

The Study of Agricultural Co-operative Novel during 1950-1970

【作者】 闫薇

【导师】 张福贵;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 1950-1970年代的农业合作化小说,与特定的运动、政策有难以切割的亲缘关系,是一种特殊的文学现象,在乌托邦的欢歌声中透露出浓重的悲剧品性,蕴藏着丰富的政治、文化内涵。本文认为合作化小说拥有两大特质:一是与“历史文本”互文,文献价值大于审美价值;二是“日常生活神圣化”,具有陌生和狂欢效应。面对合作化运动的冲击,乡村传统文化在固守中被瓦解,在瓦解中又潜伏着。本文还对三大人物谱系进行了归类分析,“社会主义新人”在平凡人生向英雄崇拜转化的过程中,其“政治超人”的荒诞与人类审美追求的崇高形成了悖论命题;“中间人物”有着深厚的恋土情结,承载着厚重的历史真实;“问题女性”则是在女性意识缺失层面上的界定。总之,农业合作化小说研究应该是理性与感性双重作用下的文本细读,应该是历史与现实相互关联中的人文展望。

【Abstract】 The concentrated emerged novel on agricultural co-operative during 1950-1970 Concentrated, tied with unseparated relationship with specific historical events, reflects the "army operations" mode of the writers’participation in the reality and feelings of farmers, and shows a distinctive trait of self-sufficiency and characteristics with its rich political and cultural connotations and become the literature memory of co-operative movement and form the special phenomenon in literary history.The name of agricultural cooperatives novel is closely related with the agricultural co-operative movement. Co-operative movement involves the agricultural cooperation organizations, including agricultural co-operation of the group, junior and senior agricultural production cooperatives, and its development trace inevitably moves to the people’s communes which were set up later, in the middle there is a great leap forward for the transition. Therefore, the campaign itself has its own specific definition, at the same time expands its definition. In relation to this, this paper researches the novel which describes the co-operative movement during 1950-1970, the novels mainly describes three aspects of co-operative movement, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance, junior clubs and senior clubs.Unless as a result of the internal works closely related between, the need for full discussion, the people’s commune system does not involve as much as possible. But sometimes in order to elaborate more fully in comparison and extension, part of the works during the period of the Great Leap Forward and the people’s communes are described. I maintain the following value of position:“not only from the history, the concern with the specific policy associated with the value generated by the literature, but also from the text, the text of the analysis of the basis of characteristics on refining its implication of cultural values. The value of historical and contemporary is not the same, nor is it immutable." We should be out of a simple negation and affirmation, base on reality, look at history, do not deny the aesthetic because of the negative politics, do not deny the future because of the negative present.First, the writer’s positioning role in process of text generation is of great importance, which determines the angle of their writing, words direction. The agricultural co-operative movement provides an opportunity for writers who are sensitive to looking for major theme, so multiple identities authors began to write the novel of the agricultural cooperatives simultaneously. They are not only writers, but also Communist Party members and the rural grass-roots leaders. Three in one identity determines their choice, direction, pain and contradictions of speaking and also determines the basic look of the work. They found that they hold the position of the farmers, at the same time bear in mind the position of party spirit. When the interests of farmers’and the party’s conflict, they are more in the party’s position. As writers in the system, they give up their independent thinking and writing talent of the mission. The dislocation of writing position of the writers shows that the main loss of consciousness, to some extent weakens the text of the aesthetic values and artistic vitality, digests the rich literature of the humanities, and also finally determines the tragic fate of a generation of writers.After the comparison with similar novels, this article abstract two characteristics: intertextuality with“history text”and the sanctification of daily life. History itself "could not be recovered," it could not be reversed either. We can not see the primary’s history, but a specific history with a variety of physical media, such as books, literature and so on, which are simulated and reconstructed by descendants. On this point history and novel are similar.“The two are virtual, different from the objective, and also have narrative characteristics. Hayden ? White, point out that history is the fictional text of literary. Co-operative novel in a given period of time followed closely co-operative process, intermingled with the history text, emerged and existed with each other, and proved for each other to form a complex tangle of iterating relations. Writers did not reproduce the rural life according to "original ecology", but under the guidance of ideology, with the utopia of the imagination for the future, records, sing the praises of, beautify cooperative movement. Literature text and history text become twin work which has the nature of iterating each other. In terms of iterating, the two are cross-checked passively and actively change each other. Although the reason of the generation of co-operative novel is manifold, it is most closely related to the text of history. The two form a cohesive force, resulting in a superimposed effect of proving each other and pile-up. They interact