

Research on the Formation Mechanism for Regional Innovation Capacity

【作者】 陈玉川

【导师】 赵喜仓;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 区域之间经济实力差距的实质是创新能力的差距。提升区域创新能力既是中国先发区域赶超发达国家的必由之路,更是中国后发区域脱贫解困急需解决的迫切问题。区域创新能力主要体现为区域创新主体的创新能力。区域创新能力形成机理是区域创新能力研究中的薄弱环节,从区域创新主体着手研究区域创新能力形成机理,是提升区域创新能力的现实需要。区域创新能力是一个立体结构,包括器物层、制度层和文化层三个层次。区域创新能力器物层是人们能够直接感觉到的区域创新能力。区域创新主体的技术创新行为只是区域创新能力形成过程中诸多原因的结果,驱使区域创新能力形成的深层原因是区域创新能力的制度层和文化层,区域创新能力制度层和文化层是更深层次的区域创新能力。只有从器物层、制度层和文化层同时研究区域创新能力形成的机理,才能全面揭示区域创新能力形成的机理。本研究以江苏省为例,通过剖析区域创新能力器物层、制度层、文化层及各层之间的关系,揭示了区域创新能力形成的机理。本研究共分八章,第一章对国内外区域创新能力研究文献进行综述;第二章分析区域创新主体核心层和支撑层创新能力形成的机理;第三章分析区域创新主体的自组织创新能力形成机理;第四章分析区域创新能力制度层形成的机理;第五章分析区域创新能力形成的文化基因形成的机理;第六章通过对区域创新能力的三个层次进行总结,分析区域创新能力各层次之间的关系;第七章在对区域创新能力形成机理进行总结的基础上,提出江苏区域创新能力提升战略;第八章得出研究结论,并对未来研究进行展望。本研究认为,在区域创新能力结构中,位置决定职能,如何认识区域创新主体在区域创新能力中的地位,是揭示区域创新能力形成机理的关键。江苏区域创新能力在全国名列前茅,在器物层上体现为企业家创新能力、R&D能力等在全国名列前茅;在制度层上体现为区域技术创新制度完善,基本形成完整的技术创新制度链;在文化层上体现为区域传统文化基因对技术创新具有双重作用,江苏水文化在限制区域创新主体冒险精神发挥的同时,又为江苏区域创新能力提升奠定了雄厚的知识和人才基础。本研究在中外学者已有研究理论的基础上,在以下几方面取得了创新:(1)分别以区域创新能力形成过程中驱动因素的性状和区域创新主体在区域技术创新中的作用为维度,建立了区域创新能力多层次分析模型;(2)基于区域创新主体的层次性,以江苏省为例,分析了区域创新能力器物层、制度层和文化层形成的机理,将区域技术创新制度和技术创新文化落实到具体的区域创新主体身上,将中国传统文化基因分解到江苏区域亚文化层次,并提出塑造江苏省技术创新新文化基因的具体措施;(3)应用系统动力学、结构方程、因子分析等非线性方法研究区域创新能力形成的机理,并建立了江苏区域创新能力器物层的系统动力学模型,江苏区域创新能力制度层和文化层的结构方程模型。本研究的基础在于以区域创新主体为核心,分析区域创新能力形成的机理。为将区域创新能力科学地分成若干层次,本研究从以下方面进行了划分:(1)根据区域创新主体在区域技术创新中的作用,将区域创新主体分为核心层和支撑层。企业是区域R&D成果实现市场化的关键,将企业作为区域创新主体核心层,已基本得到国内外学者的普遍认可。在此基础上,进一步将区域创新能力核心层划分为企业创新战略决策能力、R&D能力和新产品营销能力等,并着重分析它们形成的机理。(2)根据区域创新能力驱动因素的性状,将区域创新能力划分为器物层、制度层和文化层。分别分析区域创新主体核心层、支撑层形成区域创新能力器物层、制度层和文化层的机理。(3)分析区域创新能力制度层、文化层形成机理量化比较困难,所以,通过探索性因子分析,设计了问卷调查表格,通过问卷调查,运用结构方程方法,建立了江苏区域创新能力制度层和文化层的研究模型,从根本上找出了提升江苏区域创新能力的措施。(4)针对学术界对个别区域创新主体的创新地位存在争议的问题,根据江苏省历史数据,用系统动力学方法分析了江苏区域创新主体在技术创新中所起的作用。本研究通过理论分析和实证分析,基于层次性,以江苏省为例,揭示了区域创新能力形成的机理,为提升江苏区域创新能力提出了多层次全方位的发展战略。本研究虽以江苏省为例,但所揭示的区域创新能力形成机理具有普遍性,对研究中国其它区域创新能力形成的机理也具有借鉴价值。

