

Study on Combine Drilling Technology of Deep Mine Prospecting

【作者】 孙丙伦

【导师】 孙友宏;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 地质工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文针对深部找矿钻探特点,运用技术经济学原理和系统分析原理对深孔钻探钻机、钻探方法和工艺措施等进行研究,形成了深部找矿组合钻探技术设计,并结合实际进行应用研究,目的是能够优质、高效、经济地实施深孔钻探,为深部找矿提高钻探技术保障。首先,运用技术经济学原理,创造性地提出钻探经济性指数e概念,对新型动力头钻机和立轴钻机的性能进行研究对比,结合实际得出不同可钻性地层条件下选用动力头钻机的经济性指数,为优化选择钻机提供科学依据。第二,针对影响孔深的7个重要因素,运用系统分析原理和试验优化原理,对不同因素水平组合进行研究,形成了组合钻探技术设计,对深孔钻探施工具有指导意义。第三,对深孔取心钻探方法进行技术经济分析,得出以?WL钻探技术为基础,组合应用液动锤钻探技术是目前深孔钻探的最优钻探方法;与定向钻探、气动锤?RC?等特种技术组合应用,可有效解决特殊技术难题,取得良好的经济、社会效益。最后,结合实际对典型组合钻探技术方案进行应用研究,解决了三类典型复杂地层钻探的实际技术难题,取得了显著的技术经济效果。将液动锤?WL技术首次成功应用于1648m;创造了国产机具固体矿产钻探孔深2100.18m最新纪录。

【Abstract】 With the development of the economy and social in China, the requirement and consumption of resources is increased year by year, but the recoverable reserves of mineral resources become lower and lower. So the mineral resources shortage is the very important reason to restrict our economic development. Therefmine, it is necessary to develop the deep mine prospecting and construct backup base of mineral resources in order to keep national economic security.Drilling and exploration engineering plays a decisive and irreplaceable role in deep mine prospecting. The technology of the deep-hole drilling set a still higher demand .The research forms reliable and applicable combined drilling technology. It can realize high quality efficiency and economic Deep-hole drilling. It will produce great economic benefit it has important theory meaning on developing of Deep-hole drilling technology. Practical Significance about deep mine prospecting, and it also play a very important role in reducing producing pressure in resource. This is mainly objective to study of the paper.ⅰ.The main method and content(1) This paper investigates the adaptability of full hydraulic top drive head rigs and spindle drilling rigs in deep mine prospectingDrilling rigs are key equipments in deep mine prospecting. The properties of the full hydraulic top drivet head rigs and spindle drilling rigs are different. Based on the properties of the two rigs, Comparing the principles of technical economy, construction quality and safety, In the present condition, it comes to the technology adapt depth and the lowest economic coefficient of the full hydraulic top drive head rigs in the drillability strata.(2) Study on the method of the deep mine prospecting drillingAccording to characteristics of deep mine prospecting drilling, which is deep-hole drilling of solid mineral, the current sophisticated techniques are: core drilling ,wire-line coring drilling (WL),hydraulic DTH hammer coring drilling ,hydraulic DTH hammer WL coring drilling and changing bit in the hole bottom.The best deep mine prospecting drilling technical method can been preferred through analyzing and reviewing the characteristics of various coring drilling techniques , based on the comprehensive evaluation of using technical and economic methods of the above five methods. In addition, analyzing directional drilling reverse circulating pneumatic hammers drilling (pneumatic hammers RC) and Foam drilling and come to their deep prospecting drilling in their own special role, so in deep-hole drilling should be carried out under special conditions used in combination.(3) Study on the property of drilling fluid in the deep mine prospecting drillingThe main outstanding questions of the drilling fluid in deep mine prospecting are hole wall stability, turning resistance, wire line coring drill pipe into the wall scaling , annulus pressure, fluid leakage and adhesion sticking. Mud performance of PHP and HPAN series of solid-free drilling fluid and LBM mud are studied from the baseboard performance, lubrication properties, theological properties, solid-phase content,the system of the fluid is designed under the complex strata in deep-hole drilling. The LBM mud which has the characteristics of low-density, low viscosity, low shear strength, low loss and high dispersion is a performance of the new mud in deep-hole drilling, especially in the complex strata, such as the loss and broken strata.(4) Scheme of the drilling technology of deep mine prospecting combinationsThe factors as Drilling depth, formation hardness, the degree of fragmentation, the degree of water sensitivity, loss of the degree of inclination and grinding and so on, play an important part in deep mine prospecting drilling. The combined situations reach 2187 kinds, which show that combined situations are very complicated in deep-hole drilling. The corresponding measures have been taken to optimize the program in the equipment selection, drilling techniques and drilling technology.