

Research on the Integrated Production Quality Management Method for Steelmaking Industry

【作者】 杨静萍

【导师】 刘晓冰;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 质量是钢铁企业在激烈的市场竞争中取得胜利的重要条件之一。随着先进制造模式的出现,质量管理正朝着集成化、信息化、智能化的方向发展。研究集成化生产质量管理的相关支持理论与方法越来越成为学术界和企业界的热点,建立适合钢铁制造业的集成化生产质量管理系统是钢铁企业生存和发展的迫切需求。本文针对钢铁制造业生产质量管理中存在的问题,在分析国内外质量管理理论研究及其在钢铁制造业应用现状的基础上,以东北特钢集团大连基地质量管理实践为背景,综合应用系统化、集成化和面向生产过程的管理思想,研究了钢铁制造业集成化生产质量管理(Integrated ProductionQuality Management for Steelmaking Industry,SIPQM)的框架体系和相关技术。针对钢铁制造业MRPII/JIT集成生产组织模式的特点,提出了基于该生产组织模式的SIPQM体系结构,构建了该体系结构下面向ERP/MES/PCS的生产质量管理功能模型,提出了基于质量BOM的质量管理基础信息表达方法和SIPQM系统研究的关键技术。运用保质设计的思想,在分析钢铁制造业的产品特征、设备能力和工艺流程特点的基础上,针对客户需求的不断多样化和个性化的现状,建立了SIPQM框架下的增量式工艺质量保质设计模型,在客户常规需求分阶段、模板化的质量设计的基础上,提出了基于QFD与知识推理相结合的客户个性化需求增量式保质设计方法。针对钢铁制造业批量生产的特点,建立了批量生产计划与质量设计集成的过程网络模型,提出了钢铁产品批量生产计划与质量设计的优化方法,建立了基于多约束聚类的批量生产计划与质量设计的优化模型,通过多约束微粒群算法进行了求解。研究了钢铁制造业质量预测技术,提出了基于支持向量回归分析和微粒群优化相结合的质量预测方法。基于面向钢铁生产过程的质量预测主题数据集市,以质量综合指标—产品成材率为预测对象,建立了基于支持向量回归分析的成材率关系模型,采用微粒群优化算法进行了模型的训练和参数的优化,实现了基于质量设计方案的产品成材率的预测。最后,将研究成果与信息技术相结合,在分析案例企业质量管理需求的基础上,提出了SIPQM系统的信息化体系结构,并建立了相应的功能模型、信息模型,给出了面向对象的用例分析、流程分析及组件设计方法。将SIPQM系统作为企业信息化建设中生产管理系统的子系统在案例企业成功应用,取得了良好的效果。

【Abstract】 Quality is one of the key factors with which the steelmaking enterprises could win in the fierce market competition.Along with the advent of advanced manufacturing patterns,quality management is stepping towards integration,informatization and intellection.Researches on the supported theories and methods of integrated production quality management are focused by both academic researchers and enterprise practitioners,and building an integrated production quality management system suitable for steelmaking industry is an urgent requirement for steelmaking companies to survive and develop.On the basis of analyzing the quality management theories and application status in steeimaking industries of both domestic and oversea,under the background of the application in Dalian Steel Plant of Dongbei Special Steel Group Co.Ltd.,an Integrated Production Quality Management for Steelmaking Industry (SIPQM) system framework and its implementation techniques are studied in this dissertation with systematic and integrated management ideologies.According to the MRPII/JIT integrated production organization pattern of steelmaking industry,an SIPQM system framework based on such production organization pattern is proposed,under which a three-layer quality management function model for ERP/MES/PCS structure is built,a quality management bascial information model based on quality BOM is proposed,and some vital techniques related to SIPQM system are illustrated.Utilizing the DFQ ideology,on the basis of analyzing the product features,machine abilities and production process characteristics of steelmaking enterprises,on account of the situations of varies and customized requirements,an incremental DFQ model under SIPQM is established,in which an incremental DFQ method based on QFD and knowledge reasoning method is proposed on the basis of the phased and modulized process and quality design for normal requirements.In view of the batch production planning feature of the steel industry,the integration process net model of lot sizing problem and quality designing is established,and a batch generation and optimization method for quality is proposed,a batch optimization model based on multi-constrained clustering is established,which is worked out through mutli-constrained PSO algorithm.The quality predictive control technique for steelmaking industry is studied.A quality predictive control method for both quality prediction and operation parameters optimization is proposed,which is based on the data mart model with the theme of quality predictive control for steelmaking industry.The quality synthetic index(yield) is selected to be the prediction object,and the related operation parameters is selected to be the control object,a rough set reduction and a PCA reduction are applied to probable factors,the related operation parameters are optimized in order to provide evaluation for DFQ result and decision evidence for quality improving during steel manufacturing processes.Finally,eombinating the SIPQM method and information technology,an information system under the SIPQM framework is presented based on the analysis of the quality management requirements of the ease enterprise.Related function models and information models are established,and the Object-Oriented designing method such as case analysis, process analysis and component analysis are presented.The SIPQM system is applied as one of the sub-systems in the Production Management system of the case enterprise,which is practically significant to the case enterprise at present.

  • 【分类号】F273.2;F407.31;F224
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1437
  • 攻读期成果

