

"May 4th" New Culture Movement in the Discourse of Individualism

【作者】 姬蕾

【导师】 刘中树;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 “五四”是一个中国思想文化史上“个人”的发现的时代,在“五四”新文化运动中,对个性的提倡,对个人价值的追问,对个人权利的探询,与“民主”、“科学”等口号一起构成了那个激情四射的时代。本文从清末民初这一历史时间段出发,探讨“五四”新文化运动中个人主义话语的源流。通过对早期改良派知识分子、维新派知识分子和鲁迅等人有关“个人”思想的考察,概括出关于个人主义话语思想脉络的背景:即“民”——“国民”——“个人”。时针转到了“五四”新文化运动,“五四”思想先驱们用个人主义话语对家族制度和“孝”的批判,表明个人主义话语进入了一个新的言说阶段。本文通过对“五四”新文化运动时期个人主义话语的解读,勾勒出它在新文化运动中的发生、发展与特点。“五四”新文化运动中包含着“五四”新文学运动,在文学审美与艺术性的包裹下,个人主义话语的表现方式不可能是直露的、具体的、一一对应的,因此,个人主义话语所引起的自我意识的表达对文学内容、文学形式与作家思想的影响是本文重点探讨的一个问题,并通过鲁迅、郁达夫两个个案的分析,探讨了个人主义话语所引起的作家的“孤独”体验对新文学的影响。最后,本文探究了个人主义话语式微的过程,希望能够展现个人主义话语从清末民初到新文化运动的退潮这一时间段中的流变。本文是以思想脉络的发展为主线,以个人主义话语的流变为中心,概括出清末到“五四”新文化运动时期关于个人主义话语的思想脉络,其中将有关个人主义话语的思想提炼出来,概括成时代思潮是本文的研究思路;并在史料研究的基础上,将启蒙时代的思想与文学对应起来研究其内在理路,希望通过双重的展现反映出有关“个人”的话语的时代特点。

【Abstract】 The Chinese end of the Qing at the beginning of people this phase of historical period was the Chinese circle of thinkers has the earth-shaking change, and affects a huge time to the later generation. In this time section, the Chinese foreign student brought back to West’s politics, the economical, the cultural each domain new thought, the Chinese knowledge started to take a broad view looks the world, pondered China’s question by the new field of vision. But in this kind of thought big eruption time, each kind“the principle”wells up numerously to, in which extremely appealing one kind of new thought is to“individual”again understanding.“Human”question - - no matter is likes with dying, the survival or perishes, is philosophy, literature, thought and so on humanities domains continuously in the ponder question, since had“the human”consciousness arrives continuously the modern age, the thinker, the philosopher, the writers all is using the different way, the different angle of view to explain this question. This article by the end of the Qing the beginning of people - - the 19th century intermediate stages to the 20th century at the beginning of this time section achievement thought background, discussed“54”in the New Culture Movement the individualism words source and course. The Chinese modern times thought historical data demonstrates to us, in China the course which studies to the West changes to the system stratification plane after the utensil stratification plane, starts appears an attention“the people”the upsurge, Early reformist intellectual to“people”the attention along with the political system transformation this request appearance, they“the people altogether advocates from Mr.”the ideal embarks, realizes in the national politics life“the people”the importance is not inferior to“head”. The reform sends the intellectual deck early time reformist intellectual starts to take“the people”the thought vein, right“civil rights”the summon floats the water surface gradually, this meant they the thought had the new ponder and the explanation to ancient“the heavy people”, One kind of new name“the national”the birth, this the concept appearance which opposes with“the slave”, is they puts the ponder center of gravity“the human”a on trend. Tan Sitong is individualistic also stops suddenly“flushes scrapes together definitely”indicates has not completed the individualism words will be able to mount the historical arena, but after that end of the Qing at the beginning of people different to“individual”the understanding slowly is also reappearing. Lu Xun did in 1907 "Culture to Discusses" to special has carried on the elaboration personally by its unique angle of view, his overtime generation of this kind highly praised“individual”the thought only then obtained the response until the New Culture Movement which was some scale. Therefore, this article summarizes by the annalistic style way about the individualism words thought vein background: Namely“people”- -“national”- -“individual”.In this foundation, this article occurs through the New Culture Movement eve highlights in the New Culture Movement to the individualism words inspection the individualism words distinctive quality, therefore selects Du Yaquan "Individual Reform" this article to unfold the reform another kind of road to open. After 1915“54”New Culture Movement, the individualism words entered for a new time, however, it is not emerges out of thin air, has experienced front“54”the time to“the human”if the discovery as well as the individual different races individualism words,“54”in the New Culture Movement individualism words both have in the thought vein relation and to have oneself unique time characteristic. In this foundation, this article has analyzed“54”in the New Culture Movement the individualism words evolution tendency, implication affirmation significance, and studied“54”the pioneers to criticize the family system emphatically with the individualism words the thought course. In“individual”and“the community”in the relational discrimination, this article has studied the New Culture Movement period and the end of the Qing at the beginning of people between when group oneself distinguishes both to have the contract and to have own distinct characteristic, and has analyzed in the New Culture Movement and contradictory is at with the individualistic thinking inseparable humanitarianism thought between relations.“54”in the New Culture Movement contains“54”the new-vernacular literature movement, the initiation thought can seep more or less surely in the initiation literature creation, however,“54”in the new-vernacular literature individualism words performance way not impossible is the straight dew, concrete, 11 correspondences, In each literature subject also is not the direct transformed relations, meant, although deeply receives“54”in the New Culture Movement individualism words influence, but“54”in the new-vernacular literature individualism words have own distinctive quality. Speaking of the writer, has different internalizing to the individualism words, between the literature theory and the creation practice has the instruction with the relations which instructs, also definitely has the difference existence.In the literature with the artistic package under, the individualism words surely can have own expression way esthetically. Therefore, the analysis“54”in the new-vernacular literature movement individualism words expression way, own characteristic as well as the writer thought to individualism words different realizing from experience are this chapter hoped completes, in which individualism words transform in the latency as well as this thought in the writer whole state of mind, the life manner through the self-awareness which transforms for the literature content and the form aspect which manifests, is a this article key discussion question. Among them, this article is the self-awareness expression which“54”in the new-vernacular literature the individualism words causes through the general remarks the writer who causes with the individualism words“lonely”the state of mind in the creation reflection, displays the individualism words in the new-vernacular literature influence.Finally, this article has discussed the process which the individualism words decline, in the New Culture Movement, is launches the research take 1919-1923 year New Culture Movement ebb tide as the background; But new-vernacular literature movement although initiates by the Enlightenment, but it own independence had decided not impossible to be completely consistent in the time with the New Culture Movement, therefore take 1927 as the research individualism words in the literature theory and the creation domain ebb tide was the this article last question, hoped unfolded the individualism words by this from the end of the Qing the beginning of people to in the New Culture Movement ebb tide this time section changing process.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期

