

The Economics Study on Sustainable Use of Natural Forces

【作者】 刘静暖

【导师】 纪玉山;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 西方经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 自然物质中天然具有的对人类福利构成影响的自然力,既是财富创造不可或缺的要素,又是经济社会可持续发展的自然基础。研究发现,由于人类对大自然的索取远大于维护,甚至人为破坏,致使自然力系统出现了总量不断衰减、具有“报复”性质的灾害自然力大面积衍生的局面。自然力危机正在全球爆发和蔓延,这绝不是危言耸听!因此,以经济学为视角研究自然力利用的可持续性,成为应对自然力危机,实现可持续发展的必然选择。自然力可持续利用的经济学研究,涉及自然力内涵的界定,自然力的作用机理,自然力运行的一般规律,以及自然力可持续利用需要的理论和政策创新等问题。为此,本文展开了如下内容的研究:(1)经济学视角下自然力的基本问题。包括自然力的内涵、分类、特征;(2)自然力的作用机理。内容涵盖自然力与财富、生产力以及生产要素的关系,自然力应遵循的定律或规律等;(3)自然力的经济学测度。研究和设定度量自然力的指标体系。(4)自然力的比照估价。运用比照的方法,从不同角度对自然力的天然成本估值,以便实现生态补偿;(5)自然力的供求分析。从微观、宏观以及生态盈亏角度建立供求模型,并对当前自然力的利用加以实证分析;(6)自然力可持续利用的理论和政策创新。

【Abstract】 The force is the basic reason of thing’s formation, development and extinguishment. The natural force, which is innate to the Nature, creates the myriad things, and at the same time, the myriad things contain kinds of natural forces. The human beings continuously adapt to, enjoy and change the nature, conduct physical exchange with it, so as to seeking for his own survival and development. So we can say that the natural force makes the natural foundation of economic and social development. Ever since the industrial revolution, while, the human beings take the natural force as the object of conquer and exploit, randomly and predatorily use it, extirpate in different degrees, and change its normal operating system, break up the thresholds it can bear. Now the normal quality public natural forces which were abundant are becoming scarce, the privately owned ones which were relatively scarce is becoming absolutely scarce. Moreover, many kinds of negative natural force, in term of natural disasters, revenge themselves upon the human beings, which result in precarious foundation of economic development. Shortness and break of the natural forces show signals of crisis. The water supporting a ship can also upset it. If we cannot control the natural force crisis, not only economic development will be punctuated, but also the human beings themselves will face disaster of“born in the nature and broken in the nature”. It is a global program for overcoming the natural force crisis and is of important academic value and deep realistic meaning to study the theory of sustainable usefulness of natural forces from economic point, change people’s mistaken ideas about the Nature, torsion the bad product pattern and consume habits, to avoid exploited use and destroy of the natural forces, strengthen the natural foundation of economic development.This paper does not simply considerate the natural force itself, but conducts basic economic theoretic study to its sustainable use from an economic angle. The study is based on Marxist eco-economic theory, absorbs the reasonable components of modern Western economic theory, in framework of principles of harmony between the heaven and human embodying good terms of man and Nature, makes use of analysis instruments such as supply and demand model, ecological footprint account, and so on, combines sciences such as physics, chemistry,biology with economic subject such as environmental science,resources science,development economics,recycle economics,sustainable development theory, and new-institutional economics, scientifically defines the connotation of natural force, explores the operational mechanism of the natural force in economic system, tries to set up a systematic and complete economic theory system including law of factors of production, economic measurement index system, reference estimate value theory, supply and demand theory, and management theory and policy creation of scientific and sustainable use of natural forces. Our goal is to reveal the general law of natural force operating in economic system and its specific mechanism in market economy, to achieve sustainable use of the natural forces and economic and social sustainable development, and in the mean time, provide reference for further improvement of interdisciplinary subjects such as environmental economics, ecological economics, and resources economics.Definition of the connotation of natural force is the premise of deeply investigation of sustainable use of it. The problem of human’s fortune and welfare attracts economics’attention ever since its establishment. To increase welfare and to avoid benefit lost, we should distinguish natural material’s function and the direction and extent of influence of forces on welfare, and to achieve rational distribution of them. So we can say, generalized natural force in economic view angle is a set of utility and power owed by natural materials themselves that can influence human welfare. The relationship between natural force and natural materials is dialectical unification. Natural materials are carriers of natural forces. The more the carriers, the stronger the natural force. Once the carrier disappears, the natural force in it disappears following, the two ones accord to each other. While there are still difference between them, one kind of natural material may have kinds of natural force, and one kinds of natural force may belongs to several kinds of natural materials. Force has directivity; the same is the natural force. The utility and power owed to natural materials themselves that could increase human’s welfare is natural force in narrow sense, which is also called positive utility natural force. On the other hand, natural forces owed to disasters that have negative influence