

Study on Residents’ Income Distribution Gap of the Northeast Resource-based Cities during the Economic Transition

【作者】 张新颖

【导师】 宋冬林;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治经济学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 东北地区资源型城市占全国资源型城市25%,是东北老工业基地的重要组成部分。资源型城市在完成新中国宏观经济格局中资源有效配置后,面临着巨大的利益缺失,发展速度慢、城市居民收入偏低,生活环境较差等问题。经济转型不仅是资源配置方式的转型,也是利益关系的调整,市场机制在提高经济效率的同时,资源型城市军民收入分配失衡所造成的社会不稳定,将可能阻碍资源型城市转型以及振兴东北老工业基地的进程。论文主要以“东北地区”为空间范围,以“黑龙江省资源型城市”为案例,以“居民收入分配”为研究主要对象,对于东北资源型城市居民收入差距进行了系统研究。首先,提出了论文研究的背景、意义、思路、方法和目的,简要介绍了国内外对资源型城市和关于收入分配理论的研究状况、相关理论界定,提出论文可能的创新点;其次,在采集大量相关数据基础上,利用统计资料和家庭问卷调查,从不同角度、不同层面,系统分析了东北资源型城市居民收入总体现状,阐释了东北资源型城市居民个人和家庭收入增长缓慢、收入水平总体偏低、居民收入差距过大等问题,运用基尼系数和相关经济计量学模型验证了这个结论,并利用相关软件,从定量、定性的不同角度,探究了对居民收入影响的主要因素,以及居民收入分配差距扩大对城市经济、社会、生态可持续发展等主要方面的影响;再次,提出了从国家、地方政府、企业以及居民四个层面,缩小资源型城市经济转型期城市居民收入差距和增加居民收入可操作性的政策框架,避免出现城镇弱势群体的生存环境进一步恶化所带来的消极影响和贫困化倾向,以便有效地促进东北资源型城市可持续发展。

