
水流因子对红鳍银鲫(Barbodes schwanenfeldi)游泳行为、生长和生理生态影响的研究

Effects of Water Current on Swimming Activity, Growth and Ecophysiological Aspect of Young Barbodes Schwanenfeldi

【作者】 宋波澜

【导师】 林小涛;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 水生生物学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 水流作为鱼类生活环境的一个重要且复杂的生态因子,能够刺激鱼类的感觉器官,使其产生相应的运动方式及反应机制。它有多方面的生态作用,直接或间接地影响鱼类的行为和生理生态等方面。本文详细综述了水流因子对鱼类生理生态学特征影响的研究进展,并通过一系列的室内实验,在28±1℃水温下,研究了流速对红鳍银鲫趋流行为、能量代谢、生长和能量收支、血液成分和酶活力、基本营养成分、氨基酸和脂肪酸组成以及抗生素残留等的影响。主要研究结果如下:1.水流因子对红鳍银鲫趋流行为和游泳运动特征的影响使用特制的鱼类游泳行为和活动代谢同步测定装置对红鳍银鲫幼鱼(体重125.94±13.87g)在0、0.1、0.3、0.5m·s-1 4种流速条件下的趋流行为进行了测定和统计分析。实验时间设定三个阶段即90min、24h、45d。实验结果如下:四种流速下,红鳍银鲫的趋流行为发生很大变化。幼鱼趋流率随着流速的增加而增大,0.3 m·s-1以上流速下有较高的趋流率。和静水对照组相比,各个流速实验组在各个时间阶段内的趋流率、摆尾频率均显著上升。在90 min内各个时间阶段摆尾频率与趋流率均呈显著的线性相关。红鳍银鲫并不是长时间维持一种游泳状态,而是经常更换,其游泳状态明显受到所处流速的影响:随着流速的增大,逆流前进所占时间由超过50%减少至低于5%,而逆流静止所占时间比例从3%以下增加至86%以上。在逆流前进、逆流静止两种游泳状态下,红鳍银鲫幼鱼的游泳速度(V)和摆尾频率(TBF)呈线性相关。在24h和45d的实验当中,不同流速组的趋流率、摆尾频率均显著高于静水对照组。2.水流因子对红鳍银鲫能量代谢的影响实验研究了流速(Om·s-1,0.1m·s-1,0.3m·s-1,0.5m·s-1对红鳍银鲫幼鱼(体重125.94±13.87g)能量代谢的影响。实验结果如下:四种水流速度下,红鳍银鲫的能量代谢特征明显改变。耗氧率随着流速提高而上升,0.3m·s-1流速下达到最大值,但0.5 m·s-1流速下出现下降。呼吸频率存在同样的变化趋势。红鳍银鲫幼鱼在不同流速下的T-N排泄率、Ur-N排泄率变化显著,而NH3-N排泄率变化不明显。T-N排泄率、Ur-N排泄率随着流速提高而上升,0.5m·s-1流速下达到最大值。红鳍银鲫各种代谢指标与摆尾频率之间存在着线性正相关关系。在本实验条件下,红鳍银鲫幼鱼的氧氮比最大值出现在0.3m·s-1流速组,最小值出现在0m·s-1对照组,波动在28.3~42.0之间。随着流速的增加,红鳍银鲫幼鱼脂肪供能比例显著增加,而蛋白质和糖类供能比例明显下降。在0m·s-1对照流速组,其主要供能物质为糖类和蛋白质,供能比约为72.6%。在0.1m·s-1流速组和0.3m·s-1流速组其主要供能物质是糖类和脂肪,供能比达到74.1%~79.5%。在0.5m·s-1流速组,其主要供能物质是脂肪和蛋白质,供能比达到79.1%。3.水流因子对红鳍银鲫生长和能量收支的影响实验共进行45d,研究了流速(0m·s-1,0.1m·s-1,0.3m·s-1)对红鳍银鲫幼鱼(体重75.21±2.82g)生长和能量收支的影响。查明不同流速下红鳍银鲫幼鱼的摄食率、排泄率、代谢率和生长率的变化情况,并比较了不同流速下食物转化率,建立不同流速下的能量收支方程。实验结果如下:在0-0.3m·s-1流速范围内,红鳍银鲫幼鱼单位体重的摄食率、排泄率和代谢率均随着流速升高而增加,摄食率和排泄率随着养殖时间的延长而略有升高,而代谢率随养殖时间的延长而降低。平均日增重和特定生长率以0.1m·s-1组最高,0.3m·s-1组最低。幼鱼食物转化率静水对照组和0.1m·s-1组差异不显著,但均显著高于0.3m·s-1组。实验期间总能量收支方程式如下:0m·s-1组:100.0 C=44.8 F+4.7 U+36.6 R+13.9G0.1m·s-1组:100.0 C=37.9 F+5.1 U+40.1 R+16.4G0.3m·s-1组:100.0 C=41.9 F+6.1 U+47.1 R+4.9G总体看来,随着流速的升高,红鳍银鲫代谢能和排泄能所占比例上升,0.1 m·s-1组排粪能所占比例最低,生长能分配最高,而0.3m·s-1组则相反。4.水流因子对红鳍银鲫血液成分和非特异性免疫功能的影响实验共进行45d,研究了流速(0m·s-1,0.1m·s-1,0.3m·s-1)对红鳍银鲫幼鱼(体重75.21±2.82g)血液生化成分和免疫功能的影响。实验结果表明:在不同流速下,红鳍银鲫血液生理指标产生了显著变化。首先,红鳍银鲫红细胞数、红细胞压积和血红蛋白含量均随流速升高显著上升,并且随水流处理时间的延长进一步上升。而平均血细胞体积降低,白细胞数变化不明显。其次,水流因子对红鳍银鲫血液生化组成和相关酶的活性产生了显著影响。鱼血糖浓度在实验中期变化不明显,而在实验末期,0.3 m·s-1组显著上升。总蛋白和球蛋白在高流速下均显著高于静水组,但白蛋白变化不大。而红鳍银鲫血液的总胆固醇和甘油三脂在实验中期变化不明显,但在实验末期均随流速的升高而显著降低。不同流速条件下红鳍银鲫乳酸脱氢酶、谷草转氨酶、谷丙转氨和碱性磷酸酶等血清酶的活性均随流速的增大而增加,且随时间延长而变化。水流因子同样对红鳍银鲫非特异性免疫机能产生了显著影响。红鳍银鲫NBT阳性细胞数随流速的增加而升高,0.1m·s-1和0.3 m·s-1组NBT阳性细胞数明显高于静水对照组。但在实验末期,0.1m·s-1和0.3m·s-1两组间差异不显著。血清中溶菌酶活性和超氧化物歧化酶同样随水流速增大而显著上升,在0.3 m·s-1组存在最大值。5.水流因子对红鳍银鲫体营养成分和肉质的影响实验共进行45d,研究了流速(0m·s-1,0.1m·s-1,0.3m·s-1)对红鳍银鲫幼鱼(体重75.21±2.82g)体营养成分和肉质的影响。三种流速下的红鳍银鲫肌肉加工指标和水分含量差异不显著。红鳍银鲫肌肉中蛋白质含量随流速增加而增加,肌肉中脂肪含量却随流速增加显著降低。在实验中期,和静水组相比,0.1m·s-1和0.3m·s-1组肌肉中各氨基酸含量均无显著变化(P>0.05);在实验末期,和静水组相比,0.3 m·s-1组的亮氨酸、天门冬氨酸、谷氨酸、甘氨酸、丙氨酸和赖氨酸均显著增加(P<0.05),并且鲜味氨基酸总量随流速有明显增加。水流因子对红鳍银鲫肌肉中脂肪酸含量和组成产生极大的影响。在实验中期(23d),0.1m·s-1流速组除了C18:2n-6,0.3m·s-1流速组除了C15:0、C16:1、C18:2n-6和C20:5n-3外,其它饱和脂肪酸含量均显著低于于静水组,而不饱和脂肪酸含量均显著高于静水组(P<0.05)。实验末期,和静水组相比,0.1m·s-1流速组除了C16:0和C18:2n-6外,0.3m·s-1流速组除了C16:0、C16:1和C18:2外,其它饱和脂肪酸含量显著减少,不饱和脂肪酸含量均显著增加(P<0.05)。而且在实验末期EPA、DHA和ALA等功能性多不饱和脂肪酸含量均随流速增加同样有了显著提高(P<0.05)。6.水流因子对红鳍银鲫肌肉盐酸诺氟沙星残留的影响实验共进行27d,以50 mg·kg-1体重的投喂量连续7d混饲给药方式研究了流速(0m·s-1,0.3m·s-1)对红鳍银鲫幼鱼(平均体重90.3±10.1g)肌肉组织盐酸诺氟沙星残留的影响。实验过程中各个时间段下,与静水对照组相比,0.3m·s-1流速组红鳍银鲫肌肉盐酸诺氟沙星含量均显著减少(P<0.05),在停药第6d就已经检测不到抗生素残留,而静水对照组则要在停药12d其含量才低于检出限。

