

A Comparative Study on the Theory of Capital between Western Economics and Marx’s Economics

【作者】 曹彦生

【导师】 郑贵廷;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本论文对马克思资本理论与西方资本理论进行比较研究。囿于篇幅所限,只探究部分可以比较的重要内容。马克思资本理论体系与西方资本理论体系存在差异,其建立的价值论基础以及逻辑分析的认识思路不同,但仍存在一定的内在联结。通过比较可知:资本的存在要依存于一定的载体,而增殖性是资本的关键属性之一。从单个资本运动角度看,货币资本在经济运行过程中具有不可或缺的重要地位,是发动整个资本运动过程的第一推动力,也是整个资本运动过程的持续推动力。两种资本理论体系对于生产资本的论述,在研究目的、不同主体在生产中的地位以及一些具体概念上存在差异。有关商品资本运行规律的论述也是如此。从社会总资本运动的角度看,两种资本理论体系之间总的来看,并不是非此即彼的关系。虽两种资本理论体系所揭示问题的程度、层次以及角度等存在区别,但在某些方面可以借鉴西方资本理论的有益论述,因为对社会总资本再生产过程规律的揭示,人的关系与物的关系两者之间是对立统一的关系。综观全文,在前人未对该问题进行系统研究的背景下,该研究是一个填补空白的尝试,对资本的内涵进行比较分析,得出二者的联结点、一致点,以及存在的根本差异,从而有利于消除目前存在的两种理论体系只是背离的认识藩篱。另外,围绕资本价值增殖这一中心,从资本价值增殖过程的起点、资本价值增殖过程以及资本价值增殖的实现这系统完整的三个方面,以及社会总资本运动问题,分析研究马克思资本理论和西方资本理论中有关论述之异同,得出马克思资本理论的完整性、深刻性和科学性,以及西方资本理论的可借鉴性。这样的研究具有重要的研究价值和实践意义,将有助于我们清楚地了解和把握两种资本理论体系的区别与联系,更加完整准确地坚持和发展马克思主义经济理论,更加积极开放地借鉴西方经济学理论,为我国社会主义现代化建设以及社会主义和谐社会的构建提供重要理论依据。

