

Observation on Color Words in Chinese and Western Modern Literary Works and Readers’ Reception

【作者】 程绍华

【导师】 张福贵;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 “文学接受的过程是读者对某一作品阅读理解的过程。其中,既包括对作品某一个人物形象、艺术技巧、语言结构的认识,也包括对作品整体价值的把握与探寻。”作为语言不可或缺的一部分,文学作品中的色彩词是影响读者接受的重要因素。文学作品是用语言描绘的色彩世界。文学作品离不开色彩词,文学创作中,色彩词的作用是其他词语无法替代的。大量的色彩词描绘作品中人物所在的环境,刻画人物的性格,揭示人物的命运,同时也负载着丰富的文化,赋予作品不同的艺术深度。不同文化背景下的作者、译者、读者对色彩的理解不同,有效的色彩接受,要求本身作为读者的译者,以及非译者读者,做好“前理解”,多角度观照文学作品中的色彩词,从而在接受中贴近甚至达到作品的艺术深度,得出和作者相同的理解。经过细致考察,本文发现,色彩词对异质文化读者的文学接受存在较为驳杂的干预形态。本文采取跨文化、跨学科、文本分析和比较研究等方法,以中西文化下具有代表性的现代语言大师鲁迅、哈代、马克·吐温的小说和译本为主要示例,以这些作家的其他作品或其他作家的作品加译本为文本补充,基于大量的例证,多角度(中西现代作家创作的色彩共性、文学作品色彩的文化差异、文学作品色彩的翻译)观照文学作品中的色彩,梳理、分析文学作品创作、翻译中色彩词对读者接受活动的潜在影响,探索提高读者(特别是异质文化读者)文学色彩接受能力和文化修养的可能。同时,本文为色彩词的文化翻译研究以及色彩词翻译对文学接受的影响的研究提供理想个案,考察译者处理文化负载词应采取的有效翻译解读策略,探讨如何在翻译中移植颜色词以有效干预文学接受,并以此借鉴性地探索其中带有规律性的翻译原则与方法,指导色彩词文化翻译实践,从而使具有艺术深度的文学接受活动顺利进行。

【Abstract】 The dissertation is to make a detailed cross-cultural interpretation about literary color words, to analyze the author’s intention of using them and their cultural connotation, to illustrate the specific effects of color words on readers’reception, especially the reception under different cultures, to elaborate that readers have to take cultural connotation of color words into account while appreciating certain literary works, which will contribute to the reader’s command of the application rules of color words and the establishment of“pre-understanding”of the text, enhance readers’ability and cultural accomplishment in understanding color words, and artistcically and culturally push readers’reception. Meanwhile, the dissertation provides ideal cases for the study of cultural translation of color words and for the study of the effects of the translation on literature reception so as to work out effective traslantion ways to handle culture-loaded color words to improve literature reception to the greatest extent.Introduction. Literature reception is a course of appreciating a certain piece of works, including not only the understanding of the certain character, the writing technique and the language structure, but also the grasp and exploration about the general value of the piece. As indispensible part of language, literary color words are also involved in literature reception.Literary works are a color world of language, in which color words are of great importance. In literary creation, their functions are unlikely to be replaced by other words, where a large number of color words are used to describe surroundings and atmosphere in which the character is involved, to portrait characters’personalities and to reveal characters’fortune, and at the same time they are loaded with culture. Authors, translators and readers from different cultural backgrounds have different ideas about color. To achieve successful reception, translators (who themselves are readers) and readers (who are not expert translators) are required to understand and interpret color words in literary works from different perspectives and can’t neglect to consider culture-loaded color words so as to get rid of blind zones in appreciation. The dissertation is to adopt the study methods of cross-cultures, cross-subjects, text analyses, comparison and contrast, taking Lu Xun’s, Hardy’s and Mark Tain’s novels and translation versions of these novels as main examples and other authors’works and translation versions as supplements, to explore the impacts of literary color words on cross-cultural literature acceptance from the perspectives of mutual features of using color words, different cultural imagery of color words and translations of color words.Chapter I Observation on mutual features of using color words and readers’reception. Due to human beings’mutual intuition and some similar thinking modes, people from different cultural backgrounds have almost the same sense and aesthetic taste to the basic image of color. So speaking of the sense to color, we can easily find that both Chinese authors and authors from English-speaking countries tend to make use of color words to present the original color of items, to express various complex color, to outline features to inspire rich imagination, to portrait characters to reveal their fate, to use color to“write”senery to foil atmosphere, and so on and so forth. And they also have much in common in the use of figurative language. That mutuality in using basic senses of color words and figurative language is apt to arouse readers’resonance and push reception.Chapter II Observation on different cultural imagery of color words and readers’reception. With the changes of history and culture, besides the basic senses, color words have also developed abundant cultural connotations and have colorful pragmatic meanings which are derived from the practice of language in specific context. Literary works provide the very pragmatic context for culture-loaded words—color words. Chinese and foreign authors rein color words with their own national cultural connotations and make their works loaded with meanings beyond color, and at the same time increase the profoundity and difficulty in literature reception. Literary works with profound color images hinder readers’literature reception, especially non-Chinese readers’. Therefore, as far as readers are concerned, it is of vital importance to be able to interpret and grasp color connotations, and to enhance the ability concerned. Chapter III Observation on translations of color words and readers’reception. The functions of color words in Chinese literary works and English literary works have showed both clear mutuality and various differences, which decides the complexity of the process of literature reception, especially that of the readers from different cultures. Under such circumstances, expert translators, their translating strategies and the improvement of readers’appreciation and interpretation will function as a bridge to influence reception and make foreign readers have similar, even the same sense and understanding as the readers of the original.Conclusion.“Resonance in literature reception is a vital means of fulfilling the self-worth of literary works, that is, only through arousing readers’resonance more can literary works develop its social functions of cognition, education, aesthetics and so on.”This is the very remark that generated the drive of this study, which is expected to lead Chinese readers and readers from different cultures out of the confusion in color words to render“highbrow songs”to find more“singers”.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

