

On Innovation of Investment and Finance Mechanism in Building a New Socialist Countryside

【作者】 谢瑞其

【导师】 曾福生;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 建设社会主义新农村是我国农村发展和改革进入新的历史阶段的必然选择,是我国现代化进程中的重大历史任务,也是贯彻科学发展观、构建和谐社会的内在要求。在建设社会主义新农村过程中要解决的一个关键问题是“钱从哪来”,即资金投入保障问题。本文依据党中央关于“工业反哺农业、城市支持农村”和“多予、少取、放活”的方针政策,探讨新农村建设中的投融资困境,对建设新农村的投融资机制问题进行研究。论文以新农村建设的内涵与投融资需求为现实出发点,以投融资机制创新与财政金融协调发展为理论出发点,对新农村建设的投融资问题进行研究,以期为新农村建设建构一个理想框架、从而为新农村建设提供资金支持与保障,推进“三农”问题有效解决。论文共分为九个部分:第一部分是导论,主要从WTO后过渡期、无农业税时代和农村金融与公共财政短缺时代等角度,阐述社会主义新农村建设投融资问题的研究背景。从公共财政、金融创新、新农村建设困境等理论和实践两个层面来探讨意义,介绍了国内外的研究动态,论文的研究内容与方法、以及主要创新点和不足之处。第二部分介绍社会主义新农村的内涵、特征及标准。从制度变迁理论和国家理论、公共产品理论和公共财政理论、系统理论、统筹思想和产业制衡理论、资本与经济增长理论以及现代金融理论等理论,寻找新农村建设投融资及其创新的理论依据。第三部分,主要从投融资主体、投融资资金、投融资渠道和投融资方式等方面,来展示新农村建设投融资机制的现状,分析投融资机制存在问题,以及背后的深层次原因。“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”是新农村建设和农村经济发展的整体目标。投融资最重要的两条渠道为政府财政与农村金融,前者主要解决公共产品供给问题,后者主要帮助农村微观经营主体(农户和企业)融通资金进而解决要素投入不足的问题。财政与金融必须形成合力以支持新农村建设。农民自身、农村社区集体、专业合作组织、农业产业化经营组织、龙头企业等各类社会力量也应在力所能及的范围内对新农村建设出资。因此,不仅支农的主体需要多样化、实施手段多样化,资金投入方式也在多样化。第四部分,本章采用定量的研究方法,分析投融资对农业发展和新农村建设项目的绩效。我们得出,我国的财政资金与农村建设相关性显著,金融资金与新农村建设关系显著,农民投入与新农村建设相关性显著,但是农村投融资与新农村建设不显著,这说明三者之间的协调性很差。第五部分,为了科学把握社会主义新农村建设在国家社会转型过程中的客观规律,我们需要考察国际上有代表性的韩国、日本和欧美一些国家在现代化进程中的农村建设经验,为我国探索适合国情的多元化新农村建设投融资机制提供宝贵经验和启示。国外的经验表明,新农村建设将主要依赖于三方面力量:一是政府的扶持,二是社会力量的广泛参与,三是“三农”自身的发展。还有强调法律制度建设在农村投融资体制改革中的重要性。根据本国农业和农村经济的发展水平选择相适应的投融资运行的实践模式。第六部分,深入了解社会主义新农村建设中的投融资机制,从投融资的机理方面进行了探讨。我们从宏观层面,例如体制嬗变、投融资流向、投融资陷阱、金融与投融资、投融资的效应等几个角度来构建一个模型,分析投融资运行机理。第七部分,构建了一个多渠道筹资建设社会主义新农村的理想框架,来指导投融资机制的创新。设想的新农村建设的投融资机制创新框架,主要从宏观和微观两个层面。宏观层面包括财政金融协调机制、引导机制和法律、信用保障机制三个主要机制。微观层面包括资金回流机制、报酬回报机制、准入机制和价格规制机制等四个机制。我们重点研究财政金融的协调机制和财政金融引导机制。第八部分,我们沿着图6-1的思路来提出社会主义新农村建设中投融资机制创新的政策建议。提出从宏观、微观两个层次来创新社会主义新农村建设中的投融资机制。第九章,为论文的研究结论和研究展望。通过研究,论文得出的主要观点如下:1)社会主义新农村建设需要“真金白银”的支持,需要创新投融资机制。在农村公共财政建设背景下,优化和创新社会主新农村建设中的投融资机制,有利于保障新农村建设的有序、高质、和谐、可持续发展,实现“20字”目标。2)新农村建设对农村投融资服务提出了新的要求。目前农村投融资机制改革还远没有到位,难以适应和支持社会主义新农村建设。3)我们需要借鉴国外新农村建设中的投融资机制,来解决我国新农村建设中的资金短缺问题和资金使用效率问题。4)建立财政资金和金融资金的协调机制,是加快新农村建设进程迫切需要解决的问题之一。从宏观层面上,要构建我国新农村建设中投融资运行机理模型;从微观角度,要构建投融资协调机制框架。

