

Research on Key Techniques of Design and Manufacture of 10000m~3 Natural Gas Spherical Storage Tank

【作者】 窦万波

【导师】 吴斌;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 球形压力容器(以下简称球罐)具有占地少、受力情况好、承压能力高,可分片运到现场安装成形、容积的大小基本不受运输限制等其它压力容器无可比拟的优点,在石油、化工、城市燃气、冶金等领域广泛用于存储气体和液化气体。近年来我国球罐的大型化和高参数化工程技术水平有了长足的进步,通过对引进球罐的消化、吸收和创新,很多高参数球罐已经实现了国产化,为我国的经济发展做出了积极的贡献。但总体上,我们和国际先进技术水平还有较大差距,如在低温大型乙烯球罐方面,虽基本摆脱了整台进口的局面,但主体材料(包括焊接材料)还主要依赖进口;在特大型天然气球罐方面,国外先进工业国家建造10000-20000m~3天然气球罐已相当普遍,而我国由于关键设计、制造技术还没有完全解决,国产化最大的天然气球罐只有5000m~3,对于10000m~3天然气球罐还全部依赖进口,不但建造成本高、周期长,还受制于人。为满足我国天然气存储需求,同时也满足石油、化工、轻纺、冶金等行业对球罐大型化的需要,迫切需要发展有自主知识产权的特大型球罐核心技术。球罐的大型化是一个复杂的系统工程,它涉及到多个学科和技术领域。本文在国家重大技术装备国产化创新研制项目《西气东输10000m~3大型天然气球罐的研制》(项目编号:国经贸技术[2001]519号)课题资助下,针对10000m~3大型天然气球罐国产化研制设计、制造中的几个关键技术:球罐选材评价及焊接、热处理技术;结构设计理论和应力分析技术;球壳塑性成型和坡口加工技术等方面进行了研究,完成了如下工作:(1)通过对国内外高参数球罐用材料技术分析,结合10000m~3大型天然气球罐运行参数要求,制订选材原则;重点对WEL-TEN610CF进行系统的材料性能、焊接性能、热处理性能试验研究,解决了特大型天然气球罐材料评价和焊接、热处理工艺问题;最终确定选用WEL-TEN610CF作为首次研制的10000m~3大型天然气球罐球壳用钢。(2)依托重庆燃气集团建设的2台10000m~3天然气球罐,在设计标准选用、压力试验方法、球罐强度计算、球壳分带结构确定、开孔补强方法、支柱结构形式等关键设计技术开展系统研究,完成了首次国产化2台10000m~3天然气球罐的结构设计。(3)对10000m~3大型天然气球罐重点受力部位:人孔、接管,上支柱和球壳连接等部位,结合不同的工况条件:运行工况、水压或气压试验工况、风载、地震载荷工况等进行系统的有限元应力分析研究。将分析研究的结果作为理论基础和基本原则,进而对这些高应力部位的结构进行优化。(4)按理想弹塑性体对球壳板冷压加载过程进行弹塑性分析,通过弯曲变形和膜变形共同作用理论,推导了胎具尺寸对球壳成型效率的影响关系;从弯曲应变回弹计算及膜应变的回弹量计算两方面分析了球壳板卸载时的回弹规律;推导了胎具曲率半径公式,并结合实际回弹率测定,解决了10000m~3大型天然气球罐压型胎曲率问题。通过对球罐瓣片冷冲压过程中主要因素,如压型胎具的因素(直径、胎具曲率的大小)、材料因素(屈服极限、弹性模量、柏松比)、加载因素(载荷大小、加载速率)、冲压部位及冲压次序的研究,掌握了其各因素影响规律,提升了球片冲压技术的科学化。(5)按照二次成型原理,通过对立体切割胎具切割原理及计算方法的研究,解决了10000m~3大型天然气用5种类型坡口切割胎的计算方法,以及大长坡口精确加工技术中切割胎的主要技术难题。(6)将以上研究成果应用于10000m~3大型天然气球罐实物的研制,首次实现我国10000m~3大型天然气球罐的国产化。实物研制的具体指标和数据,为今后天然气球罐向大型化发展提供了可靠的依据。

