

The New Rural Construction Context Village Governance in China

【作者】 杨金龙

【导师】 张创新;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本文以国家和乡村社会合作为分析框架,以当下我国乡村治理面临的困境及其回应为研究主线,以为推进我国新农村建设深入发展提供理论参考作为目标定位,试图寻求一个能够应对后农业税时代挑战并适应我国乡村未来发展图景的新的乡村治理范式。论文以公共治理理论作为切入点,批判地吸收了其所主张的“国家与社会合作”的思想理念,希图以其特有理论优势来指引我国乡村治理的转型与变革。在此基础上,通过揭示后农业税时代乡村治理的困境,审视其存在的深层次原因,从理论上对和谐社会目标诉求下乡村治理转型与变革将何去何从这一大问题展开追问与思考,以期寻求并构建一个既能为国家认可,也为乡村社会力量所需要和接受的理论方案,为中国乡村乃至更大的层面给出合理的现实解答和道路选择。目前,无论是我国乡村公共治理的主体配置结构,还是乡村公共治权的运作方式均存在严重缺陷,正是在这一认知基础上提出了乡村合作共治的理论思想。论文认为,推进新农村建设,实现乡村社会良好治理,需要打破传统乡镇政府对乡村公共治权垄断的管理格局,主张启用乡村民间资源,以农民为本,对农民负责,通过构建多元主体共同参与、良性互动的乡村治理机制,形成国家与乡村社会的合作共治态势,进而实现国家政权与乡村社会的对接和融合,以此走出传统乡村社会面临的诸多治理困境。可以说,合作共治因应了新农村建设这一伟大历史使命的要求。

