

Study on the Operating Mechanism of University-enterprise Building Innovation Platform

【作者】 马艳秋

【导师】 刘国亮;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 校企共建创新平台作为国家科技创新体系的重要组成部分,对其结构及运行机制的研究有助于探索出适合校企合作的有效途径,提高校企合作创新能力,加速科技经济一体化的发展。本文通过综合评述国内外校企合作的相关研究成果,在相关理论研究的基础上,对校企共建创新平台从基本概念入手,进行了结构分析及运行机制的系统研究。论文首先从平台的目标、构建原则、层次结构、合作模式、组织结构及构成要素等方面分析了平台的结构;借助物理学受力分析的方法分析探讨平台的受力情况、影响平台运行的因素及平台的运行规律;结合影响平台运行效率的关键问题,构建平台运行机制的结构模型,指出平台的运行机制包括增强运行动力的平台促进机制和减小运行阻力的平台协调机制;针对平台运行中的动力特征和关键问题,提出了基于运行动力的平台促进机制内涵,研究了平台的动力评价指标体系及其评价方法,探讨了平台运行中的激励问题;针对平台运行中关键阻力因素,提出了基于运行阻力的平台协调机制概念,研究了平台运行中的沟通协调及利益分配问题。最后,以吉林省汽车零部件研发中心为例验证论文提出的理论及方法的可行性。