【Abstract】 In recent years, sustainable development of resource-based cities in China is a more concerned issue, the target of resource-based cities to achieve economic transition is taken as the focuses and the difficulties of adjustment and transformation of old industrial bases in the“Revitalization Planning of Old Industrial Bases in Northeast of China”approved by the State Council. With the introduction of the“Views on Promotion of Sustainable Development of Resource-Based Cities”approved by the State Council by the end of 2007, development of resource-based cities once again rose to national strategic decision-making level. Because of a greater share of resource-based cities in the Northeast region, and slow development, difficult and more problems, Heilongjiang is also a large number of resource-based cities which are faced with not only the general urban problems facedby the non-resource-based cities, and these problems of unique resource depletion, lack of follow-up alternative industry for sustainable development. Industrial problems will inevitably affect the city, and urban problems will definitely affect residents’income distribution and living conditions, which will cause social instability. Resource-based economy transition is not only a way of restructuring the allocation of resources, but also the adjustment of interests. The market mechanism in the improvement of economic efficiency will eventually hinder the sustainable development of resource-based cities. Thus, this thesis discusses issues of residents’income gap of resource-based cities in the Northeast region, especially in Heilongjiang Province, which will make an extremely important theoretical and practical significance for revitalization and development of the old industrial bases in residents Northeast of China.1. The main contents of this thesisBased on perspectives of the transition of resource-based cities and residents’income gap, this thesis studys residents income gap of the resource-based cities in the Northeast, as an example of resource-based cities in Heilongjiang Province. First of all, the thesis proposals to examine the background and significance, to show research ideas and methods to achieve the purpose of research, etc.. At the same time, the thesis sorts out and sums up the research situation and related theory of income distribution and resource-based cities at home and abroad, and refines with the subject of theory and classical writers of the main points for providing theory-based to support the thesis. The focus of this thesis is residents’income distribution of resource-based cities in Northeast region, especially in Heilongjiang Province. Based on the a large number of relevant data collected and the use of statistical data and household survey, the thesis discusses the residents income distribution of resource-based cities, and systemly describes the overall income status of resource-based cities. Conclusions are made that the income of individuals and household is low overall and income gap is too large problem. the thesis selects 5-year residents’income data of a city, and makes use of Gini coefficient internationally recognized as an analysis method and relevant software, the establishment of models and from the quantitative and qualitative point of view to prove this phenomenon. The thesis explores the impact on the residents of the main factors of income and specially analyses the impact of the distribution of income gap among residents on economic, social, ecological and other major aspects of sustainable development. On this basis, the thesis takes some measures from four points of view for the state, local government, enterprises and residents, in order to narrow and resolve the resource-based cities in transition, the income gap between urban residents; avoid urban environment for the survival of vulnerable groups from further deterioration of the negative impact and poverty orientation, and to provide appropriate operational measures to solve practical problems, and promote resource-based cities in the Northeast of sustainable development.2. The focuses and research methodsFirstly, empirical analysis of on residents income gap in Northeast resource-based cities. By the national, provincial statistical yearbook and official statistical data, the thesis makes the analysis of horizontal and vertical between resource-based cities and non-resource-based cities in the Northeast region, among different resource-based cities, among the same resource-based city. At the same time, writer carries out to investigate and organizations in cities cadres, workers and ordinary residents and workers, such as interviews, a forum of more than 20 times, on the five cities of the coal and forestry cities, 800 questionnaires were issued for a month. The thesis makes basic understanding of the status quo of residents income gap, that is, residents’income of Northeast resource-based cities is less than that of general cities, oil city better than coal cities and other cities among resource-based cities; coal city better than urban forestry; residents income gap is also more serious. By the interception of 2002-2006 a total of 5 years of residents’income the lowest income group and the highest income group, the thesis estimates the Gini coefficient of Qitaihe City and find that the highest Gini coefficient is 0.473 in 2005, 0.328 points for the whole country, high 0.145 than the national, the downward trend again in 2006 to reach 0.414, while an upward trend in the country.Secondly, Factors analysis on residents’income gap in Northeast resource-based cities. Resource-based cities in Northeast residents transition analysis of factors affecting the income gap. Resource-based view of the Northeast urban income distribution gap is too large for the status quo, the impact factors of their quantitative and qualitative analysis. By quantitative analysis, by four coal city in Heilongjiang Province as a model template, the thesis selects the three economic indicators of the ratio of mining industry, the per capita expenditure on education and the urban unemployed, and makes multiple regression model by the Eviews 6.0 and by the interception the sample data of a total of 18 years in 1990-2007. Results show that: the extraction of the resources industries and unemployed urban residents have a restricted role in rise of income, and residents income has shown significant growth trends with the rise in expenditure on education. Selecting 1990-2007 income and consumption data, the thesis makes the use of consumption function model and finds that per capita income of urban residents in resource-based cities increased by 1 Yuan, per capita consumption expenditure increased 0.4783 Yuan, that is, people’s consumption of the income elasticity about 0.48, which illustrates the income level in resource-based cities is lower, most incomes are used for current spending. In qualitative analysis, main factors impacting the income gap in the Northeast resource-based cities are: income gap brought out by resource endowments in different cities; a production mode of backward resources product processing is a constraint of income; monopoly enterprises resulted in the high monopoly profits, innovation is not strong, local growth path dependence, inter-regional income gap is too large; China’s regional economic development is unbalanced, objectively speaking, which impacts of income gap of Northeast resource-based cities.Thirdly, residents income gap in Northeast resource-based cities has impact on sustainable development of city. Economic growth mainly is reflected by its consumer demand and investment demand, and other social factors. The thesis quantitatily and qualitatily studys on the gap income inpact on regional consumption, investment, environment deteriorate, and especially the social stability. These factors may hinder the sustainable development of Northeast resource-based cities.Fourthly, measures are taken to narrow the income gap in Northeast resource-based cities. Based on national, local government, enterprise and residents, the thesis explores policy framework to narrow residents’income gap. In the the central government, to insist on a fair level of distribution, the promotion of resource-based city’s welfare policy and increased government transfer payments, and improve the tax resources the way from the amount collected into an ad valorem. In the local government level, to strengthen the guidance to adjust industrial structure to create a relaxed environment for the development, and strengthen urban infrastructure investment, enhance the quality of the population to improve the training and education. Enterprises should pay attention to change production methods, and develop non-resource industry to create more effective. Residents should be attention to improve their own quality, and enhance entrepreneurial skills and skills to find a variety of increase channels.3. The thesis makes innovations as followsFirstly, development of the resource industrial dominated by the extractive industries in the resource-based cities has become a constraint of income growth. The research finds that proportion of extractive industry accounted for GDP growth by 1 %, the per capita residents’income will be reduced to 137.07 Yuan. The abnormal development of the resource industrial dominated by the extractive industries is constraining the growth of people’s income“bottleneck”, which is an important practical significance to support the transition of city and develop alternative industry.Secondly, resource-based cities should develop the industries relying mainly on primary industry and the tertiary industry and it is a main direction of raising resident’s income. During the economy transition, because of traditional resource-based industries of high-energy and low-quality faced by upgrade and transition, alternative industries developed by resource-based cities will be the inevitable choice of sustainable development. By the model analysis, the thesis finds if primary industry accounts for GDP proportion to increase by 1%, residents’income increases by 378.7 Yuan, while the tertiary industry accounts for GDP proportion to increase by 1%, residents’income increases by 101.74 Yuan. Therefore, resource-based cities should be actively committed to developing the primary industry of green agriculture, ecological tourism and tertiary industries, and promote the coordinated development of industry. The education funding of the resource-based cities does’t receive financial compensation, and makes the formation of the“education overflow”phenomenon. By the multiple regression model of residents’income gap in resource-based cities, the thesis shows that expenditure on education impacts on residents’income of the resource-based cities, increasing the funding for education for every 1 Yuan, 0.223 Yuan to increase revenue. The other hand, it also shows: because of a very low expenditure on education, and human capital effect is not strong.Thirdly, Operability measures are taken innovatively for resource-based cities to reduce the income gap. The thesis makes assumptions: Firstly, raise lasting revenue distributed by factors during the market-oriented process of Northeast resource-based cities.Secondly, change the concept lock of“resource-based cities”, according to development planning of the general urban, consider development direction of cities. Thirdly, reduce the monopoly advantages of monopoly industries, and increase the dynamism of region’s innovation and development, change the begging situation from a“golden rice”. At the same time, in the base of design and policy arrangements of income growth, the thesis changes the design of measures only to the national level, but from national, local government, enterprise and residents levels to explore the four dimensions of policy models to improve people’s income gap.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