【Abstract】 The essence of the economic strength gap between regions is the gap of innovation capacity.The promotion of regional innovation capacity is not only the necessary way to catch up developed country for Chinese early-developing region but also the urgent problem to alleviate poverty for Chinese later-developing region.The regional innovation capacity mainly embody the innovation capacity of regional innovation subject.The formation mechanism of regional innovation capacity is the weak link of the research of regional innovation capacity.To study the formation mechanism of regional innovation capacity from regional innovation subject is the realistic need to promote regional innovation capacity.The regional innovation capacity is spatial structure which includes the levels of implements,institution and culture.The level of implements of regional innovation capacity can be felt directly.Technology innovation activity of regional innovation subject is only the result of many reseaons during the formation of regional innovation capacity.The deep reseaons to impel the formation of regional innovation capacity are the levels of institution and culture,and which is the regional innovation capacity of deeper level.Only to study the mechanism of the formation of regional innovation capacity simultaneously can the mechanism of the formation of regional innovation capacity be revealed comprehensively.Taking for Jinagsu province as example,this study reveal the mechanism of the formation of Jiangsu regional innovation capacity through the analysis of the relation between the levels of implements,institution and culture.There is eight chapters in this study.In chapter one,research literatures of regional innovation capacity at home and abroad were reviewed.In chapter two,the mechanism of the formation of the core lyer and support layer of regional innovatin subject of regional innovation capacity was analyzed.In chapter three,the mechanism of the formation of the self-organization innovation capacity of regional innovation subject was analyzed.In chapter four,the mechanism of the formation of the level of system of regional innovation capacity was analyzed.In chapter five,the mechanism of the formation of the culture gene of regional innovation capacity was analyzed.In chapter six,the relation between every level of regional innovation capacity was analyzed through the summary of three levels.In chapter seven,the promotion strategy of Jiangsu regional innovation capacity was put forward based on the summary of the mechanism of the formation of regional innovation capacity.In chapter eight,the research conclusion was obtained.This research has such conclusion,in the structure of regional innovation capacity,the positon decided function,and the key to reveal the mechanism of the formation of the regional innovation capacity was how to understand the position of the regional innovation subject.Jiangsu regional innovation capacity come out top throughout the country,and which could be reflect as that entrepreneur innovation capacity and R&D capacity come out top throughout the country based on the level of implements,regional technology innovation system was perfect and the complete technology innovation system chain was formed basically based on the level of system,and there was dual effect of regional traditional culeture gene to technology innovation based on the level of culture.Though the water culture of Jiangsu limited the play of regional innovation subject adventuring spirit,which establish substantial knowledge and talent fund to promot Jiangsu regional innovation capacity.Based on the former research theories,this paper innovated achievements in several aspects as follows:(1) Multi-hierarchy analytic model of regional innovation capacity was founded taking regional innovation subject as center;(2) Based on the hierarchy of regional innovation subject,taking for Jiangsu as example,the mechanism of the formation of the levels of implements,institution and culture of regional innovation capacity was analyzed.The regional technology innovation system and technology innovation culture were layed on specific regional innovation subject. Chinese traditional cultural gene was decomposed to Jiangsu regional subculture.The specific measurements to build Jiangsu technology innovation new cultural gene were put forward.(3) System dynamics,structural equation and factor analysis were applied to study the mechanism of the formation of regional innovation capacity.The system dynamics model of the level of implements of Jiangsu regional innovation capacity and the structural equation model of the level of system and culture of Jiangsu regional innovation capacity were founded.The basis of this research took regional innovation subject as the core,the mechanism of the formation of regional innovation capacity was formed.This study divided regional innovation capacity into several levels scientifically as below:(1) The regional innovation subject was divided into core layer and support layer according to the function of regional innovation subject in regional technology innovation.The enterprise was the key of regional R&D achievements realizing marketization,and which was universally approved by domestic and foreign scholars.The core layer of regional innovation capacity was divided into enterprise innovation strategy decision- making ability,R&D ability and new product market ability,and the mechanism of formation was analyzed mainly.(2) According to the character of driving factors of regional innovation capacity,regional innovation capacity was divided into the levels of implements,institution and culture.Tne mechanism of the core and support layer formating the levels of implements,institution and culture of regional innovation capacity was analyzed respectively.(3) For the quantization of the analyze of the mechanism of the formation of the system and culture layers of regional innovation capacity was difficult,questionnaire investigation tables were designed through exploratory factor analysis.By questionnaire investigation and structural equation,the research model of the system and culture layers of Jiangsu regional innovation capacity was founded,and the measurements to promote Jiangsu regional innovation capacity were put forward.(4) Aiming at the problem that there was dispute involved in the innovation positon of individual regional innovation subject in academic circles,the effect of Jiangsu regional innovation subject in technology innovation was analyzed by system dynamics according to history data of Jiangsu.This research revealed the mechanism of the formation of Jiangsu regional innovation capacity based on hierarchy according to the analysis of theoretical analysis and empirical analysis,which supplied multi-level and omnibearing development strategy for the promotion of Jiangsu regional innovation capacity.Through taken Jiangsu province as example,the mechnasim of the formation of regional innovation capacity revealed in this research was universal,and which has the high reference value to study the mechnasim of the formation of other regional innovation capacity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期

