

Research on the Theory & Techniques of Double-Flank Gear Rolling Test with Many Degrees of Freedom

【作者】 汤洁

【导师】 石照耀;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 齿轮应用有悠久的历史,但在现代工业中仍起着不可替代的作用。2007年全世界的齿轮产值是4200亿,中国齿轮行业的产值为890亿,其中车辆齿轮占三分之二。为确保齿轮质量,诸如美国的行业标准规定,应对成品齿轮进行100%的测量。虽然在计量室条件下齿轮测量是成熟的技术,但在生产现场的大批量检测中,如何快速获取齿轮的精度信息却是个难题。而之前,我国的研究与应用几乎是空白。目前世界上应用在生产现场的齿轮快速测量通常采用齿轮双面啮合测量原理,主要是其原理简单、测量效率高、对环境无严格要求、测量齿轮制作简便,能适应相对恶劣的生产现场环境而又能满足快速测量的要求。但是基于双面啮合测量所获得的径向综合偏差很难保证齿轮轴向精度是否合格,而齿轮轴向精度与齿轮寿命、振动和噪声是密切相关的。在保持了传统齿轮双面啮合测量优点的基础上,为获取齿轮轴向精度信息,本文对齿轮双面啮合多维测量理论及技术展开了研究,主要内容如下:(1)研究了齿轮双面啮合多维测量原理的实现方式,即在Gimbal机构上获取齿轮轴向精度信息。建立了齿轮双面啮合多维测量模型,分析系统动态特性,得出了固有频率、测量速度以及阻尼对系统响应的影响,为测量系统设计及选用合适的测量条件提供依据。(2)定义了齿轮轴向精度新指标:径向综合齿向倾斜偏差、一齿径向综合齿向倾斜偏差、径向综合齿向锥度偏差、一齿径向综合齿向锥度偏差,给出了各指标的评定方法。分析了新指标与齿轮工艺因素的关系,表明了设立这些新指标的必要性。(3)研制成功基于齿轮双面啮合多维测量原理的齿轮在线测量机:给出了总体方案、机械系统的主机及多维测量机构、控制系统的线路接口及实现功能的方法步骤以及测控软件系统的测量流程及界面。(4)给出了系统标定方法。标定需要用到工件标准齿轮、齿向特征齿轮、锥度特征齿轮;测量需要用到测量齿轮和特殊测量齿轮。本文设计出了这五种特征齿轮。(5)分析了测量不确定度:以径向综合齿向倾斜偏差的测量为例,从机械系统误差、标准量误差、信号处理与软件算法误差三方面计算标准不确定度,并进行合成以得到展伸不确定度。对本系统进行了试验研究:给出了系统精度检定的项目、要求、方法和检定数据;开展了静态精度试验,得到静态测量的重复性误差、传感器回零误差;进行了动态特性试验,测试系统在不同速度下传感器的输出,对测量数据进行FFT分析;进行了功能试验、重复性试验。

【Abstract】 Gears are un-replaceable in modern industry although it was applied long long ago. In 2007, the annual production value in gear industry is RMB 420 billion in the world and it is up to RMB 89 billion in China, while 2/3 of the total amount is vehicle gear. In American vehicle gear industry, the produced gears are inspected to 100%. Gear measurement technology in measuring room is well-developed, but how to inspect the gears fast in workshop is a problem. Research in this field in China is mostly not present.The measurement principle of double-flank gear rolling test was applied in the existing fast gear inspection in workshop, because of its simple measurement principle, high efficiency, less requirements concerning the environment, and easy manufacturing of the master gear. Radial composite deviations can be assessed through the traditional double-flank gear rolling tester, but it is hard to obtain axial deviations (helix, taper, etc.), which is very important to gear life-span, vibration and noise.Based on double-flank gear rolling test, to obtain axial deviations, this thesis researched on the theory & techniques of double-flank gear rolling test with many degrees of freedom (DFMD). The main work is as follows.(1) Studied the implementation way of DFMD measurement principle, where axial deviations were obtained in gimbal mechanism. Established the model & differential eguation of the measuring system, analyzed the dynamic characteristics and the influence to the inspection results from the inherented frequency, measuring speed and damp.(2) Defined new axial deviations: radial composite helical slope deviation and radial composite helical taper deviation. The assessment methods were given. Analyzed the relationship between the gear manufacturing factors and the new axial deviations to validate the necessity to establish the new deviations.(3) Developed the in-line gear measuring machine based on DFMD measurement principle. Introduced the structure of the measuring system, the mechanical base unit, the measuring and auto-control hardware, and the data processing software for test & control.(4) Calibration method was given. The special workpiece, special slope gear and special taper gear was used in calibration, while the master gear and special master gear was used in measurement. This thesis designed the special gears. (5) Analyzed the system measurement uncertainty. The uncertainty in helical slope deviation measurement was calculated according to the errors from mechanical system, gauge system and data processing system. The following experiments were carried out in the measuring system: check the accuracy of the system, static test, dynamic characteristics test, function test and repeatability test.


