

Transformation Path and Models of Logistics Demand Resources

【作者】 巫钢

【导师】 罗永泰;

【作者基本信息】 天津财经大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 需求是一切市场行为的出发点和根本归宿,不关注客户需求而进行的生产对企业来说是非常盲目和危险的。物流企业供应链创新,并实现研发快捷化和运作协同化,正是帮助企业快速响应市场需求的考虑。随着市场的进一步发展,物流企业关心的重点已不再是如何从事生产运作,而是搭建更为完善的需求流动网管理体系,由此,需求流动网管理也日益成为物流企业持续成长和增强竞争力的核心动力。在微利的经济环境下,增加营收、降低成本、增强客户关系,必须对市场和客户需求进行充分的分析、了解和计划,再搭配有效率的需求流动网体系,从而规划出最佳的供应通道,以最快速度和最低成本将产品送达到顾客手中,这是维持优势、减少风险,增加利润的关键。只有这样,企业才能实现从单纯的供应导向向需求链管理和需求流动网管理转变.本文重点研究物流需求资源的转化路径和关键模式,并从以下几个部分进行分析:第一部分:引言.在物流企业的不断变革过程中,资源整合的模式不断地演化和变异。以物流需求资源为基础,分析了物流需求资源整合的意义以及相关研究成果;给出了本文的研究框架及创新之处。第二部分:理论基础。从物流领域的相关理论研究出发,揭示了物流需求资源的本质特点;重点研究了物流需求资源的联结基础和动态演变的网络形态;结合企业资源理论,提出了物流需求资源的概念及界定标准,共同奠定物流需求资源的转化研究的命题。第三部分:物流需求资源分布结构。对物流需求资源整合的驱动因素进行了分析,明确了物流需求资源联结的关键要素;并对第一方物流至第五方物流等物流需求资源结构进行分析。第四部分:物流需求资源转化的螺旋模型。分析了物流需求资源的一般转化过程,影响物流需求资源转化的关键中介变量,并提出物流需求资源转化的螺旋模型;分析了不同阶段物流需求资源的转化程度、转化意识对需求资源开发绩效以及协同化战略的影响,并进行实证研究以便对转化的效果进行检验。第五部分:物流需求资源的转化模式分析。分析了物流需求资源转化的互动机理;运用共生理论分析了物流企业基于需求资源转化所形成的共生网络体系及其稳定性。第六部分:物流需求资源转化的实证分析。结合天津港区域物流需求协同网络的互动分析,论证产业集聚的物流需求资源整合模式的适用性;结合泰达滨海物流的需求资源整合以及物流期货的经营方式创新,对物流需求资源价值创新模式进行检验;结合上海亿通公司的物流网络,分析了物流需求信息共享网络建设和运行绩效。第七部分:结论与后续研究方向。对于物流组织隐性需求资源价值性和隐含性进行分析,对物流需求资源转化模式的适用性进行评价。分析了物流需求流动网络的研究对管理理论发展的促进和贡献,廓清了组织隐性需求理论进一步研究的重要命题。

【Abstract】 Since it is the bomb and tomb of market behavior,which is dangourous to production neglect of customer demand.Considering about reponse to market quickly and flexibly,it is necessary to change supply chain of logistics conpamnies and realize agility and synerzatic of R&D and operation.With the further development,it has not been the emphasisi on operation, but duilding perfect management system based on demand flow,which is the core competence and driven forece for logistics companies to keep sustainable development.Under low revenue economy environment,to add revenue,reduce cost and enforece customer relationship,it should analyze,understand and plan the customer demand,alignment with effective demand flow network system.Further it find perfect supply channel and transport products to customers with lowest cost and fastest speed which is the key to keep advantages, lower risks and add profit.To achieve it,the logistics companies need more powerful information tools and turn simple supply chain orientation into demand chain management and demand folw network management.In this dissertation,it should be focus on transformantion paths and key models and discuss in such parts in detail:Chapter one is introdcution.During the changing process of logistics companies,the models of integrating resources evolute and change fast.Based on demand resources of logistics companies,it analyze the conception of resource integration and relative findings civial and overseas,and gives the research flamework and innovation points.Chapter two is retrospection and comments.It talks about relative theories about logistics and make fundation to reveal nature and chacrastics of demand resources.Further,it emphasis on connect base and dynamic evoluting network shapes of demand resources.With which,it give the core conception and definition standard of demand resources of logistics companies and proposals of transforming demand resources.Chapter three designs the distribution structures of demand resources.It an key analyze the key driven force of integrating demand resources and discuss the topology structure of logistics companies from 1PLs,2 PLs,3 PLs,4 PLs to 5 PLs.At last,it discuss about the connect mechanism of logistics demand resources.Chapter four explores the spirial transformation model of demand resources of logistics companies.It dwells on exploring "blackbox" of logistics demand.First,it emphasizes on the general process of demand resources transformation and puts forward with sipiral model. Second,analyze the key intermideia variables and transformation degree of demand resources at different stages.Finally,it talks about the synergy strategy of logistics companies based on demand resource.Chapter five discusses the evolution mechanisms and models of logistics demand reources.It discusses the mutual connection mechanism and publicnetwork and its stablility of logistics demand resources.And it discuss the models as induetry clusters,value ninnovation and knowledge share of logistics demand resources.Chapter six focuses on empirical study on evolution mechanisms of logistics demand resources.It gives the solution design of demand synergy network of Tianjin Houbor to make sure the industry cluster model is suitable to demand resource integration.According to innovation of logistics options in TEDA horbor logistics Ltd,it checks the innovation models of demand resource.Finnaly,with the successful operation of logistics information network in Shanghai Yitong,it discusses the construction and operation of logistics information share networks.Chapter seven draws the conclusion and discusses the further studies.It discusses the value and implicit of logistics demand resources,and evaluates the different models and their applications.It further analyzes the contribution of logistics demand resources and demand flow network theory to management researches and the important proposition.

  • 【分类号】F253
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1102