【Abstract】 University-enterprise cooperation in science and technology innovations plays an important role in the improvement of innovative capability of national science and technology. It is urgent to establish close and steady cooperative relationship between a university and an enterprise, promote the development and operation of university-enterprise building innovation platform, gradually form a good operational mechanism, probe an effective way adapting to Chinese science and technology and economy, accelerate the industrialization of university science and technology, strengthen technological innovative capability and competitive capability of an enterprise, and promote the stable and healthy development of our national economy. Since the idea of university-enterprise cooperation was put forward, we have made theoretical study and practices for 20 years and made some achievements, but there still is a bigger lag behind the developed countries. At present, there are many studies on university-enterprise cooperation at home and abroad, but we lack basic theoretical studies on university-enterprise building innovation platform. Although some studies introduce the notion of platform, we haven’t seen the systematic study of the scientific connotation, basic features and operational mechanism. Therefore, the study on the operational mechanism of university-enterprise building innovation platform is significant for further study of innovative theory of university-enterprise cooperation and the survey on the practical laws of university-enterprise cooperation.university-enterprise building innovation platform is an innovative form of organization based on the mutual benefits of universities and enterprises, taking resource sharing and advantages complementing as preconditions, taking co-assuming national subjects, co-developing technology and co-building developing entity as the main innovative cooperation form and fulfilling innovative target of cooperative technology and make a certain economic and social benefits through the interaction of innovative resources such as human resources, knowledge, technology, basic infrastructure, capitals, information and policies among main bodies, main bodies and external environment. Through the exchange of materials, energy and information with external environment, university-enterprise building innovation platform will realize the functions of integration, demonstration and harmony of resources and reducing innovative risk, make high profits which couldn’t be done by one side, and improve operational efficiency of the platform to a great extent. The platform is a complicated system whose main constituents, including universities, enterprises, government, market, intermediaries and financial institutions, are characteristic of variety; it is structurally in layer ranging from scientific research personnel, a cooperative innovation team, a cooperation entity to a platform, in addition, individuals or organizations in different layer can interact with each other, ensuring the free exchange of various innovative resources among innovative main bodies without any obstacle. In management, the platform will take the form of project organization structure with the leadership of management committee, who is in charge of the coordination of relationship among every layer of main bodies and allocation of resources.The normal operation of university-enterprise building innovation platform is closely related to interaction of various forces as a behavioral agent of any economic activity must act under the domination of a certain force. The thesis aims to find out the factors affecting the operation of the platform by analyzing the pressure of the platform, on the basis of which it concludes critical factors affecting the operation of the platform: external environment, internal conditions, constraints, main bodies of the platform and interactive relationship. These factors promote and constrain each other, and affect the operation of the platform together. The operation of the platform has the following characteristics: first, it works under the guidance of a certain target; second, the platform adjusts its factors, structure and capability, realizes its self-regulation by adapting to external environment; third, by interaction of various factors rather than by adding or piling of various factors, various innovation factors establish internet relationship, performing a function which couldn’t be done by a single factor; at last, the main body of the platform can pass in and out freely and dynamically through the platform, guaranteeing the relative stability of the operation of the platform.If it wants to make operation of university-enterprise building innovation platform operate and develop stably, it must be good operation mechanism as safeguard. The steady operation and development of university-enterprise building innovation platform must be safeguarded by good operation mechanism.Good operation mechanism determines the length of life cycle of the platform organization. Highly effective operation mechanism is helpful to impelling the fast development of the platform. Based on this, research on operation mechanism of university-enterprise building innovation platform is divided into promotion mechanism to solve the problems of operation drive of the platform and coordination mechanism to solve the problems of operation resistance of the platform in this paper. The two mechanism influence and supplement each other and become one system altogether, which urges the platform to achieve the ultimate objective of highly effective operation.One of the ways of enhancing the operation efficiency for the platform is to strengthen the operation drive of the platform. The operation drive of the platform is characteristic of benefit leading, disequilibrium, internalization of outside forces, interactive enhancement and incentive catalysis. It must solve two crucial problems to strengthen operation drive of the platform. First, rely on the drive force of the platform, distinguish the weak drive factors of the platform, reduce disequilibrium of drive and lay the foundation for constituting measures which strengthen drive. Secondly, it needs to carry on effective incentive for the platform. The cooperation innovation team between university and enterprise is the basic organization unit of the platform, so the thesis expounds demanding factors, incentive factors and target factors and analyses the way of contacting“the three factors”which includes distribution system, behavior way and information communication channel from the aspect of cooperation innovation team and the characteristic of its members. Incentive for the platform is diveded into team incentive and individual incentive according to the difference of incentive object and incentive content. The platform should adopt the combination method of team incentive and individual incentive. The thesis designs entrusting agent difference- incentive model in order to make the management activity of the platform achieve balance of humanity and institution in view of the problems of the platform incentive and according to incentive theory and method. The entrusting agent has been no longer independent outside the cooperation innovation team, he becomes an essential constituent of the team as the other team members do. Its special function lies in supervising and coordinating the work of team members and makes team members make the biggest effort and enhance output of the cooperation innovation team and operation efficiency of the platform.Another way of enhancing the operation efficiency for the platform is to reduce the operation resistance of the platform. The resistance of the platform includes external resistance and internal resistance.External resistance is very difficult to change through platform in a short period . But internal resistance can be adjusted and intervened appropriately through certain methods in order to reduce operation resistance and operation efficiency. Communication insufficiency and benefit assignment imbalance is the essential resistance of influencing operation efficiency of the platform. First, communication insufficiency is primary reason which the platform operates badly. University and enterprise in the platform are two organizations of different nature, which inevitably brings subjective consciousness conflict, cultural conflict and goal conflict and so on. It is essential to establish effective communication mechanism facing all conflicts and resistance of the platform. Communication is an effective measure which coordinates the relationships of the main bodies and solves conflicts of the platform. It has the function of enhancing the wish of cooperation between university and enterprise, promoting university and enterprise to identify with the common goal, raising confidence level between university and enterprise, deepening the understanding for work and task, eliminating information symmetry and solving internal conflict. In order to realize effective communication, it needs to constitute communication plan, choose communication way, master communication skill, improving communication ability, perfecting communication network, build communication atmosphere, enhance communication effect and achieve cooperative goal of the platform. Secondly, because the units in the platform exist limited rationality and opportunism behavior, which considers question from own benefit maximization, it is inevitable to generate conflicts of benefit assignment and influence operation of the platform. Therefore, benefit assignment of the units in the platform must be solved to maintain long-term, stable, mutually beneficial interaction cooperation of the units. In the operation process of the platform, difference of benefit unit, complexity of benefit constitution and multiple of benefit assignment type and so on bring the very major difficulty and resistance for benefit assignment of the platform. The most important part of benefit assignment is to constitute fair reasonable assignment scheme. Generally, according to actual condition to make corresponding revision for the initial scheme and obtain the quite satisfactory assignment scheme. The basic factors which influence benefit assignment of the platform mainly include risk factors and the invested cost factors. Therefore, the paper establishes mathematical Nash negotiations model to guarantee stakeholders of the platform to obtain just benefit assignment and guarantee long-term stable operation of the platform from the aspect of satisfaction of the units in the platform taken risk and investment cost as the important basis.Finally, the thesis does an overall research on the present situation of science and technology innovation of JiLin Province, and exemplifies the feasibility of the theory and methods mentioned above by taking automobile spare part R&D center of JiLin Province as an example.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期
  • 【分类号】F273.1;F276.4
  • 【被引频次】41
  • 【下载频次】4125
  • 攻读期成果

