

Study on Government Affair Process Reengineering

【作者】 高静学

【导师】 张锐昕;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 政务流程再造作为一种政府管理创新思想,尝试将企业流程再造的基本原理引入到政府管理中,强调借助信息技术摒弃以任务分工和计划控制为中心的流程设计观念,打破政府部门传统职责分工与层级界限,塑造“以公众需求为中心”、“一站式”、“跨组织”、“无缝隙”的政务流程,实现政府绩效和公众满意度的显著提升。如今,政务流程再造已成为政府应对社会信息化和经济全球化的挑战,更好地将现代信息技术融入到政府的管理和服务当中,提高政府的效率、有效性和竞争力的有效手段。随着信息技术在政府管理中的广泛和深入的应用,人们发现,电子政务建设不仅为政务流程再造的实现提供了良好的政务变革氛围,而且还有效地建立起了技术上的基础设施,使得那些彼此关联的、权限分离的、地理分散的组织与政务流程在网络平台上实现了无缝隙整合。但是,现实难题是,政务流程在网上的整合不等于在现实中的整合,电子政务能力的增长也不等同于现实中政府能力的增长。所以,要实现全方位的政务流程再造,不仅要充分利用电子政务的技术先进性、工具性优势,而且还要努力挖掘电子政务的革命性与创新性潜力。为此,本文从电子政务视角,在对政务流程再造研究的缘起、现状和意义等问题进行系统梳理的基础上,厘清了政务流程再造的理论渊源、基本内涵与规律特点,再运用行政生态学相关理论,解析了中国政务流程再造实践中存在的问题与现实困境,同时,阐明了电子政务建设与政务流程再造相辅相成的双向互动关系,并进一步探究了电子政务建设进程中推进和深化政务流程再造的契机与途径,最后,结合电子政务发达国家政务流程再造的实践与经验,提出了我国政务流程再造的目标设计与政策建议。

