

The Rational Representation for Solving Polynomial Systems

【作者】 谭畅

【导师】 张树功;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 计算数学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文基于求解零维多项式系统的有理单变量表示方法做了如下几项工作:改进了Rouillier的选取零维代数簇可分元的算法,改进后的算法使得相应的有理单变量表示中整系数的长度明显缩短;将有理单变量表示方法推广到高维情形,提出了求解高维多项式系统的有理表示方法,从而将方程组的零点集表示为若干个“有理表示集”的并集,对于每个有理表示集,若固定无关变量的值,则相应解的其他坐标分量可表示为有理函数在一个单变量多项式零点处的值;讨论了有理表示方法对于代数簇不可约分支的一般点的可计算问题,证明了通过计算有理表示可以求得代数簇所有不可约分支的一般点,并提出了计算方案.

【Abstract】 Polynomial systems solving is one of the most basic problems in mathematics.In many areas such as robot design, geometric modelling, game theory and computational economics, we need to solve all the solutions of polynomial systems. Based on the Rational Univariate Representation (RUR) for solving zero-dimensional systems, we studied the representation for the solutions of any polynomial systems. What we have done is as follows:Ⅰ. Separating element computation for the Rational Univariate Representation with short coefficients in zero-dimensional algebraic varietiesIn 1999, Rouillier introduced the Rational Univariate Representation for solving zero-dimensional systems, which gives the coordinates of the solutions as rational functions at zeros of an univariate polynomial. This representation of zeros is always used in many problems, for instance, we usually need to do some arithmetical operations over the arithmetical expressions of the solutions of coordinates. It is necessary to shorten the size of the coefficients of the polynomials in the RUR because the symbolic computations often cause intermediate swells. The RUR for a zero-dimensional ideal only depends on it’s separating element. But we notice that the algorithm of finding the separating element presented by Rouillier has two shortcomings which make the coefficients in the RUR too long. The first shortcoming is that the coefficients of the elements to be selected are too long. The second one is that a lot of unnecessary computations are repeated while verifying the separating elements. For this, we present an improved algorithm for finding separating elements in this paper, which is implemented by confirming the separating element of the coordinates step by step.Let K be a field of characteristic zero contained in C, X={X1,…,Xn}, and let K[X1,…,Xn] be the polynomial ring over K. Denote byπk the projection:πk:Cn→Ck,(α1,…,an)→(α1,…,αk).Given a zero-dimensional ideal I=Id(f1,…,fs)(?)K[X],denote by AK(I)=K[X]/I.Theorem 1. Let V (?) Cn,#V=m.For 1≤i≤n,we suppose that ti∈K[X1,…,Xi] separatesπi(V),then there exists at least one element in (?)i+1= {uri+1=ti+rxi+1 | 0≤r≤(m-1)m/2} which separatesπi+1(V).Theorem 2. Let P1,P2 6 K[X],ur = P1 + rP2,r∈K.We denote by murAK(I) the multiplication map defined on AK(I) associated to ur,and Xur= (?)αi(r)TD-i(α0(r)=1) the characteristic polynomial of murAK(I) Viewing r asαvariable,thenαi(r) is a polynomial in K[r] whose degree does not exceed i. Moreover,the following equation holds:where Nj(Xur) = Trace(?) =(?)Trace(?)rk.Applying the above theorems, we improve the algorithm of finding a separating element presented by Rouillier. The improved algorithm is described in Algorithm 3.4.1,which implemented by finding the separating element ofπi(VC(I)) step by step. The complexity of Algorithm 3.4.1 is as follows:Theorem 3. Let I (?) K[X] be a zero-dimensional ideal, dimAK(I)=D. Given the multiplication table MXi(1<i<n) and MT(AK(I)) associated to a standard basis of AK(I),the complexity of Algorithm 3.4.1 is in O(nD4) basic arithmetic operations in K.If K is the field of rational numbers, the complexity of Algorithm 3.4.1 is in O(nD4M(Dι) + D3M(D2ι)) bit-operations, whereιdenotes the binary size of the coefficients that appear in the matrix of multiplication by one variable in AK(I) and M(ι) the complexity of the multiplication of two integers of lengthι. Moreover, the binary size of the coefficients in RUR is in O(Dι).