

A Study of Transmission System of China’s Public Service Broadcasting

【作者】 李志坚

【导师】 杨伟光;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 媒介管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 2008年是中国电视诞生五十周年。五十年来,我国电视公共服务有了长足的发展,但也仍然存在着许多问题,问题的焦点主要集中在电视传输上。我国的电视节目已经较为丰富,全国播出的电视频道已接近3000套,全年播出的电视节目时长接近1400万小时。但是,电视节目的传输却有许多需要改善的地方。中央电视台、中国教育电视台、省级卫视等主要电视频道的覆盖水平仍然偏低,电视传输重有线电视、轻地面电视,重城市、轻农村,城乡电视服务差距有扩大趋势。中国电视公共服务当前的主要矛盾并不是节目不够丰富,而是电视信号至今还存在覆盖盲区、许多节目至今没有传送到中国城乡居民家中。因此,当前中国电视公共服务最需要改进的地方并不是节目内容,而是如何把电视信号传输到更广的地方、如何把更多的节目传输给电视观众。此外,电视技术的发展不断拓宽着人们对电视公共服务的理解。传统的电视公共服务是向观众提供新闻、教育和娱乐等电视节目,而电视传输技术的进步使电视还能提供紧急警报等电视节目之外的服务;传统的电视公共服务主要通过家庭室内的固定接收提供服务,随着广播电视数字化,出现了车载电视、楼宇电视、铁路电视、候车亭电视、手机电视等数字技术带来的新型的电视传播方式,电视收看从室内走向户外,由固定变成移动。能不能利用、如何利用这些新型的电视传播方式为公众提供服务,是研究电视公共服务时必须思考的现实课题。因此,当站在2008这个特别的年份来思考我国的电视公共服务时,就必须从回顾和前瞻两个方向进行思考,一是现有的电视公共服务如何完善和提高,二是新型电视传输方式的公共服务功能如何开发利用。这两个方向都汇集到一个焦点,那就是如何完善和提高我国的电视传输。为此,本文分两部分展开:第一部分侧重电视公共服务与电视传输的学理探讨。重点研究电视传输体系的构成以及电视传输体系在提供公共服务时应遵循的原则,总结分析电视技术变迁对电视公共服务带来的影响。第二部分依据第一部分的理论基础,侧重电视传输的实务研究。重点分析中国电视传输体系存在的问题以及形成的原因,提出构建中国电视公共服务传输体系的操作方案,以及新型电视传输手段的公共服务创新。本文第2章、第3章为第一部分;第4、5、6、7章为第二部分。第一部分,首先探讨了电视公共服务、电视传输体系的构成及其应遵循的原则。本文认为,电视公共服务分为内容服务和传输服务两大部分。内容服务指电视节目的生产和集成,即单个节目的制作以及采用一定的编排策略将这些节目集成,形成若干个具有不同定位的电视频道。目前在我国,承担节目生产和集成的主要是电视台、广播电视台等电视播出机构。传输服务指电视节目的传输,即将集成后的电视节目信号通过卫星、有线、地面等传输手段发送到观众的电视机上。目前在我国,承担电视传输的主要是有线网络公司、卫星通信公司、无线发射台等。电视传输体系由物理层、技术层、运营层和监管层四个层次组成,各层次间相互影响和联系,共同提供电视传输服务。本文认为,电视公共服务应该遵循普遍性、多样性、均等化和独特性这四项原则,其中传输服务应遵循普遍性、多样性、均等化这三项原则。电视公共服务的普遍性意味着全国各地的居民都能收看到电视,即电视信号要传输到全国各地。普遍性主要是针对电视传输服务而言。实现电视公共服务的普遍性,要选择合适的技术手段和运营方式,扩大并保持电视信号的覆盖率,让更多的人能够收看到电视。电视公共服务的多样性既是对内容服务的要求,也是对传输服务的要求。从内容服务的角度,多样性要求电视台制作丰富的、满足观众不同的兴趣和需求的电视节目。从传输服务的角度,多样性则首先体现在传输的电视节目套数应达到一定数量,其次是所传的多套电视节目中要包含不同类型的内容。电视公共服务的独特性主要针对内容服务而言,要求公共服务的电视节目有较高的节目质量。电视公共服务的均等化是指处于不同地区的所有居民都能享受到大体相等的电视公共服务。电视公共服务的均等化不等于服务的平均化,均等化是相对的。电视公共服务均等化并不排斥差距,而是要将差距控制在可以接受的范围之内。当前中国电视公共服务均等化的重点是缩小电视服务的城乡差距。西方公共经济学认为公共服务就是提供公共物品,公共物品具有非排他性和非竞争性,物品属性的改变通常意味着物品提供方式的改变。本文分析认为,电视技术变迁改变了电视的物品属性,使电视从纯公共物品逐渐变化为具有较强私人物品属性的准公共物品。由于条件接收技术的应用,地面、有线、卫星等电视传输方式都具有了排他手段,这意味着可以方便地向用户收费,因此允许市场参与电视服务的供给就具有了技术上的可行性。技术变迁对电视公共服务的另一个重要影响是,由于视频压缩技术的应用,频谱资源得到释放,可用频道数量大幅增长,商业电视机构获得了制作播出分众化节目的条件,开始以主题频道提供教育、人文、科技等传统上主要由公共电视台提供的节目。原来需要设立公共电视机构以满足电视公共服务的节目多样性要求,现在由于商业电视机构的加入,对公共电视机构提出了挑战。可见电视技术的发展为电视公共服务的市场化供给提供了技术上的可能性。第二部分,首先回顾了我国电视传输体系五十年的发展历程,然后依据电视传输的公共服务三原则,剖析了中国电视传输体系目前存在的问题:在实现普遍性原则上,全国电视覆盖率还需要继续提高,为解决农村电视收看问题的广播电视村村通工程返盲现象严重,村村通工程长效机制还没有建立;在实现多样性原则上,公益性节目在全国的覆盖率有限,城市有线电视的规范化管理不足;在实现均等化原则上,存在的主要问题一是城市和农村之间存在较大的服务差距,二是在城市内城市有线用户和无线用户之间的服务也存在较大差距。分析还发现,目前车载电视、候车亭电视、楼宇电视等新型电视传输方式的公共服务功能还没有足够重视和开发利用。而利用广播电视设施建立紧急警报系统,在我国则更没有引起关注。本文从电视传输体系的四个层次出发分析造成上述问题的原因。分析发现,技术层面重有线和卫星传输、轻地面传输,以及地面电视的数字化转换推进力度不够是两大主要原因。目前有关部门对数字地面电视的推广力度较小,对数字地面电视的技术潜力挖掘不够,不利于中国电视公共服务体系的建设。运营层面从鼓励和调动社会各方参与,逐渐转变为要求政府主导。按照目前的政策取向,电视公共服务的资金来源单一,建设和运行维护完全需要依靠财政投入。地方广电部门对村村通工程“重建设,轻维护”,工程建成后缺少自我发展的动力,一旦没有财政投入,就难以保证村村通服务的质量,也难以形成“长效机制”。另外,目前的政策取向下,各地广电局几乎承担了村村通工程的投资、建设、运营、监管和技术支持等全部工作,肩负着广播电视行业管理和公共服务建设运营的双重任务,广电管理部门“既当裁判员,又当运动员”,对电视公共服务的建设和运营也缺乏有效的监督。按目前的政策取向,政府主导已经形同政府包办,长效机制也等同于财政输血机制。对于地面、有线和卫星三种主要的传输方式,广播电视管理部门分别采取了不同的定位和运营政策,地面传输定位为承担义务性的公共服务,有线、卫星传输则可开展有偿服务;同时有线和卫星传输都已经有明确的政策支持,允许公司化方式运营,但地面传输则没有得到这方面的明确的政策支持。本文分析认为,管理部门对不同传输方式的定位并不科学,倾向性的政策也延缓了我国地面电视的发展速度。在广播电视行业管理的法规文件中,除了电视传输的技术标准和技术规范外,目前已有的涉及电视传输服务的法规文件中,对电视传输服务的公共服务原则和相关的义务规定较少。对于如何开发和管理新型电视传输方式的公共服务功能,目前还没有相关的法规和政策涉及。查明电视传输体系的问题和成因之后,本文从电视传输体系的技术、运营和监管三个层面,提出中国电视传输体系的公共服务战略创新思考。电视传输体系在技术层的创新有四项:技术再定位,三步并两步;开发新功能,拓展新渠道。