

Study on Haruki Murakami’s Novels in Post-modern Context

【作者】 杨炳菁

【导师】 靳丛林;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本论文从目前国内外村上春树文学研究现状中所存在的问题出发,尝试将宏观视角与微观视角相结合,分析村上文学的思想内容与艺术形式。本研究的对象为村上文学中的小说部分。研究的目的在于:通过梳理后现代语境中村上春树的成长及整体创作,揭示村上小说在思想内容上的后现代特征以及艺术手法上的突破。在此基础上,将村上春树小说中的重要作品放到村上文学的整体脉络中进行分析。通过个案研究的方式,探讨村上春树在后现代语境中,如何以敏锐的目光捕捉日本当代社会问题,并运用独特的叙事手法对一些重大的文学主题进行创作。在以上全景式和微观式的研究后,本论文还将对后现代语境中村上春树小说存在的价值以及对其进行研究的意义进行探讨。在研究方法上,本论文以后现代诗学和叙事学为理论框架,综合运用文体学、主题学、文艺学、美学等方法,通过文本细读的方式进行研究。笔者认为:日本后现代语境是理解村上春树小说中后现代文学本质特征的一个重要前提。村上小说既表现出后现代文化的整体氛围,也在历史和自我的主题上与后现代文学存在着相同、相异之处。从创作手法来看,相对于日本传统的叙事方式,村上春树在“话语”和“故事”两方面进行了符合后现代文学精神实质的变革。可以说村上小说的出现有助于思考后现代语境中文学以及文学研究的意义,而笔者所撰写的这篇博士论文也恰好成为这种思考的一个尝试。

【Abstract】 Among contemporary Japanese writers, Haruki Murakami is one of the most well-known writers overseas. The study of Haruki Murakami’s works is continuous and in-depth in Japan, while the study has not really begun in China. Hopefully, this dissertation will fill the gap and blaze a trail for other scholars who are interested in the study of Haruki Murakami’s works.This dissertation deals exclusively with the novels of Haruki Murakami. The aim is to, by means of studying Haruki Murakami’s life experiences and his creations in a post-modern era, reveal the post-modern characteristics of his novels in terms of content and the innovation in the way of writing. His important pieces will be analyzed with all his works taken into consideration. Based on case studies, the dissertation explores how Haruki Murakami kept a sharp eye on the problems in contemporary Japanese society and how he used unique ways of writing to create literary works on some major subjects. This dissertation also discusses the value of Haruki Murakami’s novels in a post-modern society and the significance of the study of his works. In the theoretical framework of post-modern poetry and narration, the dissertation scrutinizes Haruki Murakami’s works from the perspectives of stylistics, subjects, art and aesthetic.The first chapter deals with the relationship between Haruki Murakami’s personal experiences and Japanese post-modern context and summarizes his creations and translations in a global way. Understanding Japanese post-modern context is an important prerequisite of understanding post-modern characteristics of Haruki Murakami’s works, while the influence of translation is reflected in the innovation of his way of writing. The second chapter focuses on novels created by Haruki Murakami, giving a bird’s-eye view of the post-modern characteristics of Haruki Murakami’s novels in terms of content and probing into the narrative features of the works. Based on the theories of post-modern poetry and narration, the dissertation points out that all Haruki Murakami’s novels reflect upon modernity, which is an essential characteristic of post-modern literature. And at the same time, the novels inherited subjects on history and self-consciousness from Japanese modern literature. But Haruki Murakami made a change in the narrative tradition of Japanese modern literature, namely discourse and story. The change is as much a breakthrough in art as an end to elitism in modern literature.The third and fourth chapters discuss four novels of Haruki Murakami in detail. They are Hard‐boiled wonderland and the end of the world, Norwegian Wood, The Wind-up Bird Chronicle and Kafka On The Shore. The first two novels are about looking for oneself, but the ways of narration differ to a large extent. Hard‐boiled wonderland and the end of the world tries to capture self-consciousness through unrealistic stories so as to visualize one’s inner world and realize the understanding of oneself in more than one way. Norwegian Wood, in contrast, projects the protagonist’s multi-tiered self image onto other characters and therefore observes oneself through the depiction of others in the real world. The latter two novels both feature history. In The Wind-up Bird Chronicle, the Nomonhan war serves as a clue to invisible violence hidden in dark. And in Kafka On The Shore, history and other related things together function as metaphors through which Haruki Murakami described an outer world with ubiquitous violence and showed the reader different attitudes toward violence. In the latter two novels, history is not only a writing subject, but also a clue and a metaphor.The dissertation argues that the subject of Haruki Murakami’s novels has never been divorced from that of Japanese modern literature, or the subject of Haruki Murakami’s novels perfectly fits into Japanese modern literature. However, despite the inheritance, Haruki Murakami made an innovation in the way of narration, i.e. discourse and story. The change makes the popularity of Haruki Murakami’s novels become possible, while at the same time, his subjects remain serious and profound. Thus, Haruki Murakami’s novels show a style which is very different from traditional Japanese literature. Haruki Murakami’s novels provide an example for pondering over the significance of literature in post-modern context and the study of it. It is worth reflecting on how to put an end to single value orientation and seek the value and significance of literature. This doctoral dissertation is an attempt on the thinking.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

