

Legal and Human Liberation on Marx’s Legal Idea and the Legal Constintution of Modern Chinese

【作者】 刘和清

【导师】 高文新;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 马克思的法制观是在批判黑格尔等人的法哲学基础上结合无产阶级反对资产阶级斗争的社会实践中产生的。马克思认为,法决不是个人主观意志的产物,任何法都是反映着特定阶级或社会的生产关系以及所有制关系,随着社会经济基础的改变以及上层建筑的更替,旧法的内容及其所维护的阶级利益,必然会随之消失。因此,法与一定的阶级相联系,为特定的阶级所服务,它体现着一定社会关系中处于统治地位、掌握国家政权的统治阶级的利益、愿望与要求。马克思认为,法是人的生存条件,人类从“无法”的原始社会进入到“非法”的奴隶社会、“特权法”的封建社会以及“虚伪法”的资本主义社会实质上表现为主体意识到自身还没有足够的力量完全自由地支配他人、完全自由地协调好自身与他人的关系而采取的一种对象化的制度安排与制度设置,因而这样的法必然以一种异化的形式展现出人的本质。马克思认为,只要消灭法产生的经济、社会以及阶级基础,进入共产主义社会,将那种曾经作为制约人的“法”转变为促进人的全面发展的“法”,法由原来维护统治阶级利益的工具变成实现人的全面发展的手段。这样,法就成了人类从必然走向自由、进而实现人类解放的有力手段,人类解放由此也就成为马克思法制观的价值取向与最高目标。

【Abstract】 Nowadays we share a world with a legal system. Governing the country by law has become a common sense in many countries clouding China. Every country taking account of polity,economy,culture,society and public life established a lot of statutes basing on their social structure and social culture,then a integrated legal system with a mature structure and abundant contents has becoming true. We direct our practice in social economic change and guide the relations between human beings by the legal system. As the result,governing the country by law has becoming a tag in our everyday life.From the historic opinion,the forming of law and social legal development is a social historic phenomenon. It is existed all the time and the society is not born with a legal system. In the early time,especially in the late entice society,there isn’t any legal system existing. With the development of the division of work,the division made people standing in two opposite estate,the gerentocratic estate established all kinds of laws for the legality and maintain the government,like the law of Uranom and the law of Hanmonranby and the law of early China. Then people improve these to reach the goal of social governing,but frequently these law are imperfection,and they are sick in the content,some of them actually are the arrangement of the social institution.The law in the western countries is combined with the religious belief and tenet. In the other side of the world the Chinese empire established the law with a brilliant characteristic of their government,but they are lack of the continuation in social administration. It is not only the goal of the latter-day western country to build a opinion of the inherited culture and better mature legal system,but also create a social administration system to govern the country by law and avoid tyranny. These goals came out with rationalism and the arousal of human virtue. From then on the western country depending on the advantage industry and better system in market economy started the trading with the country all of the world,and spread the opinion of their social administration,cultural value and the legislation to the other countries. Law has become the principles in the countries dealing with the state affairs. It seems that law becomes the passport in all countries.In academia,many academician recognize that develop a legal system is the certain choice made by the contemporary capitalism from the opinion in social change in the side of national economy and the social fact of legal institution development. They believe that legal institution is the only way of getting rid of Herbert’s State,and it is a vital guarantee of building up the mature social function mechanism in contemporary capitalism countries to regulate the relationship of people. Some academician take the advice of the comparative political science, insisted on the opinion that legal institution development and governing the country by law are the vital way to make the socialism country to catch up the capitalism country from the fact that the socialism countries’measure in enhance the legal institution. They also believe that legal institution will exist with the human society all the time. These study often put the legal institution,contemporary capitalism and socialism together,then answer the question“why do we need to make the legal institution development?”with the circumstance of whole human society. As a social consciousness state,what is the true logical relationship between the legal institution,social structure and social existence? Is there a logical and historical relationship in socialism legal institution as the advance of capitalism? We don’t have enough attention in these problems. In these studies,the academicians all of the world do the research in these 4 aspects:First,they try to make it clear the logical relationship in Marxism legal institution between the history and time background. By emphasizing the theory resource and true-life basic,they recognize that the Marxism legal institution ideology inherit the Kant and Fichte’s rationalism especially the Hegel’s Philosophy of Law The principle,and form their own legal ideology system on these basic. These idea are embodied in the thinking of Marx’s" Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Law Introduction "and" German Ideology "and other books were. "The German Ideology" ,Marx and Engles for the first time that productivity "in the form of exchanges," and "civil society" determines the superstructure of the basic principles of historical materialism,that the political superstructure as a form of "law" must obey And to serve the specific mode of production,as well as social interaction because of a certain social conditions for the production of material formed and the resulting production is the source of all social change and the foundation of the internal legal system to determine the nature and content, structure and function , Principles and Methods. As Marx in "Critique of Political Economy Introduction," pointed out,the production of information material is the first in the history of mankind, the prerequisite conditions."German Ideology" in Marx and Engels devoted to analysis of the country, law and the relationship between ownership,pointing out that the "law" arising from the economic and social basis and to go through several stages of history. In their view,the development of the national bourgeoisie in the official rules and regulations of the so-called law,in essence,only the help of the "State" intermediary for the entire capitalist private ownership by the bourgeoisie as a whole,as well as services. Therefore,the law is only a product of history and class it as the kind of "natural formation of the Community" in the gradual