

Research on China’s Second-hand House Brokerage Market Efficiency

【作者】 宋春红

【导师】 苏敬勤;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 二手房经纪市场是二手房交易双方通过房地产经纪人间接交易而形成的经纪活动领域以及产生的交易关系总和。随着我国房地产业的迅速发展以及二手房交易的日趋活跃,我国二手房经纪市场蕴藏着广阔的发展空间与极大的发展潜力。然而,从总体上看,我国社会对二手房经纪市场提供的服务并不是十分认可,相当多的二手房交易者在从事二手房交易时不愿意选择二手房经纪市场提供的服务。效率是经济学的一个核心的问题,二手房经纪市场效率高低是二手房经纪市场发展水平的重要标志,也是衡量其是否成熟的主要标准。目前,我国社会对二手房经纪市场的认可度较低,是否意味着我国二手房经纪市场运行的低效率?如果答案是肯定的话,那么导致我国二手房经纪市场效率低下的根源是什么?我们应该采取什么样的有效措施提高我国二手房经纪市场的效率?对以上这些问题的研究无疑对解决或解释我国二手房经纪市场发展面临的“瓶颈”问题及确定今后的发展方向具有重要的指导作用。论文正是围绕上述几个问题对我国二手房经纪市场进行系统的理论与实证研究,共分为七章。第一章阐述选题背景与研究意义、国内外研究现状、研究内容与研究方法、主要创新点;第二章建立了二手房经纪市场效率的研究框架;第三章基于顾客价值对我国二手房经纪市场进行了评价;第四、五、六章分别对我国二手房经纪市场的代理效率、经营效率与监管效率进行了研究;第七章提出研究结论、局限与未来研究的展望。论文具体的研究工作如下:第一,建立了二手房经纪市场效率的研究框架。通过借鉴金融市场及其子市场效率的研究思路,确立了基于功能视角来分析二手房经纪市场效率的内涵;对二手房经纪市场的本质功能进行了分析,指出二手房经纪市场的本质功能在于节约交易成本、促进二手房资源的优化配置,即提高二手房交易者的交易价值或顾客价值;基于二手房经纪市场的本质功能分析了二手房经纪市场效率的内涵,同时根据影响二手房经纪市场效率的主要因素将二手房经纪市场效率划分为代理效率、经营效率及监管效率三个层次。第二,基于顾客价值对我国二手房经纪市场效率进行了评价。基于顾客价值与二手房经纪市场效率之间具有的一一对应的逻辑关系,提出从顾客价值视角对我国二手房经纪市场效率进行间接评价;在对顾客价值内涵及其驱动因素进行分析的基础上,提出了基于SERVQUAL的顾客价值量表开发与评价方法;采用SERVQUAL对我国二手房经纪市场顾客价值进行了量表开发,并分析了各因子之间的关系,指出我国二手房经纪市场顾客价值由信号显示因子、服务过程质量因子、服务效用因子及购买成本因子构成,其中信号显示因子与服务过程质量因子对服务效用因子与购买成本因子具有显著的正向影响;采用SERVQUAL对我国二手房经纪市场的顾客价值进行了评价,指出我国二手房经纪市场为顾客提供的服务价值低下,目前我国的二手房经纪市场是一个效率低下的市场。第三,对我国二手房经纪市场的代理效率进行了研究。基于顾客价值视角对我国二手房经纪市场的代理效率进行了间接衡量;利用比较制度经济学的方法分别对我国二手房经纪市场佣金的买方单方支付、多家上市代理、居间代理、信息分割及百分比佣金结构等代理制度的有效性进行了分析,指出除佣金的买方单方支付是一种相对有效的制度安排外,其余代理制度都是无效的代理制度安排,与之相对应的独家代理、分离的买方与卖方代理、信息共享及包含差价的佣金结构则是有效的代理制度安排;提出了提高我国二手房经纪市场代理效率的对策建议。第四,对我国二手房经纪市场的经营效率进行了研究。分别采用DEA方法与SFA方法以大连市为例对房地产经纪公司的经营效率进行了评价,指出大连市二手房经纪市场具有显著的规模经济与范围经济,目前大连市二手房经纪市场由于规模太小而没有充分利用规模经济,二手房经纪市场虽然经营效率在不断提高但仍处于低效经营的局面;从理论上研究了非价格竞争及自由进入对我国二手房经纪市场效率的影响,指出我国二手房经纪市场由于存在价格管制导致的非价格竞争以及较低进入壁垒导致的自由进入现象,二手房经纪市场存在太多规模较小的房地产经纪人,整个二手房经纪市场由于规模太小而没有充分利用规模经济,二手房经纪市场处于低效率经营的状态;提出了提高我国二手房经纪市场经营效率的对策建议。第五,对我国二手房经纪市场的监管效率进行了研究。基于顾客价值视角对我国二手房经纪市场监管效率进行了间接衡量;建立二手房经纪市场博弈模型分析了房地产经纪人诚信缺失的根源及其对市场效率的影响,指出房地产经纪人的诚信缺失降低了二手房经纪市场的效率,而房地产经纪人诚信缺失的根源在于我国二手房经纪市场监管体制与监管制度的不完善;对我国二手房经纪市场监管体制缺陷与监管制度缺陷导致的监管效率损失进行了分析;提出了提高我国二手房经纪市场监管效率的对策建议。

