

The Archaeological View of the System of Counties Coexisting with Kingdoms in Han Dynasty

【作者】 宋蓉

【导师】 滕铭予;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 西汉初年大行分封,由此在汉王朝的统治疆域内形成了东半部王国与西半部汉郡并立的局面。在两汉四百余年的历史中,王国的兴盛期虽仅有汉初的几十年,之后实力不断衰退、疆域一再缩减,但郡国并行之制,西部汉郡与东部王国分制的局面一直延续到东汉末年。由于汉代“郡国分制”在中国历史上的重要意义,对于这一问题的讨论成了史学界备受关注的研究领域之一。本文在前人已有文献史学研究成果的基础上,通过对汉代的考古学资料进行系统的整理和分析,运用类型学、文化因素分析、文化层次分析等考古学方法,对汉代郡、国地区的区域文化特征及各阶层发展变迁进行了全面的讨论,并以此为切入点,将考古学的研究与历史学的解释相结合,从文化的视角审视汉代的郡国分制。指出汉代的郡国分制对王国地区和汉郡地区各阶层的发展产生了不同影响,但整体而言,社会地位越高的阶层对政治变迁的反应就越敏感;同时,汉初的郡国分制解决了地域文化差异显著的问题,加快了地区发展,为中央集权的真正实现提供了统一的基础。到西汉中期之后,随着中央集权的不断强化,文化因素对政区设置的影响逐渐减弱,政治主导原则日益凸显。

【Abstract】 In the beginning of the Western Han Dynasty,the emperor practiced the system of enfeoffment,and as a result,the territory of Han Dynasty was divided into two different parts,with the eastern Kingdom part and the west county part.In more than 400 years of Han,the prosperous period of Kingdoms were only several decades in the beginning of the Western Han,and then the real strength of Kingdoms declined gradually and kingdom’s territory became smaller and smaller,but the system of county and kingdom coexisted till the end of Han.Due to the significance of the system of counties coexisting with kingdoms in Han dynasty in Chinese history, relative researches drew much attention in the field of history.With the archaeological materials about Han,combined with relative ancient documents and research results, the author studies "the system of counties coexisting with kingdoms" at the cultural angle,and chooses the Guandong area as the region in research.This paper consists of four parts.PartⅠprolegomenonIn this part,the history and present situation of study of "the system of counties coexists with kingdoms" were reviewed;the purpose and relevant theories of the paper were explained.On the basis,the research object and the historic and regional categories are confirmed.PartⅡthe first pieceIn this part,the graves of Han in the east of Guandong area were classified by their types,distributions,periods,and cultural factors were analyzed,upon which the related problems of cultural and strength development of stramms in the Kingdom area were discussed.This part consists of five chapters.Chapter one In the east of Guandong area,according to the differences of the types of graves and buried things,the graves can be divided into four types,which belong to the four corresponding stratums,and three regions with their own characters, say,Jizhongnan,Lubei,and Lunansubeiyudong region.Chapter two The chronology sequence of graves in the Jizhongnan region was established.The culture factors of the graves were analyzed by cultural factor analytical method,and then the development of the four stratums were discussed.In addition,based on the characteristics of culture factors of the culture constitution which came from other regions,the author points out that Jizhongnan region connected with the Jinzhongnanyubei region closely in the Han Dynasty.Chapter three The chronology sequence of graves in the Lubei region was established.The culture factors of the graves were analyzed,and then the development of the four stratums were discussed.In addition,due to the distribution and culture characters of the graves,the author points out that there were small graves and poor buried things in the west of Lubei during Western Han.Due to culture characters of Jiaodong peninsula,the author points out that there was close seaway communication among Jiaodong peninsula,Liaodong peninsula and lower Yangtze River coastal area. Chapter four The chronology sequence of graves in the Lunansubeiwanbeiyudong region was established.The culture factors of the graves were analyzed,and then the development of the four stratums were discussed; meanwhile,combined with the changes of the scales of graves,the cultural development and the growth and decline of strength were made clear.In addition,the author points out that there was close communication among this region,Chu area and lower Yangtze River valley for a long time,and psychological identification came into being during long-range communication.Then reasons for the regional culture differences of the graves were discussed.Chapter five Integrating the development of four types of graves in Guandong area,the author points out that the vassals were the most sensitive to the development of politics,and the common people were the most insensitive to political development, and the sensitivity of the other two classes between vassals and common people were accordingly moderate in the Kingdom area.In addition,combining the culture characters of each region with the territory demarcation of kingdoms in early period of Han Dynasty,the author points out that the culture factors influenced the demarcation of Kingdoms’ territory in the early time,and then the influence got weaker and weaker,gone with the strengthening of centralization.PartⅢthe second pieceIn this part,the graves of Han in the west of Guandong area were classified due to their types,distributions,periods,and cultural factors were analyzed,upon which relative problems of changes of stratums and cultural characteristics in the county region were discussed.This part consists of four chapters.Chapter one The chronology sequence of graves in the west of Guandong was established.In addition,according to the characters of the graves and buried things, and combined with the graves’ types of the east of Guandongupon,the graves in the west of Guandong can be divided into three types,which correspond to the type of B,C,D in the east of Guandong.And the graves can be divided into two distributions, say,Jinzhongnanyubei region and Yuxinan region.Chapter two The graves’ culture factors in Jinzhongnan region were analyzed, and the growth and decline of strength of the three stratums of the region were made clear.In addition,the author points out that the outstanding culture character related to the historical accumulation in local area,and the age-long relationship with Guanzhong region,and also political and traffic factor in Han.According to the differences of graves’ characters in Sanhe area,the author thinks that there were also differences in the whole region,which were related to the differences of social custom of different areas within the region.Chapter three The graves’ culture factors were analyzed,and the development of the three stratums in Yuxinan region were discussed.In addition,the author points out the culture characteristics of the region were related to the close relationship with Jinzhongnyubei region,the political effect of Guanzhong,and the civilian trade and population flow with Ebei region.Chapter four The comprehensive research points out that the higher stratum the more intensive influence by political factor in the county region,but on the whole, politics did not make great impact on the cultures of three stratums in the county region.In addition,combining with the summary of culture characters and the county instauration in the west of Guandong,the author points out that the differences of culture influenced the county instauration to certain degree,but they did not tally with each other completely. PartⅣConclusionIn this part,the cultural characteristics and development of different stratums in east and west of Guandong were comprehensively contrasted,and the author notes that the system of counties coexisting with kingdoms had different influences upon the kingdom area and the county area,and on the whole,the higher stratum the more intensive influence by the political factor.The system of counties coexists with kingdoms solved the regions’ distinct cultural differences,sped regions’ development and provided united foundation for the real centralization in the beginning of Han. After the middle period of Han,along with the centralization continuous enhancement, cultural factors’ influence died away gradually,and the political dominance was strengthened increasingly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期