on human’s welfare is negative utility natural force, which is also called disaster natural force. In practice, misappropriate disturbs of human to the Nature may lead positive utility natural force to change to disaster ones, and scientific and technological progress can draw on human’s advantages and avoid his disadvantages to some extent. The natural force is objective, and does not develop after human’s will. It is characterize by creation, blindness, vindictiveness, dynamism, and imperfection of replacement. Natural force can be classified by different standard. It can be distinguished into private natural force and public natural force by ownership, resource natural force and environment natural force by carriers, current natural force and potential natural force by cognitive extent, etc.One of the reasons that cause natural force crisis is that man does not understand the operational mechanism of natural force in economics correctly. It is necessary to study the operational mechanism of natural force in economics for humans to contain natural force crisis and to perform sustainable use of natural force. Improvement to human’s welfare depends on increase of fortune. The fortune includes natural and manmade fortune. The natural ones are completely production of natural force, and manmade ones are results of human actions on natural force. Natural force is the primary origin of fortune. The four fundamental forces in the Nature, strong force, weak force, electromagnetic force and gravitation are the essential reason of natural and economic development, and of course are that of productive force development. The Three factors of productive force elaborated from view point of green productive force harmonious with natural force, that is to say, labor, subject of labor and implements of labor, all come from natural force, and productive force belongs to natural force, every leap is result of man’s important findings of some kind of natural force or of use of higher level of it. So we can say that natural force widens the space and field of productive force. If we analysis from factors’angle, private natural force represented by land is one of the four traditional and irreplaceable fundamental production factors, which includes labor, land, capital and entrepreneurship, while public natural force is excluded because there are much of it. With the high sea pollution, atmosphere pollution, climatic anomaly, the ozone layer hole, groundwater body pollution, and so on, normal quality public natural force becomes scarce. To conquer the crisis, it is of special need to impose cost restraint for enterprises to use public natural force freely. If we put public natural force into the productive factor system and pay for its“labor”to compensating its repair cost, we can protect it from quality and quantity decrease. Thus the production factor system is composed of five fundamental elements, that is, public natural force, labor force, capital force, land force and entrepreneurship, which construct a five-force fundamental factor set.Now that productive force can be attributed to natural force, being the basic component unit of production factors and being indispensable for fortune creation, it is of necessary to set up valuation index system to evaluate and supervise quantity, quality and contribution of natural force. Natural bearing capacity measures the origin of natural force, it has some limitations; ecological land is the transformation of natural force measurement, it has shortcomings, too. To foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, it is necessary to set up a comprehensive index system of natural force, physical and nonphysical, which can combine natural bearing capacity and ecological land and measure the sustainability of natural force, including conjugate ecological land bearing capacity index of expanded ecological land area, ecological land bearing capacity, and the original ecological land bearing capacity, ecological land pollution receiving ability.For a long time, in economic practice, the natural force is predatorily and exhaustingly used. A very important reason is that it is used costless, which shall be attributed to difficulty of evaluation of the cost of natural force. To based making and management of market price of natural force on rule, and to make sure that use of natural force no long be free lunch, man must solve the evaluation problem of native cost of natural force. Man can not count native cost of natural force directly, but estimate it by reference and analogy indirectly on base of its function to human welfare. In detail, estimate native cost of natural force by reference and analogy is just choosing reference object. For example, for natural force taking part in productive process, because it substitutes and saves labor, we may choose labor as reference, compute labor-hour’s number and change it into monetary unit, then compute the native cost of natural force; for natural force could be imitated and simulated, such as natural lake and river, we may choose manmade ones as reference, and estimate the native value of natural force by productive and reproductive cost of the manmade nature; for natural force could not be simulated and does not enter productive process, such as the ozone layer and climate, we may take its repair cost, so-called negative value as reference, and reversely infer the value of the whole natural force; we also may take rent as reference, estimate