

A Cognitive Grammar Approach to the Translating of Imagery

【作者】 丁国旗

【导师】 俞理明;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文从认知语法视角探讨翻译过程中的意义构建,尤其是意象的分析与转换。根据认知语言学的观点,本文认为意义即是概念化,是主观的、百科性的、以人的体验为基础并根植于特定的语言和文化认知模型中的。所有的语言结构都有其认知动因,语言结构反映概念结构,因此语法结构的不同意味着概念结构的不同。语言表达的完整意义不仅仅是它的概念内容,还包括对此内容的识解方式,即概念内容所呈现的意象。语法形式的作用在于表达意象,以凸显概念内容的某一方面,或规定描写的精细程度,或施加特定的观察视角。据此,本文认为应该把翻译活动置于认知层面上加以考察。翻译作为一个认知过程,是使用目的语来重现由原语所激发的概念化情景,从概念内容和意象两个方面寻求原语和目的语在认知上的对等。本文结合兰盖克的认知语法、菲尔墨的框架语义学以及雷可夫和约翰逊的概念隐喻理论,构建了一个综合的理论框架来描述翻译中的概念化过程及其各种认知加工。在此理论框架下,本文讨论了翻译的性质、语言之间的可译性、翻译对等的条件和单位、翻译中形式和意义的关系等翻译研究中一些有争议的问题。贯穿所有这些讨论的中心议题是翻译中的意象分析与处理。本文首先从不同维度(刻画、细度、凸显、视角)描述了语法形式所传达的意象及其在翻译中的表现。然后,本文把隐喻视作一种特定的识解方式并从强度、密度、一致性和文化模型等方面分析讨论了翻译中的隐喻意象问题。在此基础上,本文对比了英汉两语言在意象层面上的典型差异及其对英汉互译的影响,并作为案例分析了英汉互译中的序列相似性、名词性等问题,最后尝试从认知语法视角分析评价了一首英语短诗的不同汉译。通过理论探讨和实践例证的结合,本文提出了以下论点:翻译中的对等应建立在认知层面上,而不仅仅是语言层面上;翻译应以传达原文所刻画的概念化情景(包括概念内容及其意象结构)为原则,而非单纯地传达原文中的客观内容;翻译应该以概念化情景为单位,而不应以词句等表层语言形式为单位;整体意象重于局部意象,因此同一概念化情景中的诸多意象之间应和谐一致;翻译应该尽可能忠实于原文的意象结构,非强制性的意象改变应尽量避免,而由语言规范造成的强制性的意象差异则可采取某些措施在一定程度上加以弥补。

【Abstract】 This study endeavors to illustrate how a Cognitive Grammar approach could prove useful in providing some insights and practical suggestions for meaning construction in the translation process, especially for the analysis and transfer of imagery. Following the cognitivist view, this study maintains that meaning is conceptualization, which is embodied, subjective, encyclopedic in nature, and deeply rooted in language- and culture-specific cognitive models. The principle of language iconicity entails that linguistic structures correspond to conceptual structures and that all linguistic structures are cognitively motivated. Differences in grammatical forms thus imply differences in conceptual structures. The full value of a linguistic expression is, therefore, a function both of its conceptual content and of how this content is structured or construed. The ways of construal in meaning construction constistute what we mean by“imagey”in this study. The cognitive approach treats grammar as imagery imposed on the conceptual content, representing the relative prominence of elements, their schematicity or specificity, and the point of view adopted. In this light, we suggest that translation should be practised and evaluated on the conceptual level, as a cognitive activity of depicting in one language the conceived situation that is activated by a text in another language. The transfer of the conceived situation consists in capturing both the conceptual content and its imagery.Incorporating Langcker’s theory of Cognitive Grammar with Fillmore’s concept of frames and Lakoff and Johnson’s model of conceptual metaphor, this thesis proposes an integrated theorectical framework for a description of the translation process in cognitive terms, with a special focus on the translating of imagery. Imagery conveyed by grammar is analyzed by means of the various dimensions of scene construal (profiling, specificity, prominence, and perspective) as identified by Langacker, while imagery generally associated with the so-called“figurative”language is discussed in terms of metaphorical forcefulness, congruence, exuberance, and cultural models, with such phenomena as metaphor and metonymy regarded as fundamental cognitive mechanisms for language and thought.The study then carries out an examination of the differences in conceptual organization between English and Chinese. The widely discussed similarities and especially divergences between the two languages, with the consequent shifts of imagery in terms of scene construal during the translation process, are re-considered within the proposed theoretical framework and many topics that were traditionally dealt with as linguistic phenomena are illuminated in a new, cognitive light.