(5) Study of drilling technology of deep mine prospecting combinationsFirst, the top drive head drilling rig combined with derrick. The top drive head drilling rig is better than the spindle drilling rig in many aspects, as the penetration rate, footage per run and the average bit life. But the speed to lifting and lowering the drill pipe is too slow, especially in hard stratum. The slowest economic coefficient, which is e’Low=1.0348, e’Medium=1.0380, e’high=1.0493 is selected the rat of the drilling efficiency is calculated in the different strata after the top drive head core drilling rig combined with derrick. It is shows that the drilling efficiency ratio of the top drive head core drilling rig combined with derrick and the spindle drilling rig is up to e’ Medium and e ’high. The top drive head core drilling rig combined with derrick can solve the problem in the deep mine prospecting drilling.Second, the WL drilling technology combined with Hydraulic DTH hammer. The greatest advantage of the WL drilling technology is core fishing without lifting the drill pipe, but, in the deep-hole drilling, the times of core fishing and lifting and lowering the drilling pipe will increase, because of the core blocking and the shortage of the bit’s life. The hydraulic DTH hammer drilling avoids blocking the core and increasing life of the bit to a great extent, which increasing the drilling efficiency greatly. The total time of drilling can save over 27.80% and 26.96%, in the deep-mine drilling of 1500 to 2000m as the strata is middle rock drillability and hard rock drillability.Third, the WL drilling technology combined with RC drilling technology. This combination which is different from others applies these two technologies, the RC used in the shallow hole and the WL in the deep hole, can take advantage, especially the RC’rapid speed. This can improve efficiency, shorten construction period and reduce cost. For example, in the Sishanling mining area in Liaoning, the combinations can save 3240 thousand yuan and 20160 hours using RC, when construct 24 holes, 35940m.ⅱ. Research conclusion of the paper(1) Using technical economic principle, the paper is creatively put forward the“e”of the drilling economic index, which comes to the conclusion that the economic index, eLow=1.0297, eMedium=1.0303, ehigh=1.0402, is used in the different drillability strata, after analyzing the performance of the top drive head core drilling rigs and spindle drilling rig.(2) The drilling depth of the top drive head core drilling rig is fixed according to the economic index and drillability of the strata. The middle drillability strata is suitable for about 1500m the lower drillability strata is suitable for 3000m the higher drillability strata is only suitable for about 1200m. Choosing top drive head drill rig or spindle core drill is determined according to the economic index“e”. The drilling depth of the top drive head core drilling rig is choosing when the rate of the Ey/El is higher than e.(3) The factors as Drilling depth, formation hardness, the degree of fragmentation, the degree of water sensitivity, loss of the degree of inclination and grinding and so on, play an important part in deep mine prospecting drilling. The corresponding measures have been taken to optimize the program in the equipment selection, drilling techniques and drilling technology.(4) Hydraulic DTH hammer drilling techniques is advanced drilling technology. WL hydraulic DTH hammer drilling techniques which is combined between the hydraulic DTH hammer and WL, can greatly increase the penetration rate, footage, bit life and reduce hole deviation. The efficiency of the technology is the highest drilling method so far, which is worth of popularizing.(5) The top drive head core drilling rig combined with derrick can solve the slow speed of the lifting and lowering the drill pipe. The problem of the deep mine prospecting drilling can be solved using the combination of the directional drilling, Hydraulic DTH hammer coring drilling or foam drilling technology in special environment and strata, which can effectively improve the drilling efficiency, shorten drilling period, reduce drilling cost, ensure drilling quality and obtain the good prospecting effect and social efficiency.(6) The LBM mud which has the characteristics of low-density, low viscosity, low shear strength, low loss and high dispersion is a performance of the new mud in deep-hole drilling, especially in the complex strata, such as loss and broken strata.ⅲ. The application and popularization of the research results(1) Application of drilling combination in complex strataTaking a mining area in eastern Shandong as an example, which maily contains granite, its influencing factors are similar to the No.17 combination. A good result is obtained by selecting the top drive head core drilling rig, using a hydraulic DTH hammer WL drilling technology, LBM mud and testing the application of the bionic diamond bits under the combination of design. 