【Abstract】 Water current,an important environmental factor,can activate sense organ of fish and bring corresponding action mode and response mechanism,which has various ecological effects such as influencing the behavior and physiological development of fish directly or indirectly.This paper reviewed the ecophysiological effects of water velocity on fish was undertaken,and a series of indoor experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of water velocity on rheotaxis behavior,feeding and growth,energy metabolism and budget,hematological parameters, non-special immune factors,biochemical composition,antibiotic residue in tinfoil barb Barbodes schwanenfeldi.The main results were summarized as follows:1) Effects of water velocity on the rheotaxis behavior and swimmming performance of young tinfoil barb B.schwanenfeldiA special device was designed to examine the rheotaxis behavior and swimming performance of young B.schwanenfeldi(weight 125.94±13.87 g) under different water velocities(0,0.1,0.3,0.5 m·s-1) at 28℃.The experiments were carried out for three phases(90 min,24 h and 45 d).The results showed that the rheotactic frequency(RF) of tinfoil barb increased with increasing water velocity.The tail beat frequency(TBF) at 0.3 and 0.5 m·s-1 was higher than those at 0 and 0.1 m·s-1.A linear correlation between TBF and RF was found at each time-point within 90 min.Tinfoil barb altered swimming performance frequently,which was apparently affected by the water current.The time of swimming against the current decreased from above 50%to below 5%,while the time of keeping still increased from below 3%to above 86%with the increasing of water velocity.The TBF was linearly correlation with the swimming speed(Ⅴ) when the fish moved forward or held still.Moreover,both TBF and RF of the fish challenged with different water velocities were significantly higher than those of the control(0 m·s-1) in 24 h and 45 d.2) Effects of water velocities on the energy metabolism of young tinfoil barb B.schwanenfeldiExperiments were conducted to determine the effects of water velocity(0,0.1,0.3 and 0.5 m·s-1) on energy metabolism in young B.schwanenfeldi(weight 125.94±13.87 g).The results demonstrated that the oxygen consumption rate(OCR) in tinfoil barb at the water velocities of 0.3 and 0.5 m·s-1 were significantly higher than that of the control(0 m·s-1).OCR reached the peak at 0.3 m·s-1and it reduced at 0.5 m·s-1 during the experiment time.The change of respiratory frequency was similar to that of the OCR.The excretion rates of TN and Ur-N both increased with the higher water velocities and peaked at 0.5 m·s-1,but NH3-N excretion rate showed little change. The oxygen nitrogen ratios of young fish fluctuated between 28.3~42.0 at different water velocities,with the maximum at 0.3 m·s-1 and the minimum at 0 m·s-1.The proportions of carbohydrate and protein decreased