

The Research on Industrial Clusters and Economic Growth in Jilin Province

【作者】 王继红

【导师】 衣保中;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 吉林省在国家“一五”期间奠定现代工业基础,在我国几十年社会主义经济建设中做出重大贡献。自改革开放以来,吉林省与其他地区经济差距逐渐加大。在国家实施东北老工业基地振兴战略后,吉林省经济增长速度逐步加快,在经济加速增长的进程中,不合理的产业结构,大量资源的耗费,产业竞争力低等问题都亟待解决,选择何种经济增长模式,快速发展经济,缩小与其他地区差距的问题就显得尤为重要。本文试就这一问题,在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,从产业集聚视角出发,通过实证分析吉林省制造业集聚现状,客观评价吉林省制造业集聚程度,在保持经济持续、健康稳定增长的前提下,提出有必要通过产业布局政策的调整与干预加速产业集聚的形成,设立“长吉松”产业集聚区,建立位处吉林省中部地区的经济增长极,进而构建“长吉松”产业增长带,并对构建产业增长带的现实基础和存在问题进行分析,为调整吉林省产业布局,促进经济快速增长做以参考。

【Abstract】 At present, the issue of industrial clusters around the globe is concerned by many scholars, among which the representative one is about industrial clusters support economic growth. A large volume of research shows that industrial clustering is one of effective ways to promote economic growth.Since China’s reform and opening-up to the outside world, there have existed the problems of increasing gap in China’s regional economy and the consequent disparities in economic development. As a result, problems are brought in the fields of politics, resource, environment and society. With the further development of China’s economy and the expansion on industrial level and scale, the regional economic growth has become the central issue which is discussed on economic solution. The pattern of promoting further economic development is now exploring in all parts of the country. Looking at recent national economy and social development project in various regions, industrial clustering is viewed as an important approach to optimize local industrial structure, get effective allocation of resources and accelerate economic growth.The northeast old industrial base, which laid the foundation for modern industry in the period of national“the first five-year plan”and made great contribution to economic development, developed slowly after the reform. In order to promote economic re-development of northeast old industrial base, Several Suggestions of CPC Central Committee and State Council on Implementing Developing Strategies of Northeast Old Industrial Base was published in 2003, which introduced the economic development strategy on reforming northeast old industrial base. The following years’statistic data demonstrates that economic disparities in three provincial regions, Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang are expanding. The total economic output in Jilin province has been lag behind Liaoning and Heilongjiang. The wide attention is aroused on how to utilize the positive effect of industrial clustering support regional economic development and therefore accelerate economic development of Jilin province. This paper is written on the issue mentioned above, and based on previous research, empirically analyzes the clustering situation in Jilin province, and objectively evaluates the level of clustering in manufacturing from the perspective of industrial clusters. And then the paper puts forward to speed up the construction of industrial clusters and establish changjisong industrial clustering region by means of policy adjustment and intervention on industrial distribution under the premise of keeping economy continuous and stable growth. Accordingly, economic growth polar is built on the central part of Jilin province and industrial growth belt of Changjisong is constructed. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the realistic basis and existing problems on building industrial growth belt, and gives a reference on adjusting industrial distribution and promoting economic growth of Jilin province.This paper is consisted of six chapters which is described as following:The first chapter is the introduction of the paper which states the cause of selecting the title of the paper as well as theoretical and realistic association on writing the paper. In addition, this part illustrates research object and summarizes overall ideas and principle methods and generalizes main points of the paper.The second chapter is the theoretical assessment on the theory of industrial clusters and regional economic growth. First of all, this part introduces the definition and connotation of industrial clusters and regional economic growth, emphasizing the relationship of the both sides. Secondly, the related theory on industrial clusters is presented and reviewed in an integral way. The principle theories, including balanced and non-balanced theory on regional economic growth, are restated which composed of the theoretical basis of this paper. The following chapters are demonstrated on the basis of the content of this part.The third chapter is about experiences and enlightenments on industrial clusters promoting regional economic growth within and beyond the country. Through summarizing industrial clusters situation on four typical examples in American and European countries, American silicon valley, 128 information superhighway, Detroit auto industry area and Ruhr industrial area in Germany, together with areas of electronic industry and automobile industry in the Zhujiang Delta, the Yangtse Delta in China, the paper analyzes integral process and clustering effect on these regions and generalizes the enlightenments and experiences which bring into mode of economic growth in Jilin province.The fourth chapter is the empirical analysis on industrial clusters of Jilin province.This part firstly recalls the economic growth in each stage of Jilin province since the founding of the nation, and summarizes industrial distribution situation during economic development. In terms of non-transferable resources in mining industry and government welfare service in electricity, gas, water production and supply industry, the paper surveyed 29 manufacturing (except for wasted resource and wasted material recycling industry) distributed in nine cities (prefecture) and precisely measured clustering condition towards