

Violence and Enlightenment

【作者】 黎保荣

【导师】 宋剑华;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 文艺学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 “暴力叙事”不仅是中国近现代文学的一种审美现象,同时也是中国近现代思想启蒙的一种文化现象。无论是梁启超、鲁迅、郭沫若还是巴金、老舍、沈从文等等,他们作品中所表现出的暴力抗争与“尚武”倾向,以极其强烈的民族自强情绪,深刻地表达了现代精英知识分子在“弃医从文”理想幻灭之后,进而追求“弃文尚武”(轻文重武)的政治启蒙理想和功利主义心态。尤其是随着民族矛盾的日益加深,“暴力叙事”更被赋予了全民族思想、政治启蒙的合理价值,最终获得了现代文学审美形态的合法地位。因此,本论文的实际研究意义,就是要将客观存在于中国现代文学史全过程的暴力叙事现象,与民族文化的特殊历史背景相结合,以求深刻地揭示暴力叙事与思想启蒙之间的辨证关系,探讨中国文学现代性价值观的获取方式与民族情感。本论文注重分析中国传统文化“尚武”思想的历史因子,与此同时,也注重分析东洋留学生对日本近代“尚武”文化的积极引进,以及东洋“尚武”文化对于中国现代文学与思想启蒙的巨大历史推动作用。本文突破过去只着重单一文化影响的研究模式,辩证、深入分析中日“尚武”文化是如何共存而有所侧重地分别影响不同阶段的中国近现代文学的暴力叙事:它呈现出一条相对清晰的线索,整体上是现象(日本)与本质(中国传统)的关系,过程分别是日本浪潮与中国传统暗涌(晚清、五四),日本表象与回归传统(三十年代,如左翼、新感觉派、准左翼作家、沈从文等),以及传统主流与多样资源(四十年代);并且进而充分论述中国现代文学暴力叙事在现代民族国家建立过程中的现实意义与潜在影响。总之,本论文具有角度新(暴力叙事)、中心新(暴力与启蒙)、线索新(中日尚武文化精神)、史料新和分析新等特点。

【Abstract】 In the history of modern China,violence narration is not only an esthetic phenomenon in the Chinese contemporary literature,but also a culture phenomenon about enlightenment.The violence trend and revolution spirit in the Chinese contemporary literature,from Liangqichao,Luxun,Guomoruo to Bajin,Laoshe Shencongwen and so on,which make their national emotion strong,express their politics enlightenment ideal and utilitarian thought after the disillusion of literature enlightenment.With the aggravating of nation conflict,violence narration obtains its value as politics enlightenment and esthetic form.In a word,through the violence narration phenomenon,this paper analyzes the relation between the violence and enlightenment,and discusses the significance,value and emotion of Chinese contemporary enlightenment literature.In this paper,it is answered how the warlike tradition and spirit in China and Japan make influence on the enlightenment course of the contemporary literature of China,which is different from the one-culture influence pattern.In this paper,it expresses a coexistent,dynamical and phased influence on the Chinese contemporary literature about the warlike spirit in China and Japan.For example,the Japanese influence is higher than Chinese tradition in the end of Qing dynasty and May-fourth new literature,besides,the Japanese influence is lower than Chinese at the age of 1930s such as left-wing,new-feeling schools of literature and Shencongwen and so on. Different from the above,there are plentiful patterns of culture and spirit on the base of Chinese tradition tide at the term of 1940s.Besides,it can be seen that the violence narration phenomenon in the Chinese contemporary literature plays a part in the building of modern nation-state in reality and potential impact.In conclusion,it makes this paper some creative or significant with new angle (violence narration),new thought(violence and enlightenment),new clue(the warlike spirit in China and Japan),new material and new analysis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期

