

State and Freedom

【作者】 张琼

【导师】 王天成;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 黑格尔国家理论所要解决的问题是国家与自由的关系问题。黑格尔通过把自由理解为精神的本性,把国家理解为自由与现实得到和解的环节,对国家与自由的关系问题给出了思辨逻辑的解决。自由在国家中的实现是通过两个层次上的圆圈式运动而完成的。首先是自由从抽象法、道德发展到伦理。伦理是抽象法和道德的真理,在伦理的实现生活中,抽象法中的直接的自由被扬弃为在成文法和政治制度中的自由,道德领域的反思的自由被扬弃为伦理风俗与习惯中的自由。其次是伦理精神从家庭、市民社会发展到国家。国家中的公民扬弃了抽象法中的人格以及道德领域的反思自我,成为现实的和具体的人。个人作为公民通过参与国家事务而与国家中的普遍性获得和解,国家通过教养等环节使自己的普遍性把特殊性包容于自身之中,自由就在国家中得到了具体和现实的实现。黑格尔在整体性的观点上使自由在国家中得到具体的实现,克服了古典契约论和康德道德哲学中自由和国家的分离。然而因其哲学的旨趣在于“解释世界”,就在他的理论中带来了很多唯心主义的特征和盲点,遭到了马克思的深刻批判。

【Abstract】 Freedom is the basis of theory of state, and the relation between freedom and state is the central question all the theories have to answer. In the philosophies before Hegel, the classical theory of contract and moral philosophy of Kant are two famous experiments to answer the question. They all answer the question from a standpoint of individual, and treat the freedom other the inherence right or the subjective self-determination, and finally cannot answer the question exactly. Hegel treats the freedom as the nature of spirit, which is the free will who knows itself as free will and fight for its realization. The state is the moment by which this free will as an ideal finally gets the reconciliation between itself and the necessary unity. In the moment of the state as the ethical life, the free will gets its realization in all the aspects.The realization of free will in state is completed by two developing circles in different levels. The first circle is the development of free will from abstract right、morality and ethical life. In the sphere of abstract right, free will exhibits itself as immediacy and pure universal by taking possession. This is what we called arbitrariness, which reveals the universal and abstract of freedom. In the sphere of morality, by the agency of I, free will reflected into itself and identical with itself. This is subjective self-determination and it reveals that this is the moment of free will which is in particularity step. In Hegel’s theory, neither the objective free will in the sphere of abstract right, nor the subjective free will in sphere of morality, can have its real existence. In the former sphere, there is only person exists, and the free will exhibits itself as a possible freedom. In the later sphere, there is only subject exists; and the free will exhibits itself as a condign freedom. In Hegel’s opinion, the real individual exists in the specific life in a society, in the education of custome and practice. That is the real life in ethical life. Ethical life is the truth of abstract right and morality. On the one hand, the abstract right superseded its abstract, exist as positive law. On the other hand, morality superseded its subjectivity and exists as custom and practice. According to these two circles, the development of human being exhibits itself as the change and exaltation in two aspects. On the one hand, human beings develop himself from the abstract person to the idiographic and real individual, and get the unity with the essential power of state in the positive law and constitutional law. On the other hand, as the subject of self-reflection, human beings develop himself from a morality individual to the individual have its life in ethical life. They corroborate the subjective free will in their morality self-reflection, and gets the unity between subjective freedom and objective freedom.The second circle is the development of ethical life from family、civil society and state. Family is the immediate substantiality of spirit. Family member is not as an independent person in nature and immediacy. Family members first were born by someone in nature exists as a member of this family, and the individual is connected with the essential character of family. They are real and idiographic freedom in the immediacy and nature way. Individuals grow up and walk away from his family, then become independent person in the civil society. Civil society is the second moment in the free will realization. Although ethical life is the unity of abstract right and morality, this unity only exhibits itself in an extrinsic relation, and exhibits itself as a field of dispute and opposite. The right belongs to person in the sphere of abstract right, develop itself as the right to act base on his needs. This is the first moment of civil society, which is the system of needs. The second moment is the administration of justice. In which the subject reflect the relation between different individuals, make positive laws, and guide the free will under the principle of universal. The third moment is the police and the corporation, which is the complementarily to the system of need and the administration of justice. In this moment, free will exhibits itself as real will, which means he want to realization all his needs and his profits. In the moment of civil society, all the abstracts of abstract right and morality have been superseded. The society and the individual both are real, and they get to be a unity by the interaction in the system of needs. But in this moment, the relation between the individual action and the systems is still extrinsic. They get the admit ion only because of the rational consider. The real unity only exists in the moment of state. The state is the highest moment of ethical life, exhibits itself as the necessary in the ideal of ethical life. It is not only the truth of family and civil society, but also the truth of abstract right and morality. In this moment, the free will gets its realization in all aspects, and the individual join the politics life as the citizen, share the universal and essence principle as citizen, and desiderate universal thing and profit through their actual action which point to special profits.Not only when we understand the logical structure of free will, which is develop from abstract right to morality, and finally to the ethical life, we hardly can handle Hegel’s exceeds to the classical theory of contract and morality philosophy. But Hegel focuses on the moments、the rational reason of state rather than the positive law and the custom and practice. Then the central part of his theory is about these moments. And this is also the important target in Marx’s animadvert on Hegel’s philosophy of right.In Hegel’s theory, The state as ethical idea and objective freedom, exhibits itself inside as the unity of the power of sovereign、the executive power and the legislative power, and they are the agency by which the individual and the state finally get the unity. The sovereign is the highest level of subject, and it is the state as the individuality, and it is the finally self-determination, and it is the beginning of every existence in the state. Monarch is the personality and self-confidence of state. The executive power is the moment that administers and actualizes the determination of monarch, and it is the power makes the particulate be subject to the universal. The legislative power focuses on the universal exist in the state as a moment of ethical life. The state exhibits itself inside as the unity of the power of sovereign、the executive power and the legislative power, and outside as the independent national country. As the particular and independent country, the state is an exclusive unity, and it gives birth to the independence and external sovereignty of state. In Hegel’s thought, the state as the individuality, as exclusive being-for-itself, appears as the relation to other states, each of which is independence in relation to the others. This is the moment of international law in Hegel’s logic. In Hegel’s thought, the development of idea of freedom is a process, consequently, the self-awareness and the self-realization of idea of freedom is also a process. Hegel divides this process to“the Orient world only realize that one is free in all ages、the Greece and Rome world realize some are free and the Germanic world realize all are free”three parts. It is also the process in which different national spirits closing to the rationality of word spirit.Actually, state is a complicated existence in our life. There are a lot of theories which talk about all the aspects of it. Hegel uses a dialectic method to investigate the state; finally make the idea of state exists as a divinization image that different from sanctity. None other than this logical and pantheistical mentalist and mysticism view that get vigorous resistance from Marx. Firstly, Hegel treats the spirit and the concept as the actual and initiative power, and debases all the real existent into the moments of spirit in which spirit exhibits and finally returns to itself. This is the subversion of the real relation between the concept and the reality. Secondly, the analysis in this theory all depend on Hegel’s logic, and make everything catering to it, which brings the overlook and conciliate to the conflicts in real life. The state in Hegel’s theory is not the rational state in which freedom gets its complete and universal realization, but the capitalistic country with alienations. Only in the future communistic society which conquers the alienations, freedom can get its complete and universal realization. To achieve this great target still need world history’s stepwise closing to the higher rationality both in time and space.

【关键词】 自由抽象法道德伦理国家
【Key words】 Freedomabstract rightmoralityethical lifestate
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

