

Research on the Development of Agriculture Agglomeration in China

【作者】 肖超苏

【导师】 易炼红;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 农业的发展是关系到国民经济和社会发展的重大问题,而农业发展必须走集聚发展的道路。农业集聚发展途径包括规模集聚、项目集聚、区域集聚和产业集聚四种类型。农业生产在规模上要从分散经营形式向种植大户、土地经营联合体、村组集体农场、农业公司、家庭农场和公司+农户的产业组织集聚,取得规模效益;在项目上要向重点项目、优势项目和生活必需品项目集聚,尽量减少土地密集型农产品生产、搞好劳动密集型农产品生产、加强技术密集型和资金密集型项目建设,提高农产品竞争实力,保证国家的经济安全和发挥竞争优势;在区域上要向适宜区集聚,使适宜区良好的生产条件得到充分发挥;在产业化方面要形成资源的整合和集聚,催生集聚效应,实现1+1>2的效果。在集聚中存在着很多障碍和问题,我们要学习发达国家的做法和成熟经验,采取正确的集聚策略。通过建立一定的模型,我们可以实现集聚的优化。集聚能带来良好的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,但同时也会带来相应的风险,包括自然风险、制度风险和经营风险,必须采取加强市场调研、运用法律手段、投保、利用期货市场、采取股份制、股田制等多种措施降低和化解。优势区建设是实现农业集聚的重要形式,在优势区建设中要实行分层管理,中央要抓好水稻、小麦、玉米、棉花、茶叶、中药材等全国性的重点项目:各省、自治区、直辖市要抓好本地的重要优势项目;各县、区也要结合当地实际,抓好本地的重要优势项目。中央不宜管得过细,以致力所不及而不能达到预期效果;中央和地方要合理分工各司其责,紧抓重点,力争达到最好的成效。为了实现农业集聚发展,需要进行土地制度、户籍制度、金融制度和行政制度的改革。通过土地制度改革,实现土地规模经营;通过户籍制度改革,促进农村人口向城镇的有序流动;通过农村金融制度改革,为集聚发展提供更好的资金支持;通过行政制度改革,使农业集聚发展得到更好的管理和服务。为了达到更好的集聚效果,中央和地方各级政府要不断改进工作方法,为集聚创造良好的发展条件;各种专业组织要不断走向完善,为农户和企业与市场的对接,发挥良好的桥梁和纽带作用;作为经营户和农民企业家,要不断提高自身素质推动农业集聚发展的顺利进行。总之,农业集聚发展是实现农业发展的必由之路,但为了实现农业的集聚发展,我们还有很长的路要走。只要我们坚持正确的方向,采用正确的方法,就一定可以达到良好的效果。

【Abstract】 The development of agriculture is an important issue which is relating to the national economy and social growth, and this development must take the way of agglomeration.The development of agriculture agglomeration includes four types: scales , projects, regions and industries . In the respect of scales, agricultural production must agglomerate from the form of scattered management to wide spread plantation of inolividuals, land run unions, collective farms, agricultural firms, family farms + the industrial organizations of farmers thus, to achieve the scale effect; in the respect of projects, it must agglomerate main advantaged items and daily necessities to reduce the land concentration type farm goods production as possible, do well in the labor concentration type farm goods production, strengthen the project buiding of tech nology concentration and fund concentration, and to increase the competition power of products. The result is to ensure the economic security of the state and promote competition power; in the respect of regions, those regions that have good productive conditions are the perfect places for agglomeration; in the respect of industrialization, resources should be agglomerated, producing the effect of agglomeration, which creates the result of 1 + 1>2. In the agglomeration, there exist many obstacles and problems. We should imitate some good ways from developed countries and successful experiences and adopt correct agglomeration strategies.Through establishing a certain kind of model, we may make agglomeration much better.Taking the way of agglomeration can bring good economic, social and ecology benefits, but at the same time accompany with some risks, like the risk of nature, system and management. But one can reduce the risk to a minimum by taking the measures of marketing research, using the laws, insurance, future market, assuming stock systems, land share systems, etc.Building advantaged areas is an important form to realize agriculture agglomeration. In the process of the construction, the central government should control well some important items such as rice, wheat, corn, cotton, tea and Chinese medicinal herbs. Provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities are in charge of local main advantaged projects. In order to come to the expected result, the central government should not control everything. Both central and local governments should be responsible for each work, focusing on the critical work to achieve the best effect.In order to make the development of agriculture agglomeration come true, it is necessary to carry on some reforms: the reforms of land system, population management, financial system and administration system. By land system reforming, land scale can be expanded; by population management system reforming, people in the countryside can move into cities orderly; by the reform of financial system in the countryside, more funds can be provided for the development of agglomeration; by the reform of administration system, the development of agglomeration may get a better management and service.In order to arrive at a better agglomeration result, both central and local governments should keep improving each working methods, to creat good developing conditions for agglomeration. All kinds of organizations should be good enough to be a bridge between farmers, enterprises and markets. Whether a member in this cluster, or an enterpriser, you should keep learning, promoting the development of agriculture agglomeration in a smooth way.In short, the development of agriculture agglomeration is a must way for the growth of agriculture, but to realize the agglomeration, we still have a long to go. Only by going in a correct direction, only by adopting right means can we reach a good result.

  • 【分类号】F320
  • 【被引频次】2
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