“技术再定位”是指,每一种传输技术都具备提供公共服务的功能,也应承担提供公共服务的义务;同时,每一种传输方式也可以提供个性化、市场化的服务。只有这样,才能促进不同传输技术的平衡发展,才能更好地为观众提供电视公共服务。“三步并两步”是指将我国广播电视数字化的“有线-卫星-地面”的“三步走”战略调整为“有线、地面”同步推进数字化,变“三步”为“两步”,加快推进我国地面电视的数字化。本文认为应采取“农村包围城市”的策略推进我国地面电视数字化,先从农村、从经济落后地区开始推进地面电视的数字化;同时,在直辖市和东部省会城市开播数字地面高清和标清电视,以及数字地面电视其他服务类型,并逐步向中西部省会城市、地(市)级城市推进,最后全面实现中国地面电视的数字化。本文同时认为地面电视数字化不能仅仅停留在扩大覆盖率和增加传输的节目套数上,还要充分挖掘数字电视技术的潜力,开发地面电视的新型业务,使地面电视和城市有线电视在服务内容上形成互补和差异化竞争,满足人们不同的需求,也使宝贵的无线电频谱资源得到充分利用,加快我国广播电视数字化的整体步伐。“开发新功能”是指利用广播电视传输技术,开发电视节目传输以外的新的功能,重点是建立我国的广播电视紧急警报发布系统。我国是自然灾害多发的国家,但广播电视传输的灾害紧急警报的功能还没有得到开发应用。本文分析了日本广播电视紧急警报系统的特点,认为我国应首先建立区域性的广播电视紧急警报系统,而不必一步到位建立全国性的广播电视紧急警报系统。本文以地震灾害为例,提出构建区域性广播电视紧急警报系统的构想。此外,本文还提出了铁路电视、城市公共信息发布平台的具体实现方案。运营层面的创新,重点解决的是通过创新形成电视公共服务的“长效机制”。本文建议“以产业养事业”的方式,即从各级电视台的广告经营收入中征收部分资金设立国家广播电视公共服务基金。基金主要用于改善中国电视的传输服务,重点是“广播电视村村通工程”和“广播电视紧急警报系统”的建设维护,未来基金的用途可以拓宽到电视的内容服务,用于资助公益性电视节目的制作。运营创新的另一个方向是“事业产业化”,即将农村广播电视村村通工程以产业化的方式运营管理,引入社会资本和机构,组建农村广播电视传输有限责任公司。监管层面的创新,本文在借鉴欧美等国经验的基础上,提出了建立我国“必须传输”规则的具体操作方案。本文的创新性主要有:研究对象的创新。国内学者对电视公共服务的研究有一个明显的缺失,即对电视传输的研究不够,基本无人关注。向公众提供电视公共服务,本质上是一个把电视节目从公共电视机构发送给公众的传播过程。目前国内学者的研究主要集中在传播过程的两头,一是电视台的节目制作或运营管理,一是研究电视节目的传播效果,而忽视了对电视传输(即传播渠道)的研究。本文将电视传输作为研究对象,填补了国内的研究空白。研究方法和工具的创新。电视传输首先是一个技术问题,但从电视公共服务的角度看,又不仅仅是一个技术问题。研究电视公共服务中的传输问题,应该将电视传输中的相关因素放在一起来观照分析,重视技术、运营和监管之间的互相影响。因此,本文没有选择电视传输的纯技术研究的角度,而是尝试将与电视传输相关的技术应用、基础设施建设、运营、投融资、管理等诸多要素等将放在一个体系中,以电视传输体系作为一个整体研究对象,研究如何构建电视公共服务要求下的中国电视传输体系。此外,本文借助西方公共经济学中的公共物品理论,研究了技术变迁下电视的公共物品属性的变化,为电视公共服务的市场化供给找到了理论依据。研究结果的创新。本文提出了中国电视传输的公共服务原则,探索了在逐步实现广播电视数字化的过程中,中国电视公共服务引入市场化供给机制的理论依据,提出了中国电视公共服务的体制创新思路,打破了目前国内关于电视公共服务只能政府主导、财政包办的思维定势。通过分析技术变迁对电视公共服务的影响,并借鉴西方国家对不同传输方式所承担的公共服务义务的有关政策和法规,论证了不同的传输方式都应承担公共服务义务,同时也都具备产业开发的价值,突破了广电管理部门对不同传输方式既有的定位。本文在深入分析中国电视传输体系问题与成因的基础上,结合中国的国情,分别从电视传输体系的技术、运营、监管三个层面,提出了中国电视传输体系的公共服务战略。文中提出的地面电视数字化策略、国家广播电视公共服务基金的设立与使用、必须传输规则的制定等具体实施建议,既具有理论上的创新性,又有很强的可操作性。本文的创新之处还表现在关注数字技术对电视公共服务带来的机遇和挑战,将数字技术带来的新型电视传播方式,如铁路电视、楼宇电视、广播电视紧急警报系统等纳入中国电视公共服务的范围,并且具体研究了如何利用这些新型电视传播方式为公众提供信息和娱乐等公共服务,填补了国内研究的空白,具有前瞻性。

【Abstract】 The year of 2008 is the fiftieth anniversary of China’s television. Since its birth, China’s television has witnessed a tremendous growth, but some issues still exists in TV transmission. China’s TV programs have been more abundant, broadcast on national television channels have been close to 3,000 units, and the length of the television programme broadcast the whole year long close to nearly 14 million hours. However, the transmission of television programmes in some stations requires improvement. For instance, China Central Television, China Education Television, the provincial-level satellite TV, whose many programs have not been sent to the home of urban and rural residents in China. There’re many television signal coverage blind areas in the country and this is the main problem lies in China’s public service broadcasting. Therefore, the urgent tasks facing China’s public service broadcasting are not shortage of programs but how to transmit the signals to the wider areas and more audience.Furthermore, TV technology continually expands the development of people’s understanding of public service broadcasting. The traditional public service broadcasting provides the audience information, education and entertainment television programmes, whereas the technological progress of television transmission can make television provide emergency alerts and other services outside of television programmes. With the digitalization of broadcasting, some new modes of