two-way shuttling in fiction and truth and retain the historical aspect of the real and in part to rewrite and shelter history in the method of literature.The daily life is of a normal life with the secular trend, it is for the purpose of the well-being of own values and attitude towards life and it is a kind of life without "hero" .Working from dawn to dusk is the norm of rural life. People get up early and go to bed early; they live simple and regular life. Self-contained production and life make farmers accustomed to the freedom of the scattered way of life; they have the concept of time but also the relatively vague. This kind of life has the characteristics of necessity, ordinary, and long-lasting and trivial. However, in the novel of agricultural cooperatives, the authors look at the ordinary nature of the secular life, enhance this daily life, glorify writing, join with the times of political and revolutionary concept. In the text of which co-operative movement is the grand narrative of the text, the daily life scenes in the text have been given an extraordinary value and significance, with the face of the sacred. Specific performance: the interpretation of political significance of the daily life, the full range of crowding of co-operative content to the daily life, the powerful wedging new term of co-operative, meeting, working marks, night work, race, close planting, the term monopoly for purchase and marketing of new and out there changed the daily life in rural areas. The effect of the daily life of the sacred is strange and carnival. At the same time, the collapse and stick of rural traditional culture provide important topic for the research of cooperative novels. Chinese farmers are satisfied with the small production methods of "sufficient for the parents, his wife. Lacking the most basic understanding and enthusiasm on national affairs, political affairs, and village affair, they long-term drift away from the country’s political life; their sense of democracy and politics is considerable weak. They care only about the real benefits which can be seen by their own eyes, by diligent work to achieve the aspirations of the times fortune and do not believe in fantasy. They have excellent quality of bearing hardships, hard working, perseverance, simplicity, industrious and thrifty in running one’s home, but also have the weakness of being poor thinking, dense and softie, endurable and obedient. To sum up, the traditional culture of the village has the following characteristics: the deep-rooted concept of small-scale peasant economy, the absolute supremacy of the royal ideology, a strong local sentiment, caring and dutiful concepts etc. The co-operative movement gathered together scattered farmers, village lost its foundation of traditional culture. From then on the rural culture has been rewritten. The following is the details: 1. the distinction and lurking of the concept of a small-scale peasant economy. Small-scale peasant economy is the fundamental characteristics of the social and economic structure in feudal China. Farmers stick to self-sufficient life of small-scale peasant economy for a long time which one family is one unit, the male cultivating and the female weaving. Co-operative and "large in size and collective in nature" completely shattered the concept of small-scale peasant economy, but under the apparent victory of comprehensive collectivization campaign, the concept of a small private hid with latent strength. 2. Continuation and strengthening of the concept of royal supremacy. Small-scale peasant economy itself lack of the condensation of social power. In the feudal society under the monarchy system, farmers have long formed the subject of the subjects thought and psychological dependence. Communist Party being their savior and benefactor, on the basis of culture concept of obeying, they have the feeling of worship and thanksgiving. From obedience to thanksgiving, the feeling of idol worship and superstition in this new era of, in fact, is a modern extension and strengthening of the concept of the supremacy. 3. The adhesion and imbalance of the concept of materialism. Farmers are the most practical. From the traditional small farmers’concepts and the simple experience of life, they doubt about co-operative, and concern about the entrance. But in the end, they joined in the commune by the promise, induce, intimidation, restrictions and other means of forced entrance. 4. The suppression of class consciousness to the family. The rural relationships of traditional culture are loose, however strong family ties. They like visit their relatives and neighbors. Co-operative movement put the collective interests above family interests, leading the lacking of blood kinship, estranged husband and wife, the conflicts of father and son. The awareness of the opposite class is enhanced, hatred of philosophy and education are deformed, war thinking is transplanted, and rich rural rustic traditional culture has been artificially separated.Co-operative novel has also set up three figures pedigree. This article does not focus on the analysis of specific characters, but on the classified, particularly in each category highlighted the main features of the characters and new ideas from the excavation.The molding of "New socialist man" is the continuation of the old "hero worship", and also is the product of constant norm to literary of mainstream