

Takeuti Yosimi’s Lu Xun Studies

【作者】 靳丛林

【导师】 刘中树;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 素有“竹内鲁迅”之称的竹内好的鲁迅研究,是日本鲁迅研究界的一座“不可逾越的高峰”,战后日本所有的鲁迅研究者都曾或多或少地受到过“竹内鲁迅”的影响。在中国,虽然“竹内鲁迅”也一直为我国学界所关注,但却缺少全面研究“竹内鲁迅”的专门著作,本论文试图对竹内好的鲁迅研究进行系统的梳理、解读与阐释,以弥补国内学界这方面的研究空白。论文在“绪论”中对竹内好的《鲁迅》出现之前的战前“日本鲁迅研究”做了历史钩沉,并对“竹内鲁迅”的用语何时在中国的出现、传播以及研究的历史与现状做了缜密考证与梳理。第一章以简要的描述性文字,勾勒了竹内好的成长历程与研究经历,尤其是较为详细地译介了1934年竹内好的东京大学本科毕业论文《郁达夫研究》的内容,同时对战前竹内好所处的时代以及与同时代人如武田泰淳等人的诸多关系做了深入探讨。第二章全面解读竹内好战前最重要的研究性著作《鲁迅》,对其框架、内容及其独特的方法与内涵做了深入剖析。其中主要对“竹内鲁迅”的核心词汇“回心”、“挣扎”与“赎罪”做了深入探讨;并尝试着借助伊藤虎丸对竹内好的阐释来对鲁迅的“回心之轴”做出新的阐发:即从留学日本“弃医从文”到五四时期踏上文坛,开始真正“文学的自觉”的这一漫长而沉默的历史时期内,鲁迅经历了“主体性意识”获得的两个阶段;第一阶段是从“弃医从文”时期幻想“振臂一呼”的浪漫主义英雄出现的“被一种思想所占有的阶段”,到《狂人日记》时期踏上五四文坛的第二阶段,鲁迅已经“把自己从业已‘委身’其中的新思想和新价值观当中再次重新拉出来”,真正抵达了“个人精神自由”的阶段,完成了他作为启蒙文学家的真正的觉醒。第三章专门探讨竹内好对鲁迅作品的评价,这是国内“竹内鲁迅”研究的盲点。本章凭藉自译过来的竹内好战后撰写的其他几本研究鲁迅的重要专著(结集为《竹内好鲁迅研究译文集》),对竹内好的鲁迅作品批评做了深入探究,指出“竹内好与鲁迅的相遇,其实最主要的就是与鲁迅作品的相遇”;剖析了竹内好战前、战后对鲁迅作品的褒贬变化乃至于一生致力于鲁迅作品在日本的翻译、与宣传工作的独特价值与意义。“终章”对竹内好“凭藉鲁迅”而对日本的战争、日本文化和日本人的“奴隶”心态进行的反思加以探讨,借以发微“竹内鲁迅”的特殊内涵以及对我国学界的有益启示。

