

On Thoughts of Coastal Defense during Westernization Period

【作者】 孙成华

【导师】 孙晓春;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治学理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 洋务运动时期是中国历史上一段非常重要的时期,外国在华政治经济势力不断扩大,清王朝的封建统治日益腐朽,社会矛盾日趋激化,海防危机空前严峻,中国已沦落为半殖民地半封建的国家。面对西方资本主义强国的“坚船利炮”和来自海上的一次次入侵,中国被迫由封闭走向开放。以“坚船利炮”形式表现出来的军事技术使洋务派海防思想家不得不承认“技不如人”,从而把“师夷之长技以制夷”的主张由理论付诸于实践。海防两次论争提出的海陆并重,另立海军,大治水师以及派遣海军学生赴国外留学等主张都极大推动了中国海防和海军的近代化建设。洋务运动时期海防思想是近代中国反侵略战争实践的产物,它只是针对资本主义列强海上侵略的被动应对,而不是基于社会内部诸要素发展刺激而做出的主动反应,从而缺乏内在政治和经济的驱动力。在“中体西用”思想和“重陆轻海”观念的影响下,洋务运动时期海防建设最终没能真正完成近代化进程。

【Abstract】 After the Second Opium War, the Western capitalist powers launched a new round of invasion against China by sea. Chinese nation was facing a severe crisis of survival. Westernization Group headed by a Li -hongzhang held a perception on the current situation and advocated that the Chinese declining tendency of feudalism reign should be relieved through the notion of learning from foreign fortes on technology to restrict the foreign, which eventually led to the military self-strengthening movement. The Westernization Group put forward a principle that China’s traditional feudal political system and ideology should be retained; meanwhile western science and technology, especially military technology should be utilized to achieve the enhancement national strength.The primary stage of views on coastal defense began from 1860 to the end of the Second Opium War. The establishment of modern navy has been the central issue. How to strengthen maritime defense and protect against foreign invasion was viewed by Westernization Group as an important mission. Limited to lack of basic modern military industry, new navy procured the ships relying on outsourcing.The main body of this dissertation is composed around the topic of two arguments on costal defense, which are the most significant part in terms of coastal defense thoughts. The fact that Japan invaded Taiwan in 1874 marked the opening up of the first argument on costal defense. People held different views about it, but they agreed on the urgency of coastal defense crisis. The thoughts posed by Lihongzhang had an important impact, which was mainly reflected in the essay On Costal Defense, in which systematic thoughts of coastal defense were proposed under the influence of former reference. The Qing government finally determined Nanyang and Beiyang Navy construction principles; thus modern Chinese government has formulated the first program of naval construction, which provided a strong impetus to the modern Chinese navy construction. Under the background of Sino-French War in 1884 in Fujian, the second argument on costal defense was launched as a continuation and deepening of the first one. Before 1894, the focuses of thoughts on coastal defense were put on the construction of weapons and equipment modernization and training of modern naval personnel; many issues were put on schedule, such as foundation of central administrative institution, purchase of modern weapon, construction of harbor base, emphasis on anti Japan policy and Taiwan, etc., Lots of issues under this background are discussed in this dissertation, from which we perceive the transformation of thoughts between tradition and modernity.Although the most distinguished reflection of this period was on the modernization of naval weapons and personnel, in nature, the thought of Chinese orientation was basic guiding principle. Therefore, Westernization Group cannot surpass its own limitation. The Navy has not put forward a theory of military system and the negative and conservative combat thought of Port isolation came first, according to which navy is regarded as the subordinated tool of defending port. Comparing with the contemporaneous Japanese thoughts on coastal defense, it is obvious to figure out the backwardness it has to the development of thoughts on coastal defense and of naval construction.As an important part of Chinese modern thoughts on coastal defense, its value should be evaluated sufficiently and it helps us deepen the understanding of China’s military modernization as well as the significance of naval ideological change.This dissertation aims at analyzing the thoughts of coastal defense during the Westernization Movement Period. Its significant value is reflected not only at a theoretical level and is also reflected in the practical level. The thoughts were of weaknesses and the positive side should be affirmed,however, its limitations should not be overlooked; the thoughts of coastal defense have the following deficiencies: passive development of thoughts of coastal defense; conservative strategic policy; unsystematic defense theory. We have learned a lesson that transformation of thoughts served as a great decisive factor during the process of military modernization in modern China.This dissertation reveals the whole process of naval ideological transformation during modern Chinese society and the references and enlightenment we have facilitate our perception on the world. Enhancement of national marine conception and marine power consciousness contribute significantly not only to the advancement of Chinese society but to Chinese navy construction. The construction and modernization of coastal defense during Westernization period is overall a failure, but many possible factors that lead to success are also included, which are just what the dissertation aims for and which deserve our further discussion in-depth and objective evaluation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】K256.1;E295.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1333
  • 攻读期成果