transmission of the television came into being, such as car television, in-elevator television, railways television, bus stop TV, mobile TV, and so on. How to use these new modes is a key problem facing public service broadcasting.On the special occasion of the year 2008, we should conduct two considerations: one is how to improve the extant public service broadcasting, the other is how to develop the new modes of public service broadcasting, which constitute two parts of my dissertation:The first part focuses upon the theoretical exploration of public service broadcasting and TV transmission. The aim is to study the composition of television transmission systems and the principles to television transmission system in the provision of public services. The influence of changing technology is also an emphasis of this part.The second part focuses upon the substantive research of television transmission, with the emphasis laid on the issues of China’s television transmission, and puts forward the operation plan of China’s television public service transmission system as well as the means of transmission of new TV public service innovation.The first part covers chapter 2 and 3; the second part covers chapter 4, 5, 6, and 7.The first part, first of all, explores the constitutions of the public service broadcasting, television transmission system, as well as the principles to be followed. The dissertation suggests that public service TV is divided into two parts: content services and transport services. The content services refer to the integration and production of television programs, that is, the production of a single program and the use of a certain arrangement of these programs will create a number of different positioning of the television channel. At present, in China, TV stations, among other broadcast sectors, undertake the integration and production of programs. The transport services means the transmission of television programs, that is, the integrated television signals will be soon transmitted to the audience on TV set via satellite, cable and terrestrial, and other means.At present, in China, Television transmission is mainly undertaken by the major cable networks, satellite communications, wireless transmitters, etc. TV transmission system is composed of four layers: the infrastructural layer, technology layer, operation layer and regulation layer composed. These layers are interacting and contacting, and collaborate to provide television transmission services.The dissertation suggests public service TV should be guided by four principles: universality, diversity, equality and the uniqueness, among which transport services should follow three principles: the universality, diversity, equality. The universality of public service TV means that of people around the country are able to watch television, that is to say, television signals are bound to transmit throughout the country. To achieve the universality of public service broadcasting, it is necessary to choose the right technology and operating methods and to expand and maintain television signal coverage so that more people will be able to watch television.The diversity of TV public service is the exacting demand not only for content services, but also for transport services. From the perspective of content services, it requires TV stations to produce the rich diversity of television programs to meet the different interests and needs the