

A Study of Russian Policy Towards Korea 1860-1910

【作者】 潘晓伟

【导师】 黄定天;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 1860—1910年俄国半个世纪的对朝鲜政策几经变化,经历了谨慎——独占——退出三个阶段。变化的依据是俄国自身实力强弱和复杂多变的东北亚国际形势。在向朝鲜的扩张中,俄国是一个后来者。中日甲午战争前它在朝鲜的影响力远不如和朝鲜保持了多个世纪宗藩关系的中国,也不及捷足先登的日本,故在朝鲜没有采取露骨的政策。甲午战争后,中朝之间的藩属关系结束,俄国在朝鲜扩张的最大障碍消除。与此同时,俄国在其他地区扩张先后受阻,于是俄国开始积极插手东北亚事务,试图通过在该地区的扩张来弥补在其他地区受到的挫败。这样俄国逐渐改变了在朝鲜的谨慎政策,代之以驱逐日本、控制朝鲜为目的的独占政策。尽管有时在中国东北和朝鲜不能兼顾的情况下,会暂时收敛在朝鲜的扩张势头,但是俄国独占朝鲜的目标始终未变。俄国、日本在朝鲜和中国东北的矛盾不可调和,最后只能用战争来解决,俄国战败,退出朝鲜,承认日本对朝鲜的统治,俄国对朝鲜政策终结。