geographical expansion of above-scale enterprises by means of regional centralization, Herfindahl index, N index and regional Gini coefficient. The chapter only surveyed and evaluated clustering in nine cities (prefecture) in 2007 due to limited statistics. According to statistic results, most manufacturing in Jilin province is located in the city of Changchun and Jilin. This result is closely related to industrial distribution plan which is worked out in the period of“the first five-year plan”. Manufacturing clusters in places apart from Changchun and Jilin within the province mainly rely on natural resources, such as petrol refinery, coking and nuclear fuel processing in Songyuan, timber processing in Baishan, furniture making in Tonghua etc.To consider from clustering regions, cities besides Changchun and Jilin which stable development rely on industrial base formed in the founding of PRC, economic growth in Liaoyuan and Baishan is excessively depend on natural resources, which has been regarded as resource-exhausted cities in the first list made by nation. As pilot cities with economies in transition, the economic growth in Liaoyuan and Baishan is relatively slow in both quantity and speed. What’s more, among the second national list of resource-exhausted cities, three cities of Shulan, Jiutai and Dunhua are listed. This gives a warning on us that the sustainable economic growth is difficult to maintain by simply rely on resources.In view of sustainable economic growth of resource-based cities, this chapter selects Songyuan as an example which economy has been increasingly developed in recent years, and analyzes industrial clusters in 1999, 2003 and 2007. The investigation shows that geographic centralization is strengthened and the level of clustering is mounting, but the increase is mainly depends on petrol processing, coking and nuclear fuel processing which is developed with petrol resources. With the aid of SPSS software, manufacturing clusters and simulation model on regional economic growth are established, and a positive correlation between manufacturing clusters and economic growth in Songyuan is verified. Such a conclusion resulted in author’s consideration on whether the model of excessive exploitation and procession on resource can obtain economic growth, and how to achieve sustainable development on economy in western region of Jilin province where a great deal of natural resource has been exploited? The chapter proposes to adjust the existing manufacturing distribution of Jilin province based on empirical analysis, followed by strategy of“strengthening central region, driving surrounding areas, promoting two belts, developing in depth”. The goal is to construct an industrial clustering region linking to central part and covering nine cities (prefecture) of Jilin Province, shape economic growth polar, build industrial growth belt, and promote overall economic development.The fifth chapter accounts for theoretical basis and realistic condition on constructing“Changjisong”industrial growth belt. This chapter gives a systematic introduction on theoretical basis, building process and structure components of industrial belt. And then defines simulating“Changjisong”industrial belt and analyzes its economic basis, natural resources, transportation and human resources. Meanwhile, the existing problems are objectively analyzed when discussing necessity of building“Changjisong”industrial growth belt.The sixth chapter talks about constructing objectives and methods on“Changjisong”industrial growth belt.Firstly,“Changjisong”is regarded as the center of economic development in Jilin province, the heart of international cooperation trade in Tumenjiang, the manufacturing base in automobile, petrochemical industry, and equipment manufacturing. And it viewed as the high technology base on electronic information, biopharmaceutical industry, and new material as well as the food base on food production and agricultural products procession.Secondly, based on the situation of economic development in Jilin province, this part brings forward the construction objective at three stages of developing“Changjisong”industrial growth belt. The first stage is to outline a region which is centered on Changchun and distributed in Jilin and Songyuan, achieving regional clusters supported by national preferential policies which are formulated to promote economic development within recent two years. A experimental region is to built with Changchun-centered, Jilin and Songyuan as support, or achieve the stage target of constructing“Changjisong”reform experimental region. The second stage is within the next five to eight years, by utilizing superiority of industrial clusters in“Changjisong”experimental region, to stimulate more industries enter this region and expand the original one. Based on“Changjisong”experimental region or“Changjisong”reform experimental region,“Changjisong”industrial lobby is set up, and furthermore the long-term objective on framing industrial growth belt of“Changjisong”is acquired.Thirdly, this chapter discusses cooperation involving in constructing “Changjisong”industrial growth belt, referred to as infrastructure, prior industry selection, regional trade cooperation and the combination of technology and human resources. And proposals are made in terms of division and developing direction in each area.Finally, some recommendations and suggestions are raised aiming at solving problems in building“Changjisong”industrial growth belt.Chapter 7 is the conclusion of this thesis. Through generalizing investigative results, the thesis summarizes the related facts. Based on these investigations, the thesis puts forward working up an analyzing framework aiming at industrial clustering, regional economic growth as well as industrial structure adjustment. Finally, the thesis advances in brief the research direction in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