【Abstract】 Capital theory is the core of entire economy theory system,so to speak. Having grasped capital theory has established the solid basis for entiretly grasping economy theory. Compare correctly Marx’s capital theory with the capital theory in the schools of main western economics, and we can know and grasp the difference and connection between the former and the latter. The comparision is conducive to further entirely and accurately adhere to and develop Marxism, further actively and open use Western Economics for reference, provide important theoretical basis for the construction of socialism modernization and socialistic harmonic society in our country.The generality of Marx’s capital theory system and the capital theory system of Western Economics. Marx’s capital theory system is based on the correct Theory of Labor Value, but the capital theory system of Western Economics is based on Theory of Utility Value, so to speak. The correct theory of labor value running through the whole capital theory has established the Characteristic, study direction and ultimate research results of Marx’s capital theory. Theory of Utility Value is the basis of the western capital theory. From the classical economics theories, the study of capital theory has gradually gone into two different trains of thought that were the studying on the relation among people and studing on the relation among objects. One is capital theory of Western Economics which places extra emphasis on the studying of relation among objects, the other is the Marx’s capital theory which places extra emphasis on the studying of the relation among people. We should adhere to Marx’s Theory of Labor Value, simultaneously should accept the correct part in Theory of Utility Value. Only by doing this can we introject and develop capital theories, probe into the intrinsic law and serve economic growth of our country.The Connotation of capital is mulriple. Capital has been employed in early human society. With the developing of Social productivity and commodity economy, capital comes into being, which is a historical category. The nature of capital must reflect the social relations of production, rather than objects. Capital in the implementation of its own functions or its existence is based on definite carrier. Value hyperplasia is the key attributes of capital. Proliferation of the value as far as possible is the nature requirement of capital. Marx’s theoretical system of capital is more systematic and rigorous in discussion of capital value increment. It requires us to face up to the objective existence of capital, to Correctly use the nature property of capital and develop economy in our country, improve people’s material standard of living and lay a solid material foundation for establishing the harmonious socialism society.Comparison of the capital value of the proliferation of theories. This comparative analysis is starding from the movement of single capital. When the capitalists can buy the particular commodity namely the labor force, it is possible for currency translated into capital, at the same time the capital may add its value. Movement is the life of the capital. Capital can add its value only in the constant movement, which determines that the capital must move in an endless cycle of the process. By analysing the three stages of money capital cycle, Marx deems that the movement of value proliferation about money capital is the constant cycle from certain starting point and finally back to the original starting point. The argument that currency is the first and durative impetus is the end-result of the theory of money capital. Completion of the capital value of proliferation is finished in production capital. Marx divided production capital into variable capital and constant capital. The headspring of valve added in Capital is the capital in form of labor force - variable capital. Production capital added its value in the process of movement also. There is scarcely the concept of the value hyperplasia in the system of western capital theory. The correlative content consists in the theory of production which include the incorporation between produced goods and labour force, finally providing merchandise for markets. In the process of production, the main points in the western capital theory is that three fundamental problems is producing what kinds of merchandise and the quantity of the merchandise, how to procuce and for whom the producing. For this, the vital thing is to study the problem of inputs and outputs. The inputs can be divided into natural resources, labour force and capital, while the outputs are multifarious, which resulted in limitations of the concept of capital. Marx believed that the occupancy and economy of commodity capital is full of contradictions. Commodity capital is indispensable in the movement of industrial capital. The use of Commodity capital must bring about costs of circulation, the economy of which is good for expansion of production capital. Transaction costs theory as one of institutional economics foundation stone, does not use value and value realization this kind of technical term directly, but there is viewpoint about value realization in the specific dissertation. We only can minimize transaction costs which are inevitable, by reason that the sale in the process of value realization namely in the process of profits realization is carried out in the condition of certain socioeconomic human behavior. Transaction cost savings allows the productive sectors to create more value. It will be of great practical significance treating the important position of money capital from a theoretical point of view and well dealing with the money capital, productive capital and commodity capital in the process of economical operation, in our country to carry out the construction of a harmonious socialism society background.Comparison of theories about the movement of the total social capital. For macro-economic terms, It is necessary to probe into the law of movement of the total social capital to ensure that social reproduction runs smooth. For Marx’s capital theory, the exposition about the movement of the total social capital lies in the discussion of the law of reproduction about the total social capital. Marx believes that the key of the total social capital running smooth is aggregate social product to be realized, which includes both aspects of value compensation and substance compensation. In Marx’s capital theory, in addition to the exposition about intertwined relationship in the movement of the total social capital, there are some discussions about the factors of economic growth which are affecting the appearance of the total capital campaign. Marx analysed the factors affacting economic growth mainly in the way of expounding in words. This is different from the major economic schools of western economic growth theories, which mainly use quantitative analysis method to discuss the factors affacting economic growth. The long-term exposition about economic growth has formed the theoretical system "Theory of Economic Growth", in essence, which is to probe into the law of total social capital, but also a surface-based research. there is no direct use of the word "the movement of total social capital exercise" in the system of western capital theory ,but the word of "economic growth" which is ostensible and resultant. In the process of long-term exploration, three major theoretical models of economic growth come into being: Model of Harrod-Domar, Solow Growth Model and Endogenous Growth Theory. In general, in comparison with western economic growth theory, Marx’s reproduction theory shows consistency and priority. Marx’s reproduction theory of the totle social capital probing into the law in the economic growth from source in scientific ways is the important part of Marx’s capital theory. On the sides of the time span of theoretical research, theoretical depth as well as whether to explore the nature of things, Marx’s reproduction theory has such characteristics as one-up, high-level and unfailing which reflects Marx’s reproduction theory is scientific. Under the background of today’s financial crisis resulted in decline in global economic growth, the salability of Marx’s "Das Kapital" in the western countries is also a strong lateral support. Reason lies in the different viewpoint, and the revelation given is to demonstrate the fact that probing into the law of movement of the total social capital should have a broader viewpoint and a correct position and a premise.The overall conclusion about the comparision of capital theories. In general, two kinds of capital theory system are not either-or relationship. Although the two theoretical systems reveal the extent and the angle of the problem differently but this distinction is relative, because the relationship among people and the relationship among objects, after all, can be unified in revealing the law of the production process of the society. At the same time, both of them have the historical progress. They are all open and developmental, while the Marx’s capital theory is more so. It required us to grasp the basic context, ceaselessly develop and improve the capital theory at the basis of the previous studies, finally promote economic and social development

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】F091.91;F032.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1351
  • 攻读期成果