【Abstract】 The overall framework of this project—Takeuti Yosimi’s Lu Xun Studies is presented here as: Introduction:“Takeuti Yosimi’s Lu Xun Studies”-- An Unsurpassable Peak, Chapter I : Takeuti Yosimi and His Times, Chapter II Interpretations of Lu Xun, Chapter III: Comments and Explanations of Lu Xun’s Works, Conclusion: Historical Reflections through Lu Xun. The more specific description of the contents is as follows.I. In Introduction, the author of this dissertation makes a historical review of the pre-war“Lu Xun studies in Japan”before the publication of Takeuti Yosimi’s Lu Xun. Many historical materials are translated directly from Japanese. In addition to the materials obtained by the author during his visit in Japan, some are those valuable materials in the period of“the Manchurian Puppet Regime”that are preserved in the cities of Northeast China such as Sheng Yang, Chang Chun and so on. Such historical review is insufficiently concerned about in the domestic academic circle. At the same time, the author also makes meticulous investigation and analysis on the emergence, the dissemination of the terms, and the history and the current situation of the research of“Takeuti Yosimi’s Lu Xun Studies”.II. In view of the insufficient introduction of Takeuti Yosimi in the domestic academic circle, Chapter I provides a descriptive outline of Takeuti Yosimi’s growing and research experiences. Here, special attention is given to the comparatively detailed introduction and translation of Takeuti Yosimi’s graduation thesis in 1934 in the University of Tokyo --A Study on Yu Dafu. At the same time, the pre-war period Takeuti Yosimi lived in and his relations with his contemporaries, such as Takeda Taisyun, are explored in depth. Such reviews and introductions are the first detailed explorations of Takeuti Yosimi’s life and research experiences in the Chinese academic circle.III. Chapter II provides a comprehensive interpretation of Takeuti Yosimi’s most important pre-war research work Lu Xun. Its framework, contents and its special approaches and connotations are thoroughly analyzed.Firstly, the author investigates the influence of Li Changzhi’s Lu Xun Criticism on Takeuti Yosimi’s Lu Xun through comparative study, and also points out that the unique approaches in Takeuti Yosimi’s Lu Xun are quite different from that in Li Changzhi’s work. With the affirmation of the significance of originality in Li Changzhi’s Lu Xun Criticism, Takeuti Yosimi’s learning from Li Changzhi and his innovations are probed into.Secondly, the author provides evidence-based explanations to the questions raised in Lu Xun. For example, as for“the legendization of biography”on the story about Lu Xun’s“abandonment of medicine for literature”, a new interpretation is made on the Takeuti Yosimi’s doubt at that time, in combination of the new discoveries of the post-war Lu Xun studies. As for the matter of“the estrangement between the Zhou brothers”, a suitable explanation is also provided by using the latest research findings as a source of reference. At the same time, a new cognitive approach is put forward on Lu Xun’s grandfather’s involvement in“the case of bribery in the Imperial Examination”, pointing out the fundamental reason for the“absence”of grandfather in Lu Xun’s works.Thirdly, a thorough discussion is made on the core words of“Takeuti Yosimi’s Lu Xun Studies”—“Conversion”,“struggle”and“atonement”, trying to make a new elucidation of Lu Xun’s“Axis of Conversion”with the aid of Itou Toramaro’s interpretation on Takeuti Yosimi. Namely, Lu Xun experienced two phases of obtaining“the consciousness of subjectivity”in the long and silent historical period from his“abandonment of medicine for literature”when studying in Japan to the May Fourth Movement when he stepped on the literary stage to start the real“self-consciousness of literature”. The first phase was“the phase when Lu Xun was controlled by a kind of thought”in the period of his“abandonment of medicine for literature”. During this period, he dreamed of the emergence of Romantic heroes to“raise the arms and call for action”. In the second phase when he stepped on the literary stage and published A Madman’s Diary, Lu Xun“extricated himself from the new thought and new concept of values which he had already committed to”, arrived the stage of“the spiritual freedom of individual”and achieved his awakening as a scholar of enlightenment in real sense. IV. Chapter III is dedicated to the discussion of Takeuti Yosimi’s evaluations on Lu Xun’s works. Such discussion is the blind spot of the researches on“Takeuti Yosimi’s Lu Xun Studies”in China. In this chapter, the author explores in depth Takeuti Yosimi’s comments on Lu Xun’s works by using as a source of reference the translated versions of several important monographs on Lu Xun studies written by Takeuti Yosimi in post-was period, pointing out that“Takeuti Yosimi’s meeting with Lu Xun was, in fact, his meeting with Lu Xun’s works”. A thorough inquiry is made into the changes of Takeuti Yosimi’s appraisements for Lu Xun’s works in pre-war and post-war periods, as well as the unique value and significance of his lifelong devotion to the translation and dissemination of Lu Xun’s works in Japan.The uppermost contribution of this chapter is the indication of“the three dimensions”of Takeuti Yosimi’s attitude when he criticized and interpreted Lu Xun’s works. The first is the individual dimension, namely interpreting Lu Xun’s works through his own life experiences, holding to his true feelings of reading and paying respect to other people’s rights of perceiving Lu Xun’s works based on their own life experiences. The second one is the aggregative dimension. For Takeuti Yosimi, this dimension is, in fact, the issue of the“modernization”of Japan and Japanese. Takeuti Yosimi regarded this issue as the essence of“the question of Lu Xun”, or the essence of Lu Xun’s significance to Japan. The third dimension is Lu Xun. It includes the true features of Lu Xun’s works and the true features of Lu Xun and therefore involves the times and environment Lu Xun lived in. In Takeuti Yosimi’s opinion, the neglect of the individual dimension would result in“understanding the contents of works merely from rational point of view”, and“wouldn’t be of any help in terms of creation”. The overlook of the aggregative dimension would“degrade appreciation into cursory reading of the works, taking the interest as the standard”. Ignoring the dimension of Lu Xun would lead to“following detours in the process of appreciation, and returning without accomplishing anything”. Takeuti Yosimi was on constatnt alert for the three kinds of dangers and his criticism and interpretation of Lu Xun’s works were made on the basis of the dynamic equilibrium of the three dimensions.V. On the basis of the researches of the previous chapters, Conclusion discusses Takeuti Yosimi’s reflections on Japanese war, Japanese culture and Japanese“slave”mentality“through Lu Xun”, in order to reveal the special connotations of“Takeuti Yosimi’s Lu Xun Studies”and provide instructive inspirations to the Chinese academic circle. For instance, in Section III: The Reflection on Japanese Culture, the author explores Takeuti Yosimi’s ways of thinking in his reflection on the Japanese culture through Lu Xun, by using the materials about his introspection on Japanese culture in Takeuti Yosimi’s works of Lu Xun studies, focusing on the discussion of the confrontation between the spirit of Lu Xun and the Japanese culture in Takeuti Yosimi’s works. The author also investigates how Takeuti Yosimi transformed Lu Xun’s spirit and wisdom into his own strength in the tense and complicated movement against the US-Japan Mutual Security Treaty and listens to Takeuti Yosimi’s expression of heart in translating and introducing Lu Xun’s works with all his strength, that is, his determination of fighting against the inertia of Japanese culture through Lu Xun.In the author’s opinion, it may be more suitable to change the title of this dissertation into“The Outline of the Research on‘Takeuti Yosimi’s Lu Xun Studies’”The reason is that some questions on“Takeuti Yosimi’s Lu Xun Studies”are only roughly discussed and need to be thoroughly elaborated on and clarified, due to the limitation of time, length of dissertation and the author’s scholarly attainments. There is room for further discussion in theoretical depth. For example, the result of the research is an attempt and only scratches the surface of some of the important questions, such as Takeuti Yosimi’s historical reflections on the aggressive war launched by Japan and Japanese slavish culture. Some questions still need to be explored in depth. This is an important topic worthy of being supplemented or discussed separately in the future.

【关键词】 鲁迅竹内好回心抵抗挣扎
【Key words】 Lu XunTakeuti YosimiConversionresistancestruggle
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