【Abstract】 For the features of Korea peninsula’s local touch policy, Korea became the target of the competition among the great powers, and the focus of the focus of the international relationship in Northeast Asia. Russia played a great role during the process. It aimed at exploiting territory and was interested in Korea before it became Korea’s neighbor. Russia never gave up its attempt to control Korea before and after the war between Japan and Russia. During its invasion of Korea, Russia unavoidably conflicted with other countries which had desire on Korea. Before the Sino-Japanese War, Russia concentrated on destroying the independency between Korea and China. After the Sino-Japanese War, it mainly competed with Japan, the victor in the war fiercely. Therefore, we analyzed the policy to North Korea in 1860-1910, not only help to recognize the crux of the matter of policy for Far East, but also contribute to profoundly lucubrating international relationship in Northeast Asia. The author according to mastering the materials of national policy to Korea, China, and Japan in latter of 19th century to early 20th century, and a mass of deposited documents. The author thoroughly and entirely researched on the policy when Russia in Korea, and assisted the external relation document, such as Historical Material on Relations between China ,Japan and South Korea in Qing Dynasty,Diplomatic Relations in Qing Dynasty ,The Completed Anthology of Li Hongzhang.This paper consists of five chapters, except prefaces and conclusions.Chapter 1 mainly introduces the relationship between Russian and Korea before 1860. Before 1860, the contacts between Russian and Korea were considered into 3 phases: mid 17th century, early 18th century to mid 19th century, and 1854. During those contacts, both sides got some knowledge on the other, while Russian had more over Korea due to the different types of societies. The outgoing Russia had strong desire of knowing the outside world. The closed minded Korea is not as much as Russia in this regard. The two countries had their most contacts on the land of China. Korea had to present gifts to China constantly, while Russia sent delegations to China often out of trade reason, and stationed a multi-tasked Orthodox cassock group in Beijing. Before 1860, Russia and Korea got knowledge of each other mainly through their comers to China. The Russian cassocks in China also had played an important role in knowing Korea better. To Russia, Korea is not a separate entity to know, but out of the need to know China in an all round way.Chapter 2 discusses over the policy in 1860s to1880s, and analyzed the reason why Russian policy to Korea was different from those to China and Japan. During this period, Russia conducted cautious policy in Korea: It didn’t take part in the movement forcing Korea to open harbor by America, France and Japan in 1860s-1870s; took slowed down policy in the border trade between Russia and Korea; didn’t agree with Korean requests in two“Russia-Korea Confidential Agreement”.The reason why Russia didn’t take part in the movement forcing Korea to open harbor by America, France and Japan was that Russian concern was the road trade between Russia and Korea, while the harbor opening would not bring too much benefits to Russia. Russia was afraid that taking part in the movement would annoy Korean Government to block the development of Russia-Korea border trade. The civil border trade was bringing huge benefit to Russia, ease the problem of lacking meat and coro times requps in Beihai Province. The Korean people in Far East area of Russia was another reason that Russia didn’t take part in the movement. If Russia-Korea deteriorated, Korean Government would strictly stop Korean from entering Russia.In 1890s, Russian most concern of Russia-Korea Relationship was the border trade. Russia didn’t take part in the movement forcing Korea to open harbor by America, France and Japan in 1860s-1870s mainly because of worrying the border trade would be influenced. In 1884, Russia was considering to solve problems of sea trade and road trade together. However, the principle of Chinese policy to Korea was to defend Russia. The main aim that Qing Government persuaded Korea and European and American countries to sign the treaties was to defend Russia. Britain and Japan also resisted Korea from dilatation. Therefore, Russia didn’t insist in solving problems of road trade, but adopted step by step manner to establish diplomatic relationship and achieved the seaway trade rights first, then looked for opportunities to solve the road trade problem. Four year later, Russia signed the“Russia-Korea Road Trade Statute”which legalized the civilian trade on Russia-Korea border. After Jiashen coup, China and Japan came to confrontation in Korea. Korean Government asked for Russian protection out of safety reason. Later, Korean Government was not satisfied with Qing Government’s more and more interference, and asked for Russian“protection”again. Considering the concerned countries’cautiousness on the issue of Korea and the power in Far East, Russia didn’t satisfy the request.Chapter 3 analyses the nature of Russian Policy on Korea during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, supporting Japan’s war of aggression against China. During the 60s-80s, it was because of Sino-Korean Feudatory relationship, Russian Policy on Korea featured as modesty and prudence. China was the greatest barrier to Russia’s expansion to Korea. Therefore, it was Russia’s main goal to end Sino-Korean Feudatory relationship and expel China from Korea before the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, which was exactly Japan’s intention to carry out its“Continental Policy”by aggressing Korea as foothold. As of the beginning of 1890s, a new element of“Supporting Japan against China”was involved in Russian Policy on Korea. During the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, Russia undertook three phases, namely intermediation, waiting and seeing and interference. The intermediation before the war was lack of sincerity, and was quitted when Japan promised not to violate Korean“Independence”, based on which, Russia undertook the policy to wait and see its proceeding when the war broke out, and was ready to take actions if Japan crossed such bottom line. When signing the Treaty of Shimonoseki, Japan requested China to solely guarantee Korean“Independence”, with taking no such responsibility, which made Russia to conduct interference immediately.Chapter 4 studies on the Russian Policy on Korea after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. Russia changed the original“Non-active Policy”and started to banish Japan from Korea and tried to monopolize Korea. Considering its power in Far East and Korean complicated international situation, Russia firstly built twopower status with Japan in Korea as its transition till Korea well established. Due to this, some famous Events happened in Korea; and some Agreements were signed between Japan and Russia, which formed a balance power. Afterwards, taking the anti-Japanese sentiment of Korean people, Russia sent Financial Adviser and Military Instructor to Korea to sound trumpet for monopolization. At that time, in order to invade China by its main force, Russia had to pull back its force from Korea temporally, and then would act on the offensive to Korea once getting its stable status in China. For many times, Russia refused Japanese proposal of“Exchanging the Power Scope of China and Korea”, and the fight for leased territory of Mashanpu and Jingyi railway rights, which fully proved that Russia had no intention of performing Japanese-Russian“Kyoto Treaty”898, but fixed its goal to monopolize Korea.Chapter 5 analyses Russian Policy on Korea before swallowed by Japan from the 1900s to 1910s. Russia carried out Brinkmanship in Korea before Japanese-Russian War. Based on the concession of the Forest along with the Yalu River, a Russian Lumber-Company was established, which was the front for Russia to dispatch troops to Korea, and constructed blockhouses and railway to infiltrate its force to Korea. What Russia did violated“Kyoto Treaty”and intensified the conflicts between Japan and Russia. Duo to their unfinished preparing work for the war, Russia and Japan speeded up their preparation under the cover of their negotiation. Russia acted obviously, and Japan started the war when realizing it. Russia lost the battle, signed the“Treaty of Portsmouth”, made a concession and admitted Japan’s privilege on Korea. While, Russian superhawk military personnel and capitalists benefiting from the war didn’t admit the defeat of Russia, but tried to call on another fight to Japan. Under the influence of these, Russia refused to cooperate with Japan one year after the sign of“Treaty of Portsmouth”, but had to change its Policy to Japan because of the pressing situation both at home and abroad. Russia initiatively asked for reconciliation between their two countries, and admitted Japan’s privilege in Korea. In return, Japan admitted Russia’s privilege in Outer Mongolia. Korea played a bargaining chip role in this deal. With the support of Russia, United States and Great Britain, Japan officially annexed Korea, which ended Russian Policy on Korea.In a word, the policy to North Korea from 1860 to 1910 was aggressive, however, this aggressiveness was concealed, especially before the First Sino-Japanese War. It is mainly caused by four reasons. First, it is concerned with the complicated international situation in Korea. Because of the special location of Korea, almost all the countries tried to invade into Korea in the latter part of 19th century, and Korea had been the focus of the international relationship in Northeast Asia. Any country that aimed to achieve overwhelming advantage would be opposed by others. This situation restricted Russia’s invasion of Korea. Second, it is concerned with the center of Russian’s invasion. The center of Russian’s invasion wasn’t in Northeast Asia before the 1890s. Third, it is concerned with the position of Korea in Russia’s policy for Far East. During that time, the policy was focused on Manchuria, and the policy for Korea had to follow the invasion of Manchuria. Sometimes, Russia had to constrain its ambition in Korea for concentrating its power on the invasion of China. Fourth, it is concerned with the conflict between Russia and Britain. During the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the conflict between Russia and Britain in Northeast Asia and global areas was very huge. Britain was the great power in the world, and Russia could not compete with Britain at that time. This determined that Russia dare not to adopt direct policy in Korea.could give a clear explanation:First,Korea’s complicated international situation. Owing to its special geographical position, Korea interested almost all the big powers to expand their power on it, and then became the focal point of the international relationship of Northeast Asia. Any big power would be opposed to get the overwhelming dominance, which limited Russian aggression upon Korea.Second,center of Russia’s expansion. In 1890s, Russia did not focus its expansion on Northeast Asia. Third,Korea’s role in Russian policy to the Far East (late 1800’s and early 1900’s), where Manchuria played a leading role. Sometimes, Russia had to pull back its force from Korea but to concentrate its strength on China.Fouth,.the conflict between Russia and Great Britain. From 1800s to 1900s, the conflict dominated the relationship between Russia and Great Britain at the Northeast Asian region, even around the world. At that time, Russia had no strength against Great Britain, the biggest power in the world, which determined that Russia could not adopt too crude policy on Korea.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