【Abstract】 Because of its unexampled advantages such as less floor area covering, high-pressure capability and transport facilitates, Spherical pressure vessels (hereinafter referred to as the“storage tank”) used for storage of gas and liquefied gas more widely than other storage tanks in the oil, chemical, city gas, metallurgy and other fields.In recent years, China engineering and technical level of spherical tank has made great progress through the introduction, absorption and innovation of foreign spherical tank technology. As a result, many techniques of spherical tanks with high tank parameters have been nationalized, which makes a positive contribution for China’s economic development. But overall, there is still a significant gap between China and other countries with advanced technology and international level, for the large-scale cryogenic ethylene tank, its main materials (including welding material) mainly relies on imports, for the special large natural gas spherical tank, construction of 10000-20000 m~3 natural gas spherical tank has been quite common in the advanced industrial countries. But in China, due to key design, manufacturing technology has not been fully resolved, only 5,000 m~3 spherical tanks were constructed, All of 10000 m~3 gas spherical tank still dependent on import, which may take higher cost and longer period of construction. To meet the demand of our country’s natural gas storage, and meet the demand of large-scale tank in the petroleum, chemical, textile, metallurgical and other industries, it is urgent to develop the core technique of large-scale spherical tank with our own intellectual property rights.Construction of increasingly larger spherical tank is a complex and systematic project, which involves a number of disciplines and technical fields. In this paper, under the subsidy of the state’s major domestic technology and equipment innovation research project -Transport the natural gas from the west to the east "building and development of a large natural gas 10000 m~3 spherical tank" (item code: State Economy Trade Technology [2001] 519), in view of research of key design and manufacture technology of10000 m~3 large-scale natural gas tank, from the perspectives such as evaluation and selection of main material, welding and heat treatment technology, structure design theory and stress analysis techniques to shell plastic molding and groove processing technology, we have solved several key technology of spherical tank construction. This article has completed the primary research work coverage, which was shown as follows:(1) Through technical analysis of material of the domestic and international spherical tank with high technical parameters, coupled with requirements of operating parameters of 10000 m~3 natural gas spherical tank, we have formulated selection principle of material, focused on WEL-TEN610CF systematic material properties, welding performance, heat treatment on Performance Test and solved the large gas tank materials evaluation, welding and heat treatment process, and finally selected WEL-TEN610CF as the first shell steel of the 10000 m~3 large-scale natural gas spherical tank.(2) Based on the construction of Chongqing Gas Group 2 units 10000 m~3 natural gas spherical tank, we have conducted systematic research on the selection of design standards, the pressure test method, spherical tank strength calculation, shell-band structure identification, opening reinforcement methods, the structure style of support column, and completed structural design study on 2units 10000 m~3 natural gas spherical tank in the first time.(3) For key stress spots of 10000 m~3 large natural gas spherical tank: manhole, nozzle and parts connected between upper column and shell petal, we have conducted systematic finite element stress analysis and study on these stress spots under different operating conditions: operating condition, hydraulic or pneumatic test conditions and the combination of wind and seismic load. We have taken the analyze results as the theoretical foundation and fundamental principles and conducted structural optimization on these high-stress spots.(4) Elastic-plastic analysis was conducted on the loading process of cold-pressing plate as an ideal elastic-plastic material. We have deduce the relations between model size and shell molding deficiency through combined action of bending deformation and membrane deformation, and deduced the formula of model curvature radius by analysis of rebound regularity of shell plate under load-off through the calculation of bending deformation rebound and membrane deformation. Combined with the actual rate of rebound, curvature problem of pressing model of 10000 m~3 large-scale natural gas spherical tank has been solved. Through the research on the main factors under cold-pressing process of shell plate such as a pressing model factors (diameter, curvature value), material factors (yield strength, modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio), load factors (loading value, loading rate), punching parts and order, we have mastered the influence of various factors, made the shell-punching technology to be more scientific.(5) In accordance with the principle of the second forming, by study on three-dimensional cutting model principle and calculation method, we have acquired 5 kinds calculation of 10000 m~3 natural gas shell plate, solved the main technical problem of precision cutting technology of long groove of shell plate.(6) The research results will be applied to development of 10000 m~3 large-scale natural gas spherical tank, the first realization of construction of 10000 m~3 large-scale natural gas spherical tank in China. Specific indicators and data of 10000 m~3 large-scale natural gas spherical tank can be provided a reliable basis for the large-scale development of natural gas spherical tank in future.


