for city wet-land park planning.Three loops G、E and F represent the people’s three major cognitions on wet-land,i.e.improves utilization and protection reparative.Interloped four zones represent the basic function subfield of wet-land park planning.At the mean time,ideal wet-land park has seven function modules and all the planed projects could be developed around them.6.The principles,key technology and process of wet-land park retrieval and restoration are systemically summarized.7.Urban wet-land park classification in China is set out tentatively.The author discussed the classification of Urban wet-land parks under different standards.a).By the utilizing types of wet-land;b).By the degree of human being’s interference;c).By the origin and function of the parks.8.This paper formulated municipal ecological infrastructure’s contributions and effects on the sustainable urbanization through the study of Qinhuai River wet-land park and its potential influence on the sustainable development of Jiangning.a).This project will contribute 10%to the economic growth rate annually when it is done. Also it will offer 3,900~7,400 positions.The ecological value belong to this wet-land park will make the green GDP and green GDP growth rate raise to 17.19 billion RMB and 26.7% respectively,b).The establishment of Qinhuai River wet-land park will dramatically improve the environment of peripheral region.The total sum of land value hoisting will reach 10.23 billion RMB.c).The best developments scale of the park is 800 hm~2,can produce 780,000,000 RMB net profit for sustainable development。9.This paper designed the BOOST mode(Build-Own-Operate-Subsidize-Transfer) for wet-land park investment,management and administration,as well as the corresponded good policies.This mode reflects the creative idea that social,ecological and public-benefit projects should be operated by artificial person of enterprises following the guidance of government with the whole society’s involvement.It has an important push function to the wet-land park construction which is flourishing now.


