

Researches on the Potteries of Bohai Period Found in China

【作者】 王乐

【导师】 魏存成;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文的研究对象是中国境内出土的渤海陶器。文章按照出土陶器的分布情况将中国境内有陶器出土的渤海遗迹单位分为六大区域,对不同区域内的陶器分别进行类型学的划分与分期研究,总结各地区陶器类型、组合及器物形制的不同特点,在不同区域陶器形制演变与分期的基础上,对六大区域陶器体现出的不同特征与早晚关系进行比较分析,最终将六个区域划分为三个大的发展阶段,并对不同地区陶器的区域特点、地区差异、文化因素等问题进行了探讨。本文的研究成果表明,自勿吉南下到渤海政权建立再到其灭亡的整个过程当中,民族迁徙、对外交流的过程也即文化的发展过程,在这一过程当中,各地区在陶器上反映出的不平衡性也正是靺鞨民族一步步迁徙发展及渤海政权兴亡的真实写照,这一过程有与入迁地土著民族的文化碰撞,也有与周边民族的文化交流,更有向中原唐文化的不断靠拢与趋同。

【Abstract】 Bohai power is the national local government ,which was bulit mainly by Mohe Ethnic. It had jurisdiction over the majority of regions about northeast of China, including the north-eastern part of the Korean Peninsula and Russia’s Primorsky Territory, from the Tang Dynasty to the Five Dynasties period . Bohai power was established in AD 698 and was eliminated by Liao Dynasty in AD 926 . In those years, there is a total of 11 centuries and 15 kings and 280 years. In about 200 years, Bohai had made the development process of the propagation of the national economy and splendid culture, promoted the further development of the northeast border and enriched the history of the great unification of the Chinese Han volume, also created a "sea Dongsheng country "brilliant. The Bohai region had a very complete range of social production, and manufacturing and production in the Bohai and a wide range of ceramic products which is the reflection of "eastern culture". In this paper, that is, the study on China pottery unearthed in Bohai is divided into six regions, in a comprehensive finishing on the basis of material, and the establishment of pottery in different regions of the Bohai and the staging system for years, was summed up the region’s pottery characteristics and differences between groups of different sources of pottery and its historical background of the formation.This article is divided into 8 chapters:Chapter 1 is the introduction of this article which conducted a study to define the object. In this paper, the object is the unearthed China pottery in Bohai. The pottery unearthed the remains of some units has been in existence for a long time , even before the foundation of the Bohai power which is also included in the discussion of this paper. Meanwhile, the article reviewed the brief history of the Bohai pottery research and summed up the status quo, and analyzed the shortcomings of previous studies and problems and explained the purpose of this article and writing and thinking contrary to the existing problems.Chapter 2 is about the typology analysis and staging of Second Songhua River middle reaches of the shapes of pottery. First of all, the second article in the middle reaches of the Songhua River and burial sites unearthed pottery was introduced, and were excavated in this region of the large bell jar, deep abdominal cylindrical cans, abdominal-highlights cans, pots, bottles, cup, bowl, cover, cup, bowl and other objects to the division of the typology. On this basis, the pottery in this region should be divided into three phases, the first period is the Northern Dynasties period, the second phase is the Early to Sui, the middle of the third period is the Tang Dynasty.Chapter 3 is about the analysis and age of the upper and middle reaches of Mudanjiang shapes pottery. This chapter is about the analysis in the region of the deep abdominal excavated cylindrical cans, abdominal-highlights cans, pots, bottles for the class of the division of typology. As a result of less material, there is no further study in its phases. solely on the basis of this region can be unearthed there during Princess Hui Zhen test excavated burial records epitaphs unearthed pottery in this region remains a defining era, namely the establishment of the regime since the beginning of the Bohai, the 8th century AD down to the second half.Chapter 4 is the analysis and staging of shapes of pottery in the middle and lower reaches Mudanjiang. Based on an abundance of material in this region and because the excavation of burial sites and pottery showed different characteristics, excavated pottery typology and phases of the division of research could be in practise in the region about the capital city sites and burial sites. Through the typology of research and comparison, among the existence of a class and objects, such as differences in shape, which can be used as evidence in a sequence that sooner or later. According to analysis, general sites, Metro City, the age of three graves there sooner or later the relationship between the upper limit, that is common as early as burial sites, burial back in the capital. Longer duration of the entire region, from the founding of the Bohai in the former until the late 9th century or before and after the second half.Chapter 5 is the analysis of pottery shapes and phases in the Tumen River basin. First the Tumen River basin excavated burial sites and pottery were introduced, and were excavated in this region of the deep abdominal cylindrical cans , abdominal-highlights cans, pots, bottles, bowls, pots, cup, glazed pottery utensils such as a typology . The division which will be on the basis of pottery in this region is divided into two phases, the first period is before the founding of the Bohai, the second period is the Bohai’s early to late period.Chapter 6 is the analysis and staging of the shapes of pottery in basin Suifenhe. First the unearthed burial sites and pottery were introduced, and were excavated in this region of the deep abdominal cylindrical cans, pots, plates, bowls and other objects to the division of the typology, and on the basis, the pottery in this region was divided into two, with the first phase is the Bohai’s early period, and the second is in the late period of Bohai.Chapter 7 is the analysis and staging of the shapes of pottery in second songhua river basin. First the unearthed pottery tomb were introduced in the yalu river basin and the second songhua river upstream region. And the artifacts of the typology has been settled about the deep abdominal region unearthed cylindrical tanks, drum abdomen cans. on the basis of this, the area is divided into two periods, first is before the founding of the Bohai, the second period is the Bohai’s early to late period.In chapter 8, the further study about pottery and ceramics culture factor and the analysis of bohai and the related issues. This chapter is built on the base of the research from chapter 2 to chapter 7 which mentioned the different area in bohai region and the differences and characteristics of pottery cultural factors of the problems. The differences of the pottery reflected in the aspects of quality do exist in the six regions unearthed artifacts. The style of pottery also showed the imbalance of time, regional pottery also experienced different independent development course and several areas which shall be parallel evolution is mainly between the relationship, there is the interaction of the facts of course. In this chapter different areas of common and characteristics are pottery was discussed, and some relevant document to the different characteristics of bohai pottery of the origin of the pottery is expounded.Chapter 9 is the epilogue which summarized the five harvest, pointed out the shortage and limitations of this study. In a word, the future research needs further discussion.

【关键词】 中国境内渤海陶器
【Key words】 ChinaBohaiPotteries
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