ideology. "Hero" and war and are more associated with the fighting qualities. "Model" appears in the day-to-day hard working and simplicity. There is the tendency that the two are combined. The image of a socialist new "heroes" shaped by the novel of agricultural co-operative replace the "model" connotation. This kind of hero tradition has the same characteristics in the myth, epic, classical chivalrous novels, legendary heroes. The socialist“new men”who lead the wave of socialist cooperatives have same temperament from the inner spirit with the“fighting hero". This new model is the product of constant norm of literature. In shaping the new socialist man, the smoke battlefield change to the scene of agricultural production, farmers change into revolutionaries, the ancient myth change into modern edition. Both ordinary lives the heroes are hard to write. So the "Superman" of high moral standard and the ideal incarnation fell into the loss of human untrue "inhuman.""Middle figures" are a large number of people who doubt and worry about during the process of co-operative movement. Most of them are old-style farmers; they hesitate and linger between the two forces of old concepts and new life. They have a deep love of the soil; land is their spiritual home and attached to them. Land reform had distributed them the fruits of victory; they rekindled the hope of fortune by hard-working. With a simple thanksgiving heart to the party, they manage to get land and work from early in the morning to late at nigh. But not last, in the co-operative movement, these land all lost like dream. Land and animals are reluctantly handed over to the collective and pains suffer their heart of vicissitudes. They have reason to question the effectiveness of co-operative: heart arrhythmia, loss of freedom, reduced income, and unfair distribution. These figures should be said that the middle is the most ordinary, the most authentic and most moving, they carry a heavy burden of history, their joys and sorrows, vicissitudes of life become the chapters of most artistic value. Through several changes and ups and downs, they become the most brightly colored character from the minor role of supporting a socialist new man; become the“real men”with heavy connotations from“ordinary men”of needing transformation; perhaps this is the process of literature returning to the "learning"Under the shadow of the male culture, in the political turmoil of the time, female of the polarization of progress and backward in the agricultural co-operative movement reflect the lack and misunderstanding of female consciousness in dormant way or obvious way. So they can be called“problem women.". The dominant problem female refers to those who are backward in co-operative movement including: loose women, obeyed by the need of their feelings, they manifest sex and love boldly, but can not be tolerated by the orthodox culture, their spontaneous awareness of the women had been strangled; shrew, they destroy the order of male power and protect their own interest in the way of unreason , the female immoral is also rejected by traditional culture ; small woman locked their eyes on their own cozy life, they care about men’s love to them, but refuse to share men’s work, in the family they pursuit women’s limited rights, but in the political vision of co-operative, they are regarded as lagging behind women. Hidden problem female refers to the progress women in the co-operative text, including: better half, they are kindhearted and reasonable, willing to bear all the household chores, as a dedication to lift those who worry about her husband. They regard men the center of their life, and totally lose themselves. This kind of great is the characteristics of the complete missing of female consciousness; Iron girl participating in social labor in person, practicing "men and women are the same" become the wind vane the era, but they base on male code of conduct, resulting in the partial disappearance of their own characteristics of women, so women can not truly realize their self-value. The missing of Chinese women’s awareness is prevalence from the traditional orientation to the political vision, from backwardness women to progress women, from the dominant problem women to the hidden problem women.To sum up, the agricultural cooperation novel studies the interwoven sense and sensibility in details. On one hand, on the basis of ascertaining the collectivization novel’s difference characteristic according to the text, on the condition of difficult writing of both in document value and appreciation of the beauty value, the author think that the work document’s value is greater than appreciation of the beauty value, and blocks appreciation of the beauty value, which is the sorrow of literature self, but the good fortune of document history. On the other hand, setting off from commenting the man and the world, the author’s thought is flooded with dense desolation all the time and is realizing deeply that a writer can possibly produce competitive products being handed down from generation to generation only when writer strengthens main body mental consciousness unceasingly, and is really responsible to history, to the people, to oneself. Besides, the collectivization novel contains a lot of society culture connotation, is worthy for educational circles to continue studying.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