viewers. From the perspective of transport services, First of all, the diversity is reflected in the amount of channels which be transported to people, followed by different types of programs among the transmitted channels. Equalization of public service TV means that all the residents in different parts of regions enjoy equal to the television public services. TV public service equalization is not equal to the equalization of services that is relative. TV public service equalization does not exclude the gap, but to control the gap in the acceptable range. China’s television public service equalization focuses on narrowing the gap of television services between the rural areas and urban areas.The economists in the West argue that public service is the provision of public goods that possess non-exclusive and non-competitive natures. Usually the change of the goods attributes means the change of the means of goods provision. The dissertation suggests that transform in television technology has changed the television properties of the materials so that the television has gradually changed from a purely public goods to quasi-public goods with the strong attributes of private property. As the application of the conditional access technology, the terrestrial, cable, satellite TV transmission means are all the exclusive natures, which means that it is can convenient to charge the users and therefore it has the technical feasibility to allow the market to participate in the supply of TV services. Another important impact upon TV public service from the technology alteration is, due to the video compression technology, the release of spectrum resources, a substantial increase in the number of available channels. As a result, commercial television was qualified to produce the diverse programs by beginning the theme channels for the provision of education, humanities, science and technology which were mainly provided by the public television stations traditionally.The second part offers a brief review of the development of China’s television transmission system in the past five decades, then analyzes the existing issues in the light of the three principles of public services. First, in the realization of the principle of universality, national television coverage is needed to improve. In the realization of the principle of diversity, the coverage of public welfare programs in the country is limited, and the city’s cable television management is less standardized, on the other hand, in the city there is a big gap between the city cable subscribers and users of wireless services.The dissertation investigates the above-mentioned causes on the basis of the four principles of TV transmission system. The author finds that technically cable and satellite transmission is overweighed, whereas terrestrial transmission is overlooked, and digital terrestrial television (DTT) conversion is not given enough priority. In regard to operating level, all parties from the community are mobilized and encouraged to participate, and then gradually develop to government-led level. Under the current policy, the public service television derives from a single source of funding, what’s more, construction and operation and maintenance need to fully rely on the financial investment. The phenomenon of "re-building, light maintenance" exists in the Every Village Project of local radio and television departments, and the lack of self-development