

A Preliminary Study on the Bush Doctrine

【作者】 林奋之

【导师】 陈乔之;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 国际关系学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 “布什主义”是布什政府在第一任期内的国家安全战略,它是美帝国时代的产物。本文系统地研究了布什主义形成的物质和思想条件、布什总统本人的思想观念和政策主张,布什总统的鹰派团队,布什总统与鹰派团队、新保守主义者等在布什主义成长过程中的互动关系,研究了布什主义的反恐和称霸两大战略,先发制人、前方遏制和政权更迭三大战术,单边主义、军事主义和亚洲为主的三大特点,研究了布什主义的四大影响、四大矛盾和军事帝国主义性质。布什主义的基本思路是:在“9.11”之后混乱而危险的世界里,美国的敌人首先是国际恐怖主义分子,但其他大国也是美国潜在的竞争对手。美国应该利用这一机会,毫不犹豫地依靠并运用自己的强大的力量尤其是军事力量,才能保卫美国的国家安全,维护美国的国家利益,保持美国唯一的超级大国地位。美国的安全、利益和地位是至高无上、不可挑战的,全世界都必须对此有清醒的认识并自觉断绝任何与美国进行竞争的念头。如有需要,美国可以抛开联合国等国际组织,可以无视国际法,单方面对敌人发动先发制人的进攻,对竞争对手进行前方遏制,对一个主权国家实施政权更迭。只有这样,美国才能保证美国的安全、利益和地位,建立长治久安的美利坚帝国。布什主义具有军事帝国主义性质的国家安全战略对当今世界产生了重大影响,它破坏了国际法和《联合国宪章》,破坏了国际反恐事业,破坏了大西洋联盟,同时也促进了国际政治的多极化发展。

【Abstract】 The Bush doctrine is the national security strategy of the first George.W.Bush Administration,which is the outcome of the modern imperial America.This essay is to make a preliminary study of the Bush Doctrine—its material and spiritual conditions,George W.Bush’s ideas and policies,the President’s hawkish team,the interaction of the President,the hawkish team and the neo-conservative,and the Bush doctrine’s two strategic aims of anti-terrorism and hegemony,three tactics of preemptive strike,front containment and regime change,three characteristics of unilateralism,militarism and asianism,four aftermaths,four contradictions and it’s military imperial essence.The main thought of the Bush doctrine is:in the chaotic and dangerous world after "9.11" attack,American enemy No.1 is the international terrorists,and other powers are also the potential rivalries of the USA;the USA should take advantage of the opportunity of "9.11",use the strong power of the USA,especially the military power unhesitatingly—only this can protect the national security and interests of the USA, and keep the sole position of the superpower.The national security,interests and position of the USA are beyond challenge,countries all over the world should keep clear mind of this and stop to think to content with the USA in military area automatically right now.If needed,the USA will make a preemptive strike to it’s enemy,implement front containment and make a regime change to a sovereign state, without the permission of the UN and the reason of international laws.Only on this can the new world order of the Pan-Americana be built forever.The Bush doctrine affects the current world greatly with its military imperial strategy. Not only it violate the international laws and the UN Charters,but also damage the international cause of anti-terrorism,the Atlantic alliance and the soft power of the USA itself,it also accelerates the multi-polarization of the international politics.The Bush doctrine is being its difficult time and hard to continue.

【关键词】 美国国家安全战略后果矛盾本质启示
【Key words】 the USAnational securitystrategyaftermathcontradictionessencerevelationneo-conservative
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】D871.2
  • 【下载频次】228