8 holes in whichⅠ-type deep hole is 5, is completed using the top drive head core drilling rig, the average penetration rate is 1.77m/h, month drilling efficiency is 596.13m,which have improved 9.8% and 14.2% compared with the spindle drilling rig.3Ⅰ-type deep holes and 1Ⅱ-type deep hole which is 2915.19m, are completed using the top drive head cmine drilling rig, the average penetration rate is 2.02m/h, month drilling efficiency is 799.64m,footage per run is 2.10m, which have improved 25.68%, 53.25% and 19.08%, compared with the spindle drilling rig. The average life of the bionic bits are 44.8m, which have improved 30% compared with the common ones, the average penetration rate is 1.98m/h,which increases a little.(2) Application of drilling combination in strong oblique strataTaking a mining area in Jining as an example, its influencing factors are similar to the No.12 combination, phyllite beddings are developed in this mining, its dip is 50 degrees to 70 degrees. The anti-deflection technology application is studied according to the scheme of the combination design. 4 deep holes whose average hole bending strength per 100 meter is decreasing from 5.06 degree to 2.06 degree are completed using full sized core barrel.The depth of the hole has reached 2100.18 m, which created a domestic record of the deep mine drilling the depth of the drilling, using hydraulic DTH hammer WL drilling technology, has reached 1648m(domestic record of the hydraulic DTH hammer deepest WL drilling) successfully, whose average hole bending strength is 2.02 degree per 100m.(3) Application of drilling combination in skidding hard stratumTaking a mining area in Benxi as an example, its influencing factors are similar to the No.10 combination. This mining contains magnetite, hematite and quartzite. According to portfolio design, the use of hole-bottom feed mill drill test the application of technology and the hydraulic DTH hammer drilling technology WL. Hole at the end of the use of feed mill bit technology in the mining area has been completed four deep holes drilling 6734.66m, the deepest hole up to 2046.02m. Application of hydraulic DTH hammer WL combination of drilling technology has footage 477m, the average penetration rate up to 1.03m / h, the average bit life of 17.7m, respectively, compared with conventional WL improve 158% and 87.3%.These three combinations of drilling are studied with typical cases of engineering, which solve 3 problems to some extent, which create 2 documents, including 10 hole of over 1800m, its economic benefit is very well. ’The study initially set up the whole of the application of hydraulic drilling rig selection evaluation system for comprehensive evaluation of solid minerals for a variety of drilling methods and optimized selection in close connection with the production of deep exploration drilling of production, which has a strong role in guiding the practical application value.Through using the principles of system research in this paper , which completed a combination of deep prospecting drilling technology program design and a typical combination of drilling technology for more in-depth studies. The system of the combined drilling technology is used. Research results will be applied to the actual drilling of deep exploration, to some extent resolved the three types of typical deep-hole drilling in the complex formation of the actual technical problems exist. The first time in solid mineral drilling hydraulic DTH hammer SYZX75 WL drilling technology to the successful application of 1648m,which has also created a new record of the hole depth 2100.18m by using domestic machinery , a large amount of deep-hole drilling workload, including 11 holes more than 1800m deep, created a considerable economic and social benefits. This series of research and application is a pioneering work also rarely reported at home job.At present, deep exploration drilling is in full swing, more and more deep drilling, more and more great technical difficulty. The projects undertaken by the theoretically studies are only preliminary and have a lot of questions that required further study, especially at certain "points" on the depth of a lack of theoretical research, such as hydraulic DTH hammer into the anti-deflection mechanism at the deep hole in the force, etc. some combination of design, because conditions have not yet been tested in practice. Needs to be done substantial, in-depth and meticulous research, the broad masses of drilling workers in terms of drilling is a long way to go.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

