

A Research on Key Issues in the Development of Dalian the Shipping Center of Northeast Asia

【作者】 裴松

【导师】 杨赞;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通运输工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球经济贸易的发展和中国经济的崛起,航运业得到极大发展。国际航运中心作为国际航运的重要节点、现代港口主要发展方向和区域经济发展和提升的主要动力,其重要意义正在不断凸现出来。本文针对大连国际航运中心发展中的关键问题进行研究,不仅有利于提升东北老工业基地的开放水平和辽宁沿海经济带的开发程度,有利于辽宁老工业基地产业优化升级,有利于东北地区运输资源的整合;同时,可以为国家和地方政府航运中心建设和发展提供参考,并期望借此丰富国际航运中心的理论研究。本文的理论研究以国际航运中心基础理论和已有研究成果为起点,运用经济发展阶段理论和海运贸易周期理论,指出根据现阶段国情,我国正处于航运业和经济相互促进、高速发展阶段。然后,本文选取伦敦、鹿特丹和纽约三大典型国际航运中心分析其发展过程,并结合我国航运中心的发展特点,提出了我国国际航运中心特色发展模式与重点。在理论研究的基础上,以大连国际航运中心为例进行实证研究。本文分析了大连国际航运中心发展的内外部环境和发展现状,模拟了现阶段大连国际航运中心建设给区域经济带来的影响;运用组合预测模型对大连国际航运中心货运量发展趋势进行预测。根据现实基础和发展趋势,提出大连国际航运中心的特征与功能定位。此后,就大连国际航运中心发展中保税区建设、内部资源整合、综合运输体系建设、航运服务业发展和环保与节能减排五个问题进行了深入研究,最后就研究结果提出了措施和政策建议。

【Abstract】 As the development of global economy and trade as well as the growing up of Chinese economy, shipping industry prospers greatly. As the key node of international shipping, the direction of port evolution and the main motive force of regional economy, the signification of international shipping center has been emphasized day by day. The paper mainly focuses on the the key issues in the development of Dalian International Shipping Center, which will not only makes use to the advance of Northeast industry base, the Liaoning coastal economy region and the industrial structure of Liaoning Province, as well as the transportation resources conformity of Liaoning, but also can be used as reference for the decision-making of domestic and local government, which could enrich theoretical research on international shipping center.The theoritical research of the paper starts from the fundamental theory and previous researches. By employing the economy developing stage theory and seaborne trade circle theory, the paper points out that China is proceeding a stage that shipping and economy accelerate each other and grow rapidly according to the situation of China. Then the paper chooses London, Rotterdam and New York as three typical international shipping center, by analyzing their developing process advances the distinguished pattern and stress of China’s international shipping center combined with the charactoristics of Chineses shipping center.Then the paper begins its empirical study taken Dalian International Shipping Center as example. The paper analyzes the inner and outer environment of Dalian International Shipping Center and forecasts the trendency of cargo throughput by a combined model. Based on which the paper advances the character and function orientation of Dalian Shipping Center. Then focusing on the construction of tax free zone, the integration of inside resources, the construction of multi-modal transportation system, the development of shipping service industry as well as environmental protection and energy efficiency, the paper makes deep study and gives suggestions.

【关键词】 航运中心发展模式关键问题大连
【Key words】 Shipping centerDeveloping patternKey issuesDalian