【Abstract】 Village governance is governance of the Chinese society of the most basic part of the new success of rural development, to some extent depend on the Village management system on the continuous innovation and improvement. Village Governance in China is under increasing internal tension and external pressure forces in a double role, the change has become the trend of the times. How to reform the governance of the Village, how to set up the paradigm of governance will be acceptable to the representatives of social welfare as a country to impose its will effectively penetrate the rural society, reshaping the government’s authority, but also enable the rural community full of vitality, self-development? This not only relates to whether the harmonious development of rural society, it is related to long-term stability of the country on major issues.Based on this thinking, this article was put out of our country countryside crisis management, promoting the development of new rural construction in depth and provide a theoretical reference position as a goal, trying to study for the Village of change management to provide a new perspective of thinking. The main thesis of the following three parts.The first part is "Preface", mainly introduced the background to the study, the origin of the problem, practical value and theoretical significance, and related research topics for the Review of the status quo. Topics of this article is based on the question of rural development in China’s modernization process of the status of our country at present call upon the political development of the rural grass-roots level need to break out and the reality of the plight of the CPC Central Committee at a series of documents on the new construction in rural areas under the spirit of enlightenment gradually formed; and new rural construction in the background of country and rural areas based on the perspective of social transformation of rural governance research and change that few others are still covered, for writing this article provides a study of motivation and exploration of space.The second part of the body is divided into five chaptersThe first chapter, "Theory: Public governance theory and related theoretical analysis", ocuses on the implication of "national and rural community," the idea of public governance theory and related theories. For an accurate understanding of public management theory, first discussed in the context of governance and the emergence of the concept, explained the connotation of public governance, and its extension have been defined. On the basis of the theory will be the introduction of public governance to our country Study on Village Governance, the UN demands for its theoretical advantage of the unique guidelines for the context of the new countryside construction in rural areas of transition and change management in order to achieve a major strategy of harmonious countryside. However, as the West发轫于theoretical system, the theory of public management theory has its particular prerequisite for the default and can be grafted to the Village in the Context of Chinese governance to achieve localization, necessary to carry out a thorough examination of this to avoid too rigid application of Western theories. In this paper, the development of Chinese society the realities of countryside to do a detailed morphological analysis, the theory argues that public governance countryside management at this stage in our country with the feasibility of application. In addition, other relevant theories of interpretation, as given below to start the support of theory.Chapter II "against the background of the new construction of traditional rural governance challenges facing the countryside", mainly in rural areas of the new countryside construction management background and causes of the existing difficulties. Tend to leave for the countryside on the development of the master and reference, or to judge the value of leaving a village governance performance into a nothingness on the concept of an analysis of this chapter, the first new construction in rural areas and countryside related logic of governance. Construction of new rural governance in rural areas of change and the practical requirements of the source of power, and good governance is the new countryside construction in rural areas and the protection of the premise of promoting rural economic, political and social development initiative and has great reaction, directly related to the new the direction of development of rural construction and development. New construction is based on the current situation in rural areas, through to reveal and show农业税time after the plight of rural governance, and on this basis to generate the root causes of the plight of analysis given the purpose by showing the deep-seated contradictions, with a view to seeking the public questions the Village solution. The main argument of this chapter is the essence of poor governance Village because the Village to participate in the main society initiative failed to exert effective and at the same time as the main operation of rural public power of the ambiguous role of township government, acts of anomie. Since the lack of specific incentive and restraint mechanisms, all construction at the main control can not effectively play their role in rural society and the country will not be able to form a cohesive force, and a fault status, which come to our country at present, whether the subject of public governance Village configuration structure, or the Village the right to govern the operation of public means there are serious shortcomings.Chapter III, "What a way out - Village Governance in China consider a number of changes," is based on the construction of new rural civilization level context ought to be thinking. Demands on the political point of view, governance is a new civilization intrinsic value of rural development goals, a harmonious society is the ultimate aspiration of countryside management and the highest level. There is no doubt that our country is in the Village governance and change the key transition period, select a different road to the Village is not only related to the development process of society, but also to the harmonious and stable country. In this sense, the construction of new rural governance in the countryside should go where, how countryside management is a major issue in urgent need of solution, to that end, the realization of a harmonious countryside, it is necessary to the existing governance system reform and innovation, to find a goal with the new rural construction and content of appropriate governance paradigm. In this logic on the basis of thinking, this chapter outlines the countryside refining and transformation and change management orientation and the goal of basic principles to be followed, and then deduced Village "co-operation rule" of the theoretical model. The chapter also discussed further cooperation in the germinal mechanism of cohabitation, in the new context of rural development, new social factors are constantly growing, they are the main co-operation multi-village governance practice has laid a solid foundation.Chapter IV is the "Village of the public field of the main changes in the role of management sub-sector." Public Affairs at the trend of increasingly complex, only the ability to rely on the government itself has been difficult to solve complex public problems, the Government can not and should no longer be in public life only the main treatment. Thus in the modern framework of public governance, should be according to certain rules governing the right of the public Village re-configuration, so that farmers, rural non-governmental organizations and other social forces to become the main governance structure of one million, can be said that the governance role of the main sub-sector is Village achieve total cooperation of the foundation and prerequisite for governance. Study based on the rationale of this chapter level, the use of government and society of two-dimensional analytical framework to Village governance in transition and change the main structure and the multi-function, clarity of the governance role of the principal. As a state power in the rural grass-roots agencies, the township government is to communicate with the contact National Village of the society, is the question many of the countryside carrying platform and meeting point, but also difficult problem of rural public governance the main alternative, which determined its role of village society particularly crucial for good governance should be a transition and change management of Village of the important breakthrough. In this paper, that it would be to build a service-oriented government as the role of township government itself the starting point and purpose, to that end, consider the credibility, effectiveness and its legitimacy should be the main leader of the township government, assistance, and to respond to and supervision of From the four roles to be carried out. At the same time, as the Village of endogenous social development power, rural social forces contains a wealth of management resources, the Village at the role of governance can not be ignored, whether in the countryside to maintain order, or in the provision of much-needed new rural construction public goods and public service level, both can become good partners. Therefore, the Village required the mobilization of social forces, to make up for lack of township government, township government to fill the vacuum.Chapter V "interaction and fit: the generation of co-operation mechanism of cohabitation" is the right to rule the countryside in public to discuss the operation mechanism. Village social relations between the Government and the harmony is the most important prerequisite for a harmonious countryside, and the cooperation of public administration the right to rule that a two-way interaction between the social forces of the countryside to encourage the public to participate actively in the problem, stressed that the Government wishes to give an effective response to the peasants, the collective attempt at United action process, through dialogue and consultation to seek ways of cooperation between the main Village in response to public questions, and to achieve a harmonious state of governance. However, in the actual governance process, the Village Government and achieve the positive interaction between the society and co-governance, can not be separated from the township government is clearly an effective self-regulatory system and countryside growth and development of civil society is inseparable from the peasants to participate in open channels and mechanisms response, and in a more fundamental level, the National Farmer implementation of political participation of the system of protection is the implementation of the Village to build co-operation were the key to governance.Part III, "Conclusion: conclusions and re-consider" the full text of this part of summing up the local culture based on the perspective of rural transformation and change management of the soft environment for re-consideration.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

