

Dialects Geography and Typology Research on the Nasal Endings "-n" & "-η" in Min Dialect in East Guangdong Province

【作者】 吴芳

【导师】 伍巍;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 阳声韵尾-n向-η的合并是今天的粤东闽语普遍呈现的趋势,前人已作了不少分点的调查研究。可作为汉语阳声韵尾一种较典型的合并类型,粤东闽语至今仍缺乏全面的调查,对该类型的鼻音韵尾为什么由前(前鼻音韵尾)向后(后鼻音韵尾)演变,而不是由后向前演变的内在语音机制及其有序的历史发展轨迹尚缺少理论上的揭示与探讨。作为汉语类型学的一个样本,这一探讨无疑是有价值的。本文立足于客观方言事实,对粤东闽语山、臻、宕、江、曾、梗、通七摄两类阳声韵尾-n、-η的历史动态演变进行较全面的探讨,力图解决3个问题:(1)当代粤东闽语-n、-η两类阳声韵尾分合的类型及其地理分布;(2)粤东闽语-n尾韵母有序消失的历史轨迹;(3)粤东闽语-n韵尾演变为-η韵尾的语音发展机制。文章主要分为六大部分:(一)绪论。介绍文章的研究对象、研究价值、调查材料来源、调查形式和研究方法,并对相关符号体例、术语进行说明。(二)相关研究的评述。主要包括:其它汉语方言阳声韵尾-n、-η研究对粤东闽语的启发;粤东闽语自身研究的不足。(三)对粤东闽语-n、-η两类阳声韵尾做共时方言平面考察。通过166个粤东闽语方言点的田野调查,得出当代粤东闽语-n、-η两类阳声韵尾分合的类型及分布,并对调查对象的具体语音情况进行分析。(四)对粤东闽语阳声韵尾-n、-η文白异读的历史发展进行探讨。通过对粤东闽语-n韵尾文白异读层次的分析,并结合粤东闽语文白异读的特点,得出粤东闽语阳声韵尾-n、-η向-η韵尾合并是一种必然的演变趋势。(五)对粤东闽语阳声韵尾-n、-η演变的轨迹及演变机制进行分析。通过对现代粤东闽语六片-η韵尾方言现状的分析,结合相关史料,探讨六片方言内部-n尾韵母的具体演变轨迹,得出粤东闽语-n韵尾消变为-η韵尾的共同语音规律及演变的语音机制。(六)结语。对全文的论述结论进行概括,并总结本文研究的不足。

【Abstract】 Some papers have made the research on the orientation of the contemporary incorporating evolution from the nasal ending of“-n”to“-η”.However,we have no the overall investigation on the emerging type of the Chinese nasal ending.We also have no sufficient theoretical disclosure and discussion on the vocal evolution mechanism,for instance,the reason of the nasal ending evolution from“-n”to“-η”rather than from“-η”to“-n”.Doubtlessly,we could say that this investigation is valuable as a sample of Chinese typology.Based on plentiful dialects facts,this thesis is going to comprehensively discuss the historical evolution of the nasal endings of“-n”&“-η”in Shan,Zhen,Dang,Jiang, Zeng,Geng and Tong(山、臻、宕、江、曾、梗、通,)of Min Dialect in East Guangdong Province(MDEG).Three respects stating in the thesis included.1.The types and geographic distribution of the nasal endings of“-n”&“-η”of MDEG.2.The disappear evolution of nasal ending of“n”of MDEG.3.The phonological evolution mechanism from nasal ending“-n”to“-η”of MDEG.This thesis could be included in six chapters:Ⅰ.Introduction.The research target,value and information resources,types, measures of investigation and the symbols and terminologies has been introduced in this chapter.Ⅱ.Review on the research.This chapter is stating the inspiration from the research on the nasal endings of“-n”&“-η”in the other Chinese dialects and the research limitation on the MDEG.Ⅲ.Simultaneous plane investigation on the nasal endings of“-n”&“-η”of MDEG.Through field investigation on 166 locations of MDEG,the combination types and geographic distribution of the modern MDEG has been concluded.This chapter also analyzed the typical phonological phenomenon on the investigation targets. Ⅳ.The discussion on the historical evolution of the literary and colloquial readings of the nasal endings of“-n”and“-η”of MDEG.With the characteristics of the literary and colloquial readings and the layer analysis of the literary and colloquial readings of the nasal ending of“-n”of MDEG,this chapter is going to make a conclusion that the nasal endings of“-n”and“-η”of MDEG will be incorporated into“-η”finally.Ⅴ.Analysis on the evolution track and mechanism on the nasal endings of“-n”and“-η”of MDEG.With the analysis on the current situation of the nasal ending of“-n”of MDEG,this chapter discusses the evolution track on the nasal ending of“-n”of the six dialects by using the historical documents.At the end,the chapter finds the common phonological changing principle and the phonological evolution mechanism of the nasal ending of“-n”to“-η”of MDEG.Ⅵ.Ending.This chapter is going to make a overall conclusion on this thesis,and the limitation of the thesis has been stated as well.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期

