

Key Technologies of Large Scale Seismic Survey System Design

【作者】 谢明璞

【导师】 王砚方;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 物理电子学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 石油是不可再生的资源,是重要的战略物资。高精度、高分辨率、高密度地震勘探技术和仪器是石油天然气、煤及煤层气,以及深层矿产资源勘探的关键技术和装备。目前常规地震勘探所使用的地震勘探仪器系统全部是国外引进,技术水平已不能满足我国复杂地质条件下勘探目标的需求。随着我国油气资源开发和利用进程的加快,东部深层隐蔽油气藏、西部复杂构造、海上崎岖海底等条件下的油气勘探也面临着关键技术的严重制约,造成投资风险加大、储量增加不快、成功率不高等突出问题,影响了我国油气资源的持续发展。特别是随着勘探目标从简单地区向复杂地区转移,勘探技术水平较低的状况已成为我国油气产业发展的薄弱环节。与此同时,我国在国际油气风险勘探中已与西方石油公司形成竞争局面,国外石油公司限制我国引进油气勘探核心技术。为此,2006年国内某石油公司与我们实验室合作,目标是研制出总体功能和指标达到国际同类仪器水平的陆上石油地震勘探系统。我们实验室主要承担了系统中野外站体的研发任务。本人主要担任系统中数据传输部分的研发工作。在完成该项目后,于2008年,我们实验室又与中国科学院地质所合作,研究百万道级全数字地震仪器的结构与关键技术。本人负责系统中无线通信及相关部分的前期调研工作。本论文共分为以下六章:第1章作为绪论,从如何寻找石油出发,介绍地震勘探的原理,分析了地震勘探对地震仪器的要求,并介绍了地震勘探仪器的发展历史和现状。最后简单介绍本论文的研究的主要内容。第2章介绍已经完成开发的“基于LRE-PHY的地震勘探数传采集系统”。从仪器设备的指标要求入手,从总体到部分地介绍了系统的各个组成单元。并重点介绍了系统中的一些关键技术。第3章根据地震勘探仪器的发展现状,分析出地震仪器发展的方向。并列举出一些国外最新型的仪器,分析其技术特征。第4章主要描述了正在进行开发中的百万道陆上地震勘探系统中,无线通信方式的加入,与有线通信方式相结合,组成一个有机系统的关键技术。重点覆盖了无线传输中需要解决的几个现实问题:无线数据收发器的选择,无线和有线的网络结构,系统的站体管理问题(地址分配和定位),系统中的时钟同步问题,多跳无线网的路由问题等。第5章根据对第四章中提出的想法进行部分实际实验及仿真。包括对利用时钟数据恢复在有线网络中实现时钟同步进行了实验,对RSSI测距进行了实验,对多路径传输和站体管理进行软件仿真。第6章主要是整个论文的归纳总结,明确了存在的问题与进一步的深入研究、改进方向。

【Abstract】 Oil is non-renewable resources and is an important strategic material. High-precision,high-resolution,high-density seismic exploration technology and equipment is the key of exploration of mineral resources such as oil,gas,coal and coal-bed methane.Conventional seismic exploration equipments currently in used are all imported from abroad,technologically can not meet the need of seismic exploration under the complicated geological conditions in China.As the accelerated process of development and usage of China’s oil and gas resources,oil and gas exploration is faced with serious constraints of key technologies under conditions such as deep hidden reservoir in east of China,complex underground structure in west of China and rough seabed under sea.This resulted in increased investment risk,slow increase in reserves,low success rate,etc,affecting the sustainable development of oil and gas resources.Especially with the exploration target areas from simple to complex regions,the exploration of the status of a lower level of skills has become the weaknesses of development of China’s oil and gas industry.At the same time,our country and Western oil companies are competing in the international oil and gas exploration market.Introducing key technologies in oil and gas exploration to China are restricted by the foreign oil companies.Therefore,in 2006,China National Petroleum established the project "large scale land-based seismic data acquisition recording system" as one of the major special project in the Eleventh Five-Year plan.The goal is to develop a land-based seismic exploration system with the same functions and indicators to imported systems.Our laboratory was assumed the researching and developing tasks of "Seismic data acquisition system based on LRE-PHY".I was in charge of the R & D tasks of the data transmission part of the system.After the completion of the former project,in 2008,our laboratory in collaboration with the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of Chinese Academic of Science,launched the investment of key technologies in million-channel all-digital seismic acquisition system.I take charge in the pre-research in wireless transmission and some related techniques of the system.This paper is divided into the following six chapters:Chapter 1 begins with the methods of oil seeking,introduces the fundament of seismic exploration,and analyzes the requirement of seismic exploration equipments. Then the history and present status of development of seismic exploration equipments is introduced.At last the key points of this thesis are briefly introduced.Chapter 2 introduced the system of "Seismic data acquisition system based on LRE-PHY",of which the development has been completed.Introduction begins with the requirement of the system.Then the system is presented from the overall framework to functional blocks.And some of the key techniques are introduced.Chapter 3 analyzes the direction of the development of seismic instruments.Here lists some latest equipment of Western Companies,analysis their technical characteristics.Chapter 4 mainly discusses key technologies involved in the introduction of wireless transmission into the wired network in the million-channel seismic data acquisition system,including the choosing of wireless transmission standards, deciding of network topology,positioning wireless nodes,clock synchronizing in wireless system,routing in Ad-hoc networks,et al.Chapter 5 makes some experiments and simulations to verify the theory raised in Chapter 4.There is experiment on clock synchronizing based on CDR,experiment on distance measurement based on RSSI,and simulation on AODV in NS-2.Chapter 6 is the summary of the papers,made clear the problems with further in-depth research,to improve the direction.


