

Research on the Key Technologies of Constructing Virtual Logistic Enterprise Based on Semantic Web Services

【作者】 张量

【导师】 谢新连;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在经济全球化、网络化、信息化的背景下,整个物流行业的运作环境、操作技术和行业规则发生了巨大的变化。在广域网中,各物流企业甚至是企业中的业务部门都将自己的私有业务流程封装为具有公开接口和公共协作过程模型的Web服务。因此,如何提供一种有效机制,实现广域网环境下,组建一个不涉及资产合并的柔性的松散的物流企业联盟,就成为当前物流信息化、全球化进程中一个亟待解决的问题。虚拟物流企业(Virtual Logistics Enterprise,VLE)是基于物流业务基础和网络技术,不涉及资产合并的柔性的松散的物流企业联盟。以虚拟物流企业形式进行物流运作,具有便捷、高效、成本低的特性,符合经济全球化、网络化、信息化对物流行业发展的要求。因此研究物流行业的网络计算与服务架构的关键技术和运作机理,建立基于语义Web服务的虚拟物流企业模型具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。[1]基于语义Web服务的虚拟物流企业模型(Virtual Logistics Enterprise Modelbased on Semantic Web Services,SWSVLEM)的研究该模型以动态定义的业务流程模板集与物流任务目标为指导,利用模型中“服务垂直组装模块”与“服务水平组装模块”对物流行业的Web服务进行筛选,并将筛选后的Web服务映射到相应的业务流程模板上,最后得到一个最优的虚拟物流企业联盟。该虚拟物流企业联盟的形成不仅很好地满足了物流活动的业务流程和业务目标,而且还充分地体现了网络环境下虚拟物流企业组建及运作的动态性、灵活性和智能性。[2]基于Web服务选择的物流领域本体的研究基于语义Web服务的虚拟物流企业模型的实现基础是Web服务。为了使分布于Internet上的物流Web服务能够更自动化、智能化地交互,提出并建立了物流领域本体来解决目前网络上广泛存在的信息格式的异构性、信息语义的多重性以及信息关系的匮乏和非统一性的问题。[3]虚拟物流企业Web服务的研究为了解决由SWSVLEM组建的VLE更加符合实际商业运作过程中对于伙伴选择与评价的问题,提出了将KPI(Key Performance Index,关键绩效指标)加入到语义Web服务的定义中。将KPI引入到Web服务的定义中,会使SWSVLEM组建的VLE更准确、更符合商业运作惯例。同时为了保证用于Web服务定义的KPI是科学的、规范的、受用户个人喜好影响较小的指标,为了保证服务组装模块进行Web服务组装的效率和准确率,设计了KPI指标选取模型。[4]Web服务选择的研究针对虚拟物流企业组建的实际情况,利用改进的CLIQUE算法进行改进,并提出了网格平移补偿(Grid Translating and Compensating)算法进行剪枝计算。这样不仅有效地解决了海量数据选择中Web服务分类的问题,而且更有效地体现了模块的柔性特点,即能够为尚未执行的Web服务或者性能不满足用户要求的Web服务找到替代者。并且为了确保组建的物流企业联盟具有便捷、高效、成本低的特性,提出了在SWSVLEM中引入蚁群算法,实现了在满足所形成的业务链最优的同时,还保证了整个虚拟物流企业物流成本最优,以及每个Web服务成本最优

【Abstract】 Under the background of the economic globalization,networking,information,the whole logistics industry operation environment,operation technology and industry rules have changed greatly:the logistics business department and partners have packed own private business process into Web services with public interface and the model of cooperative.Therefore,how to provide an effective mechanism to build loose logistics enterprise alliance not involving the merger of assets becomes one of urgent problems to be solved now.Virtual Logistics Enterprise(VLE) is a flexible and loose alliance of logistics enterprises.It doesn’t involve the merger of assets and is based on the logistics business foundation and network technology.Logistics operation in the form of virtual logistics enterprises is convenient,efficient and low-cost.It is also in line with the required characteristic of the economic globalization,networking,and information for the development of the logistics industries.It is of great significance and values that researching on logistics-oriented network computing and the key technologies about the services framework and operational mechanism.In other words,it is important to build the virtual logistics enterprise model based on the semantic Web services.[1]The paper proposes a virtual logistics enterprise model based on the semantic Web services.Guiding by the business process template sets dynamic defined and logistics tasks, the model discovers the suitable the web services through the vertical and level module, then maps the web service to the corresponding business process templates,finally obtained an optimal virtual logistics enterprise alliance.This virtual logistics enterprise alliance not only well meets the logistics activity of business process and business goals, but also fully embodies dynamic,flexible and intelligent character of the VLE.[2]Research on the logistics domain ontologyWeb Services is the realization foundation of Virtual Logistics Enterprise model based on Semantic Web Services.In order to make Web services distributed on the Internet to more automated,intelligently interact,the paper proposes and builds the logistics domain ontology to resolve the current widespread on the Web problem about heterogeneous information format,semantic multiplicity and the lack of information and non-uniformity.[3]Research on Web services.For the chief enterprises which organized the logistics activities,the choice of the partner companies has changed to the choice of numerous Web services on the Internet, The paper novel introduces the KPI into the definition of semantic Web services. Therefore introducing the KPI into the definition of Web services will make the choice of Web services more accurate and more appropriated for objectives of logistics activities.The paper proposes a KPI access model.It is used to select the KPIs applied into the definition of a semantic Web services.That can ensure that the KPI applied into the definition of Web services is a scientific,standardized and objective which is less affected by the user’s personal preferences and ensure that the service module assembly for Web services assembly of the efficiency and accuracy.[4]Research on Web services discovery.In this paper CLIQUE algorithm was improved,and puts forward the Grid translation compensation.This not only effectively resolve the Web service classification problem,but also embody the characteristic of flexible module,namely can find replacements of web services that can not executed for Web service or performance not meet users’ requirements.And in order to ensure that the formation of logistics enterprise alliance with convenient,efficient and low cost,and puts forward the characteristics of ant colony algorithm SWSVLEM solution of Web form,which can meet the chain of combination of business chain is formed by the optimal,and ensure the logistics cost of optimal and every Web service cost optimal.

  • 【分类号】F253;TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】632
  • 攻读期成果

