

The Study on Culture of Civil Service Exam and the Ming and Qing Fiction

【作者】 胡海义

【导师】 程国赋;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 科举文化对明清小说产生了深远影响。同时,明清小说也反作用于科举文化。本文绪论部分主要是研究现状、概念界定、研究思路与意义。正文分为八章。第一章《明清科举论析》,将明清科举史分为探索期、发展期、繁荣期、衰败与终结期四个时期。并探讨明清科举的特点,及其与小说关系研究的可行性;第二章《科举文化与明清小说流派》,讨论科举文化对历史演义小说、才子佳人小说与清末教育小说兴起的影响;第三章《科举文化与明清小说创作》,运用统计方法分析科举功名与小说创作的关系,重点讨论学官、山人与小说创作的关系,小说家对科举的整体态度;第四章《科举文化与明清小说艺术》,讨论金榜、题名录与小说结构,八股文与才子佳人小说的结构程式,科举文化与讽刺艺术的关系;第五章《聊斋制艺对<聊斋志异>的影响》,论述“孤愤”的艺术内涵与聊斋制艺对《聊斋志异》的叙事结构、语言、题材风格与人物塑造的影响;第六章《科举文化与明清小说传播》,论述明清小说的选本、评点、禁毁与科举文化的关系;第七章《状元文化与明清小说》,论述明清状元的尊荣影响了明清小说的状元情结,明清状元对小说状元形象塑造的影响,明清小说在促进状元文化繁荣中的作用;第八章《明清小说戏曲对科举文化的影响》,论述明清小说戏曲与游戏八股文兴起的关系,八股文在虚构故事情节,引用小说家言,采入小说、戏曲人物与题材等方面受到前者的影响。

【Abstract】 The Culture of the Ming and Qing imperial examination system had a profound influence on the novel.At the same time,the Ming and Qing novels also act counter reaction toward the culture in civil service exam.Introduction part of this paper is to study the status quo,to define the concept,to illustrate research ideas and meanings.The body is divided into eight chapters. The first chapter,the Ming and Qing Dynasty Imperial Examination focuses on the division of its four periods:exploring period,development period,boom period and decline and end period as well as the exploring of the characteristics of the Ming and Qing imperial examination system and the feasibility of the study on its relations with the novels.Chapter two,Culture of the Ming and Qing Dynasty Imperial Examination and Schools of the novels is to discuss the effect of the civil service exam on the historical novels of Kingdoms,romantic fiction and the rise of the late Qing Dynasty novel of education.Chapter three,the Imperial Examination Culture and Fiction of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is to study the relationship between the imperial examination fame and the creation of novels with the use of statistical methods,focusing on the relationship between the school officials Shanren(山人) and the creation of novels as well as the novelists’ overall attitude toward the civil service exam.Chapter four,the Imperial Examination Culture and Arts of the Ming and Qing novels is to discuss Jinbang,title List and novel structure,the Eight-part Essay and the structure of romantic fiction,civil service exam and its cultural relations with the art of irony.Chapter five,the impact of Liao Yi-system on "Strange Stories" is to study the connotation of "Gufen"(孤愤),and the impact of Liao Yi-system on the narrative structure,language,subject matter and figure shaping of Strange Stories.The sixth chapter, Culture of the Ming and Qing imperial examination and the dissemination of novels is to discuss the relationship between the election,comment,being destroyed of the Ming and Qing novels and the culture of civil service exam.Chapter seven,the Ming and Qing fiction and No.1 scholar culture is to discuss the impact of the fame of the Ming and Qing scholar on the champion story complex of the novels that time,the impact of the Ming and Qing scholar on the image shaping of t the Ming and Qing champion novels,the impact of the Ming and Qing novels on the promotion of the boom of The No.1 scholar culture.The eighth chapter,the impact of the Ming and Qing fiction opera on the culture of civil service exam is to discuss the relationship between the Opera on the Ming and Qing fiction and the rise of the Eight-part Essay game,the impact of the former on the fictional plot,the quote of the novelists’ statements,the adoption of the novel and opera characters of the Eight-part Essay.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】I207.41
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】3485