【Abstract】 During the new historical period, to build a new socialist countryside is the significant historic task in the process of our modernization and the inevitable choice in our rural reform and development, and it also is the inherent request for the implementation of scientific development concept and the construction of structuring harmonious society. The key issue of building new socialist countryside is "where is the money coming from? ", that is the guarantee of capital invested. According to the policies and guidelines of the Central Committee of the Party about " the industry reciprocating agriculture, the city supporting rural area " and "giving more, taking less and loosening control", This thesis explores the predicament of investment and financing in new rural construction , and tries to study on the investment and financing mechanism. Connotation of new rural construction and the demand for investment and financing as a real starting point, investment and financing mechanism innovation and finance coordinated growth as a theory starting point, we are studying the above-mentioned problems to look forward to providing for the fund supporting and safeguard in new rural construction.There are eight parts of the thesis in all:PartⅠis an introduction , it introduces mainly the research background and the study of meaning、home and abroad research history、current situation and development, meanwhile, it analyses the content and the method,the innovation and deficiency of the thesis.PartⅡintroduces connotation、characteristic and standard of the new socialist countryside. We want to provide the theories from institution changing theory, country theory, public goods and public finance theory, system theory, overall thought and countervail theory, capital and economic growth theory, modern finance theory.PartⅢ, it introduces other aspects such as:the main body of investment and financing, the investment and financing fund, the investment and financing channel and way. So, we want to revarate the current situation of new rural construction in investment and financing, also analyses the back deep cause there existing a problem in investment and financing mechanism. "Produce development、living wealth、countryside cililization、village orderliness、management democracy" is goal of construction of the new socialist countryside and rural development. The most important channels of investment and financing are governmental finace and rural finance. The former should solve public goods supply, the latter should help rural micro-body to get capital. Investment and finance should support construction of the new socialist countryside together. Farmer itself、rural collectivity、special coorperate organization、agricutural industrialization organization and so on should support construction of the new socialist countryside in their power、So, not only body and impement means should have diversification, but also investment mode should have diversification.PartⅣ, the thesis trying to comply with a quantify’s study method, investment and financing mechanism and achievement in new rural construction, the new rural construction project investment and financing achievement effect (owing to gray system) three aspects ,we estimating that investment and financing achievement effect in new rural construction. We get conclusion:the relativity between government capital and construction of the new socialist countryside is markedness, the relativity between finance and construction of the new socialist countryside is markedness, the relativity between farmer input and construction of the new socialist countryside is markedness, but ,the relativity between capital of investment and finance and construction of the new socialist countryside is not markedness, it explain that harmony is not enough.PartⅤ, to grasp the objective law during the social transformation period in new rural construction, we have to inspect experience of representative countries such as Korea Republic, Japan, Europe and American in the process of their modernization. So, we can probes valuable experience and the enlightenment in our new rural construction which suits our country. It indicated from overseas experience, construction of the new socialist countryside must rely on three forces:government, society and farmer.. Law and institutions is also important, and we should choose practice patterns basing ondevelopment of agriculture and rural economic.The sixth parts, throws financing mechanism for further knowing, we require that aspect comes to discuss the investment and financing mechanism innovation. We face tier from macroscopic view, system evolution, investment and financing flow direction , investment and financing snare , finance and investment and financing , the investment and financing effect, we analyses investment and financing running mechanism from several angles.The seventh part, the thesis requiring the ideals frame of many channels prepares for the new rural area of investment and financing construction. we assume that, complying with macroscopic and microcosmic view mainly, macroscopic includes three mechanism: correspond mechanism, inducing mechanism, guarantee mechanism. Microcosmic includes: capital circumfluence mechanism, pay-return mechanism, admittance mechanism and price-rule mechanism. Our priority studies finance coordination mechanism and fiscal guiding mechanism.The eighth part, we make policy recommendations of investment and financing mechanism in new rural construction of socialism along picture 6-1’s trains of thought. Seen from the picture, we can creative the investment and financing mechanism from macroscopic and microscopic view. We will studie finance and fiscal coordination mechanism and guiding mechanism primarily.The nineth part, maily introduce d inclusion and reseach properct of this essay.We get main points in the essay as follow:1) Building new socialist countryside require money support and innovation of investment and financing mechanism. Under background of public finance, optimizing and innovating investment and financing mechanism will be in fave of building the new socialist countryside orderly、harmonously and sustainably, and realizing "20 words" target.2) Construction of the new socialist countryside bring new requires to rural investment and financing. But reform on rural investment and financing mechanism has not completed, so it cannot adapt and support construction of the new socialist countryside.3) we should learn from outside about investment and financing mechanism in construction of the new socialist countryside, in order to resolve capital shortage and capital efficiency.4) To establish correspond mechanism between investment and financing is a questionthat must be settled quickly. From macro angle, we should establish a model about investment and financing mechanism; From micro angle, we should establish a coorderate frame on investment and financing mechanism.


