

The Study on Northern Cultural Factors in the Central Plain’s Culture in Period of Xia Dynasty, Yin Dynasty and the Western Zhou Dynasty

【作者】 韩金秋

【导师】 杨建华;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以时间顺序分别研究了夏到早商、晚商、西周三个时期中原文化中的北方文化因素。在每个时期内,分北方文化因素的种类、北方文化因素的分析、北方文化因素的出土单位、北方文化因素所反映的文化联系四个角度进行研究。在此基础上,对三个时代北方文化因素对中原文化的影响的规律性特征及其历史影响做了讨论。本文研究表明,各类北方文化因素可以分为纯正的北方器物、融合型器物、仿制的器物三类,每一类的成因和反映的意义有所不同;北方文化因素在中原文化中有一定等级意义,其使用者可以分为中原人和与北方有关的人两种;北方文化因素在中原文化中的出现受到北方文化自身发展的制约,也受到中原与北方战和关系的影响;从北方文化因素出发,可以发现中原与当时的北方文化存在密切联系,但联系的紧密程度存在差异,而且与邻近的北方文化和远距离的北方文化关系有所不同。

【Abstract】 The Study on Northern Cultural Factors in the Central Plain’s Culture in Period of Xia Dynasty, Yin Dynasty and the Western Zhou DynastyThis paper is about northern cultural factors in the Central Plain’s culture in period of Xia Dynasty, Yin Dynasty and the Western Zhou Dynasty. There are three chapters in this paper, refer to factors of archaeological cultures during the period from Xia Dynasty to the early Yin Dynasty, of the later Yin Dynasty and of the Western Zhou Dynasty respectively.With the same one structure, each chapter contains four parts--types of northern cultural factors; analysis on northern cultural factors; sites and units of northern cultural factors; the chronicle and stages of the development of northern cultural factors; the cultural contact embodied by northern cultural factors.In the preamble of this paper, we discussed the history of relative research, pointing out problems in current research and taking these problems as the academic objective of this paper. Then the spatial and temporal scope, the theory and methods, and relative issues of the research in this paper are explained.Types of northern cultural factors in the Central Plain’s culture are fewer during the period from the Xia Dynasty to the early Yin Dynasty. There are only a few tools, weapons and ornaments left; axes, spears and arrowheads are most noticeable among them. There are many imitations but only some artifacts with typical northern features and with integrated factors. There are merely some medium-sized tombs and ash-pits unearthed as excavated units.Northern cultural factors in this chapter can be classified into six stages and combined in four phases: the Xia Dynasty, the lower Erligang, the upper Erligang and the medium Yin Dynasty. Northern cultural factors in each stage are different from each other’s. Northern cultural factors can reflect the existence of cultural links of the Central Plain and the Northwest China, the Central and southern area of Inner Mongolia, the western area of Liaoning Province and the northern area of Hebei Province.There are plenty of kinds of northern cultural factors in the Central Plain’s culture in the later Yin Dynasty, which contains almost all kinds of artifacts with northern cultural features at that time. There are many imitations and artifacts with typical northern features but only some with integrated factors. The development of the northern cultural factors can be divided into three stages and combined in two phases--the early period and the later one of Yinxu. The cultural contact embodied by the northern cultural factors contains nearly all kinds of northern cultures at that time, but the closest cultural link is between the North and the Northwest area. Cultural links are also various, including the spread of artifacts and crowd’s movements.There is only one kind of cultures in the Central Plain during the period of the Western Zhou Dynasty—the culture of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Cultural features of various feudal states are the same with that of the Central region, so the title of this chapter also can be named as the northern cultural factors in the culture of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Compared with the later Yin Dynasty, factors with typical northern cultural features reduce slightly and imitations increase slightly, too. The development of northern cultural factors can be divided into three periods—the early one, the medium one and the later one of the Western Zhou Dynasty. There are more northern cultural factors in the early and the later period; less in the medium one. Northern cultural factors show the existence of cultural contact among the culture of the Western Zhou Dynasty and of all kinds of northern cultures at that time. In particular, there are indications that European may have some communications with people of the Zhou Dynasty, which can not be seen in former time.In the last chapter, we discussed the regularity and the historical influence of northern cultural factors in the Central Plain’s culture in the Xia Dynasty, Yin Dynasty and the Western Zhou Dynasty. There are four aspects of regularities of northern cultural factors --the model, the body, the chronicle and the source of effects on the Central Plain. Historical significances of northern cultural factors refer to influences on the productions and on military activities in the Central Plain, offering references on dealing with relations with nomadic nations thereafter, opening up the prelude of widely ranged contacts between cultures from the East and from the West.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】K871;K221
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1730
  • 攻读期成果