power appears after the completion of the project, not once the financial investment. As a result, it will be difficult to ensure the quality of service for every village, and to form“a long-term mechanism”.For the three transmission methods of the terrestrial, cable and satellite, the management sectors of radio and television have taken the policies of different locations and operation. The terrestrial transmission is regarded as obligations of public service, and cable, satellite transmission can be carried out paid services. The dissertation suggests that non- scientific policy of different modes of transmission position from management sectors have slowed the development pace of the terrestrial television in China.In the management documents and regulations of radio and television industry, in addition to technical standards and technical specifications of the television transmission, laws and regulations involved in the television transmission services are rare. As for how to develop and manage the public service function of a new type of television transmission, there is no related regulations and policies at the present. The dissertation attempts to propose the innovation and strategic thinking of Chinese television transmission system in public services from the technical, operational and regulatory dimensions.There are four TV transmission system levels in the technical innovation: re-positioning technology, coordination three steps into two steps; the development of new features to exploration of new channels. The re-positioning technology refers to each transmission technology has the delivery function of public services, and should bear the obligation to provide public services. "Three-step and two-step" refers to the change of "three-step" strategy of cable - satellite - on the terrestrial, to " two-step" strategy of the cable, which aims to and on the ground "China’s digital television broadcast of the to "cable on the terrestrial" to promote synchronous digitalization on the terrestrial teleivision. The dissertation suggests that the strategy of "encircling the cities from rural areas," should be taken to promote China’s DTT, that is to say, first of all, digital terrestrial television should be started from rural areas and from the economically backward areas, then transfer to the provincial cities in the middle west regions, and finally realize the digitalization all over the country. The author also suggests that DTT should fully tap the potential of digital TV technology and develop a new DTT business so that the DTT and cable television in the city can form complementary services in content and competitive differentiation to meet the needs of different people, which will resulting fully utilization of valuable radio spectrum resources to accelerate the digitalization of broadcasting in China’s overall pace.Development of New Features refers to the use of television transmission technology, to develop new features beyond the transport of television programs, focusing on the establishment of an emergency warning system of the China’s radio and television.The innovation of operating system focuses on innovation through the formation of public service broadcasting’s long-term mechanism. The dissertation suggests the way of Industry supporting the cause, that is, some of the funds from all levels of television advertising revenue are collected to set up national radio and television