

Study on the Identity of the Mainstream Ideology in Current China

【作者】 姜地忠

【导师】 刘少杰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 社会学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 中外社会学家在对社会秩序稳定的理论思考中,十分重视社会秩序稳定的主观性基础的重要作用,即大家普遍认为社会秩序的稳定需要社会成员拥有较为统一的价值观念做基础。然而,受近代理性主义思潮的影响,人们往往寄希望于通过制度建设的完善来稳定社会秩序。由于忽视了社会秩序的主观性基础,其结果往往形成了制度建设不断完善而社会失序也在不断增加的秩序困局。这一点,在当前中国社会也有着明显的表现。面对当前我国制度建设不断完善与社会失序也在不断增加的秩序困局,本文指出,应当充分重视中外社会学家关于社会秩序稳定的理论指示,在制度建设不断完善的前提下,应当更多地寻求通过提高人们对我国主流意识形态认同的途径,来建设社会秩序的主观性基础,进而维护社会秩序的稳定。以此为出发点,本文对当前我国主流意识形态认同问题进行研究。以长春市为例,本文考察了当前我国主流意识形态认同的基本状况;并从制度变迁、全球化、社会生活信息化等视角分析了影响当前我国主流意识形态认同的主要因素;最后,本文提出了一些旨在提高人们对我国主流意识形态认同的对策。