with the increasing water velocity but fat increased in substrate energy suply.The carbohydrate and protein were the primary energy substrate at 0.1 m·s-1,which provided 72.6%of the whole energy.The primary energy substrate was fat and carbohydrate when the water velocity reached 0.1 or 0.3 m·s-1,which provided 74.1~79.5%of the whole energy.However,the primary energy substrate was fat and protein at 0.5 m·s-1.3) Effects of water velocities on the growth,feeding and energy budget of young tinfoil barb B.schwanenfeldiBased on the measurement of the ingestion,excretion,metabolism,growth and food conversion of young fish(weight 75.21±2.82g) at different water velocities(0,0.1 and 0.3 m·s-1) for 45 d,equations of the energy budget in relation to water velocity were established.At 0-0.3 m·s-1,the ingestion,excretion,metabolism and growth rates of young B.schwanenfeldi increased with increasing water velocity.The metabolism rate decreased and the ingestion and excretion rates increased with increasing culture period.The daily weight gain(DWG) and weight special growth rate(SGR) at 0.1 m·s-1 was higher than those at 0 and 0.3 m·s.(-1).No significant difference was observed in the food conversion rate(FCR) of the young fish at 0 and 0.1 m·s-1,but thery were both significantly higher than that of the fish at 0.3 m·s-1.The energy budget equations were established during the experiment period included: 0 m·s-1:100.0 C=44.8 F+4.7 U+36.6 R+13.9 G 0.1 m·s-1:100.0 C=37.9 F+5.1 U+40.1 R+16.4 G 0.3 m·s-1:100.0 C=41.9 F+6.1 U+47.1 R+4.9 GTo sum up,the ratio of energies used for metabolism and excretion increased with increasing water velocity.The growth energy was maximal and the faecal production energy was minimal under 0.1 m·s-1,which were the reverse under 0.3 m·s-1.4) Effects of water velocities on blood parameters and non-specific immunity of young tinfoil barb B.schwanenfeldi The blood parameters and immune function of young Barbodes schwanenfeldi(weight 75.21±2.82g) were examined at different water velocities(0,0.1 and 0.3 m·s-1) for 45 d.The results showed that water velocities affected the hematological parameters of young tinfoil barb. The quantity of RBC,HCT,MCH and MCHC increased significantly with increasing water velocity and duration,while MCV decreased markedly and WBC showed no obvious change. Moreover,the biochemical composition of serum changed in response to the different water velocities.Plasma glucose remained unchangeable before the middle of the experiment time,but it increased significantly under 0.3 m·s-1 at the end of the experiment.The total protein(TP) and the globulin protein(GP) content in 0.3 m·s-1 group were higher greatly than those of the control, but the change of albumin protein was not remarkable.The contents of total glyceride(TG) and total cholesterol(TC) remained stable in the middle(23 d) of the experiment,and they dropped significantly at the end(45 d) of the experiment(P<0.05).The water current also influenced activities the transaminase and phosphatase.The activities of LDH,AST,ALT and AKP increased with increasing water velocity within the period of 1-45 days.The immunity of fish was affected by the water