【Abstract】 The second-hand house brokerage market is the brokerage activity field and bargaining relation summation for the second-hand house transaction by real estate brokers.With the rapid development of the real estate industry and gradual flourish of the second-hand house market in China,the second-hand house brokerage market possesses expansive development room and huge capacity for growth.However,from the whole to see,the second-hand brokerage market is not full recognized in our society,and quite a few bargainers don’t will to choose the second-hand brokerage market to finish their exchanges.The efficiency is a core question for the economics,and the efficiency of the second-hand house brokerage market is an important symbol of its development level and a main standard to measure its mature.At present,the second-hand brokerage market is not full recognized in our society, which means lower efficiency for the second-hand house brokerage market or not.If the answer is yes,what is the foundation stone to cause the lower efficiency? We should adopt what measures to advance the efficiency of the second-hand brokerage market? It has very important direction role for solving or explaining the bottle-neck problem faced with the second-hand house brokerage market to solve these problem.So this paper mainly studies above several problems,and it includes 7 chapters.The first chapter expounds the research backdrop,research meaning,research actuality,and research contents and research methods.The second chapter establishes the research frame.The third chapter evaluates the efficiency of the second-hand house brokerage market based on the customer value.The fourth chapter studies the agent efficiency,the fifth chapter studies the operational efficiency,and the sixth chapter studies the superintendence efficiency.The latest chapter brings forward the research conclusions,research localization and research prospect. Main research conclusions are as follows:Firstly,the research frame of the second-hand house market efficiency is established.By consulting the research train of thoughts for the money market efficiency,the efficiency connotation of the second-hand house brokerage market is analyzed based on the function angle of view,and point out that the essence function of the second-hand house brokerage market is to economize the transaction cost and accelerate the optimization collocation of the second-hand house resource,that is to say,enhance the second-hand house bargainer’s value or the customer’s value;the second-hand house brokerage market efficiency is divided into the agency efficiency,the operation efficiency and the superintendence efficiency according to the main influence factors.Secondly,the second-hand house brokerage market efficiency is estimated based on the customer’s value.On the basis of analyzing the connotation and influence factor of the customer’s value,the evaluation method is brought forward based on the SERVQUAL;adopt SERVQUAL to develop the measure table for the customer’s value in the second-hand house brokerage market,and analyze the relation among factors;adopt SERVQUAL to evaluate the customer’s value of the second-hand house brokerage market,and the evaluation results indicates that the second-hand house brokerage market provides lower service value for the customer,so the efficiency of the second-hand house brokerage market is very low.Thirdly,the agency efficiency of the second-hand house brokerage market is studied. The agency efficiency of the second-hand house brokerage market is evaluated based on the customer’s angle of view;use the method of the compare system economics to analyze the efficiency of the agency system with the buyer’s commission paying,the open listing agency, the mediacy agency,the communication division and the percentage commission structure, and point out that all agency systems are efficient except the buyer’s commission paying; bring forward the countermeasure to enhance the agency efficiency of the second-hand house brokerage market.Fourthly,the operation efficiency of the second-hand house brokerage market is studied. The demonstration research adopting the DEA and SFA both shows that the second-hand house brokerage market has obvious economies of scale and economies of scope in Dalian, and it doesn’t make full use of economies of scale,which causes lower operating efficiency.The theory research shows that the second-hand house brokerage market has too many real estate brokers with smaller scale,and it doesn’t make full use of the scale economy;bring forward the countermeasure to enhance the operation efficiency of the second-hand house brokerage market.Fifthly,the superintendence efficiency of the second-hand house brokerage market is studied.The superintendence efficiency of the second-hand house brokerage market is evaluated based on the customer’s angle of view;a game model with three stages for the second-hand house brokerage market is established to analyze the rootstock of the real estate broker’s breaking faith behavior,and points out that the rootstock lies in that the superintendence system is not perfect;disfigurements of inspection systems which causes the loss of the inspection efficiency are analyzed;bring forward the countermeasure to enhance the superintendence efficiency of the second-hand house brokerage market.


