

Extensive Research on the Bionic Multi-factor Coupling and Its Effectiveness Evaluation

【作者】 洪筠

【导师】 任露泉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 生物模本的优选和生物功能原理的模拟是工程仿生学的关键。本文以多元耦合生物模本及多元耦合仿生原理为基础,将可拓学理论与多元耦合原理相结合,重点对多元耦合仿生可拓方法体系进行了探索。主要研究内容如下:多元耦合可拓建模。将可拓学的基元理论、共轭分析理论与多元耦合仿生原理相结合,形成了对多元耦合仿生进行定性、定量分析的有效工具;运用此工具,以多元耦合的生物模本及其耦合规律为基础,建立多元耦合的耦元可拓模型、耦联方式可拓模型、多元耦合仿生可拓模型;通过建模解析生物耦合功能形成机理;结合蜣螂进行了实例分析。耦元分析。定义了耦元贡献度的概念,对可拓层次分析方法进行改进,建立了试验优化层次分析方法;构造了多元耦合层次结构模型,依据已有试验数据和结论计算出荷叶多元耦合形态、结构、材料耦元的贡献度分别为0.5278,0.3326,0.1396。此方法可以进一步对耦元的特性进行分析。应用多元耦合可拓模型和已有的仿生知识,探寻工程仿生中矛盾问题的解决方法。为从生物模本的系统研究中获取工程仿生的方案,本文还运用可拓变换理论,对工程仿生矛盾问题进行了界定,建立了多元耦合仿生矛盾问题的可拓模型;依据矛盾问题运算与变换规则,建立了矛盾问题的拓展模型;利用多元耦合可拓模型和已有仿生知识进行可拓变换,寻求多元耦合仿生可拓策略。多元耦合仿生效能评价。定义了多元耦合仿生效能;根据多元耦合仿生特点对常用评价方法进行辨析,确定选用多指标综合评价方法;从多元耦合仿生功能因素、经济效益因素和质量因素等三方面分析选取评价指标,建立了评价指标体系,并基于功效系数法建立效能评价模型;以典型仿生部件--仿生犁壁为例进行了上述方法的评价验证,结果表明,仿生犁壁比普通犁壁效能提高30.5%。