velocity.At different water velocites,the weight of immune organs (spleen) did not change significantly but the quantity of NBT positive cells increased markedly. The quantity of NBT positive cells of fish at 0.1 and 0.3 m·s-1group were higher than that of the control.However,no remarkable difference was found in the 0.1 and 0.3 m·s-1 groups after 45 days.The activities of lysozyme and superoxide dismutase both increased obviously with increasing water velocity,which peaked in 0.3 m·s-1 group.5) Effects of water velocities on the biochemical composition of young tinfoil barb B. schwanenfeldiThe water velocity significantly affected the biochemical composition of young B. schwanenfeldi(weight 75.21+2.82 g).After water velocity treatments(0,0.1 and 0.3m·s-1) for 45 d, no significant difference in the processing indices and water content in muscle was observed among the treatments with various water velocities.The protein content of fish muscle increased greatly with the increase of water velocity,while the lipid content of muscle dropped with the increasing water velocity.There was no significant difference in the contents of amino acids at the mid-time of the experiment,but the content of Asp,Glu,Gly,Ala,leu and Lys of the fish treated with the water velocity of 0.3 m·s-1 were significantly higher than that of control at the end of experiment.Moreover,the content of delicious amino acids increased greatly with the increase of water velocity.Water current also affected fatty acids content greatly.At the mid-time of the experiment,the SFA congtent except C18:2n-6 in the group treated with 0.1 m·s-1 water velocity and C15:0, C16:1,C18:2n-6 and C20:5n-3 in the group treated with 0.3 m·s-1 water velocity decreased obviously compared to that in the control group,but all the UFA content increased.At the end of experiment,the contents of SFA except C16:0 and C18:2n-6 in the 0.1 m·s-1 water velocity treated gruoup and C16:0,C16:1 and C18:2n-6 in the 0.3 m·s-1 water velocity treated gruoup were all markedly lower than that of the control,but contents of UFA were significantly higher. Furthermore,the contents of EPA,DHA and ALA also rose greatly up while water velocity increased at the end of the experiment(P<0.05).6) Effects of water velocities on the residue of NFLX-HCL of young tinfoil barb B. schwanenfeldiThe NFLX-HCL mixed with feed were given to the young fish(weight 90.3±10.1 g) at a dose of 50 mg·kg-1 weight for consecutive 7 days at different water velocities(0 and 0.3 m·s-1). The muscle was sampled and the content of NFLX-HCL was examined at different time-points during the experiment period of 27 days.The results showed that the drug was eliminated from the muscle at a quite different speed when the fish were treated with different water velocities.The content of NFLC-HCL in muscle offish at 0.3 m·s-1 water velocity were lower that of the control(p<0.05).When the drug feeding were stopped,no medicine residue in the muscle offish treated with 0.3 m·s-1 water velocity was detected on the 6th day,while its content became undetectable on the 12th day in the control group(0 m·s-1).

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期

