

A Research of the Third Section Growth in the Process of Service-oriented Government Construction

【作者】 赵敬丹

【导师】 彭向刚;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 构建服务型政府是中国政府改革的目标选择,在政府自身转变职能的同时,政府还要还权于社会,还政于民,因此在社会领域和经济领域留下了广阔的管理和服务真空,第三部门组织以其特有的优势成为政府退出领域的替代者。然而,现阶段我国第三部门的发展还很不成熟,政府对第三部门的管理也还处于探索阶段。因此,从构建服务型政府的视角来研究第三部门的发展问题,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义本文运用规范研究与实证研究、历史研究与比较研究的方法,植根于中国国情,深入分析和研究了第三部门与服务型政府的动态关系,指出第三部门存在的问题及制约因素,在此基础上,提出了推动第三部门健康发展的路径,即:外部路径——发挥政府的主导作用,包括完善法规政策,降低准入门槛、转变政府职能,明确二者关系、加大财政投入,完善税收制度、加强监管力度,建立评估机制;内部路径——增强第三部门的自身建设,包括确立组织宗旨,完善组织结构、加强能力建设,开发人力资源、强化信用建设,扩大社会资本、加强国际合作,促进境外交流。通过上述分析得出结论:随着服务型政府建设进程的不断推进,第三部门的发展壮大已成为必然的趋势,将逐渐形成政府主导力量、市场基础力量、第三部门中介力量共同参与的和谐治理格局。

【Abstract】 As an irreversible trend, the construction of service-oriented government is a chosen goal of the Chinese government reform. It is also a systematic project which is not a simple and inner transformation of the government itself, but the handover of power to the society and people when the government transforms its functions. For this reason, a vast vacuum of administration and service is left in the social and economic fields. Then who is responsible to fill up the vacuum left by the government?So, equipped with such advantages as flexibility, mobility, and low-cost, etc., an institution dangling between“the public area”and“the private area”becomes the government substitute. The so-called third section in China today, however, has not gained its matured growth and the government administration of the third section is still at an experimental stage. In this process, therefore, how to nurture and support the third section and how to activate it to take over the functions unloaded by the government constitute a major issue. Focusing its research on the third section growth in the process of service-oriented government construction, this dissertation tries to dissolve the internal and external factors that govern the growth of the third section in China in the hope of providing helpful insights into a healthy growth and movement of the third section. In this dissertation, the author combines western theoretical resources with specific realities in China, makes use of related findings from politics, organization and behavior studies, sociology, and economics, adopts such methods as the combination of standard research and historical research, comparative analysis and positive analysis, provides specific analysis and interpretations for the problems of the third section growth in the process of the service-oriented government construction.This dissertation is consisted of six chapters.Chapter One, Introduction This chapter is mainly focused on why“A Research of the Third Section Growth in the Process of Service-oriented Government Construction”is taken as the research topic, its thoretical values,and present significance. Two terms,the third section and service-oriented government, are defined and clarified. Then some related researches home and abroad are briefly reviewed to explain the research method, logic frame, and possible new findings of this dissertation.Chapter Two Interpretation and Analysis: Theoretical Conjunction of the Third Section and Service-oriented GovernmentAs an introductory foundation of the whole research, firstly, this chapter analyses the possible functions of the third section. Based on an overall exploration of the basic theories of the third section’s existence and its historical development, the chapter provides functional analysis of the third section in terms of its service, coordination, integration, control, and education. Secondly, the chapter explains the value orientation of service-oriented government and analyses its value conceptions, functional objectives, and goal orientation. Finally, an interpretation is made of the conjunction of the third section and the service-oriented government to present the fact that they share a common ground in the starting point of action, value conception, and the goal they pursue. Chapter Three Cooperation and Interaction: The Relationships between the Third Section and Service-oriented GovernmentIn this chapter, an exploration is made of the evolving process of the relationships between the third section and the government. From the traditional paradigm of government’s absolute leadership to the pattern of government’s leading role, the relationships of the third section and government are generally investigated. Based on the investigation, the author points out that the future trend of their relationships is interaction with equal cooperation as its foundation.Chapter Four Limitations and Dilemmas: The Problem the Third Section Has in Its Growth in the Process of Service-oriented Government Construction In this chapter, the third section’s present conditions and governing factors are investigated. An analysis is made of the third section’s growth conditions in China and the research is focused on the problems the third section has at the present stage in terms of laws, money, capability, personnel, layout, etc.. Based on the research, the governing factors are analyzed to find related solutions.Chapter Five Comparison and Findings Abroad: The Third Section Growth in Major Developed Countries and Their Useful FindingsIn this chapter, growth patterns of three major developed countries, America, Britain, and Japan, are chosen and their backgrounds, present conditions, and features are analyzed to look for what is useful to China.Chapter Six Reflections and Choices: Roads to a Healthy Third Section Growth This chapter is the major part of the dissertation. After a brief historical review of the third section growth in China, the author points out that China has a good opportunity for growth. To make it possible for the growth to happen, the leading role of the government is indispensable at the present stage. For this reason, the government should adopt swift transitions in its functions and try to construct a law environment, provide financial support and external supervision, help and incubate the third section. In response to the government’s efforts, the third section should endeavor to improve its mechanism, capability, personnel, and to make constant progress to take over the power and functions left by the government in the shortest time and most effective manner so that service-oriented government and harmonious society can be established.When non-government organizations come into people’s view, much of what is expected of them is hopes and expectations: public-oriented, non-profitable, voluntary, and flexible. These features provide the third section advantages different or better than those possessed by the government in the areas of public service and social administration. The existence of the third section functions as a major supplementary device to constitute one of the three key social organizations with government and enterprise, a fact generally accepted by the public, and therefore the third section’s healthy growth is what we expect

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

