

Studies on Tea Aesthetics in China--Studies on Tea Aesthetics Ideologies during Tang and Song Dynasty and Construction of Modern Tea Aesthetics

【作者】 朱海燕

【导师】 刘德华; 刘仲华; 施兆鹏;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 茶学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 中国是茶的故乡,从远古以茶充饥到“神农尝百草”,“南方之嘉木”到“佳茗似佳人”,及至今日倡导“茶为国饮”,小小的一片绿叶承载了数千年的人类文明史,其自然、清新之美给全球至少近三分之一的人带来健康与文化享受。这是因为茶是文明与和平的象征,纯洁与友谊的化身。随着社会经济的发展,生活质量的改善,生活节奏的加快,人们对茶的审美需求越来越高,掀起了美学和茶文化的研究热潮。究竟是什么使人们对茶文化心醉神迷?茶之美的本质又是什么?在当代生活中如何进行茶的审美?如何创造茶的美感?目前诸如此类的疑问都尚未得到圆满解释,甚至还出现了一些误区,对茶美学进行系统深入研究已是迫在眉睫。本文立足美学角度,从古今中外的美学概念与理论入手,回顾了中国茶文化与茶美学的形成和发展历程,论述了唐宋时期茶诗词在茶文化发展史上的地位,剖析了唐宋茶诗词所刻画的茶之色、香、味、形之美,归纳了唐宋茶美学思想的理论体系,提炼了唐宋时期茶审美的方法,总结了茶美学的特征,探索了唐宋时期在茶美学发展过程中有重要代表性的陆羽、皎然等五位诗人的茶审美思想:陆羽所著《茶经》确立了中国茶美学的基本思想,其中倡导的“和”是茶美学的核心思想,提倡的“茶性俭”、“精行俭德”的品茶精神及“生态美”茶美学观影响深远;皎然提出了“茶道”的概念,奠定了中国茶道美学基础;卢仝把茶的功能之美提升到一种出神入化的高度;白居易将茶的审美渗透到生活的每一个领域,同时树立了唐宋文人通过茶净化思想,纯洁心灵的养生之道;苏轼将诗词审美理论与茶的审美相融,极致地体现出茶的“清”美。归根结底,唐宋文人对茶的感官、品饮境界等的审美融合了儒、道、佛三教美学思想精华,并在长期的茶事实践中形成了自身独有的特色。基于茶美学建设的现状,本文探讨了唐宋茶美学思想在当代茶美学建设中的现实意义及当代茶美学对和谐社会建设的重要作用。结合问卷调查,了解人们的饮茶消费习性和对茶文化、茶审美的认知现状,认识当代茶文化建设中所取得的成绩和存在的问题,并运用数理统计理论对影响茶文化和茶审美认知的因素进行方差分析和线性回归分析,提出了建设当代茶美学必须立足国情,在传承与弘扬传统茶美学思想的基础上不断地丰富和发展,普及茶美学知识,正确认识茶之美,美化当代生活,建设和推广有中国特色的“茶仪”等独到的见解和可行性建议,引领当代茶美学健康向上发展。总之,古今中外,美学总是与深邃的人文关怀有着密不可分的血肉联系,茶文化中蕴含着丰富的美学思想。茶之美是茶的色、香、味、形带给人的直接而具体的快感,也是通过茶事活动在人的心灵深处久久回味的理念。以至诚之心与茶为友,怀童贞情愫与茶交流,才可领悟茶之大美,共建和谐世界,同享康乐人生。

【Abstract】 China is hometown of tea. Today tea which experienced being foods, as efficient antidotes when emperor Shennong risked being killed to taste numerous herbs, "southern excellent woods", "outstanding beverage like beautiful woman" of thousands historical phases is initiated being national beverage of China, and the natural and comely beauty of tea has benefited the physical health and cultural enjoyment of at least nearly one third population in earth because of tea is symbols of civilization and peace and picture of purity and friendship. Along with the constant development of social economy and living quality and accelerating of living rhythm, tea aesthetics need of people was higher and higher, and the hot research tide of aesthetics and tea culture came. What is the charm of tea culture make people ecstasy in it? What is the basic aesthetics rule and essence of tea? How to appreciate tea and how to create aesthetic feelings of tea in modern life? At present such questions have not been answered perfectly even been misunderstood, so studying tea aesthetics profoundly and by the numbers is pressing.This thesis based upon the aesthetics angle and started with aesthetics conceptions and theories at all times and in all over the world, looked back on the development course of Chinese tea culture and tea aesthetics to demonstrate the one-up status of poems written in Tang and Song Dynasty in the tea culture history, appreciated the beauty of shapes, colors, fragrances, flavors of tea portrayed in tea poem of Tang and Song Dynasty, concluded the theory systems of tea aesthetics ideologies, abstracted the methods of appreciating tea, summarized the characters of tea aesthetics during Tang and Song Dynasty, explored the ideologies of appreciating tea of five important representative poets during the development course of tea aesthetics such as Lu-yu, Jiao-ran, Lu-tong, Bai Ju-yi, Shu-shi who lived in Tang and Song Dynasty: the publication of《Tea Doctrines》compiled by Luyu was the ideologies foundation of Chinese tea aesthetics, and the effects on the economical nature of tea, the taste spirit of consummate action and simple virtue and tea aesthetics view of ecological beauty proposed and erected by Luyu were profound. Jiao-ran settled the aesthetics foundation of China tea realm because of his production of conception of "tea realm". Lu-tong advanced the function beauty of tea to reach the acme of perfection. Bai ju-yi penetrated appreciation of tea to every field of daily life and established the way to keep fit of scholars of Tang and Song Dynasty that is to purify ideologies and soul by appreciating the beauty of tea. Shu-shi applied aesthetic theories of poems to taste tea, exceedingly expressed the cleanness beauty of tea and raise the beauty of tea virtue and personality to the coordinative level. In the final analysis, the sensory appreciation of beauty of shapes, colors, fragrances, flavors of tea even taste realm of internal soul process was merged with aesthetics ideologies elite of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, and during long-term practice of tea business its particular features was formed.In the face of the present situation of construction of tea aesthetics, to discuss the practical significance of tea aesthetics ideologies of Tang and Song Dynasty in the construction of contemporary tea aesthetics and tried to find out the important roles of contemporary tea aesthetics playing in the construction of harmonious society, and combined with questionnaire investigation to understanding the tea consumption habits and present situations of comprehending China tea culture and tea aesthetics among different people to objectively realize existing success and flaws of the construction of contemporary tea aesthetics, and applied mathematics and statistics theory to analyze the effect factors on understanding of China tea culture and tea aesthetics with method of analysis of variance and linear regression. Since the development of tea aesthetics is based on the culture deposits during thousands of years, so advanced the original opinions and feasible advice such as basing upon national conditions and try to popularize tea aesthetics knowledge and manage to rightly understand beauty of tea, to construct and spread tea etiquette of China features, to beautify modern life and so on were put forward to pioneer and lead the healthy and upward development directions of contemporary tea aesthetics.To sum up, of all ages aesthetics is always bone of the bone and flesh with profoundly humanism solicitude. There are abundant aesthetics ideologies in tea culture. The beauty of tea is not only a kind of straight and material large charge gained from appreciating shapes, colors, fragrances, flavors of tea ,also a transformed lasting-tasted impression through engaging in matters about tea. To realize the great beauty of tea, extremely frankly and virginally making friends and communicating with tea is necessary, which also a thoroughfare to construct harmonious world and enjoy healthy and happy life together.


