

Study on the Innovation of the Governmental Public Cultural Service Function

【作者】 张波

【导师】 彭向刚;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 文化生产力理论揭示了人的文化主体地位,明示了政府的文化职能就是依照宪法和法律,切实搞好公共文化设施建设,不断提供完善的文化服务。对现代政府而言,满足公众文化需要,保证公众的文化权利,提供公共文化服务是其重要职责。政府作为公共文化服务的承担者,其任务不仅仅是提供直接的文化服务,更重要的是保证公共文化服务得到提供以及保证公民的文化权利得到实现。因此,政府的文化职能主要由三大基本职能构成,即文化市场监管职能、公共文化服务职能和支持发展文化产业职能。本文围绕政府公共文化服务职能这一个重要内容展开研究,希望为新时期我国政府公共文化服务职能创新贡献绵薄之力。本文以马克思主义基本原理、观点和方法为指导,运用行政管理学和政府学的基本理论,采取系统研究、实证研究和比较研究的研究方法,对我国政府公共文化服务职能创新这一问题进行全面研究。本文在厘清核心概念和问题的基础上,论证了政府公共文化服务职能创新的目标选择,挖掘当前我国政府公共文化服务职能创新的现实动因,在吸收借鉴主要国外政府文化职能创新的理论、政策经验的基础上,最终为我国政府公共文化服务职能的创新提出转变创新观念、完善创新机制、重构创新模式、提升创新能力、评估创新绩效五条路径,以及为实现路径而选择法律、政策、经济、技术、人才五种政府公共文化服务职能创新的手段。

【Abstract】 Culture is the soul and blood of a nation and its rise and fall have a close relationship with the destiny of world. Each government has its own responsibility to contribute the continuation of the national civilization and to enhance the creativity and vitality of its culture. At the same time, government has to protect the fundamental cultural rights of the general public, and provide sufficient conditions for them to enjoy a high level of culture, as well as improve the quality of the whole nation through the refined culture and the influence of national culture. Therefore, all of the wise and responsible governments in history pay great attention to cultural development. The innovation of the Governmental public cultural service function is another significant social functions reform after the economic functions reform and the political functions reform, which is based on the the scientific and right judgements about our domestic and international situation made by the CPC Central Committee that is centered on Comrade Hu Jintao, which comprehensively grasp the development trend of world culture nowadays, and make a profound analysis about our country’s basic national conditions and strategies.The article is under the guidance of tenets, viewpoints and methods of Marxism, takes the administrative and executive and governmental principle, adopts systematic, empirical and comparative research methods, conducts a comprehensive study on the innovation of the Governmental public cultural service function. After clarifying the the basic concepts and issues, the dissertation discuss goal selection of the innovation of the Governmental public cultural service function and find the inner and realistic intention of our government actives. After absorbing and drawing the main theory and policy experience of foreign government on the innovation of the Governmental public cultural service function, this article finds new ways for the innovation of our governmental public cultural service function from five paths, including the new transform theory, the improvement of innovation mechanisms, the reconstruction of innovation model, the enhancement of the innovation capability, and the performance assessment,etc, as well as five implementation means, including the methods of legal, policy, investment, technology and personnel resources.Except to the parts of introduction and conclusion, The dissertation can be divided into five parts as follows:Chapter I, the clarification of questions. It mainly focuses on clarifying the related connotations and conceptions about the innovation of the governmental public cultural service function, including the public cultural services, governmental public cultural service function and the innovation of the governmental public cultural service function. Chapter II, the goal selection. This part focuses on two questions. The purpose and content of the innovation of the governmental public cultural service function. It Clearly analyses the core goal, the basic goal, the overall goal, the long-term goal, and the ultimate goal of the innovation of the governmental public cultural service function, and points out the function direction, the scope of the normative functions, the transform focus of function, the structure adjusts, ect.Chapter III, the realistic motives. The the opportunities and challenges of the innovation of the governmental public cultural service function. There are three items in this chapter. The background of the the innovation of the governmental public cultural service function, the opportunities of this innovation and the main problems faced by the governmental public cultural service function nowadays.Chapter IV, Learn from others. The indications and enlightenment of the innovation of the governmental public cultural service function. The discussion can be divided into two pieces. Reviewing the experience of the main foreign governments and finding out the inspirations to our government about the innovation of the governmental public cultural service function.Chapter V, study on countermeasures. The ways and means of the innovation of the governmental public cultural service function. Finds new ways for the innovation of our governmental public cultural service function from five paths, including the new transform theory, the improvement of innovation mechanisms, the reconstruction of innovation model, the enhancement of the innovation capability, and the performance assessment,etc, as well as five implementation means, including the methods of legal, policy, investment, technology and personnel resources.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