public service fund. Another direction of the operation innovation is,“industrialization of the cause,”that is to say,Every Village Project of rural radio and television is operated and managed by means of the industrialization of the way, and produce social capital and institutions, set up rural radio and television transmission limited liability company.As far as the innovation of monitoring level is concerned, the dissertation proposes the concrete operation programs called China’s "Must Carry Rule" specific rules on the basis of the experience of Europe and the United States and other countries.The originalities of the dissertation are as follows:The originality of the research objective. Chinese scholars have been given little priority to television transmission research. To provide the public with public service broadcasting is essentially a process of transmission of television program from the public television institutions to the public. At present, in China, the study is focused on both ends of the dissemination process. One is the television program production or operation management; the other is the dissemination effect of television programs, but neglects the research of television transmission (that is, the spread channels). This dissertation will fill the gap in research of television transmission.The originality of research methods and tools. Television transmission, first of all, is a technical problem, but from the point of view of public service television, not just a technical issue. The transmission problems in public service broadcasting should be contrasted and analyzed by putting relevant factors of television transmission together, and the attention should be given to the mutual influence between the technology, operation and regulation. Therefore, the dissertation attempts to put technology, infrastructure construction, operation, investment and financing, management and many other elements related to television transmission and study them as a whole, and study the Chinese television transmission system controlled by a television public service requirement. Furthermore, the dissertation studies the change of the television public goods attribute under the technology changes by virtue of the theory of public goods of Public Economics in the West.The originality of research results. The dissertation proposes the public services principles of China’s TV transmission, and explores the sources of the theory of the market-oriented public services television in the progressive realization of the digital television broadcasting only to break government-led financial package of thinking existing in the current domestic television public services. The dissertation also proposes the public services strategies of China’s TV transmission system from three levels of technology, operation, regulation after deeply analyzing the causes of China’s TV transmission system.The originality also lies in opportunities and challenges of public service television brought by the digital technology such as railway television, the in-elevator television, and emergency alert broadcasting system. All these have been included in the scope of public service broadcasting, and also study how to use these new forms of TV transmission to provide the information and entertainment services to the public. Therefore, the dissertation will fill a gap in research TV transmission services, and is far-reaching.