【Abstract】 The Achievement of the stability of social order is the basic pursuit of sociology. To achieve a stable social order, sociologists from home and abroad have put up with a variety of theories and policies. Even though the specific content and the form of those theories and policies they carried out are greatly different from each other, yet they all attach great importance to the very subjective basis of social order, that is, it is generally agreed that the stability of the social order required the basic feature that the members of a society have a relatively unanimous opinion toward values. However, under the impact of the trend of a modern rational thought, people tend to hope for the stabilization of the social order through the construction of a perfect policy system. Because of the neglecting of the subjectivity of the base of social order, this often results in the formation of an awkward Predicament where the construction system is continuously improved while social disorder is at the same time also increasing. This aspect is also clearly displayed in the current Chinese society. Faced with the current awkward Predicament where the construction system is continuously improved while social disorder is at the same time also increasing in our country, we should make positive conversion in the thought, and should upon the premise of the continuous improvement of the system, seek more through raising the awareness of people’s identity of the mainstream ideology of to reconstruct subjectivity of base of social order, so as to stabilize the social order.To seek more through raising the awareness of people’s identity of the mainstream ideology of to reconstruct subjectivity of base of social order, so as to stabilize the social order, first of all, it is necessary to have the basic understanding of current status of the recognition of the mainstream ideology in our country. Through the survey carried out with a questionnaire, which was conducted in Changchun city, it is found that currently, people still maintain a higher degree of recognition on the mainstream ideology in our country, but there exists the fact that the degree of people’s recognition on the mainstream ideology of our country varies according to groups of people who come from different parts in our country. However, analyzing from the statistical results, a conclusion is drawn that there is a big gap between that the rate of people understanding upon the mainstream ideology and the rate of the recognition upon the mainstream ideology, that is the rate of people’s understanding is much lower than the rate of recognition. This situation shows that the high rate of the recognition of the mainstream ideology in our country is likely to contain a considerable number of false identities. Therefore, we must look at such a high differentiation rate of recognition, as well as the mainstream ideology of the problem agree that a more comprehensive and more in-depth research.To seek more through raising the awareness of people’s identity of the mainstream ideology of to reconstruct subjectivity of base of social order, so as to stabilize the social order, it is not only necessary to have the basic understanding of current status of the recognition of the mainstream ideology in our country, but also requires that we should make an in-depth and detailed analysis upon the relevant factors that affect the recognition of mainstream ideology in our country. In this paper, the author works from the points of view as the follows: the benefits differentiation during the process of the system changes, the division of ideology, the alternation of organization, the acceleration of the process of economic globalization, the coming of the network era, infiltration of the Western ideology, the explanatory power of mainstream ideology itself and the propaganda image, to generate an analysis about that how these factors affect people’s recognition of the mainstream ideology in our country.Since the reform and opening up, with the more and more profound deepening of the change at system, mainly in the economic sectors and more and more a wide range of happening, in the nineties of twentieth century, the ideology of our country was divided into the mainstream ideology and non-mainstream ideology these two camps. The Self-centered social integration model of ideology, determines that the status of the ideological differentiation inevitably affect people’s recognition of the mainstream ideology. Non-mainstream ideology is not only keen to attract audience, thus competing against the mainstream ideology, but also in the course of this battle, it has certain advantages. The high degree of systematic and theoretical characteristics of the mainstream ideology it will inevitably make itself distant from the social life, instead of the high-level of systematic and theoretical characteristics of mainstream ideology, the low level of systematic and theoretical characteristics of non-mainstream ideology makes it more close to the psychology of the wide social members, which is mainly based on the perceptual awareness activity, so it is easy to spread itself, and it is more easily to be accepted by people. Moreover, the low level of systematic and theoretical characteristics of non-mainstream ideology makes it more flexible. So in the discussion of the new changes in society and the hot issues in the society, the non-mainstream ideology is easier to win people’s approval and recognition.At the end of the nineties in twentieth century, the "state unit system" gradually disappeared from the stage of history, and the end of the“state unit system" laid a profound impact on the recognition of the mainstream ideology. For the reason that "unit system" is once powerful mechanism in line with the mainstream ideology, the end of“state unit system" means the loss of an effective transmission down channel in this regard of the mainstream ideology. The end of unit system also means the end of times of egalitarianism distribution. With the increasingly widening gap of benefits between people, people’s sense of "social injustice" and "relative deprivation" rapidly increases, thereby affecting the people’s recognition of the mainstream ideology. In addition, the end of the unit system also caused the loss of an effective spiritual space in the mainstream ideology be agreed with by people. In short, with the transition of the organization form of society in our country from the“state unit system”to "post state unit system", the recognition of the mainstream ideology is strongly influenced by this change.Benefits are the basis of identity of ideology, during the current process of differentiation of benefits in our country, because there are a gap too big between the benefits, the unfair division of benefits, the corruption of the representatives and the defenders of interests, as well as the formation of vulnerable groups in dividing the interests and a series of situation about unreasonable differentiation of benefits, the recognition of the mainstream ideology of people is therefore severely constrained.Globalization is the basic feature of the present era. However, globalization is not a purely natural objective process of the history, which not only has the side of its objectivity, but also has its ideological aspect. As the deepening of China’s integration into the globalization process, globalization poses a serious challenge on our country identity of ideology. In the process of globalization, Western values and way of life influx into our country by a large-scale with the exchange between our country and the West in the merchandise, personnel, and trade, influence and change people’s values; the globalization has shown the results of Western " advantage of development " more directly in front of the people, has led to a conflict between the "revolution in expectations" and the realities difficult to meet the people and thus has affected the identity of the mainstream ideology of part of the people in our country; globalization allowed a convergence of system on the surface between our country and the West, which led to great confusion in the identity of ideology; during the process of globalization, part of the members of society went into a kind of" from domain "in the pattern of survival, which form a serious obstacle to their identity of the mainstream ideology of our country; globalization has brought all kinds of new recognition paradigm, to some extent, which also affect people’s recognition of China’s mainstream ideology. In fact, not only the objective process of globalization posed a serious challenge to people’s recognition of China’s mainstream ideology, but also in the process of globalization the ideological infiltration of the West to China, posed a serious threat to the identity of the mainstream ideology.At the turn of the century, the network began to rapidly gain its popularity of in our social life. As an emerging media, the spread by networks is embodied with some of the outstanding features different from the traditional spread. Global, open, virtual, anti-authority, personalization, diversification and other characteristics of networks, subvert the traditional ecology of ideology, weakened the country’s ability to control the production and dissemination of information. Thus, with the popularity of the network in our country’s social life, the identity of the mainstream ideology receives a strong impact by network communication. Networks not only left the impact on the dominant position and control ability of the mainstream ideology, but also weaken the effectiveness of the traditional identification methods to construct the mainstream ideology of people, and moreover it also facilitated the Western infiltration of ideology into our country. In addition, the network has also become a distribution center of the negative message and a place for people to let off discontent. The mutually reinforcing between the negative information and people’s discontent is a serious constraint on the recognition of people toward the mainstream ideology. Because the network breaks the relatively closed traditional environment to the ideology, the mainstream ideology begin showing some extent of the shortage of theoretical explanation and the tendency the rigidity of the promotion image, which to some extent also affects people’s recognition of the mainstream ideology.For the realization of the aim to seek more through raising the awareness of people’s identity of the mainstream ideology of to reconstruct subjectivity of base of social order, so as to stabilize the social order, we should take all kinds of effective measures to improve people’s recognition of China’s mainstream ideology. To accomplish this, it is necessary to better achieve, better develop, and better maintain the interests of the masses; the mainstream ideology should firmly grasp the leadership in the ideological field; we should also keep with the times to promote theoretical innovation of the mainstream ideology; we should promote, publicize and disseminate the mainstream ideology based on the perceptual ways; we should effectively improve the resistance capacity to the infiltration of Western ideology; In addition, we should also cultivate and foster a high-quality workforce of the ideology.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

