

Study on Training New Farmer in the New Rural Construction

【作者】 彭希林

【导师】 唐之享; 曾福生;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 建设“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”的社会主义新农村,从根本上说就是要让广大农民更快地富裕起来。然而,富裕的生活不是他人赐予的,要靠新农村建设的主体——农民自己来创造。新农村建设,必须千千万万“有文化、懂技术、会经营”,同时具有健康体质的新型农民。在我国,相当多的农民只有传统农耕经验和技能,现代文化知识和技能欠缺,要帮助广大农民真正成为新型劳动者,发挥他们在新农村建设中的主体作用,还有很长的路要走。在此背景下,本文从人力资源和人力资本理论出发,对培养新型农民促进新农村建设做系统的研究。本研究首先对我国农民的素质现状进行调查分析的基础上,讨论了新型农民的素质模型,概括提出了新型农民的内在素质要求,并利用TN法分析了制约培养新型农民的外部因素,主要有农村人口数量、经营规模和农民人均收入、户籍制度、农村剩余劳动力、政府教育培训投入、国家宏观经济政策、农村公共产品投入与农民国民待遇等等,同时还分析了农民思想意识是制约培养新型农民的内部因素。接着对培养新型农民促进新农村建设的机理研究表明,培养新型农民与提高劳动效率、促进农村物质资本积累、推进农业技术进步、推动农村经济制度变革具有双向互动的关系。借鉴国外农民培养的经验,结合我国加强新农村建设的机遇和实际,提出了我国培养新型农民促进新农村建设的政策建议:即通过树立新型农民人才观,切实重视农村实用人才建设;发展农村基础教育事业,提高农民科学文化水平;发展农村职业教育、技能培训和远程教育,提高农民技能水平;提高农民组织化程度;提高创业素质,促进农民由打工型向创业型转变;加强农村信息化建设;加强精神文明建设,积极引导农民价值观念的变革;开展民主法制教育;改善农村医疗卫生状况,提高农民的身体素质;建立农村社会保障制度等途径积极加强新型农民的培养。

【Abstract】 The construction "the production development, the life are ample, the local custom civilization, the village accommodate, the management democracy neatly" the socialism new countryside, fundamentally speaking is must let the general farmers be quickly wealthy. However, the wealthy life is not other people grants, must depend on the new rural reconstruction main body farmer to create. The new rural reconstruction, must millions of "the literacy, understand the technology, manage", simultaneously has the healthy physique new peasant. In our country, quite many farmers only then the traditional agriculture experience and the skill, the modern culture knowledge and the skill are short, must help the general farmers to become the new worker truly, displays them in the new rural reconstruction main body function, but also has a long way to go. Under this background, this article embarks from the human resources and the human capital theory, to trains the new peasant to promote the new rural reconstruction to do system’s research.This research first carries on the diagnosis to our country farmer’s quality present situation in the foundation, discussed new peasant’s quality model, summarized proposed new peasant’s intrinsic quality request, and has analyzed the restriction trained new peasant’s external factor using the TN law, mainly had the rural population quantity, the management scale and the farmer per capita national income, the lateral economic ties, the unified purchasing of farm produce by the state according to fixed quotes, the government educates the training investment, countryside public product investment, national macroeconomic policy and national treatment and so on, meanwhile has analyzed the short-sighted consciousness restricts the trained new peasant’s internal factor. Then to trains the new peasant to promote the new rural reconstruction mechanism research to indicate that trains the new peasant and the enhancement labor efficiency, promotes the countryside material accumulation of capital, the advancement agricultural technology to progress, promotes the rural economy system transformation to have the bidirectional interactive relations.Profits from experience which the overseas farmer raises, unifies our country to strengthen the new rural reconstruction the opportunity and actual, proposed our country trains the new peasant to promote the new rural reconstruction policy to suggest: Namely through sets up the new peasant talented person view, takes the countryside practical talented person to construct earnestly; Develops the countryside elementary education enterprise, raises the farmer science and culture level; Develops the countryside vocational education, skill training and the distance learning, raises the farmer skill level; Enhances the farmer organization degree; Improves the undertaking quality, promotes the farmer by hiring out for working to the undertaking transformation; Strengthens the countryside informationization construction; Strengthens the promotion of cultural and ethical progress, guides the farmer value idea positively the transformation; Development democratic education in respect for the law; Improves the countryside health condition, improves fanner’s physical quality; Establishes ways and so on rural community system of safeguards to strengthen new peasant’s raise positively.

【关键词】 新型农民培养新农村建设机理
【Key words】 new farmerstrainingnew countrysideconstructionmechanism