disintegration of development,formed by a particular class of the ownership of the existence of law and development,content and form,structure and system Decisive,in turn,would have ownership and the formation of various social groups,class constraints play a role in making these groups marked with the brand-specific classes and the emergence and development of this class reflect the interests and laws and regulations in the official system. In the Marxist view,to a future communist society,with the development of the division of labor,private ownership of the bourgeoisie has been replaced by public ownership,people out of dependence on the matter,as well as built-dependence on the basis of independence and access to real The freedom and liberation. By that time,the law on which the survival of the social basis of economic fundamentals as well as the gradual disappearance of national patterns,through the use of specific forms of the country,dependent on specific forms of ownership, reflects the interests of a particular class of the law would not exist. From this perspective,Marx believed that the law is aimed at safeguarding their own dominance of the rogue move.Second,the Marxist ideological content of the legal system to explore,Marx revealed on the "law" of the nature of the property as well as the characteristics of the class. From the Marxist theory of class,standing against the rule of the bourgeoisie,the proletariat revolution,the realization of communist society,the promotion of human liberation,and so these specific historical perspective on that, "The law is the will of the state’s performance," "Code is the freedom of the people Of the Bible. " Therefore,we should "make the law to become conscious of the will of the people",and that is to say,it "should be together with the will of the people by the will of the people have created." Engles in the "socialist jurists" points out: "This is not to say,of course,the socialists refused to put a certain law of the right to request an active socialist political parties as if any political party,do not make such a request is not Possible ";" from a class of common interests arising from the requirements only through the following methods can be achieved by the class to seize power,and in the form of legal requirements in order to give the general effect "and that" the establishment of the revolution. The legal basis for the unconditional considered to be sacred. " From a series of expositions of Marxism can be seen,they reveal the "law" of nature,not only to stress the law is the will of the state’s performance,which reflects the state power to master class will,Characterization of a particular class interests,and,Marx’s "law" comes down to the material living conditions of the determinants up,it was stressed by the ruling class of material living conditions determined by,the "law" will be subject to productivity and production that is the way of exchanges between the people of the constraints To be the property of a particular social system constraints."Economics manuscripts 1857-1858",Marxist economics from the perspective of the "law" in detail and in-depth analysis. In his view,the law is the will of the ruling class performance,which determines the "law" only by the contents of this class of material living conditions of the decision. As a result,the rule of law can only be based on economic relations,"" the relationship between the relations of production is derived. Marx pointed out that freedom and equality in modern capitalist society advocated by the most basic ethical and moral aspects of modern capitalist society is also reflected in the legal and political basis of the concept of value. However, freedom and equality has never been a priori and talented,they are not only derived and the premise of,can not be a "law" of the logical starting point, "law" must necessarily depend on the economic foundation,economic foundation material before Freedom and equality are the most solid foundation.In fact,Marxist ideology breadth and depth of the legal system of society, both young Marx’s law on freedom of thought,there was Marx and Engels for the "law" common understanding; both the "law" of the nature of the content of the class,as well as the substance of the general provisions,Also reflects the "law" of the foundation of philosophy,humanities,as well as the connotation of moral basis,and on the "law" of the historical process,as well as the future direction of the analysis,it is emphasized that any legal only under certain specific class times the product of any.There exists kind of legal rationality,the more the inevitable demise of their sex. As a result,as a practical method is to display a rational,but also reflect the development,a transcendence. In particular,with the all-round development of people to enter the Marxist-called "free conscious" stage,that is,from the "whole person" to the era of "standard" times change,"built on the basis of the material dependence On the independence of the individual "to the stage of" individual freedom "phase change,as a class-conscious" law "is bound to die,which is the" law "an inevitable trend. Therefore,we should stand with the perspective of history fully and accurately grasp the essence of Marxist thinking of the rule of law, in the "law" certainly understandable at the same time respect the "law" in the negative aspects of the understanding,in order to better serve the practice of building the socialist legal system. However,few domestic academic standing and the all-round development of society,from the nature of the high degree of freedom to start to understand and grasp the thinking of Marx and the rule of law,which makes many of these studies to deepen,from different points of view should be broadened Marxist thinking of the rule of law.Third,strengthening of China’s Marxist rule of law and practice to explore. Marxism believes that as a capitalist society in a socialist society in the negative, which is itself an intermediary link,after a negative dialectic to move towards a communist society. In the process,socialism and capitalism to long-term coexistence,not only from the socialist humankind as a whole community, especially obtained in a capitalist society certainly a positive factor,but also be able to abandon the capitalist society in a negative and negative factors In order to compare themselves to gain advantage. Here we find that in order to a market economy as the basic