Ⅱ.Rational Representation for zeros of the high-dimensional idealsIn order to represent the solutions of any polynomial systems in such way as to allow any arithmetical operations over the arithmetical expressions of its coordinates, we give the so-called Rational Representation for describing all the solutions of a high-dimensional polynomial system based on the RUR for solving zero-dimensional systems.Let now K be an algebraically closed field, / be an ideal of K[X],U= {X(i1,…,Xid} a maximally independent set moduloⅠ,V=X/U,and (?)v be an arbitrary term order on T(V).Denote by VK(I) (?) Kn the zero-set of I in Kn,and Ie the extension of I to K(U)[V].Suppose G={g1,…,gm} (?) I and I=Id(G) such that G is a Gr(o|¨)bner basis w.r.t.(?)V of Ie.Set F = LCM{LC(gi) |1≤i≤m},where LC(gi)∈K[U] is taken of gi as an element of K(U)[V].Theorem 4.Let p∈Kd,and t∈(?) ={α1Xid+1+…+an-dXin | 0≠(α1,…,αn-d)∈Kn-d be a separating element of Ie.Suppose that {Xt,(?)t(1,T),(?)t(Xid+1,T),…,(?)t(Xin,T)} is the RUR of Ie associated to t. Denote byΔt∈K[U] the numerator of the resultant of (?)t(T) and its derivative (?)’t(T) w.r.t.the variable T, and by (?)(T) = (?)t(h,T)|p for any h∈K[U][V].If FΔt does not vanish at p,then t separates Vk(Ip) and {Xt|p,(?)(T),(?)(T),…, (?)(T)} is the RUR of Ip associated to t.Define the following set:Definition 1.Let I be an ideal of K[X],U={Xi1,…,Xid} be a maximally independent set modulo I, and Ie the extension of I to K(U)[X\U].Suppose that t∈(?) is a separating element of Ie,and {Xt,(?)t(1,T),(?)t(Xid+1,T),…, (?)t(Xin,T)} is the RUR of Ie associated to t. The setis called a Rational-representation Set of I associated to U and t. Moreover,we say that the set WtU is represented by RtU.In particular, if dimI=0,then we call the RUR of I associated to its any separating element a Rational-representation Set.Theorem 5. Let I be an ideal of K[X) and VK(I) (?) Kn the zero-set of I inKn.Then there exists a decomposition V(I)=(?)Wj such that Wj can berepresented by a Rational-representation Set Rj.We call (?)Rj a RationalRepresentation of VK(I).According to the above theorems, we give the Algorithm 4.4.5 for computing the Rational Representation of any polynomial systems. By this way all the solutions of any high-dimensional polynomial system can be represented by a set of so-called Rational-representation Sets. The solutions represented by a Rational-representation Set are defined as: specializing the independent variables at a point which is not a root of some polynomial in the Rational-representation Set, then the other coordinates of the corresponding solution can be expressed as rational functions at the zeros of an univariate polynomial.Ⅲ.Representing the generic points of the irreducible components of algebraic varietiesAs we know, any variety can be decomposed into several irreducible components and each irreducible component can be represented by a generic point. Based on the Rational Representation, we discussed how to compute the generic points of all the irreducible components of any algebraic variety.Following Algorithm 4.4.5, let I1=I,U1 be a maximally independent set modulo I1,and I1e be the extension of I1 to K(U1)[X\U1].Denote by J1=I1ec; Let I2=Id(I,F1),U2 be a maximally independent set modulo I2,and I2e be the extension of I2 to K(U2)[X\U2].Denote by J2=I2ec;Continue this process and suppose that we finally get the decomposition:where dimIS=0.From the equation (1) we deduce that all the irreducible components of VK(I) are included in the irreducible components of VK(Jk) and VK(IS).As we know, the irreducible components of Vk(Jk) are completely identified by the zeros of Ie.In other words, all the irreducible components of VK(Jk) can be represented by the RUR of Ie.Proposition 6. Let V1,V2 be K-varieties, and assume that V1 is irreducible. Letξbe a generic point of V1,I(V2) (?) K[X1,…,Xn] be the annihilating ideal of V2.Then V1 (?) V2 holds if and only if for any g∈I(V2),g(ξ)=0. Theorem 7. Let W1,1,…,W1,S1 be all the irreducible components of VK(J1). Denote by Wi,1,…,Wi,Si the irreducible components of VK(Ji) which are notincluded in arbitrary VK(Jk),k<i.Then V=(?)(?)Wi,j is the irreducibledecomposition of VK(I).Through computing the RUR of the extended ideals we can get the representation of the generic points of the irreducible components of VK( Jk).By this and Theorem 7 we can minimize the irreducible components we obtained. The details is described in Algorithm 5.2.2.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期