【Abstract】 “Biological prototype---the key to the new technology.”Millions of years of evolution has optimized the formation, configuration and structure of living creatures, and has contributed to the magical function and performance, which stimulated the living creatures to form a system with the best adaptability and a high degree of coordination towards the living environment. Various special functions and features presented in biology have provided the rich models for modern high-tech innovation. Bionic engineering will explore the ways and means by imitating living creatures and applying them to engineering technology by means of studying the formation mechanism of special functions and features of them. Bionic multi-factor coupling is the engineering application of bionics. Comparing with the bionic unit, bionic multi-factor coupling is closer to the biological prototype and can realize the functional requirements of the bionic design more effectively, and can even solve the insolvable problems in the bionic unit. To establish a new bionic philosophy, it is required more effective research tools and methods to analyze the formation mechanism of the biological coupling. Under this background, the paper will combine the extensive theory with the multi-factor coupling principle and carry out the research with the extensive research on the bionic multi-factor coupling and its effectiveness evaluation as the theme, which aims to make contribution to the extension and innovation of research methods of the bionic multi-factor coupling.This paper conducts an extensive analysis towards the contradictions of the biological model, formation mechanism of the multi-factor coupling and the bionic multi-factor coupling, establishes the method for effectiveness evaluation of the bionic multi-factor coupling, and explores a set of effective research methodological system for the bionic multi-factor coupling. The main research contents and results are as follows:The elementary theory and the theory of conjugate analysis with the bionic multi-factor coupling principle were combined, and then an effective method for qualitative and quantitative analyses were formed. The biological model for experimental observation was optimized. The soft and the hard conjuate analysis or potential and siganificant conjuate analysis by means of multi-factor coupling extension analysis tools were conducted. The extensive model of the biological model was establised, and then the qualitative and the quantitative analysis methods for the biological model were formed. Lotus leaves was chosen as the biological model to test the method, and the results showed that this method could analyze the biological model systematically and comprehensively, make the qualitative and the quantitative description on it, which could lay a foundation for the follow-up study and further computer storage and processing.An analysis on the formation mechanism of the biological coupling through the multi-factor coupling extensive analysis tools was conducted. The coupling elements of the biological coupling were determined, and the attribute, characteristic index and quantity domain of each coupling element were analyzed. The extensive model of the coupling elements was establised. catalogue the complex relations between coupling elements in terms of the connection way and compactness, relative position in space and perpetual relation were sorted, and the extensive model for the coupled response way was establised. Starting from the biological function and the coupling principle of coupling plus coupled response way and combining the environmental factor of the multi-coupling, the extensive analysis on the biological multi-coupling was conducted, the extensive model for the bionic multi-coupling was constructed. A pattern which may realize the biological function was seeked, and was proved effective. From conducting the above-mentioned extensive analysis on optimizing biological models to finally establishing the extensive model for the biological bionic multi-factor coupling, a set of the effective extensive analysis and the modeling method for bionic multi-factor coupling by means of the multi-factor coupling extensive analysis tools and by combining the principle of the biological coupling was formed. The dung beetles’“bulldozing plate”on the head and claws was selected as the biological model, and observed through experimental instruments. The extensive analysis on the biological model was conducted first, and the extensive model of the“bulldozing plate”on the head and the claws was established. The coupling elements of biological coupling as configuration coupling elements, formation coupling elements and material coupling elements were determined further, and the extensive models for all the coupling elements were established. The inner and outreach relations was analyzed, and the extensive model of the coupled response way was established. Starting from the desorption and visbreaking function of the dung beetles and the principle for the biological coupling of coupling elements plus coupled response way, the extensive model of the bionic multi-factor coupling to discover the relations between the multi-factor coupling and the desorption and visbreaking function of the dung beetles and the wet and sticky soil environment was established, and the formation mechanism of the dung beetles’biological coupling was analyzed. The result of the above extensive analysis and extensive modeling showed that the extensive analysis method for the multi-factor coupling can discover the relation between the multi-coupling and the biological function and environmental elements effectively, and analyze the mechanism by which coupling elements of the biological model with formation, structure and material function at different levels in the mutual coupling was analyzed. And thus the key problem of the biological model optimization and bionic modeling in the bionic multi-factor coupling were solved.The function of the biological multi-factor coupling is generated by the contribution at different levels of each coupling element, and the degree which the coupling elements contribute towards the multi-factor function defined as the coupling contribution degree. The main content of the coupling analysis was defined, and the common methods for the coupling analysis were reviewed. The coupling analysis on the dung beetles by presenting the method of analyzing the coupling elements by means of extensive hierarchy-process analysis was conducted, and the result was as follows. As to the multi-factor coupling system of the dung beetles’desorption and visbreaking function, the respective contribution degrees of the formation, configuration and material coupling elements are 0.66, 0.306, and 0.034. The formation elements are the main ones, the configuration elements are the secondary ones, and the material elements are the common ones. As to the strong subjective problem existing in the extensive hierarchy-process analysis method, the optimization experiment and the hierarchy-process analysis was improved and combined. The experiment program in terms of the analysis content was set, and the hierarchy-process analysis method of the optimization experiment for the coupling analysis by taking the experiment data as the evaluation standard was established. Lotus leaves were chosen as an example to verity the method, and the results showed that the self-cleaning contribution degrees of the formation elements, structure elements and material elements towards the lotus leaves were 0.5278,0.3326,0.1396, respectively. The formation elements are the main ones, and the structure elements are the secondary ones. The hierarchy-process analysis method of the optimization experiment can also be used to analyze the importance of coupling element features towards coupling elements which shall help to obtain the contribution degree of the coupling elements towards the coupling elements and the multi-factor coupling function so as to realize the analysis on the coupling element features. What should be pointed out is that owing to the biological complexity, it cannot be convinced that the result of the coupling elements comparison can be completely detected by the experiment, as to the data which are impossible or difficult to test. It is allowed that the hierarchy-process analysis method of the optimization experiment can take the existed bionic knowledge or expert experience as the judgment basis for the coupling element comparison.The extensive model of the multi-coupling to the engineering technology was applied to obtain the solutions of the engineering and technological problems. Firstly, the definition methods for the contradictions of the bionic multi-factor coupling was presented, and then the extensive model for the contradictions was established. Secondly, the database storing the established extensive model of the multi-factor coupling and the existed bionic knowledge was established, which was taken them as the knowledge of extensive transformation. Thirdly, the extensive analysis on the needs of engineering technology and the contradictions of bionic multi-factor coupling forming divergent trees and implicit trees was conducted, and the secondary matter-element model at the divergence layer of bionic items describing the basic information and features of the items was established. The conjugate analysis on the products to be modified was conducted, and its extensive hierarchical model was established. The multi-factor coupling model was extended, and the hierarchical model was established. At last, the bionic multi-factor coupling strategy by means of the formal and quantitative methods so as to solve the contradictions in the multi-factor coupling was fostered, the generation methods and steps for the extensive strategy of the bionic multi-factor coupling was presented. The bionic plow was analyzed comprehensively, and the bionic strategy of the plow multi-factor coupling was formed.The concept of bionic multi-factor coupling effectiveness was put forward by targeting on the problem of the multi-factor coupling effectiveness, borrowing the effectiveness of military weapons and the current concepts related to the effectiveness and combining the characteristics of the bionic multi-coupling. Three evaluation models of the bionic effectiveness were established, and a general framework of the evaluation models of the bionic effectiveness was established by taking the traditional evaluation method as the theoretical basis. According to the principle of the multi-index comprehensive evaluation index construction, the influencing factors of the multi-factor coupling effectiveness were analyzed, and then the principle of evaluation system construction of the multi-factor coupling effectiveness was established. According to the evaluation principle, further analysis on the influencing factors of the multi-factor coupling effectiveness was conducted, and then the performance evaluation index system was established. The data acquisition channels of the evaluation index: expert data, measured data and testing (stimulation) data were determined. According to the characteristics and demand of the bionic multi-factor effectiveness evaluation, the evaluation model was established by way of the efficacy coefficient method. The multi-data source data was integrated by way of model calculation, and then the results of the bionic multi-factor coupling effectiveness evaluation were achieved. A set of methods for the multi-coupling effectiveness evaluation was established, and the bionic effectiveness at different stages of the bionic multi-factor coupling was evaluated. The bionic plow was taken as an example to implement the bionic effectiveness evaluation of the bionic plow by way of conducting the field test, combining the expert data and carrying out the evaluation method for the bionic multi-factor coupling. The results showed that the bionic plow effectiveness had increased by 30.5% compared with the common plow which also proved that the evaluation method for the multi-factor coupling effectiveness was effective.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