economic system of capitalist society in its centuries of economic and social governance in the process of strengthening the legal basis for strict adherence to the principle of governance according to law, the construction of legal system and the resulting formation of the rule of law Thinking is bound to become a socialist society of social governance is an important consideration. Similarly,a socialist society need to strengthen the legal system,efforts to develop a comprehensive legal system to better regulate the various actors in action,to overcome the irrational capitalist society,to achieve economic and social development of a harmonious socialist society progress To promote all-round development of people to achieve freedom and liberation.To this end,the rule made in the socialist government attaches great importance to the future of the Marxist ideology and the socialist legal system and legal system to carry out research,in theory continue to enrich and deepen the Marxist ideology of the legal system,the socialist legal system with the goal of the content,themes and tasks,The nature and characteristics of short-term goals and long-term goal, and other aspects of a large number of exploration,the formation of a large number of theoretical achievements. In the socialist legal system,Comrade Mao Zedong creatively developed democracy and the rule of law in the great theory,the leadership of the new people’s government formulated a series of laws and regulations,personally presided over the development of China’s first socialist Constitution. He said that "a group have a constitution,a country must have a charter,the constitution is a constitution of the total,is the fundamental law" because of the fundamental law can be the people’s democratic and socialist principles down,so as to enhance people’s Enthusiasm.After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th,Comrade Deng Xiaoping inherited and developed Marxism-Leninism,Mao Zedong Thought on the thinking of the socialist legal system,the "hand-building on the one hand and the rule of law" guiding ideology,stressed the need to correctly handle the rule of man and the rule of law. Deng Xiaoping emphasized the need to institutionalize democracy,law,so that the system and not the law as a result of the leadership change, not the leader of the views and attention of the changes, so that law, there are laws According to the alarm bell. In order to ensure the solemnity of the law,he repeatedly stressed the need to oppose the privileges of citizens in the implementation of laws and institutions shall be equal before thinking.Jiang Zemin at the 15th CPC National Congress report from the building of socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics,the height of incisive definition of the rule of law and the connotation of the substance,a political strategy of governing the country according to law,for the first time the "rule of law and building a society Democracy and the rule of law "as the Party leads the people’s basic strategy of governing the country seriously mentioned, the rule of law that the government strategy of Marxist ideas of democracy and legal system of inheritance and development of China’s socialist democracy and legal system to create a new milestone. The 16th CPC National Congress,as well as 17,is central to stress the importance of building a socialist legal system,that:"To adhere to the scientific legislation,the Democratic legislation,improve the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics,and adhere to the citizens are equal before the law, Safeguard social fairness and justice,respect for and protection of human rights,in accordance with the law to ensure equal participation of all members of society,the development of equal rights. "From then on,thinking of the people of the socialist democratic and legal system,strengthen the socialist legal system has become an important task.Fourth,the market economy and legal system in the process of studying the problems. After the reform and opening-up,with the socialist market economic system, establish and improve internal demand,we should be established with the market economy system of laws and regulations. To this end,government and academia deepening of the socialist market economy and legal system of a study to examine the market economy and legal system between the dialectical relationship between the market economy,clearly the economy is the rule of law. Malloy American scholar believes that the legal and market links between the theory is dynamic. It is determined by the side of one hand is uncertain; is a self-interest, while also positioning in the community. It is not just the object of study or a simple system,but based on the exchange of human practice,therefore,it contains a meaning and value formation of a continuing process. Therefore,we must deepen the rule of law ideology of Marxism of contemporary China with the legal system, in order to establish and improve the socialist legal system , promote the harmonious development of socialist society.This article holds that the law is as a contemporary social governance of the basic yardstick is that it is not an eternal fact of society. Because society is made up of a rich diversity of living individuals,legal persons are gradually have drawn up to coordinate between people,groups and between groups of the code of conduct. This means that the law only people to develop their own specific historical stage of the product, but also in a specific historical stage of the social product,is in the "phase-reliance" and "built-reliance based on personal independence Phase "and the inevitable reality of the rational choice. Marxism in accordance with the understanding that the future communist society,with one of the main body of a further high,for the social development of each individual has provided a broad space for the kind of people gradually,"based on the individual and all-round development of their common social production Their ability to become a society based on the wealth of individual freedom "after the stage,into the freedom of the human personality and all-round liberation of the communist society,there is a class that instead of confrontation,as well as the social class struggle between people gradually,Harmony between the different sectors and strata of society replaced by class antagonism will cease to exist,the whole community will form a "consortium","where everyone