【Abstract】 Since 1980s, the West and even the whole world experienced the science and technology revolution; in particular, the profound influence of modern information technology revolution made various governments eager to establish a new model of government administration so as to face the challenge of the society informationalization and economy globalization; Therefore,“Government Innovation”becomes the core characteristic of government reform in this era. Government affairs process reengineering, as an important part of“Government Innovation”, introduced the basic principle of enterprise process reengineering into government reform, which emphasized the government administration model describing“citizen-centralized”and“process-oriented”with the help of the information technology, so that the government performance and service quality are enhanced dramatically. Following the developing information technology, people found the E-Government construction supplied strong motivation and technical support to the realization of government affairs process reengineering. Studying government affairs process reengineering, with a starting point of building E-Government, became a concerned topic of Public Administration.This article contains six chapters:ChapterⅠ, Exordium: The origination of government affairs process reengineering. With the development of the informationalization and economy globalization, the public administration under traditional bureaucratic system could hardly adapt to the requirement of economic society development in information era. The crisis of such traditional bureaucratic administrative management triggered the revolution of public administration study which aimed to reform governmental principle and operation model, so“Government Innovation”becomes the core characteristic of government reform in this era. Although the specific content, condition, means and method of government innovation differ in various governments, it became step by step the strategic choice of world wide governments, by adequately utilizing modern information technology and innovative thought in enterprise management, to realize the change of administrative principle and the optimization and re-organization of government organizations and processes. Government affairs process reengineering, as important part of government innovation, is the innovative measure of government administration to face the challenge of the society informationalization and economy globalization, and to improve governmental effectiveness and competitiveness. The study about government affairs process reengineering, domestic and abroad, mainly concentrates on technical transplantation of reengineering methods and measures from enterprise business process to government administration. There are very less studies about how to drive government affairs process reengineering with the construction and development of E-Government as traction, so this article presents further analysis and study starting with this point.ChapterⅡ, Summary of the basic theory of government affairs process reengineering. The delay of government affairs process reengineering theory study has already become the obstacle of government affairs process reengineering and innovation among various governments; it is eagerly requested to resolve numbers of confusing thought and practical difficulty of government affairs process reengineering through scientific and systematic analysis and refining of basic theory of government affairs process reengineering. Therefore, this chapter explains government affairs process reengineering in three sections: SectionⅠ, to systematically expound the origination of government affairs process reengineering theory utilizing new public administration theory, government innovation theory and enterprise innovation theory; SectionⅡ, to clarify basic knowledge and interpretation of government affairs process reengineering from different perspective of government and specialists, and then, based on that, clarify basic theory and connotation of government affairs process reengineering; SectionⅢ, to systematically analyze the characteristic of government affairs process reengineering, so as to understand clearly and intuitively.ChapterⅢ,Practice exploration, existing problems and realistic dilemma of our government affairs process reengineering. Our local governments started to try government affairs process reengineering during the process of exploring government administration innovation, especially brought reform into various administration approval processes via preferred opportunity when setting up Administration Service Centers and issuing“Administration Permission Law”. However, looking at our practice, our government affairs process reengineering is more like transplanting from technical level, that lacks necessary basic theory analysis and refining, and that is also influenced and restricted systematically and mechanically. This chapter focuses on analyzing and discussing existing problems and realistic dilemma in the government affairs process reengineering practice under our administration environment. So as to clarify the root which influences the depth and width of implementing government affairs process reengineering in our country, further more, to make policy suggestion in the following chapters stick with major contradiction to have a definite object in view.ChapterⅣ, To set up mutual reaction between E-Government and government affairs process reengineering. Due to the influence of the inertial restriction from traditional administrative management system, that of the deposition of long time“Official Nature”government culture, and that of the wrong orientation of government performance evaluation, government affairs process reengineering is severely restricted on its implementation depth and width. How to break the obstacle on administrative management system and mechanism becomes the difficulty when launching the implementation of government affairs process reengineering. However, following the dynamic development of government informationalization in our governments, setting up E-Government, as emphases area, brings opportunity to resolve this difficulty. This chapter analyzes the relationship between government affairs process reengineering and E-Government setup, draws a conclusion that they expedite, involve and react mutually. That is, E-Government setup provides technical support and motivation to government affairs process reengineering, and on the contrary, the realized administration innovation by government affairs process reengineering sweeps off obstacles and bottle necks of development, so as to bring E-Government to function effectively.ChapterⅤ, The practice and experience at countries with developed E-Government. Government affairs process reengineering is the necessary stage to be experienced when E-Government reaches its advanced development stage. Those countries with high maturity levels of E-Government implemented, in various levels, government affairs process reengineering. The government affairs process reengineering in these countries is conducted under certain political, economical, scientific and cultural tradition background, so their experiences and policies of implementing government affairs process reengineering have inevitably their own specialities. But they also reflect normal principle and same trend when removing personal factor, like nation difference. Therefore, this chapter, selecting two of the most developed countries on E-Government, Singapore (the earliest country that pushed government informationalization and got prominent achievements) and USA (that has the highest maturity on E-Government, and became global model of constructing E-Government), summarizes, compares and analyzes the reform course and experience of launching government affairs process reengineering; intends to explore and clarify, from limited materials of government affairs process reengineering (due to governmental confidentiality and security), the practice and successful experience of government affairs process reengineering in countries with developed E-Government in the era when information technology of the new century is developing rapidly, expecting to bring illuminative and referential affect to the implementation of government affairs process reengineering in our country.ChapterⅥ, The goal design and strategy exploration of government affairs process reengineering in our country. At first in this chapter, set up the goal of government affairs process reengineering in our country. The real purpose of government affairs process reengineering is not the process itself, is to improve the competitiveness of the government by adequately utilizing and employing the characteristics and advantages of E-Government adapting to the requirement of it. This requests that the government affairs process reengineering is performed purposively and organizationally according to the internal principle of E-Government operation. Secondly, put forward that, based on the time of E-Government development, relied on the construction of Administration Service Center, referred to enterprise process reengineering, the government affairs process reengineering should reasonably choose implementation policy. After that, analyze and compare the gradual optimization model and new design model of government affairs process reengineering, propose to adopt the model of combining“Gradual Optimization”and“New Design”according to the functional classification government processes and the stringency level of reengineering. Finally, present, combining the reform practice of administrative management system for setting up service government in our country, supplementary measures that facilitates the functioning of government affairs process reengineering.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