the native cost of the general land natural force that has relation to land. Native cost of natural force estimated by this reference and analogy method is only its base value, which should be corrected by shadow price, inter-temporal model, and so on.In market economy, market mechanism plays a very important adjustment role in use of natural force. This paper makes use of the core index of natural force, ecological land area, sets up a micro supply and demand model of natural force, and develops equilibrium price analysis. From Macroscopic standpoint, taking IS-LM model in Western economics and the wedge model of supply-side school, we introduce policy factor into aggregate supply and demand of natural force, on base of which deduce natural force AD-AS model adjusted by government policy. This breaks the inherited train of thoughts that policies in modern Macro-economics involve only the aggregate demand but not aggregate supply. There is frontier of aggregate supply of natural force, and the aggregate supply curve is vertical in long term. It supplies instrument for macro-financial policy and monetary policy management of natural force. We may make use of the AD-AS model of natural force to analysis and explain stagflation caused by natural force crisis. The ecological surplus account in modern ecological footprint theory provides another instrument for natural force supply and demand analysis. We analysis the current situation of natural force use with ecological footprint account, and find that use of natural force is greater than its demand, and it is under continue and heavy deficit.Economic practice indicates that natural force exhaust caused by government failure is many times that by market failure. In other words, the most important reason that leads to natural force crisis is that the government carries out demand-management policies based on insufficient effective demand theory over a long period of time, frequently and in large scale.Then reply to natural force crisis want human to correct his inappropriate economic theory and policy and to develop theory and policy creation. Today and for a long while in future, global economic crisis of the most minacity is the stagflation crisis caused by natural force undersupply, while crisis of deficient effective demand is only a secondary one. Hence economic crisis theory shall change from Keynesian deficient effective demand crisis theory of the recent hundred years to natural force product undersupply crisis theory. According to natural force undersupply crisis theory, we refine the macroscopic economic target as a five-green-target system, which includes natural force sustainable use, stable price on base of natural force reasonable pricing, clean and full employment, green equilibrium of balance of international payment and sustainable equilibrium output. For realization of the five green targets, the traditional natural-force-exhausted mode of economic growth shall change into sustainable mode of economic growth that could appropriately use and protect the natural force, and macro-economics management pattern shall change from depending on effective demand management to moderate demand management and to strengthening supply management. In view of the law of increasing entropy and diminishing land fertility in natural force use, this paper put forward to some countermeasures for strengthening science and technology management. Man shall continuously improve his comprehensive utilization rate of natural force, and on the other hand, discover new natural force lying in the original resources and change the potential natural force into current one. Of all the above, the most important is to research and develop and apply into practice technology to avoid negative utility natural force or disaster natural force. The paper also propose rational economic man remolding theory minimizing disturb to natural force, in which limited rationality of economic man may be remolded by improvement of policy and rule of law, and limited rationality evolutes gradually toward perfect rationality. For restraint of behavior of micro-economic man, the paper proposes two concrete codes of conduct, cyclic economy”5R”rule for production and“5S”Rule for harmonious consume. For global public natural force problem, the paper introduces concrete methods for international treatment, such as cost compensation for less developed countries for public natural force governance, direct control on global public natural force, and construction and completion of international waste disposal right exchange market.Economic study on sustainable use of natural force is the inevitable request of the times in condition that natural force is becoming scarcer and scarcer and even to varying degrees bring some breaks not in favor of human living; it is also needed for comprehensively implement the scientific concept of development, of important theoretical significance and practical significance.It should be moreover stressed that the pure natural force is not the object of research of this paper, for it is that of science research. What we investigate in this paper is the relationship between natural force and economic system, such as that of natural force and productive force, of natural force and production relation, operational mechanism and general law of natural force, sustainable use and the corresponding theory and countermeasures, and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期