is free development of all the conditions for the development of human freedom." Adjustments as From person to person,class and class relations between the behavior of the law began to lose their value,the law is bound to perish gradually. As a result,this sense,the legal system and the rule of law has only a stage performance as an intermediary features. In the Marxist view, with the dissolution of the class,as well as the demise of the country’s main body of the full development of their own people to achieve the total liberation and full freedom in the legal community as a whole to run the system will become increasingly important as well as by all Step by step toward the demise of the community as a whole as a result of "free people of the Commonwealth" of the community. Therefore,in the course of the study to this article from the philosophy and legal philosophy,sociology,and other analytical framework, the use of Marxist social thinking of the rule of law,on the basis of Marxism’s "three-stage" theory, stand with the people of this great all-round development of society,from the "In a socialist society",as well as the rationality of the existence of the inevitable demise of sexual explore in the development of human society in the process of building the rule of law in contemporary China.In the course of the study,prepared this article from the Marxist ideological essence of the rule of law,and all-round development of society and legal system, the social transition of the socialist legal system, the status quo, as well as the main problems, and so on, to explore ways to further strengthen the socialist legal system In order to better serve China’s economic and social transformation and change, social harmony and promoting economic development, for the realization of human freedom and liberation,as well as overall social progress of the socialist ideological and theoretical basis for the provision.I think that we have studied China’s democracy and legal system,we need to strengthen socialist democracy,improve the socialist legal system and strive to achieve the country according to law so as to the ability to grasp the rule of law in order to better serve the cause of socialist construction,not only from the process Up understanding of socialist democracy and legal system,to explore the social transition of the main contents of the socialist legal system,the structure of the system, as well as the direction of the building, but also requires us to stand in the position of Marxism,the development of the rule of law from the point of view to analyze the inevitability of socialist democracy and legal system Using the basic theory of Marxism philosophy and way of thinking and analysis in social change in China’s legal system,to re-examine the rule of law and society, the rule of law and the all-round development of relations between the logic and the logic of the premise,to clarify the legal system throughout the communist Movement of logic node, the rule of law and to grasp the comprehensive development of relations between the logical, practical start "to criticize the premise of",and not just from the simple reality of the society’s recommendations for strengthening the legal system of countermeasures and suggestions. This theory,"the premise of criticism" is not a departure from the reality of a reasonable argument to the inevitability of the legal system,but from an intermediary of its starting to look as the process of the legal system,especially from the inevitable demise of their sexual and research to understand How to strengthen the socialist legal system.In the case of China,the founding of New China,Mao Zedong led the first generation of central collective leadership insist on the general principle of Marxism with China’s concrete practice,adhere to Marxism in China from a position of the stage of the development of the rule of law,in order that the China will abolish the old law of development of a new Chinese law,it is necessary to the establishment of new democratic legal system based on the socialist legal system. In his view,the establishment of the socialist legal system to be able to past serve the present and foreign things serve China,adhere to the leadership and the masses combine principle with the combination of flexibility and so on the principle of legislation. After the reform and opening up,Comrade Deng Xiaoping as the representative of the second generation of central collective leadership that should strengthen the socialist legal system,socialist democracy and socialist legal system as a whole set of social arrangements in society and an integral part of that democracy and the rule of law , Material and spiritual civilization,"we should pay attention to both hands, both hands",should be made up from the system to solve the "rule of man and the rule of law, the party and the government" relationship, noting that "the leadership system and organizational system is fundamental,Overall,stable and long-term "and stressed that" In the end,there is law and lawbreakers must be dealt with "the socialist principle of legislation. Into the 1990s,the rule of Jiang Zemin at the core of the third generation of central collective leadership attaches great importance to establish and improve the socialist legal system,market economy,stressed that the economy is the rule of law,democracy and socialist legal system is an integral part. In October 1997, the party’s "big Five-Year Plan" for the first time the country according to law,the establishment of a socialist country ruled by law as the Chinese communists to govern the country’s basic strategy of the socialist legal system by its rightful place in modern China’s socialist construction in the process of growing Show. The party’s "16th Party Congress","17 large" highlights the legal system in socialist construction of China’s important status,pointing out that the rule of law is the most important prerequisite for governing the country according to the constitution. All of these inherently requires that we should strengthen the rule of law Marxist ideology,Marxist thinking of the origin and development of the legal system,constantly digging Marxist ideology scientific content of the rule of law so as to continuously enrich and develop Marxism,Chinese expansion of Marxism in the field of research.

【关键词】 马克思法制观中国法制建设
【Key words】 MarxLegal ideachinaLegal constitution
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

